I know something hit the towers, but as yet I have seen no evidence which proves what it was. I know that the OS is a massive cover up.
I know that an airplane did not hit the Pentagon, and that it was blown up from inside. For those who still doubt this, please see CIT's National
Security Alert.
I don't know if Dr, Judy Wood's thesis provides the definitive explanation, but I find her logic compelling and can find no answers to the many
vitally important questions she raises,
One of these questions, which I don't believe has been answered satisfactorily elsewhere, and as far as I am aware gets very little attention, is how
in h*** did all those cars get damaged, especially those in geographic locations some way from the towers?
I know that Dr. Wood's thesis has come under a lot of vicious attacks. I can't help wondering why.
I think we all need to be aware that the perpetrators have a huge, and I mean huge, amount invested in not being exposed. I know they have huge
resources at their disposal, and that they are callous and cold blooded enough to plan and execute the murder of thousands of innocent people. So,
it is a given that these people will have agents infiltrated into all the 9/11 truther groups and organisations and will be using all their expertise
to divert, disrail, discredit and confuse all the evidence which is emerging.
The CIT guys who did the amazing research on the Pentagon lie (see link above) have also come under attack.
So as far as I am concerned I don't necessarily consider that membership of any given individual in a recognised 9/11 group is a definitive
confirmation of their legitimacy.
I have no doubt also that the perpetrators have a 'Plan B' prepared, that they intend to use if 9/11 pressure for truth becomes such that some
admissions are inevitable. They will still try to direct the 'truth' in a direction which still maintains the cover of the real perpetrators.
We have to remain objective and alert and willing to explore all plausible explanations on their merit, because in there somewhere lies the full truth
and by working together, piece by piece that full truth will and is emerging. That full truth is what we need to expose and bring to account the
monsters who did this.