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One month before 26 October -12 November webbot prediction of a major global event

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posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:12 AM
In about a month the webbots predict a MAJOR global event. According to them, it's a HUMAN-related (and not a natural disaster), that starts in the US and spreads globally, having a major impact. This is set to occur somewhere between the last days of October and the first weeks of November, and unfold afterwards.

I am aware that the webbots were wrong many times, such as last year October's event. Their prediction for a major global event did not happen. Or the 2009 "summer of hell". But they were correct before 911, the Chinese quake, or the 2008 economic meltdown (this was something I followed closely and I was amazed to see that it came true). I also think their prediction of dust going round the world several times maybe related to the Icelandic volcano eruption, and the global coastal event could have related to the Gulf of Mexico oil leak. But this is my speculation.

I don't see anything coming. Everything seems calm at the moment: no Iran war preparations, no signs of economic unrest. Maybe the webbots are wrong again, and these BIG events will only occur later in 2011. I don't even like doom and gloom. I prefer watching soft revolutions happening that change our perspective of the world, like it happened in the late sixties or the early nineties.

If you study astrology, there is no doubt there is a pattern of big global change every 84 years, the years following 2013, 1929, 1845, 1761... 1509, 1425, 1341 had some major and dramatic global events. This is related to the entrance of several outer planets into cardinal signs. So, I expect in the next 10 years, for some major events to occur globally, with a near 100% confidence.

The increase in astrological energy will occur, and so the masses and governments will behave accordingly, and nature too. You can see clearly the difference between the 1920s and the 1930s, or the same kind of global energy around the 1340s, the 1510s, the 1770s, etc. You can even watch that since 2008 many novel global events have been occurring (economic meltdown, Icelandic volcano, pandemic flu, the oil leak, or the Greece crises).

There have been some predictions of alien landings for this October. I don't think this will happen. According to the webbots, this will not happen in soon. I have a feeling that maybe in some future decades. The same thing goes for a major solar storm disrupting global activities, which they only predict for summer 2012.

What do you think?

You can follow my astrological predictions in

Clif will likely issue a special report analyzing the ‘high immediacy values’ around mid-October. The data streams have been quietly running and the data coming in with the period from three weeks out from mid-October to 3-months out of greatest interest because in the most dire of reads of previously collected data this tipping point to come appeared to be something several orders of magnitude greater than the events of the last major tipping point (9/11/2001) in terms of impact (both initial and the follow-on mourning/grieving process), but what that might be is anyone’s guess

edit on 26-9-2010 by segurelha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:35 AM
For me major global event is that someone still believes in webbot.
Webbot is clever way how to get money from stupid people.

edit on 26-9-2010 by Zmurfix because: typo

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:36 AM
As far as what is going to happen, maybe it will be the US elections in November. Hopefully we will have HONEST people elected to office, hopefully having common sense, and a desire to lead us in a constructive, realistic manner.

That would be a great change. Having HONEST politicians, instead of the corrupt, self-serving greed-mongers that make up a large proportion of Congress.

Thank you for the link to your web-page. I find it very enlightening, and interesting. You have put a lot of time and effort into producing it.

If we can just make it to 2025.

I pray society will work together, for the benefit of all

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Those results probably come back because doomsday predictions flood the web around the month of october. Just telling people what they want to hear

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:56 AM
I follow the web bots pretty closely and I’ve been worrying that we may really have something in November. The bots are right very often if you follow the language.
A tipping point is the most accurate of all predictions because it involves all aspects of our lives. Plus if nothing happens the web bots will be toast because no one will follow them after this……
I actually think whatever this hundreds of times bigger than 911 event will happen on US soil.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:05 AM
I saw in another thread that there's a dip in both the timewave graph and the web bot graph, and both coincide with the end of the 6th night and beginning of the 7th day from the Mayan calendar.

But I believe we're not moving towards a calamity, quite the opposite. Good times are ahead.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:23 AM
First, I'd like to point out that I don't believe in the webbot. With that being said, just because it's calm right now, doesn't mean that something isn't around the corner and in fact, I would suggest that it seems more likely. There always seems to be a calm before the storm, so to speak. Because there isn't much going on right now and it is relatively calm, I would expect a major event to happen. Over the past several years, it has been one thing or another and the media stations can only report on celebrities for so long before people start becoming disinterested.


edit on 26-9-2010 by airspoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by TheIrvy
I saw in another thread that there's a dip in both the timewave graph and the web bot graph, and both coincide with the end of the 6th night and beginning of the 7th day from the Mayan calendar.

But I believe we're not moving towards a calamity, quite the opposite. Good times are ahead.

That would be possible if one believes things get worse before they get better,.
Web bot is a coincidence generator.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by zeta55
As far as what is going to happen, maybe it will be the US elections in November. Hopefully we will have HONEST people elected to office, hopefully having common sense, and a desire to lead us in a constructive, realistic manner.

That would be a great change. Having HONEST politicians, instead of the corrupt, self-serving greed-mongers that make up a large proportion of Congress.

LOL, an honest, good person being elected for government? In the states of all places?!
You want a good honest person you can trust in, go get your own name thrown on that ballot.
If this prediction is related to politics, it will be that people start to question the government.
Probably cause they will realize that no good, honest person for the greater good of everyone in the states will ever end up as president. Not with this current system at least.

I'm hoping for world war, but I'm on the negative side of the spectrum.
However, it would be nice to see something good happen for once...
But no one can be sure of what this event will be, or what will start it.. or what the result will be.
Or if it will even happen at all.
(hmm.. rings a bell a bit.. 2012 anyone?)

Regardless, I'll be keeping my eyes open for anything that might happen.

edit on 26/9/10 by missmusicalmilk because: added a quote?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:00 PM
if you go back and look at the "global coastal event" text it matches up pretty astonishingly with the BP oil spill. They were just off on the timing

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:00 PM

edit on 26-9-2010 by oldgoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Forget Webbot and hocus pocus astrology.

The Trends Research Insititute said the "economic crash of 2010 will take place and be undeniable by all by the end of 2010".

The Spring Trends Journal is called the "Great War". That one speaks for itself. And they are usually right on the big calls.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:40 PM
October 10 2010

00101010 Binary code

converted is * which is mark of beast

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Well, it could be a war, or a major decease outbreak, or it could be the event a lot of chanelers are talking about; october the 13th ? Aliens ? I know that the date may be a little bit to soon but then again, the web bot was also a lot of times wrong about these things.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Which channelers are claiming there will be alien sightings?

Sounds that as of this week, some major disclosure step is going on.
The UN/group for first alien contact story at Daily Telegraph, and the UFO/Nuke news at Fox News.

Originally posted by css1981
Well, it could be a war, or a major decease outbreak, or it could be the event a lot of chanelers are talking about; october the 13th ? Aliens ? I know that the date may be a little bit to soon but then again, the web bot was also a lot of times wrong about these things.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:42 PM
Webbot has been corrupted!

It's method of operation is to search out the most common words and phrases. Since it went viral a year and a half ago, it is not reliable.

Move on, nothing to see her.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by iamnot

Actually, the original end date for Timewave Zero was...IS...November 16 2010...This means the graph for November 14 2010 ACTUALLY would start go straight down right ON OCTOBER 10 2010...

Anyway, I'm an expert of Timewave Zero and I BELIEVE in webbot since it had a lot of hits, people who are aware noticed that..

Katla will erupt between September 29 2010 and October 5 2010...
World War could erupt around the mid of October or November 2010...
November 9 2010 is the new nuclear 9/11 or the date of Israeli Mistake ( 3 Israeli cities nuked for mistake and radioactive cloud going all over the world ).
November 13 2010, Yellowstone or another absolutely powerful volcano erupts...


edit on 26-9-2010 by Zagari because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:22 PM
::Waves dollar bill:: Maybe this will be revalued/devalued in a rather dramatic fashion.
It follows then that some other currency form will fill the vacuum, but will it necessarily be a monetary unit?
I believe there are 2 forms of currency at play - paper money/coin as well as information and the control of it.
Who really has the power to control the web? Nations? Corporations? All/some/none of the above?
It is possible the US could default and declare itself insolvent before the year is out.
Somehow it seems to me the likeliest big event with global repercussions.

American media and the internet hubs within it's borders are always up for sale or open for negotiation. You might even say that our cultural, social and political belief systems are too. What could be used for informational purposes is being twisted and auctioned off to big interests with the most money to blow. America is programmed by mass media so in the end we will become what they program us to be.
Have we already been sold to Saudi Arabia and China? I think the dollar is going to take a big hit.

Keep your pantries full. have cash on hand.
The problem with disasters is they usually don't send notification that they're coming.
I think many of us here have been feeling that things have been too quiet for too long.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by segurelha

Doesn't web bot work by aggregating chatter on the interwebs? Like taking terms like 'big event,' 'disasterous,' 'united states,' 'the whole world,' 'revolution,' 'spread' and coming up with something like the OP's hypothesis?

I'm not too well versed in this, but my theory is that it's talking about the upcoming mid-term elections. Our lines of communication are practically jammed with chatter about elections, which party has been detrimental, who is a catastrophe, who is the next 'big thing,' America this, global this and that, yada yada.Who led us through the crisis, is the economy in a crisis, this and that.

Is it possible that this could be the reason why its predicting a 'big event' in late october, early november?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

I mean, the web does seem to become hyper politicized around times of elections. And elections also seem to invoke hypersensative rhetoric. "This president is a disaster," "the country is in crisis" "100,000 strong racist protests" "lets send a shock wave throughout america." Just adding to the original hypothesis.

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