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How do we really know that the Illuminati is real?

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posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 07:44 PM
Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit. I believe at the very top the Vatican runs the show.

'All roads lead to Rome'

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

I really can't totally believe this Illuminati thing. To look at this without looking at the probability of the existence of such an organization, and off shoot factions/corps, the evidence, pure deductive reasoning, and more, is merely just as irrational to believe in religion (no offense folks) or the marxist dream.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit. I believe at the very top the Vatican runs the show.
You're off by 180°… Weishaupt was anti-Jesuit. He was the first non-Jesuit to teach at University of Ingolstadt in fact. His schism with the Jesuits is well documented, so your claims that he was one are either a boldfaced lie, or show a complete ignorance of the subject.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:32 PM
I find it mildly interesting that the notion of a secret government or 'guiding hand' to be discarded based on personal interpretations of historical interactions that we were not a part of...who cares whether or not Weis was jesuit or not?

A monk is credited with the beginnings of genetic research...

Heron created 'miracles' out of a basic comprehension and application of mechanics...

Discussing historical aspects is a Rorschach of bias...there is a group(s) manipulating things and for some reason there is still social partisanship.

Screw the on today...symbols and labels have no meaning if you ignore them...

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:38 PM
It is your choice to believe or not to believe. No one forced you to believe. It's your free will, responsiblity and decision should you act upon it.

Adam Wishaupt was a real man, not some figure of imagination or folklore. His life and acts were documented.

To understand and seek the truth of the TRUE Illuminati, you will have to study into the historical and cultural mores of the Age of Enlightenment back in the 16th century, and only then will you gain a better perspective and insight, to form an intelligent opinion, which will be your own.

To Cosma.

Not all roads neccessarily leads back to Rome. During Wishaupt's time, Rome was but a distant memory as ethnic groups fought for domination and wealth against each other worldwide. The influence and lessons of Rome may be there, but in the end, control was very much in the victor's hands to decide upon his/her course of ethnic history.

As for Wishaupt being a Jesuit, there is nothing strange or conspiratorial in it. If you had lived in the middle ages back then, you would realized how dumbed down you were forced to be. Your only form of enlightenment was to tend the gardens and fields better so that your masters will live a life of ease and control. You were not allowed any other form of education, and forbidden even to read the Bible or deciper what it means.

But as slaves too need some form of intelligence, the more capable sons were sent to colleges run by the Jesuits, the only education centres back in middle ages. They were expected to become men of collars when they graduate, with the knowledge that they had amassed.

Unfortunately, some whom were given access to sacred texts and ancient documents that covered many aspect of life, gained knowledge, and built upon it through life's experiences, through wars and trade. It is not enough to read from just one book, but to correlate with other data to form a better and more intelligent analysis of situations.

And Wishaupt was such a man, who amassed knowledge and lived during turbulent times of wars and trade, which built up his comprehension and reality of what life was and should be for the sleeping sheeps/serfs.

Together with another group of humans who had gain knowledge and freedom through their skills needed by the masters - the masons, thus was a dream and illumination created that lit a fire of idealism into those they were in contact with.

The masters were not pleased, and the death blow was dealt to this dangerous group of humans, and even taking over the name of that organisation, for its ideals were far too jeapardizing of the masters' control over humanity, and instead made mankind hate that name.

Fortunately, Wishaupt was only one man. There were many more of his kind throughout centuries, and that fire of freedom and dignity never died in humanity no matter what our masters did, had done or will try to do....

May illumination not die in our generation's hands....

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Whether we want to admit it or not, there are people today that can control and manipulate times to come. Illuminati is just a name, nothing more and really doesn't mean anything.

But this power Men have was not yielded in the matter of one lifetime, and therefore the past must be examined to track the exchange of power and fortune from then....till now.

We cannot move into the future without learning from our past.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:56 PM
I dont really know to much about the illiuminati but, I know it is said to also trace back to the knights templar and the masons. My cousin joined the masons about 2 years ago, he talked his big brother into joining and then our younger other cousin as well. Any time my mother or I would ask about the group, he would tell us he wasnt allowed to talk about it. But at a family bbq gathering the three of them were huddled in a corner and I heard them discussing the youngest cousins initation ceremony that was going to happen later that night.... I dont know all the details but apparently after my oldest cousin had his first born son about a year later he left the mason,when he did he told my mother and I that he just didnt believe what they wanted him to believe so he left, remind you this is after spending a year of his life going to these "Bible session/classes" so that he could move higher up in ranks... it wasnt to much longer that my youngest cousin left..... and about 8 months later the original cousin left stating that they wanted monthly fees as a membership and my cousin just couldnt afford the fees anymore.. My cousin states that he is still "cool" with them he is just no longer apart of the masons. I do believe there are secret societies. My cousins were in one, although it seemed more like a gang to me.. I dont know..From what I gathered they will push you to believe what they want you to believe and if you dont agree then you are not a "brother" they will try to recruite your wives children and family members.... Still till this day they will not talk about it.

I a

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:55 AM
Do we 'need' a secret society for the ruling classes of the world to be 'bad'? No. Why would Warren Buffett take the elevator 100 floors down to do secret handshakes at a secret clubhouse that's open to anyone with a johnson? The masonic temple does not have any ties to the carpenters and stoneworkers who rebuilt Solomon's temple during the crusades. They're just honoring the ideals of those people. Only priests and monks were allowed to touch the temple, so they trained stoneworkers to be priests. The Templars kept them in business by having them build their strongholds. The modern day templars are the same. I know plenty of templars who wouldn't know what to with a sword if theirs wasn't a replica. The french government made it perfectly, sparklingly clear to all templars, after the loss of the outremer, that it was 'detrimental to your health' to be a templar. Common side-effects included burning to death in agonizing pain. The templars absolutely did NOT continue. The illuminati was just a short-lived moose lodge and not a whole lot more. It's easy to pick on people who either refuse to fight back or can't because they're figments of collectively delusional minds.

edit on 3-10-2010 by Lovemaster9000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:00 AM
I fear that my expression was misinterpreted...C'est La Vie...

My intent was to state that such considerations may be moot in the face of an evolved sociological structure...

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit. I believe at the very top the Vatican runs the show.
You're off by 180°… Weishaupt was anti-Jesuit. He was the first non-Jesuit to teach at University of Ingolstadt in fact. His schism with the Jesuits is well documented, so your claims that he was one are either a boldfaced lie, or show a complete ignorance of the subject.

Im not lying he got his teachings from the Jesuits who was founded by a Spaniard, i am from Spain, i know.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

You say that the founder of the Illuminati was a Jesuit and that it is not conspirital!!! lol
Arent the Illuminati supposed to be at WAR with the Vatican?

Its like the Mafia creating a sub company so it can blame everything on.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

You say that the founder of the Illuminati was a Jesuit and that it is not conspirital!!!

Again, he wasn't

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

You say that the founder of the Illuminati was a Jesuit and that it is not conspirital!!!

Again, he wasn't

Stop writing crap youre misinformed

'Nothing is what it seems'

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 07:02 PM
I feel sure in knowing that there is an unfair and controlling element within our species. I feel as if they fear people coming to the same conclusions I have in mass.

I think it is silly to fight between our selves. or even debate, the "name" of this element when it is overly clear that there is a "corrupt ruling elite".

Call them anything you want...try and fold it into a paper swan for all I care.

It is my own personal view that the use of the word "Illuminati" does more to discredit one, then to help them move closer to changing the situation.

As long as silly labels are focused on and regurgitated, there will be no movement towards rectifying the situation.

Our forefathers would have gotten nowhere if they wrote "the declaration of awakening against the occult societies of the secret illuminati". They would have been laughed at.

Due to one movie gaining blockbuster appeal, Tom Hanks has given millions of people a reason to look silly... instead of standing against oppression, modern human slavery, genocide and the psychological warfair at hand delivered to us by "real identifiable agencies, leaders, corporations etc, they have us chasing the boogieman and hunting ghosts of fiction. my opinion-

Yes...they exist in meaning and spirit.

No...they do not even remotely resemble the hogwash propaganda that is most often connected to them.

I doubt they call themselves anything as stupid or predictable as Illuminati...

But if you are telling me a small handful of people do NOT control our world unjustly...then I must disagree.

Just my words in the opinion to add to the rest.


posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Youre right Mr Mask! We shouldnt quarrell over whos who, we know that someones doin it. The question is who do you point the finger too!!!

By the way i love your comic.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 08:27 PM
I love how people project conspiracy and evil deeds on groups they don't know or understand....

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 08:33 PM
There is a book I have recently read called The Sectret History of the World by Mark Booth. Mark Booth has has compiled lots of research, and is a teacher of philosophy and theology at Oxford.

Despite the rampant criticism of his book (such as he does not clearly provide the backround to what he claimed), he claims that the Illuminati indeed survived and went on to engineer the French Revolution. (This, again, he says from mass amounts of research). He said Maximilien Robespierre was a member himself. He also said that the secret to the organization is that there is no secret, the initiation is a farce and is just an array of petty rituals. I suppose that he implied that the orginization still survives today, being the basal foundation of most revolutionary governments of the world (Western world to be specific).

This occult network, along with other secret societies, he says, are part of an evolutionary spiritual process of humankind.

Not totally sure why I brought this out. But anyways there is just too much information to sort through to make a verifiable conclusion.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Ruffian
There is a book I have recently read called The Sectret History of the World by Mark Booth. Mark Booth has has compiled lots of research, and is a teacher of philosophy and theology at Oxford.

Despite the rampant criticism of his book (such as he does not clearly provide the backround to what he claimed), he claims that the Illuminati indeed survived and went on to engineer the French Revolution. (This, again, he says from mass amounts of research). He said Maximilien Robespierre was a member himself. He also said that the secret to the organization is that there is no secret, the initiation is a farce and is just an array of petty rituals. I suppose that he implied that the orginization still survives today, being the basal foundation of most revolutionary governments of the world (Western world to be specific).

This occult network, along with other secret societies, he says, are part of an evolutionary spiritual process of humankind.

Not totally sure why I brought this out. But anyways there is just too much information to sort through to make a verifiable conclusion.

This is only one of many many books, obviously.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 08:58 PM
What about the NWO for a name...? When Bush Sr gave this NWO speech on 11 september 1991 he was talking about the NWO and how '' WE " (he and his friends) will succeed.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:08 PM
Don't worry about any one group of people. Focus on the big picture. This is humanity fighting humanity for the sake of humanity. Wait, what? Just look towards human nature. People who think that evil exists only with some human beings are entirely lost. It's within everyone. Don't believe me? That's because you're brainwashed into the concept of "civilization". As Ghandi put it when asked what he thought about civilization he replied, "I think it would be a good idea".

Everything in the universe is balanced in one way or another. It's only our faulty perception which limits us from realizing this. So check it: a psychopath is essentially an agent of chaos. His main drive is to disrupt and destroy. The thing is, nothing is truly ever destroyed, it's energy is merely moved around. So what the psychopath provides for humanity, is an immense potential for growth. There is no real growth without suffering. They are facilitating the evolution of our consciousness. I mean, if they were not meant to be here from an evolutionary point of view, why do they exist universally across each culture? Because they have purpose.

So focus on your own evil. Use it wisely, and control it when this is best. That's pretty much all you need to do in this life. Live, learn, & love. The enemy never really existed, except as a faulty concept in our minds. The only enemy is the thought that evil exists without a reason or purpose. Once we realize it's purpose, we conquer it.

It's cake.

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