posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 02:06 PM
I'm handling the issues as fast as I can but I have to admit they are piling up on me. I got here not long ago and said, "wow this is going smooth,
only 2 problems." I've only fixed one problem and several more have arisen.
Not complaining, just saying bear with me.
chissler and saltheart foamfollower both have the same u2u from me in their inbox pertaining to chissler's request.
It has come to my attention that a fighter was accidentally excluded because his past experience was not reflected in the
Ranking Thread. In his case this happened because his past experience was way back in
the good old days (when the forum was more formal and structured and intimidating even to an ego like mine)- so the moral of the story is that
fighters should check their win-loss records and ranks from time to time, especially before tournaments, and let me know if I appear to have made a
mistake to correct there.
Krazy Jethro will therefore be the first alternate introduced if anyone is unable to begin. My public apologies to him, as he is the victim of a flaw
in a system I set up some time ago and never fully worked out.
This is a test of a link I am trying to fix. For some reason this one is not going so well. Please perform a special check on complicated urls like
that to be sure they work before posting them.
The Only Sure-Fire Way to Test a link like that is to actually post it- NOT preview post. You may test such links in this thread when
you need them. The link below works properly in my "preview post" function but NOT in the thread display. It appears that this is somehow being
caused by our board, and not by any mistake on the part of the debater who had the problem.
C'est da la foutaiseedit on Wed 27 Oct 2010 by The Vagabond because: (no reason
edit on Wed 27 Oct 2010 by The Vagabond because: (no reason given)