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So, ATS, Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

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posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:08 AM
I hope this is the right section to post this in, I was just curious as to where some of the other people on here stand and for what reason.

I myself am pro-choice, simply because I'm a man, and as a man I should have no say whatsoever about what a woman does to her body.

I'll anxiously be awaiting your replies.

::Edit to say::
Thank you, mods, for putting this in the correct section. ^_^

[edit on 9/7/10 by TokiTheDestroyer]

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by TokiTheDestroyer

I'm pro life, because as a man I believe that the woman was of sound mind to "procreate" and 50% of what was produced is mine.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by snowen20]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:30 AM
This is a very hard question. I believe that a man has MUCH to do with the choices made concerning the baby. Leaving it completely up to just the woman leaves her in a bad, confusing spot that brings about the act of abortion its self.

There are many choices that are made up to and leading to the act that creates the child. If those two people could not make the right choices to ensure that they did not get pregnant, than I don't know if they should have the right to take a life. There are some circumstances that may mandate an abortion but leaving it up to the whims of unprepared people is not a choice.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:31 AM
This one for me is simple, I'm pro life. However, this is my 'choice' and would not attempt to put my belief(s) on anyone else. If someone else is pro choice, thats there decision and I can respect that.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by snowen20

In a loving relationship yes..

but what about those conceived in violent relationships, rapes, accidental pregnancies.

Not every pregnancy is planned...

As I have stated in another thread, abortion should not be advocated as a replacement to contraception but circumstances dictate necessity.

Hence I am Pro-choice

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:34 AM
What if raped by your father and impregnated?

EDIT: I should give an answer. I'm pro-choice obviously. Life only has the meaning we give to it. The child never gets time, or even the ability, to associate any meaning with life, therefore life was meaningless to that child.

[edit on 7/9/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Truth_Hz

Oh I'm well aware of that and it inst something I don't consider.

My philosophy is my own and shared by many. If a person chooses or feels they have no choice to abort then I am in no position to prevent it.

Though if I were I surely would to be sure. Ultimately I guess then you could say I'm pro choice. But because I feel strongly against it I call myself pro life.

Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by snowen20

I think to be honest that is the outlook of most pro-choicers!!

no-one (I hope) would make that kind of decision without serious thought about the implications. It would obviously be the most difficult decision a girl/woman would ever have to make, but a lot of people don't seem to understand this and start throwing around labels like "murderer" withouth knowing the facts.

It's good to see a pro-lifer with their head screwed on!!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Truth_Hz

I have seen first hand the trauma that abortion has on people. Many women really don't know what else to do, I blame the system for not offering more alternatives. Often times I have seen those who have aborted feel a great deal of regret that follows them for life, this is not the sign of a murderer.

I however do not feel the same for the party girl who likes to screw and when she gets pregnant decides that a baby is not the burden for her high speed life style. Like you said in your thread, NOT A FORM OF CONTRACEPTION. Couldnt agree more.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Personally I do not like the idea of abortion. That being said I do not support the idea of me or anybody else telling a woman she can not have one if it is her choice. So this would make me pro-choice I suppose.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Pro life. It's a baby - a human being. What if that baby is destined to do great things for humanity?
I hate to say no exceptions, there are terrible things that happen to women that result in a pregnancy, but there is the other option of giving the baby to a loving home.
Of course, the view I have doesn't really fit into the way society as a whole lives their lives. Too many women use abortion as a form of birth control. If you don't want to have a baby - don't have sex!! Or use a contraceptive. I have an older stepsister who had an abortion back when she was 16 and a younger sister who has had 3 abortions, all done out of plain stupidity and irresponsibility.
I myself have never had an abortion, but I have suffered 2 miscarriages and to me that was God's way of saying something wasn't right. I am also the proud mom of two awesome little boys. Pro-life all the way.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by TokiTheDestroyer

Is this some kind of pro life pro choice poll that you are taking here?

Just curious. I find it a little odd when someone asks a social question and doesn't really state why they are asking it.

Then to get the ball rolling they announce their view. I'm not saying that's what this is, I'm just paranoid.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:07 AM
Pro Choice- I have seen both situations many times played out.
Pro Life does not allow for any error at all for the mother.

In my heart I am as Pro Life as anyone, but in my head, I have been witness to so many unfortunate circumstances that call for Pro Choice.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:11 AM
I am personally pro-life, but I also believe I do not have the right to tell others what they can or cannot do with their bodies.

I have the right to disapprove of their decisions, but not the right to prevent them from making those decisions.

The pro-life fanatics out there, convinced that their moral judgment is superior to anyone else's, give the rest of us pro-lifers a bad name.

I could go on, but there really isn't any point. I have yet to meet anyone who was undecided on the issue.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by christine76
Pro life. It's a baby - a human being. What if that baby is destined to do great things for humanity?

Why would a baby destined to do great things for humanity be born to a family that would abort him? I'm pretty sure destiny would take care of that.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by TokiTheDestroyer

The question is too complex for a binary answer.

I am a man, but I am pro-life. I would never abort a child I helped create, and while I support a womans right to choose, I would not stay with a woman that chose to abort my child. So you see, men have choices as well.

Of course, I wouldn't sleep with a woman, where there was a chance she could become pregnant, before discussing these things.

Beyond that, I don't feel the need to enforce my views on others, so I would never march with the pro-lifers, or picket abortion clinics. I don't believe anything is ever wasted, so I am not at all concerned that "babies who might have been great" are being lost due to abortions. Human bodies are mere vessel's, and "great beings" will be born today regardless of who they are born to.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by 0zzymand0s]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:49 AM
I have to say that I am quite shocked at some of the responses by ATS members. Many of us believe that powerful people are trying to kill us with flouride, high-fructose corn syrup, alien death rays, blah blah blah.... and many of us believe that it is wrong for tptb to try to take the lives of free-men for their own political agenda.

That being said, how can any of us even consider abortion an option in a civilized society? You can fight for your right to live free, and for everyone to make their own choices, but how we can look to the side as our younger generations are at the whim of a coat hanger and their slut of a mother?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:06 AM

but how we can look to the side as our younger generations are at the whim of a coat hanger and their slut of a mother?

Oh my.. generalize much?

I was about to have a massive rant but there is just no reasoning with some people..

and since when has society EVER been civilised?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by TokiTheDestroyer

This is a complex issue. Abortion is one of those things that creates heated debates.

Personally I'm pro-choice in cases of rape, abuse, incest or if there's a medical emergency endangering the woman's life. Any other situation, though, there's very little reason to allow pre-birth infanticide. Abortion is not birth control and it shouldn't be used to allow people to shirk the responsibility for their own sexual conduct.

That's what I think it boils down to really, we human beings are unable to take responsibility for our sexual actions (and I mean both men and women of course) and so we have unwanted pregnancies and unfortunately for now I think abortion will have to remain legal until we can grow up as a species.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Truth_Hz

It may have been harsh, but it is true. We do not live in a civilized society, and thats the point. We are killing the next generations only because we do not want to take responsability for our actions.

It's ok for women to have as much sex as possible, abort the child if they do not want the responsability and call it a woman's right to choose. If a man does not want the child, they have no say in the abortion but are sacked for child support and labeled a deadbeat Dad. Where is the common sense in any of that? There is a lack of personal responability and abortion is part of that.

I look at it this way:

A man and a woman make the choice to date or not.
A man and a woman make the choice to have pre-marital sex or not.
A man and a woman make the choice to use protection or not.

So if they cannot make the proper decisions up to this point, why should we allow them to kill a little human being? It's clear that they have made the wrong choices up to that point.

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