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If aliens invade Earth, what will be the most difficult place they will have a hard time pacifying?

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
I do believe the "correct" answer is the Mideast....Do I win anything?

Still, I find it hard to believe a race of being that has made it this far would have any trouble getting even that tangled mess in order... post haste.

Religion is the cause of all the problems in that region and so an alien presence would go a long way to negate past religious dogma and nullify recorded history and fanatic belief.
It would go a long way toward eradicating and solving the problems that exist in that area of the world.

No problem.

Anyone who thinks that an alien presence would negate any belief systems is smoking crack.

Aliens could come down and tell our physicists they are full of crap and give them codices with proper knowledge, and it would take two generations at minimum to change the paradigms...


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:56 PM
This is an interesting question. So I am going to make a few assumptions first. My first assumption in answering your question is they are hostile aliens. If not hostile then they would not be trying to pacify us. The second assumption is they simply showed up one day. With enough time I think we can all band together. And the third assumption is they have equal or greater technology than us.

I would have to agree with you. The middle east knows how to fight invaders. Seems like every country in the world has tried to pacify them. Plus, they know how to hide out in those caves. Also, those caves are deep. So a ground war wouldn't be possible and a air war wouldn't be possible in that region of the world.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by naeem11111
reply to post by frugal

Only 40% of americans own a gun and from that only 5 - 10% are actually trained marksman. Plus the fear of death can quell resistance. Most on this thread make it seem like america is invincible. Back here in Russia we have a little joke. 'How do you make an American cry? By taking away his gun'


That's why russia was so quick to invade the US for our rich

G.L. taking away our guns...hahahaha


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:21 PM
Well, in my opinion, this thread is entertaining. But honestly, I think that there is really little reason to travel light years or galaxies away to come here just to slaughter humans for the earth.
It is my firm opinion that we are trying to make an unknown a known without at all understanding even the method of the equation. There would have to be at least one constant to even make some sort of sense of the other variables.
The only constant I can see is that "we" are trying to apply a human reasoning and/or motive to something we do not at all understand, or have factual physical evidence of.

Constant..... Human

See the paradox??

Fun all the same. The comments are great.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by rougeskut
Well, in my opinion, this thread is entertaining. But honestly, I think that there is really little reason to travel light years or galaxies away to come here just to slaughter humans for the earth.
It is my firm opinion that we are trying to make an unknown a known without at all understanding even the method of the equation. There would have to be at least one constant to even make some sort of sense of the other variables.
The only constant I can see is that "we" are trying to apply a human reasoning and/or motive to something we do not at all understand, or have factual physical evidence of.

Constant..... Human

See the paradox??

Fun all the same. The comments are great.

Maybe they're not coming here JUST to slay the human race?

What if their planet/solar system/galaxy has been used for all the resources it has. Maybe its peaceful?

You're very right, we know very little about the E.T., so who's to say that they're coming here for any "physical" matters. Who are YOU to say what the worlds nations know about E.T. Are you involved with CIA, AOSA, or anything even related? You may be able to speak for a small general public, at best.

They could be our ancestors, reuniting us with the knowledge of the universe.

Their arrival could have nothing to do with the humans as a whole, and maybe our ego just assumes they want something to do with us?

and YOU have no factual evidence, YOU may not understand the E.T. Many people can and will claim otherwise.

All I get from that post, is by "we", YOU mean "I".
You stated it yourself, "The only constant I can see..."
Broaden your sight.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:05 PM
My advice would be to head for very remote desert and mountain areas if the aliens invade and make sure you have plenty of food at water. Of course, there are all those stories about aliens already having bases in areas like that as well, so it could be a problem.

In an invasion scenario, one also has to be careful about being around large numbers of people, who could be informers or even actual aliens in disguise. Superficially, it may seem that it would be easy to get lost in a big city and join some kind of underground or opposition movement, but big cities also mean a big military, intelligence and secret police presence.

Classic guerilla strategy dictates that the best place is to head for the hills or other places with poor access, roads and communications, etc, which are the most difficult for any government to control. Going literally underground would be a good idea, too, because of aerial and space observation systems.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden

Originally posted by naeem11111
reply to post by frugal


That's why russia was so quick to invade the US for our rich

G.L. taking away our guns...hahahaha


Speaking of Russia, the Nazis had a very hard time controlling the Pripet Marshes when they invaded in 1941, even by using Gestapo-SS-Einsatzgruppen methods of shooting everyone on sight and burning down any village that give even the slighest hint of opposition. This area was just too big, too remote, lacked adequate roads and communications, and so was a good place for guerillas to hide.

The Germans were superior in tanks and planes, but it didn't do them much good in swampy, remote terrain like that.

edit on 27-9-2010 by witness63 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
If you want a country with HIGH gun ownership you have to look to Switzerland

Switzerland is also good terrain for guerillas. Tough mountain people who know how to shoot, narrow, windy mountain roads, lots of places to hide. Even Hitler hesitated before he invaded there, thinking it might be more trouble than it was worth. Besides, the Swiss bankers were willing to do business with the Nazis, just like they do business with anyone.

edit on 27-9-2010 by witness63 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:18 PM
When I go into depth with this topic...A few things come into mind. For 1; We have to think of the technology we and they have. I know there's probably 50 years difference in between what the mass population know about and what our government really have to offer/keep hidden when it comes to high tech content...weapons, cures, space flight capabilities, etc. Even so, I believe most if not all alien civilizations tech. far exceeds our own 10 fold. Seeing how fast they can travel in a space craft.... I doubt missles, bullets. lasers etc. would even touch them unless they're fighting us on foot. And on that note, why even give us a fair chance? If you're trying to pacify a planet wouldn't you do it as easy and saftely as possible? Here's just a few options I could think of off the top "if" they were hostile aliens. Smashing a giant astroid into the planet, activating one of our mega volcanoes that would also block out sun light over a long period of time, spreading a genectically engineered super virus amongst us, or even being brutal by nuking this planet with one of their weapons. I might be giving them too much credit but, I believe if they can do everything some of us seen or heard would be an easy accomplishment to takeover/pacify Earth.

edit on 27-9-2010 by hackimus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:22 PM
They would either come here for resource or land, if we depend on the same resource the aliens depend on then we are probably screwed. If they came here for land then we are already screwed and need to move away from them and adapt, Aliens would cut down our cities to build their own in the same way we cut down tree's to build cities.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:29 PM
I would have to say Australia,because even the American people don't know that we exist so why would the aliens!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:32 PM
We are from here. We have Earned the right to be here. Don't think it would be just humans fighting against any alien invasion. Everything that lives on this planet will fight against any outside invaders, from microbes to mammals whether they have hoofs or toes or paws it would be like taking a stick and smacking a hornets nest, oh yeah the insects would fight. We have lived here for countless Millenia we have grown and we have adapted.

The only reason I could see them invading us is the fear that someday they will look up on there own planet and see US in there orbit.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Whatnextlol

Originally posted by rougeskut

Constant..... Human

See the paradox??

Fun all the same. The comments are great.

Maybe they're not coming here JUST to slay the human race?

What if their planet/solar system/galaxy has been used for all the resources it has. Maybe its peaceful?

You're very right, we know very little about the E.T., so who's to say that they're coming here for any "physical" matters. Who are YOU to say what the worlds nations know about E.T. Are you involved with CIA, AOSA, or anything even related? You may be able to speak for a small general public, at best.

I don't know why they're here, but those of us who are not totally part of the debunker crowd can make a strong case that there are here in fact. That means they want something.

We didn't come to them and we certainly didn't invite them: they came to us. Many of us who study UFOs noted that their visits really started to intensity and numbers and duration during the Second World War and early Cold War years. They also showed a very great interest in nuclear weapons, missiles, aircraft and military installations that made the government very nervous and suspicious about their intentions. I also think they secretly made contact with at least some of them.

At any rate, the cover up on this issue has been absolutely iron handed, and only eased when the Cold War ended.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Just like all "aliens" couldn't conquer this land in past. Cold weather & russians encouraged by vodka is bad combination for anyone!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Whatnextlol

Hmm. The "YOU", I got, Maybe when as "I" was saying, "OPINION", "I" was just giving "1" of many of mine.

But seriously, the only point or "COMMENT", I was trying to make was the "WE" were making supplications as to the hypothesized idea and/or discussion of the OP's post.

Britney Spears

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:55 PM
if aliens can get here in the first place...and want to invade...theres nothing anywhere on earth could do about it. the fact they can get here proves how much further advanced they are

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:08 PM

They have Godzilla.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by frugal
Someone at ATS once said there is a gun in America behind every blade of grass.

Actually, that was Admiral Yamamoto of the WWII Imperial Japanese Navy saying why he would never invade the United States. It's still a bad idea.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by rougeskut
reply to post by Whatnextlol

Hmm. The "YOU", I got, Maybe when as "I" was saying, "OPINION", "I" was just giving "1" of many of mine.

But seriously, the only point or "COMMENT", I was trying to make was the "WE" were making supplications as to the hypothesized idea and/or discussion of the OP's post.

Britney Spears

Well too bad it wasn't just an opinion, you spoke as if you had some evidential foundation for your argument, so, fail in that manner

And check your grammar in the context surrounding the word, "supplications", or go look in the dictionary. You'll find you used the word in a very incorrect manner.

So instead of trying to stray from the subject and attempt to catch me on semantics, why don't you try to stay on topic and conjure some sort of defense for the lack of support I found in your entry

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:05 PM
read harry turtle doves alterntive history world war its the funnyest talk of invasion ive ever read and there are like 8 books in the serise almost got made into a video game with out ruining too much the basic premis is its ww2 were beating the crap outa eachother and then outa the blue aliens attack.....but they thought we would be in the mideival age of man not ww2 ish tech as there world evovles very slowly and carefully so they didnt think we could advance so fast so far ill stop talking as im about to ruin the book but get htem there great!!!!

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