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VIDEO: Large Airliners Did NOT Hit the Twin Towers on 9/11!

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posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

The witnesses saw the planes? the witnesses probably were paid by the FBI and the military and also there were strangely large presence of international troops on the grounds and witnesses could have been threaten.

no need for been anger or aggressive on people with different theories
you people wont believe what kind of technology of military has under its belt.

edit on 19-9-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

"probably were" and "could have been" don't back facts. Those terms only back speculation. That is all just speculation.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter


You have been good in the past, but now starting to sound like John Lear and believe anything you are told.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Here's what some of the 9/11 research organizations are saying about the no-plane disinfo:

9/11 Blogger:

So those who propose that the 9/11 planes were video forgeries or "holographs" are either seriously confused, or they are purposefully promoting disinformation.

This site will not defend, support, or promote the instigators of these lies, or those who give them a platform. They are not friends of the truth.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice:

STJ does not support theories of exotic weaponry or similar (DEW, nukes, TV Fakery, no planes at the WTC) and will remove from it's membership any who make public assertions about such theories. That is not a personal decision but a scientific, strategic and common sense one -- those theories have no scientific evidence to support them and serve to undermine what our own published researchers are moving forward with by making us appear nonsensical, and cannot be supported by STJ.

Loose Change forums:

NPT theories (no-plane theories), and support of movies like September Clues, is not allowed in any way. Planes hit the WTC. We refuse to allow that to be disputed on this forum.

Interesting. So people are deciding that others are not allowed to search for the truth....

I don't know what happened, I'll be the first here to admit that completely. I wasn't there.

But I think if people are searching for the truth - it would be counterproductive for them to not be allowed to investigate certain theories -- because, if those theories are untrue, then they will prove to be untrue.

If a theory is true... then it will eventually prove to be true!

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Yes there absolutely IS cause for anger, contempt, and rage.

The growing truth movement is derailed and shamed by outrageous theories
like yours. The MSM points at absurdity such as this and condemns
the entire movement as a cabal of fringe, lunatic, nut-cases.

So yes I'm ANGRY..

Planes hit the buildings in NY...
not holograms...
not flying bomb pods........AIRPLANES!

The evidence for this is INSURMOUNTABLE. To surmise that in a city of
SIX MILLION potential eyewitnesses, and with dozens of MSM and amateur
videos captures of the event, that ALL the witnesses were either, in error,
paid disinfo-agents, or lying is ridiculous.

Likewise, to state that ALL footage, all video, all media, recorded at different
times, from different locations and different angles, by different people...
that ALL OF IT has been faked is lunacy.

Your opinion and actions are akin to those of an agent provocatuer.
A dismantling of a movement from the inside out.
It is irresponsible and slanderous of the truth and the drive to seek it.

It is blasphemous of the innocent lives lost on that day and utterly
worthy of contempt.

edit on 19-9-2010 by rival because: I don't want to be banned for stating how I really feel about this type of disinformation

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:19 AM
The only other thing that could be more absurd than saying planes didn't hit the towers is saying the towers never collapsed. I agree those towers didn't come down as a result of the impacts alone, and there's a lot of BS with the OS, but this idea that planes didn't hit the towers is the reason that people addressing 911 truth get a bad rep in the eyes of the majority that only watch the MSM...

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:23 AM
I usually stear clear of this tragic subject but I find the Eyewitness video disturbing

This is the first interview?, during the tragedy, she mentions seeing the explosion, smoke, fire etc and the MSM mention planes? The Eyewitness had not mentioned any planes yet they asked, "what kind of plane it was", but MSM quickly rephrased the question....."what hit the World Trade Centre".
This is psychology, feeding a suggestion to a witness. We see it in many of these Paranormal Ghost Hunting shows, "Did you hear that? It sounds like a little girl crying"......And the rest of the team although not quite sure go with the flow, "yeah yeah it was real spooky".
I was on the fence up until this point.....It seems to me MSM had prior knowledge? Ah IDK I'm here in the UK we had our own MSM debarkle with Princess Di...anything for a story.
If I were to think Conspiracy I'd go with Some Form of Authority/Organisation with the Aid of MSM.........I'd say the MSM had to know before hand in which case you'd be finding People dead in their cars along time ago here in the UK.
My heart goes out to the victims and relatives of this tragedy...........

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:27 AM
Does anyone know if there is any surviving cell phone footage from inside the towers? I mean surely someone had to have whipped out the cell phone and made a short film or took picture from in the buildings, if they can find passports they can sure as hell find cell phones in tact unless of course they were all vaporized.. mysteriously.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

The witnesses saw the planes? the witnesses probably were paid by the FBI and the military and also there were strangely large presence of international troops on the grounds and witnesses could have been threaten.

So now it's international troops threatening the witnesses to the tragedy? I'm going to, strictly for my own amusement, ask you to give some sort of evidence of this... All those witnesses were paid by the FBI...

So which is it? Can't be both. Make up a story and stick to it, please. You are confusing me...

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
if those theories are untrue, then they will prove to be untrue.

Those theories were proven to be untrue, years ago. There's way too many people that are either new to 9/11 conspiracy theories, or haven't done any research that keep making posts like yours and thus thinks there's some sort of censorship going on.

These "theories" were looked at, studied and debunked many years ago. And as such, most of the professional research organizations in the 9/11 truth movement have banned the discussion of such ridiculous theories as they've already been studied and found to have zero scientific merit.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
and also there were strangely large presence of international troops on the grounds and witnesses could have been threaten.

and your evidence for a "strangely large presence of international troops" is what exactly....? Source please.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by rival
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Yes there absolutely IS cause for anger, contempt, and rage.

The growing truth movement is derailed and shamed by outrageous theories
like yours. The MSM points at absurdity such as this and condemns
the entire movement as a cabal of fringe, lunatic, nut-cases.

So yes I'm ANGRY..

edit on 19-9-2010 by rival because: I don't want to be banned for stating how I really feel about this type of disinformation

I agree totally. This whole NONSENSE is being aided by the lack of ATS moderation. The motto of ATS is 'Deny Ignorance'. Really? Prove it mods... mark HOAX posts as HOAX. A failure to do so is to say that the "no planes" idea is legitimate in the eyes of this website. What utter worthless garbage.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

Does anyone know if there is any surviving cell phone footage from inside the towers? I mean surely someone had to have whipped out the cell phone and made a short film or took picture from in the buildings, if they can find passports they can sure as hell find cell phones in tact unless of course they were all vaporized.. mysteriously.

Remember this was 2001 - camera in cell phones not as common as today

Also people had more important things to think about than filming "tourist shots"

Here is one picture of FDNY FF Mike Kehoe, Eng 28

Picture of stairway - South Tower

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:12 PM
At work, so can't read all 10 pages....but

The videos are largely worthless. The color variations and similarity of the shots is because the crews all set up in the same place and probably didn't have time to set up the cameras perfectly....or any one of a hundred reasons. Why would they mess the colors up if they were hoaxing it?
Grasping at straws.

The "skydiving" plane is because of the angle and perspective, surely?

I really believe there was a conspiracy here.....maybe even explosives in the towers.....maybe remote controlled planes.....but planes definitely DID hit the towers.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
if those theories are untrue, then they will prove to be untrue.

Those theories were proven to be untrue, years ago. There's way too many people that are either new to 9/11 conspiracy theories, or haven't done any research that keep making posts like yours and thus thinks there's some sort of censorship going on.

These "theories" were looked at, studied and debunked many years ago. And as such, most of the professional research organizations in the 9/11 truth movement have banned the discussion of such ridiculous theories as they've already been studied and found to have zero scientific merit.

It is not anyone's job to censor people because they are wrong. If they fail to see the truth, that is their own problem. They cannot convert people who are unwilling. The truth sets people free - if people find themselves conned by a lie, LET THEM BE DECEIVED - because it is their own responsibility. I would not participate in a forum where they said that a theory could not be spoken -- Just ignore lies and don't give them any credit - but allow all the information to be there for people to figure out for themselves.

Although I will grant that if anyone read the disclaimers about what topics are allowed, they would have enough information in order to seek to see if there was any truth in those banned topics. But then, if they find it is true, then they are being censored!

The fact is, just because you THINK you know that something is fact, it does not follow that everyone else in the world at the exact same time came to that conclusion and therefore all should be just as wise as you.

It is unwise to assume everyone knows what you know and it is even more unwise to claim that you are the wiser - because those who believe they are so right WILL be proven wrong.

Self-righteousness is a stumblingblock before men, not a measure of truth.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:49 PM
1. "Interesting. So people are deciding that others are not allowed to search for the truth...."

OF course...when you're dealing with morons, you pretty much have to tell them what to think.

2. Jennifer Oberstein: "We were all saying around here that it was very interesting that it would be a bomb and be so high up (on the building)..."

Obviously, she wasn't the only witness who was a few blocks away and did not see or hear an airplane screaming in at low altitude at over 500 MPH (maybe the plane had some high performance mufflers on it). But I guess the media people who were sitting in a studio looking at a monitor and saying it was a plane are to be believed instead of these on scene witnesses.

3. "To surmise that in a city of SIX MILLION potential eyewitnesses"

I wonder where you pulled that six million number from? At the time, everybody was looking at the towers, nobody was commuting, nobody was at work, nobody was at home, nobody was sleeping, nobody was having breakfast, etc. In other words, all six million people were out on the streets were potentially looking at the Towers at the time of impact. Sure they were.

4. "Why would they mess the colors up if they were hoaxing it? Grasping at straws."

To better camouflage whatever it was that impacted against the towers. Here, I'll simplify it for you. A gray object against a gray background is much more difficult to see than a gray object against a blue background. At least grasping at straws is much better than embracing the lies from a bunch of insidious criminals.

"The "skydiving" plane is because of the angle and perspective, surely?"

Why exactly is the camera angle and perspective giving the appearance that the plane is skydiving? Why does the plane (looks more like a ball) appear to be so small compared to the width of the tower? Why does the video make the weather look like it was a gray hazy day with no visibility when it was a beautiful day with blue skies and unlimited visibility? Oh, I know, those state of the art cameras the media uses take an entire day to set up for proper coloring. Everyone knows that very expensive professional equipment cannot perform a simple task like color balancing.
It has to be done manually.

"I was on the fence up until this point.....It seems to me MSM had prior knowledge?"

Of course they had prior knowledge. How can all these disreputable maggots come to the exact same conclusion with so much conflicting information? Ever wonder why to this day, not one of these treasonous propaganda pushers has challenged the Official Fairytale? If it is not obvious to the public that all these whores are in bed with each other, then the public more than deserves to be continuously screwed over with lies.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 01:05 PM
"The fact is, just because you THINK you know that something is fact, it does not follow that everyone else in the world at the exact same time came to that conclusion and therefore all should be just as wise as you."

In addition, it doesn't mean it is a fact.

"It is unwise to assume everyone knows what you know and it is even more unwise to claim that you are the wiser - because those who believe they are so right WILL be proven wrong."

This is called shaming and degrading people into being self-censored. This tactic is used often because it works very well with brainless idiots, like those who believe the official garbage.

Anyone who knowingly restricts or bans the exchange of ideas on certain topics obviously has a dubious agenda. Again, most people are spineless morons who fall in line with the perceived majority, so they could avoid being singled out and ridiculed.

So people actually believe the Government and Media didn't lie about the planes, but lied to the public about the destruction of the buildings and who was behind it? This line of thinking is beyond absurd.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 01:09 PM
Just to be clear. Marking this thread as the HOAX it is does not amount to censorship. The thread would still be available to read, laugh at and feel rather sad about also. Marking this thread as hoax would only correctly classify it.

A failure to do so would degrade the stature of ATS hugely as it would amount to regarding the 'theory' that NO PLANES crashed into the towers on that day as having some legitimacy in the eyes of this site. DENY IGNORANCE and live up to the motto.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 01:14 PM
As someone who lives in New York, and was in the city on that day, and who knows people who watched planes fly into those buildings with their own two eyes, I can say with absolute certainty that you are wrong about this.

I didn't see it with my eyes, no, I was in Brooklyn when it happened and didn't know about it until I saw them burning from the above ground portion of the F-train, but as I said, many people I know did see these planes hit, especially the second.

Most of the ones I know were workers at Marsh & McLennan, who I started working for several months after 9/11. The Marsh headquarters are in a big tower in Midtown, but they also had a very large office in the first tower that was hit - in fact the first plane actually HIT the Marsh offices. Everyone I was to later work with there watched the first tower burning - including their own friends and colleagues dying, from the main Marsh building, only to then see the second plane hit. It happened for real, it's something they all saw and not something any of them would ever have cause to lie about.

I also have other friends who worked (and still work) in buildings directly adjacent to the the WTC site, and they too saw the events, only they got to see them very close-up. Again, they saw the planes, too.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 01:25 PM
Wow, I never subscribed to the no planes theory and never bothered to read threads about that. This is the first I've heard of the "nose out" and right now I'm beginning to think twice. What I find even more remarkable is not just the perfect height and shape of the superimposed image of "nose in" over "nose out", but the pixelated vertical line which shows of what appears to be the overlap of the CGI layer.

This, I find very convincing.

edit on 19-9-2010 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 01:35 PM
I was never really sure what to believe. And heres why....
A few weeks after 9/11 the FBI came to my house. They were asking us about the muslim family that lived next to us, like if they ever acted weird and that kind of stuff.
Well one weird thing is that they got up and left 2 days before 9/11!
I was like 9 i think when this happen, i'm now 18. I used to play with there kids and stuff, everything seemed normal.
And my mom told me the guy that lived there worked for the government.
(( ok so is everyone following me : Muslim family use to live next to me the father worked for the government, then two days before 9/11 they all leave, then FBI comes to our house and asks about them. ))
and i live like 10 minutes away from DC.
OHH and this house next to me is a rented house soo the guy that rented it to them was the guys brother. And i still see him every once in a while, he comes to do small repairs for the house i guess.
Well yeah so all of that is true. Crazy right??

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