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Being Gay isnt natural

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:26 AM
everything that happens is natural...

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by esteay812

Orgasms are the release of endorphins and other hormones throughout the body Ejaculation is the release of fluid from a man or woman upon arousal, often from orgasm but they are 2 separate functions.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:36 AM
I had a flock of pigeons as pets when I was a kid. At one time I had among others, two young pigeons maturing into adulthood and courting each other. All seemed "normal", one was acting like a male (running around in circles (like a complete and utter idiot.) shoulders wide, dragging tale to sweep the floor clean of anything edible, trying to jump the female; calling her hooker - hooker - hooker, like a real man.), one clearly as female. (You know, interested only in the more important things in life like pecking food that the other one is trying to sweep away so she runs around trying to -like- eat. This goes on until she can't deny him no more (deprived of any food.) and she begins demanding kisses from him (french only) before she ducks so he can fiiiiiiinaly jump her and flap wings 'n stuff for a second or two. The complete ritual is too complex to write down in all its lovely nuances, just see for yourself (Vid is of typical pigeon courting without the actual mating part to keep it civil and to ensure the privacy of this brave couple that was willing to act out their ancient mystical ritual for us all to witness.)

It didn't take long until the couple proudly sat on two eggs. (a female produces two eggs a nest.)

To my surprise there were four eggs the next day. This continued for years after that one big surprise.

Whilest pigies are more or less monogamous (yup piggies are stupid too.) when it comes to nesting. They do have their occasional adventures when the better halve isn't looking. (I take back the stupid comment.) So lesbian pigeons reproduce from time to time. The father wouldn't have anything to do in raising the kids though. He had his adventure when his wife wasn't looking -too.

So, the gay couple had a happy, loving, fruitful life in my open-minded air-born community.

Both male and female pigeons sometimes exhibit homosexual behaviour. As well as sexual behaviour same-sex pigeon pairs will build nests, and lesbian hens will lay (infertile) eggs and attempt to incubate them. Some pigeons also display fetish behaviour and attempt to mate with specific inanimate objects. source

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:50 AM
Being gay is natural. Sure, one objective is to reproduce, but perhaps nature has its own population control methods. We cure diseases, fight off hunger and we no longer pray to the gods of rain, prosperity and what have you for our food, therefore homosexuality may be a more evolutionary method for nature to keep its herds down. Animals can be homosexual. I don't understand why people think that homosexuals do it for any other reason aside from that's how their genetic makeup is. I'm sure some people act a certain way for attention but that can be said about any segment of society.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by v01i0

Homo-sexuality is something that was learned, and to prove my point, look at your groin area, we were not designed to be homo-sexual. There are 2 genders for a reason, who's tools fit each others quite well too. Of course the homo-sexual community has the right to practice whatever they want, but understand that homo-sexuality puts a pause of the very idea of life. We are not discussing whether they are aloud to be homo-sexual, we are discussing whether it is ethically wrong. Homo-sexuality is life's cryptonight, and this is meant in a literal sense..

edit on 24-9-2010 by BiGGz because: Added content

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

It doesn't matter that Earth is overpopulated, if everyone suddenly woke up Gay Humanity would be extinct within 50 years.
That has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on ATS, ignoring the fact you assume everyone on Earth would live 50 years at most.

for some reason our society is losing its instinct to reproduce, 1% of the UK see themselves as being Gay or Lesbian, not much, but what will the figure be like in 100 years time? 10%?
Oh no...we are loosing our sex drive or turning's the end of the world...the dreaded 10% is upon us...give me a break, you can't be for real can you? We are reproducing far to quickly as it is, we need to slow down, we are pillaging and destroying the beautiful Earth we live upon. There will soon be no room for anything else. We are like a virus species almost. "Spread and multiply"'s that type of thinking that makes Humans so destructive. Reproduction and expansion drives you. It disgusts me to be honest. In reality, you care for nothing, and only help make Humans look like a completely self-absorbed species.

edit on 24/9/10 by CHA0S because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by BiGGz

I started a thread regarding this issue. I am not bothering to repeat it all over again, so I ask you to read this. I hope it clarifies my meaning.


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:21 AM
If we were all created in God's image..........then God's a bit homosexual too.

edit on 24-9-2010 by Nammu because: typo

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by TheAmused

Originally posted by arbitrarygeneraiist

Originally posted by TheAmused
personally i think it's a perversion.
No different than bestiality.
accept animals are involved. and animals cant say yes or no.

i was holding my baby boy today 6 months old..
he looked at me in this gay looking way..i just know he was born gay lol
it doesn't can't be born gay.
And there is no way in the world you can make me believe you can be born gay.
something happens in life..maybe women didn't find you attractive..or maybe you put momma's bloomers on one day and got wood..but you can not be born gay.

This is where some gay right person say's....animals do it in nature all the time!!!!
Then i say ..there dumb animal's so are you comparing gay's to dumb animal's?

i will agree with the op..
We are put here on earth to make baby's and bible stuff intended..but it is the truth.

The very root pun again.. of life is based on a man and women sex to make a off spring.
to go against the grain of the very thing that gave you life..make's you a life hater or something not the op say's.

And this quote right here proves my point that no matter how much evidence there is that contradicts a particular belief that some people simply won't hear or accept it.

you contradict your own self.
say say it's fact you can be born gay and nothing is wrong with it you have fact's...
yet you say this.

no matter how much evidence there is that contradicts a particular belief

So it being gay like Jesus and Muhammad it's a religion a belief system?

i get it now ..every time a bell rings a fairy get's it wing's?
Awesome all is clear now..

I'm not sure how you believe me to be contradicting myself. But what kind of evidence would you like that proves that homosexuality isn't a learned trait, that a person is born homosexual? Studies, personal stories?

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:41 AM
I completely see and agree with what the OP was getting at in his initial post.

We as a species have primal instincts, one major one being survival, hunting for food and procreation.

I recently watched a very intriguing doc about the science behind attraction and why many men cheat on wives/girl friends. It's just survival, and the way to survive is to keep your dna alive by spreading the seed to as many as you can. Basically.

Wake up folks, it's fact.

So that leads to the question, why are some select parts of species, humans being one, homosexual? How does that primal instinct go awry?

My honest opinion as to why this happens is common sense to me, drugs, pollution, damaged genes and just shear chance contribute to it and cause it.

Before some people go off on my opinion now, it's not that I think Homosexuals are diseased, I'm just saying, something causes it to happen and diverge away from our main primal instinct of survival.

edit on 24-9-2010 by porschedrifter because: stuffs

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

1st - this thread is just pointless


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Homosexual behavior in animals refers to the documented evidence of homosexual, bisexual and transgender behavior in animals. Such behaviors include sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting. A 1999 review by researcher Bruce Bagemihl shows that homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them.[1][2] Animal sexual behavior takes many different forms, even within the same species. The motivations for and implications of these behaviors have yet to be fully understood, since most species have yet to be fully studied.[3] According to Bagemihl, "the animal kingdom [does] it with much greater sexual diversity — including homosexual, bisexual and nonreproductive sex — than the scientific community and society at large have previously been willing to accept."[4] Current research indicates that various forms of same-sex sexual behavior are found throughout the animal kingdom.[5] A new review made in 2009 of existing research showed that same-sex behavior is a nearly universal phenomenon in the animal kingdom, common across species.[6] Homosexuality is best known from social species

3rd - your wrong on so many levels

4th - if you would disappear we would have 1 less small minded person to worry about on our over populated planet


6th - im entitled to my opinion, i didnt mean to offend anyone

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by Haydn_17
Being Gay is a "crime" against Humanity and Nature

Being an idiot could also be a "crime" against Humanity and Nature ..,.

No disrespect to idiots, bigots, and ignorant people.

none taken.
but i do agree with OP.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:11 AM
OP, if I were you I would just give up. A lot of ATS members are homosexuals. When you start a topic that explains your dislike for their lifestyle, they will snap at you, call you unintelligent, and call you many other names because you don't accept their disgusting life style, and then... they will even suggest that you are a homosexual yourself because you dislike them, and they erroneously think it is some type of repressed feelings.

Likeing and accepting homosexuality is the new fad, so even some heterosexuals will call you names because you don't fit in. It's like highschool all over again, if you don't like what everyone else likes, you are conisdered an outcast. Now, if you don't like homosexuality than you are an outcast. The homosexuals have successfully forced their lifestyle to be "cool", so don't ever talk against it or you will be ridiculed, saddly.

Were will it stop? It wont... Soon people who are sexually attracted to animals will beg for their lifestyle to be accepted like homosexuals. They will claim being attracted to a different species is natural because other animals sometimes try to mate with a different species. They will claim their love with animals is ok, and even go to court so they can marry their animals, and make beastieality acceptable too. Because.... they LOVE their animals.... "Whats better, laying with a human who you hate, or an animal that you love?" that is something they will say.

The truth is, sexual attraction is all governed by the mechanisms in the body and mind. People who are homosexual have different bodies and minds than heterosexuals. This means homosexuality is probably genetic. Some homosexuals will even compare homosexuality with eye color. When you have a kid, you never know what eye color they will be. However, if you are pregnant and you consume drugs, and toxins, and other unhealthy things that humanity has recently been consuming, you CAN effect genetics in your child. This could mean that homosexuality is a "birth defect" or "genetic disorder". But don't tell that to homosexuals, they can't handle the truth. You have to call it a "birth difference" so they don't cry.

If homosexuality is allowed to continue and be accepted, and homosexuals decided to reproduce, it will only spread in the gene pool and get worse. Like if people with blue eyes are allowed to reproduce more, their would be higher chances of blue eyed kids. This is why I think homosexuality should be looked at as a birth defect.

Heterosexuality is what is normal, and homosexuality is abnormal, and that is proven with statistics. There are more heteros than homos, this means hetero is more natural than homo.

Now, many homos and heteros who can't handle my post will insult me or ask for proof, etc.. I am just going to ignore them because they have been brainwashed by "TPTB" into accepting homosexuality so that it can thrive and reduce the population in one of many ways.

Good luck!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

It's actually very natural. Like people have said, it's practiced in nature between animals, generally males. But it's not exactly for pleasure like it is today. It's all about dominance, to be able to sexually dominate another male is the apex of dominance in some eyes. Which why I think the romans, japanese, etc practiced it in their ancient times in the upper ranks of their society. all just an opinion..

but about why it is practiced today, well preference of course. simply stated.

realistcally, sex between a male and female is the same as between two males. You're just sticking your member into some hole, except you get yours after you give him his lol.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:18 AM
Still nobody has explained why. All ive got is "animals do it, so its normal" Not enough, something is different with homosexuals, that need to reproduce to be given offspring, that core instinct is gone, but WHY? Why have these few people and animals lost that NATURAL instinct? You can keep denying to explain to me, calling me bigoted and an idiot, but really you cant tell me because you dont know.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by necrotheist

Some animals even try to mate with different species. Ive seen a dog try to mate with a pig before..

Does that make bestiality ok? NO!

Plus, the reason most animals are "homosexual" is because of confusion (unintelligence), and or lack of resources.

It's like men in prison. Some of the "lifers" in prison will never see a female again, so they turn to homosexuality. It's the same with animals... some male animals just can't find females, and the ones they do find are taken, or not interested, so they turn to homosexuality.

edit on 24-9-2010 by Unst0ppable0ne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by Unst0ppable0ne

Im not going to give up, its funny because it seems your not allowed to have an opposite opinion anymore, its like you have to agree with everything, i thought we lived in a democracy? A land which excells at free speech, where each opinion is respected no matter how controversial. Instead foe expressing my opinion i get insulted from all sides.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:27 AM
The idea of a homosexual gene is a hoax based on a wrong interpretation of some study which is used over and over again by homosexuals to impress and convince heterosexuals their lifestyle is acceptable. There are lots of articles on the internet which shed light on this but ofcourse few homosexuals would want to spend time and energy reading them and instead just choose for a quick fix so they can continue living as they do. I would say "continue living how they choose" but some homosexuals seem to say it isn't a choice for them.

As for me I have no problem understanding my body, my genitals fit the genitals of the opposite gender, my butt is an exit (for waste material) not an entrance, I didn't design it that way something else did, don't blame me for rejecting homosexuals.

As for my spirit, this is more difficult to understand but nature shows the way. I can only compare it to how electricity works in my current (meager) understanding, there's 2 opposites (the male and female spirit) and when put together under the right circumstances (or rather there's a medium such as two bodies) there are sparks, a current. Two spirits of the same just can't create the same current since there are no sparks but they can make themselves believe the sparks are real and even make others believe that it's all real, that's all free choice.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by porschedrifter

I recently watched a very intriguing doc about the science behind attraction and why many men cheat on wives/girl friends. It's just survival, and the way to survive is to keep your dna alive by spreading the seed to as many as you can. Basically.

Wake up folks, it's fact.
So in short...

Cheating = OK

Being Gay = BAD.

And this is based on the logic that we need to reproduce as much as possible. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO WAKE UP TO YOURSELF PAL.

something causes it to happen and diverge away from our main primal instinct of survival. don't suppose it's a way for the virus (Humans) to ensure the health of our host (Earth), thus ensuring the health of the virus and it's host. Do some reading.

edit on 24/9/10 by CHA0S because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:02 AM
Not only is being gay completely natural, some of the greatest members of our species have been homosexual. Our sole purpose is no longer just to ensure the continuation of our species, we have evolved beyond this. That to me seems like too primitive an existence, think of all the brilliant things the human race has achieved. Many of these had absolutely nothing to do with an altruistic instinct.

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