posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:08 PM
I know the change on the recent posts page is significant and very jarring for those who have become used to the "old way" that has generally been
unchanged (with the exception of some colors and format tweaks) for nearly six years. But nothing on the page was arbitrary, and everything the result
of some exhaustive research.
For the past four weeks, we were randomly giving the new recent posts page to guests... making sure that a specific guest always saw that version
during their entire ATS session... and some received the previous version... about a 60/40 split (40% the new 2010 version). After running the
analytics and compiling the results, on average, guests who were given the new page viewed more content (actual threads) on ATS than those who
received the old version... by a factor of at least 2.4 pages. This tells us that, for users with no preconceived expectations about ATS navigation,
they were able to find topics that interested them much easier.
The same was true for the new home page... a portion of guests received that page, and those that did viewed more forum pages than those who
didn't... though that change isn't as dramatic for members.
Please give it some time... as this is not a simple matter of my personal preferences.