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Obamacare goes into effect, side effects already appearing

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+10 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Obamacare goes into effect, side effects already appearing

Health-insurance rates already are rising even more quickly than they had been in the past because of concern about the costs that will be imposed by Obamacare. Various kinds of insurance products and services are being discontinued.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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+18 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:27 PM
The Obamacare Juggernaut of evil is now upon us. My employer has cancelled my excellent insurance and replacing it with the worst tier of CIGNA. One year after this goes into affect, my coverage gets worse; most coverage disappears altogether. I will be given $400 to cover all health care expenses for my entire family for the entire year. After that I pay out of pocket until I reach some astronomical yearly limit and the co-insurance kicks in to cover 50-80% of the rest.

Since I need to get a cat scan every 6 months for kidney stones, and I average one kidney stone procedure a year I will expect to declare bankruptcy or perhaps simply choose to die an agonizing death.

The 20% bump in costs are pricing many out of insurance altogether, and as this article shows, government insurance never pays it's bills. That's the new model for insurance in America thanks to the Marxist traitor, Obama and his evil allies in congress.

Oh by the way, in order to even get that pitiful money to cover my health care costs I must submit to the Obama death panels so that they can 'manage' my health. Yup, it's all true, while you libtards were laughing at Sara Palin for calling out these obaminations, the democrats will be busy enforcing them. Thanks a lot, I hold you to blame for this. There will be an accounting for this, payback's a b#$@tch.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+18 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Well, the wages of sin is what again?

This has nothing to do with Obamacare, this has everything to do with your employer and insurance company greed.

Death panels my behind, you still actually believe that malarkey? If you want better insurance why don't you pay for it yourself? Why does your employer have to pay for your insurance?

edit on 9/24/2010 by whatukno because: to be heartless like a conservative.

+19 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

This has nothing to do with Obamacare, this has everything to do with your employer and insurance company greed.

You are either ignorant or stupid. I'll assume ignorant to give you the benefit of the doubt. All these changes are precisely in response to Obamacare, as the company wide e-mail indicated. Obamacare has driven costs up by more than 20% and my company can no longer afford to subsidize health insurance in any way. Moreover the plans require the death panels. If you are in America you will see some changes next year bub, and you are not going to like them, unless you are young, have no dependents and never get sick.

+18 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Sarah Palin's "Death panels" was a reference to end of life care, last time I checked, kidney stones while excruciating are more often than not, non fatal.

Sorry if you are that paranoid. But seriously, Insurance companies are trying to milk you for every dime they can, and your employer being too cheap to pay for it, isn't the problem of the HCR law.

If you feel you need it, pay for it yourself. That's the conservative way. Don't blame the government for your problems, fix them yourself. Isn't that the conservative way?

+6 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I agree with you Seven Thunders.

But wait, it gets worse. What about 60-80% of Americans who must now go out and buy insurance premiums? Talks about a grand coup for the Insurance Industry!

If there was one thing that truly broke the back of the US economy it was the greed of the Oil Cartels when they tripled the price of gas.

Now that just about all of the Middle Class and below has no extra spending money period, they must go out and purchase a health insurance premium that they couldn't even afford before the gas price hikes.

Can anyone say; " Truly F'ed"?

Or can anyone say; "There's no way in hell the government is going to be able to force people to do this other than steal some of their income tax return from them."

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by warequalsmurder

I don't think people really realize what's about to happen here. I think this could be big, very big. Many people are in much worse shape than me. Let's not forget the law requires you to buy insurance. But the insurance companies now have to insure illegal aliens, every dead beat, hep. C. drug abuser, and AIDs activists. They HAVE to raise rates or face bankruptcy. But don't worry guess who's there to pick up the pieces? Big sister government. You'll have to get their insurance. They'll run it like they run Medicaid, ie into the ground. Doctors are not getting paid and so will close up shop. Health care will have to be rationed because there won't be any service providers.

But the real kicker will happen soon enough when most of the middle class realizes that they effectively no longer have health insurance. I think there will be riots and violence. If any good may happen, maybe demonrats will not even be qualified for dog catcher. My big fear is that the republicans are in on the fix. Good bye America if thats true.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by warequalsmurder

I don't think people really realize what's about to happen here. I think this could be big, very big. Many people are in much worse shape than me. Let's not forget the law requires you to buy insurance. But the insurance companies now have to insure illegal aliens, every dead beat, hep. C. drug abuser, and AIDs activists. They HAVE to raise rates or face bankruptcy. But don't worry guess who's there to pick up the pieces? Big sister government. You'll have to get their insurance. They'll run it like they run Medicaid, ie into the ground. Doctors are not getting paid and so will close up shop. Health care will have to be rationed because there won't be any service providers.

But the real kicker will happen soon enough when most of the middle class realizes that they effectively no longer have health insurance. I think there will be riots and violence. If any good may happen, maybe demonrats will not even be qualified for dog catcher. My big fear is that the republicans are in on the fix. Good bye America if thats true.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Actually no, these health panels (death panels IMHO) appear to be part of the new law. Think of them like political officers watching over you, during the soviet regime.

Actually I would pay for my health care out of pocket by buying real insurance if the government would allow me to, but they do not. I am required to buy crappy insurance and there are no decent insurance pools in my socialistic state, which pre-adopted Obamacare. If I moved about 50 miles north into another state I might be able to buy some decent insurance.

I may actually do that, but I should be able to do that with pre tax dollars. I may actually quit this company as a last resort, maybe move overseas, I don't know.

+6 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:16 PM
When the IRS starts kicking in doors and raiding bank accounts for the payment on 'The Peoples' insurance, only then will the folks like Whatukno will understand exactly how bad this moronic law really is. Like many have said, this is not about health care but 'CONTROL' of every facet of your life in perpetuity! It is putting nails into the coffin of our economy and the futures of our children. That and cap'n'trade will finish us off!


+7 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:23 PM
Hysterical much?
Jeeezuz H!
Health care premiums have gone UP ASTRNOMICLY FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS!
I just bought Health Insurance for my workplace, our broker told us the truth.
Carriers are raising their rates BECAUSE THEY CAN!
Right wingers say the dardenst things!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

No, they did a very recent huge markup explicitly because of Obamacare.

Have you looked at the details of the plans you are buying? In particular have you noticed what is required starting in 2011? I suggest you take a close look. Maybe your plans are not in compliance? Well look out, Obama has some nice penalties for you to pay!

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Don't blame the government for your problems, fix them yourself.

OMG, this comment is so retarded. It is the GOVERNMENT forcing OBAMACARE onto America... and this person says we shouldn't blame the government.

I'm really kinda curious. When the Shotgun toting I.R.S. comes around to my door to serve me an arrest warrant for not possessing Health Care Insurance, where are they going to try my case?

The Vaccine Court? (what?....)

Yeah, you know, that special court set up just for vaccine cases where that couple got something like 1.6 million dollars for thier daughter's issues with immunization shots?

I wonder, should we BLAME THE GOVERNMENT in that case? It's AMAZING that the case was sealed from public scrutiny too.... AMAZING isn't it?


So are we going to have a brand new type of inmate system for health care criminals? you know, the ones who REFUSE to pay the outlandish insurance costs and who refuse to support this ignorant system that wants to - on top of food stamps and welfare - give a lazy community free quality health care at my expense to boot?
You can have your corporatist - fascist agenda America... Canada is looking better and better every day Obama sits in office!

edit on 24-9-2010 by Heyyo_yoyo because: spelling corrections

+11 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:29 PM
God, you people are nothing but silly.

I will never understand the conservative mindset, which supports rape by health insurance companies in the name of a "free market".

Oh sure, you'd rather be raped by outrageous premiums and non-coverage. Well guess what? This was going on long before the health care bill was passed! You can't claim that "Obamacare" (God, I effing hate that term!) is causing this problem when it has always existed. You should see the money that Blue Cross, Blue Shield executives make. It's blood money when they refuse to cover life-threatening illnesses.

Gawd, the stupidity that exists in this country. I'm thinking that most conservatives would be happy living in a dark hole.

edit on 24-9-2010 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:32 PM
My company was already telling us an 11% increase without the new plan because they did not increase last year because they gave no raises. Each year though your raise was taken with the insurance increase. This year no one will receive more than a 1% increase in pay yet I am now sure our insurance will increase at least 15-20%.

I just want to say a big thank you to all those who support this as you now have in effect given me a pay decrease. Thanks for the love you sent my way. Thanks for caring so much that you pushed this legislation. Thank you ever so much.

If my company were larger, I might at least break even but it is a small company and cannot get the cheaper insurance. I also love how you have to buy insurance now; hopefully many of you who pushed this so much have the money to afford your insurance bail out.

Lots of love.


+2 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by The Sword


don't blame obamacare?

another retarded statement! sheesh.


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
God, you people are nothing but silly.

I will never understand the conservative mindset, which supports rape by health insurance companies in the name of a "free market".

Oh sure, you'd rather be raped by outrageous premiums and non-coverage. Well guess what? This was going on long before the health care bill was passed! You can't claim that "Obamacare" (God, I effing hate that term!) is causing this problem when it has always existed. You should see the money that Blue Cross, Blue Shield executives make. It's blood money when they refuse to cover life-threatening illnesses.

Gawd, the stupidity that exists in this country. I'm thinking that most conservatives would be happy living in a dark hole.

edit on 24-9-2010 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

The ignorance is all yours honey. The free market created all the health care advancements we've had over the last 100 years, not your precious God, the government. You take away that market incentive and you might as well be visiting that witch doctor you favor. For your sake I hope you never get sick under the new law, because there will be no real care available that you can afford or will have access to. Maybe if you can get into congress you'll be covered since they are exempt from most provisions of this law.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
God, you people are nothing but silly.

I will never understand the conservative mindset, which supports rape by health insurance companies in the name of a "free market".

Oh sure, you'd rather be raped by outrageous premiums and non-coverage. Well guess what? This was going on long before the health care bill was passed! You can't claim that "Obamacare" (God, I effing hate that term!) is causing this problem when it has always existed. You should see the money that Blue Cross, Blue Shield executives make. It's blood money when they refuse to cover life-threatening illnesses.

Gawd, the stupidity that exists in this country. I'm thinking that most conservatives would be happy living in a dark hole.

edit on 24-9-2010 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

The ignorance is all yours honey. The free market created all the health care advancements we've had over the last 100 years, not your precious God, the government. You take away that market incentive and you might as well be visiting that witch doctor you favor. For your sake I hope you never get sick under the new law, because there will be no real care available that you can afford or will have access to. Maybe if you can get into congress you'll be covered since they are exempt from most provisions of this law.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders

But the insurance companies now have to insure illegal aliens, every dead beat, hep. C. drug abuser, and AIDs activists. They HAVE to raise rates or face bankruptcy.

What is amazing is that you feel free to list every person with a negative attribute that the insurance companies will have to cover, without mentioning the ones that they should have been covering in the first place. The good hard working people who had preexisting conditions but were refused coverage. Those people are the reason why a health care reform was needed.

Health insurance companies complaining about raising prices is just proof that they were running illegitimate businesses. It's beyond me why someone would be greedy enough to make a profit off of saving lives in the first place. This world is going to hell; I might as well start bottling fresh air so I can sell it.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Styki

I used those negative examples, because it is they who are driving up the health care costs. It's not rocket science. You force coverage on 25 million deadbeats and you will get health care rationing and increased premiums.

Why do I call them deadbeats? Well because of illegal aliens using emergency care as their personal physicians we have a system breakdown in many border states. Obama's purpose is to destroy America and what better way to do it, then drain everyone's savings and create a payday for his core constituency, illegal aliens, felons, sexual perverts, islamic terrorists and community 'activists'. Marxism destroys another country, all the while they tell us that this time they will do communism 'right'.

And you wonder why the tea party activists are pissed off, well wait until you see the entirety of Middle America ready to take up arms. They are destroying the country our forefathers spilled blood for, to secure our freedoms, what are you going to do about it?

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