posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 11:32 AM
The revised MyATS page is running, with new options (some of which have been part of various experiments long ago) for displaying threads in your
subscribed forums:
Forum List: The "default" view showing each of your forums, in your defined priority, with the most-recently created five threads.
Active Topics: An alternate view showing the most-relied threads, over the past 48 hours and ranked by replies, from your favorite forums.
New Topics: Another alternate view (somewhat similar to default) showing all the new topics, over the past 48 hours and ranked by thread age,
from your favorite forums.
Flagged Topics: A view of all the highest-flagged threads created in the past 48 hours in your favorite forums.
Each of the four view options can be defined as your default view, so that each time you hit the MyATS page, your preferred option is shown first.