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Obamacare goes into effect, side effects already appearing

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posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Ceriddwen
reply to post by Jovi1

Absolutely. Do you really think that this will happen though? Getting a Congress person to stand against the majority to change this situation isn't going to happen. What can we do to get a majority of them to do it?

I don't know anymore really, I just don't. There is so much money floating around in Washington and getting people to realize that one party is exactly the same as the other isn't something likely to happen anytime soon. Even now you have so many people that do not realize that for the most part the simplest solutions are often times the best ones. Instead they come up with these exotic and complex schemes which by their very nature are designed to have leaks.

Anymore I don't see things getting better without bloodshed. We are running out of time for it to go any other way. We only have as long as there is enough money at the bottom to keep people housed and fed, after that is gone it is anyones guess what happens. Maybe if people quit letting other issues cloud the bigger problems we could get somewhere, but as long as they let their vote be decided by the candidates faith, views on gay marriage and abortion solely guide their vote nothing will change. By making our votes based on these issues we have probably cost ourselves people that were extremely qualified to do the job in favor of those least qualified.

I mean right now we are looking at an election where the party that has spent the last two years blocking and stopping everything that comes along is about to get back into control or at the very least exercise more blocking and stopping like never before. And you have people that are not only okay with this mentality but fully support and endorse it. This is not governance it is not leadership. Would your marriage work if you didn't compromise with your spouse? Does anything in life work if you are unwilling to make compromises? Then why on earth would you expect the Government to work without making them?

Right now the American people are caught in a massive love triangle in terms of where our relationship with our government stands. it is cheating on us with the wealthy whore down the block, it takes our money and gives her gifts with it. Takes our labor and says it is not enough, all the while we are on our hands and knees begging it to reconsider, pleading with it to not treat us this way, willing to believe the lies it tells so that it can keep us on hand in case of an emergency because the whore is only faithful as long as her interests are met she won't fight and die for it, but we will. And much like the selfish lover it won't know what it has until we are gone.

edit on 9/25/2010 by Jovi1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:08 PM
American medicine is a greedy cartel, just as it should be in a completely capitalistic economy.

"Screw you, I'm here to get rich," is a mantra we're hearing over and over again.

Once you are dependant on a system, such as conventional medicine, that system can and will rip you off.
Hospitals, doctors, medical schools, they're all part of this system, and they are being both funded and milked by the two deadly octopi, the pharmaceutical companies and the medical insurance companies.

If you want to stay in this system, the only way to get just prices for healthcare is to rip its balls off with the red-hot tongs of partially socialised medicine, as many countries around the world have done.

The other way is to kill the monopoly by looking for treatments outside the system. We are subjected to contant propagander to make us ridicule alternative treatments, because this is something greatly feared by the medical industry. Competition has always been the remedy for such rip-offs in a capitilist system, so go look for some!

Perhaps there's a natural cure for the poster with kidney stones which conventional medicine is too blinkered to find.

Strangely, the ones blaming Obama for the present mess of a health-care system are the ones who most vehemently opposed a more socialised solution which could have worked,

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:14 PM
The life of a Republican:

Removing gay rights = good.

Tax cuts for the rich = good.

War that costs wealth and many US soldiers in the name of greed and oil = good.

Health Care = bad.

I'm not sure if I understand the logic of these people they even understand themselves?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by SeventhSeal

oh, healthcare is good for them!! they say so all the time, it's the best in the world!!!
think in the line of what puts money into the pockets of those who have lots of money, you might understand it a little better??

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:34 PM
Back in the day they healed for free or basically free. Today? A simple checkup will cost you a couple hundred bucks.

With Obamacare prices rise.

Without Obamacare prices would rise twice as much.

Do the math folks!

When healthcare is left unchecked then it's the same thing as an IPOD. They will try to get the most money based on pure demand.

But here's what I don't understand. I can remove a kidney with a butter knife and toilet paper. I can do that for free if I had a buyer waiting for it. Why does it cost 500,000 for a doctor to do it? A black market buyer would pay 10,000 for a kidney.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit
. A couple of provinces charge premiums of about $60 per month per person. There are family rates, kids are covered til 18, then they are given their own plan, being adults now.

. If we decide to get a provincial plan, on top of our free healthcare, like blue cross insurance, to be covered for prescriptions, dental, eye care, and Everything, the most expensive I've seen was about $200 per person per month. There are also family rates.

And I don't really like our prime minister Harper very much, but even with his dictator like ways, he's starting to look better and better. That's scary in itself.

your first example from first hand knowledge insurance premiums
$ X 12 mo = $720. YR

your second example, for the big spenders types insurance premiums
$200mo ZX 12 mo = $2400.oo YR

Now our Øbama-care law (forced upon us by a paid for congress) lists the insurance premiums
$1,500.oo YR or get fined for breaking the Law.

it seems the draconian health-care in the USA id twice as costly as the Canadian rate
but for the same or less coverage...
We can obviously see theres this BS propaganda that there is a reduction of costs... Only realized by the increase in scope of those covered?
Its all a lie... the costs of medicine and treatment is not less costly because there are 150,000,000 Americans paying into the progressive HCR... because 50,000,000 Canadians get better service for less money....

the 'Scale of Service' arguement is just another spin by the elites and illuminati of the shadow american ruling class

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:41 PM
"The Epoch Times first broke the story in March 2006 when Chinese inside sources revealed that organ theft from living practitioners was being carried out in connection with Chinese authorities, including the military and police.

Kilgour and Matas found that 41,500 transplants that occurred between 2000 and 2005 had no other explained source. The persecution of Falun Gong was launched by the regime in 1999."
-- Cindy Chan

You folks actually think these transplants cost 500,000 a pop?

THOSE doctors OVERCHARGE to pay off their student loans. They don't care two cents about you or your health care needs.

edit on 25-9-2010 by Come Clean because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by whatukno

This has nothing to do with Obamacare, this has everything to do with your employer and insurance company greed.

True true.. businesses get double screwed.. first, health premiums are going to sky rocket, an unavoidable fact. So they either pay higher rates, or get worse insurance at the same price. If they simply cannot afford insurance at all anymore (it's often the first benefit tossed out the window after 401k matches) then Obamacare will tax the bloody hell out of them for not offering health insurance.

Likewise individual premiums will skyrocket, and if you cannot afford, you get taxed.

But it IS all about the Insurance company greed.. I would have been angry if the State took over all health care. I'm furious that the State took over healthcare but left Hospitals in private hands and left Insurance as a middle man.

We will be experimenting with the World largest Fascist health care system ever created. Can't wait!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:47 PM
Anyone who is saying that this is about insurance company greed should really do their research.

The average profit margins for insurance companies are on average about 3.4%, which is extremely modest. With all the regulations imposed from Obamacare, it's inevitable that rates will go up and services will stop being offered just for them to survive.

Any assertion that rates are going up as a result of greedy insurance companies is just ridiculous. (Unless you you're saying that the insurance companies were actually pushing health care reform specifically to give them an excuse to increase their rates. I could see that. Either way, obamacare is by no means benevolent.)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:51 PM
Let's put this in perspective shall we.

No one can live forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, as far asI know.

Most health care insurance companies only pay for generic pills anyways. And when you're too sick and need the non generic pill they will cut you off.

Not now thanks to President Obama! If your child is born with Down Syndromes then they will get coverage. Thank Obama for that.

When we spend a couple a grand a quarter on tuition PLUS our kid has to spend a few hundred then that's wrong. However, Obama put a stop to that. Your children can stay on your policy until age 26 I believe. Nothing about your premium changes. They were already on your policy. So if your policy goes higher then it's insurance companies raping you. Not the regulation!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by BobbinHood

And why should I care?

"NEW YORK (CBS) Parents of kids with preexisting conditions will have fewer options in several states as major insurers are bailing on the practice of selling child-only policies."
--Posted by CBS Interactive staff

They can't keep kids healthy and still make a profit?

What kind of company kicks children off healthcare? Are our kids not suppose to get coverage now? Why do you support something like this?

What's next? Not carrying insurance on people between the age of 25 and 65?

edit on 25-9-2010 by Come Clean because: no reason given

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:09 PM
True story coming at you. This is why I am so passionate about this.

Retired military member, (that would be me). Decided to use Tricare for me and my three kids under 18. When I signed up, I needed to get an initial physical. The doctore in Poway CA looked down my throat and felt my abdomen.

THAT COST ME 500 BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I spent roughly two hours waiting but 30 seconds being looked at.

These doctors are nothing more than thieves. That's why your healthcare is so expensive.

edit on 25-9-2010 by Come Clean because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

True true.. businesses get double screwed.. first, health premiums are going to sky rocket, an unavoidable fact. So they either pay higher rates, or get worse insurance at the same price. If they simply cannot afford insurance at all anymore (it's often the first benefit tossed out the window after 401k matches) then Obamacare will tax the bloody hell out of them for not offering health insurance.

Likewise individual premiums will skyrocket, and if you cannot afford, you get taxed.

How do you know this to be true? I don't know anyone who had their insurance premium skyrocket since the passage of this bill.

Bottom line, as long as I can keep my kids covered then I don't care how much it skyrockets. My kids are worth more than money.

What about yours?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Here's what I also don't understand. For those people who are siding with the insurance companies then explain this to me.

What happens if a doctor tells you a new heart is needed for your child? Then the insurance company pays off. However, the heart didn't take. So now you need another heart.

You telling me the insurance thieves would flip the bill for a second heart transplant for your child?

Get real folks! No insurance company will deplete it's assets for YOU.

However, under Obama, you're guaranteed almost a million dollars a year in heart transplants.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by frimilden

who screwed with the banking systems to begin with whos nonstop interference and the creation of fanny and freddy that lead to the financial meltdown who was giving out loans to people who couldnt afford what they were getting ?

it was your government to blame for all the crap going on in this country and they are still doing it.

they steal your social security every single day and give it to who ever they want and they are continually putting people on the government dime and just you think you have social security comming to you in all reality you dont

there are millions of people every single day that are turned down most in fact have to fight for years to even see a penny.

every single financial institution is this country is manipulated by the government by the fed by congress taxes and regulations man cost you more money that you can possibly comprehend.

interest rates in bank and investment pay squat every single thing they have touched they have destroyed, savings accounts ira,401ks,mutal funds,moneymarkets everything you can think of they control.

this is done for a reason man and that reason is to take every single tool that americans have had in the past away from you they are constantly destroying your individual power to fend for yourself so they can put us all on the government dime.

they steal from the rich under the guise of giving to poor all the while creating more people to put on the government dime.

and you are mistaken the right does fight for big business and the rich for the simple fact they are the ones who pay you who give you loans they give you credit and they make all those things that you need to exist in this world without them the lefts constantly taking away their ability to actually create the wealth so that you can have your own wealth is under nonstop attack and this is done for the sole purpose of that utopia of where everything is free well man there is no such thing as free in this world it costs somebody else somewhere else every single time.

if you still want to blame the right for the all the ills in this country your free to but its misplaced.

edit on 25-9-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Come Clean
Back in the day they healed for free or basically free. Today? A simple checkup will cost you a couple hundred bucks.

"Back in the day" my medical education wouldn't have cost me $250,000 and treatment would have cost pennies, while at the same time being mostly ineffective. Look at survival rates and life expectancy from "back in the day" compared to today.

But here's what I don't understand. I can remove a kidney with a butter knife and toilet paper. I can do that for free if I had a buyer waiting for it. Why does it cost 500,000 for a doctor to do it? A black market buyer would pay 10,000 for a kidney.

It doesn't cost $500,000 to have a kidney removed. Additionally, removing your kidney "with a butter knife and toilet paper" means you aren't taking precautions for bleeding, infection, fibrosis, or clotting, any of which could kill you quickly. This is why you have a surgeon perform it, and why you stay in a hospital for a few days. It's not for #s and giggles. It's because there are serious risks associated with invasive procedures.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
your first example from first hand knowledge insurance premiums
$ X 12 mo = $720. YR

your second example, for the big spenders types insurance premiums
$200mo ZX 12 mo = $2400.oo YR

Now our Øbama-care law (forced upon us by a paid for congress) lists the insurance premiums
$1,500.oo YR or get fined for breaking the Law.

This is where it gets a little messy. What are the insurance companies going to be made to cover that they did not have to before?

Let me put it like this. The last full year I worked at my last job, my health insurance cost me a little over 80 bucks a month. My insurance company refused half the prescriptions my doctors prescribed. This meant that if I wanted to actually get treated as my doctor wanted, I had to pay out of pocket so I did. This was not about generic vs brand name either. My doctor would prescribe on thing and the insurance company would offer to cover a completely different chemical that is sometimes used in a related manner. Then there were tests. My insurance refused to cover almost every test I had done because they felt they were not needed. Turns out it was really good I had a few that I paid for, out of pocket. So in that one year, with health insurance, my healthcare actually cost me around $30,000. Good thing I was covered too. So I am left wondering what kind of rules would be put into place that would make that measely 1,500 a year seem pretty darn good.

edit on 25-9-2010 by Curiousisall because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by neo96

Man, banks in the US must be closing their doors left and right simply because it is so hard for them to make any money. Is that happening? Last I heard banks were still opening, buying each other up, expanding, or folding due to their own poor investments. Are they are all getting out of the game because it is so difficult for the poor banks to make an honest dime now?

Where do you get this stuff? I wish Obamacare had a mandatory Medved break.

edit on 25-9-2010 by Curiousisall because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by neo96

You are confusing Disability paid through Social Security with Social Security Retirement benefits. The ones being turned down and fighting for it are those that apply to the Social Security Administration for Disability. Most are turned down and fight for it for years on appeal due to the fact that they need to prove to be totaly disabled and unable to work not Retired.

Those who work and pay into SS until a set age is met get Retirement benefits, they are not turned down and fighting for it, RIB benefits can be claimed in any month after the age of 62 in full, less if you are younger.

SSI: Supplemental Security Income
SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance

The Social Security Administration is responsible for two major programs that provide benefits based on disability: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which is based on prior work under Social Security, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Under SSI, payments are made on the basis of financial need.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is financed with Social Security taxes paid by workers, employers, and self-employed persons. To be eligible for a Social Security benefit, the worker must earn sufficient credits based on taxable work to be "insured" for Social Security purposes. Disability benefits are payable to blind or disabled workers, widow(er)s, or adults disabled since childhood, who are otherwise eligible. The amount of the monthly disability benefit is based on the Social Security earnings record of the insured worker.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a program financed through general revenues. SSI disability benefits are payable to adults or children who are disabled or blind, have limited income and resources, meet the living arrangement requirements, and are otherwise eligible. The monthly payment varies up to the maximum federal benefit rate, which may be supplemented by the State or decreased by countable income and resources.

Now knowing all that and what you know about the bankers, wall street shysters and greedy CEO's and what they did just recently you still are ok with them managing your retirement money?

edit on 25-9-2010 by frimilden because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:23 PM
The problem with the health-care bill isn't that it went too far left... it went too far right and tolerated ridiculous concessions/compromises from industry. Of COURSE it's going to be a sh*ttier deal when the insurance industry is allowed to make huge concessions and the Republicans (who are most beholden to these companies) obstruct a REAL health-care bill by any means.

What you're seeing is the mangled result of health-care gone down the drain. If it had been implemented properly and without industry-backed obstruction, we'd all be getting a pretty damn good deal and we wouldn't have to pay for mandatory private insurance. This is PLUTOCRACY and NOT MARXISM.

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