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Manual on How to Molest Children Is Legal, Cops Say

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posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:53 AM
this is a scare tactic designed to shock you into giving your freedoms away, and your walking right into it.

the existence of alleged filth like this isnt going to go away, not with all the legislation and banning in the world.

if you really want to be proactive, go download yourself a copy and counter-plot against its tactics. teach your kids what to watch for, learn for yourself what to watch for. i mean if you've got the actual playbook, then there should be nothing to worry about correct?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:03 AM
"Innocence Is Golden" and must be protected.
Though 'rare' in reality, it is 'the' Endeavor of mankind for the advancement, evolvement of the Race against one's own 'temporal' Being.....while in the flesh.

The "Golden Rule" Is.....not a mere commentary or side-note of the past.
Do unto the child of another that you would 'most likely' wish upon your own.
An Angry Father, Mother or 'Guardian' can be quite Lethal in their own Right.
This Is Common Sense.

If you were a victim, do Not wish it upon another.
Unfortunately, time and again this Is the case.
When Justice is lax, the injustice Acts of another are 'encouraged'.

Enough Foolishness.
Just "Do the Right Thing".
To Each His Own that Will Be known.

Folks 'should' know better.
Does not one's past catch up with them in due time?
Does not the Light always dispell the Darkness?

One is Doomed to 'live' with the transgressions committed against another!
Guilt itself is punishment to be reckoned at one's 'Choice' of reckoning.
It is as a beast of burden of unspeakable weight UpOn the Soul as unto one's physical Being. It shows within and without one's essence of Being itself. One cannot hide from themself or their actions. It will remain as a cancerous Vein unto one's Being.

Human Natural Law Is just as A system of Natural Law Jurisprudence.
Do the Right Thing or you will, in time, surely suffer 'that' consequence.
.....but you should 'know' this by 'your' Design. A 'conscience' Is of the Creator. Listen! and Act accordingly.


If it makes sense, it Is.
If something does Not make sense, it was not designed to.
This 'should' not be a 'revelation'.

You 'should' know better.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by CynicalM
reply to post by Discotech

Yes, that was my thoughts..
But the Gov is quick to arrest people on suspicion of terrorism..
Also look at the "no fly list" Thats not freedom..

WAWAWAHAT? If there was an award for "the most water on the brain comment ever" that sir would get a standing ovation...
You think we should do away with the "no fly list"????
While your at it.... nvm I cant even think of a comparison that is that ridiculous!

Hell, I saw a thread here about predictive crimes..

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by silo13

Hello Silo, I made a couple of phone calls hoping to talk to Det. Graves but he said in his voicemail he will not be available until the 16th

I have to wonder if he is keeping a low profile so he can fully concentrate on this matter, I hope so.

His voice message recommened anyone with information or questions to contact a Sergeant. I left a somewhat detailed message with my phone number. I hope the Sergeant can find the time to call me back.

On a side note, I was impressed when the automated operator said "for Spanish, press 2" then it continued in English

Sorry bring that up but that was a first for me, lol.

I have a few Deputy friends in the tri area, I guess I might ask them how this manual can be legal although it would have been great to hear it from the one who is investigating this.
If I hear anything more, I will post it.


posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:02 AM
I've read through the first 6 pages or so, and if this has been brought up then I apologize.

PLEASE hear me out, before flaming me.

This book should should sell 10's of thousands of copies. Not to pedophiles (even though they'd make up a small percentage of sales) but to parents, grandparents, teachers, whoever wanted to know exactly what points to make their children (or children placed within their care) aware of. Even though this "manual" was in all likelihood "written" (probably in crayon) by a pedophile, it's much more valuable to a parent than a pedophile. A simple scenario. I'm a leader in a battalion in battle...are my battle plans more valuable to my allies or my enemies?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by silo13

Hello, I talked to a local deputy who was very helpful, not long after that, the Sergeant phoned me back.
What I learned through both LEO's is that the reason this is not considered illegal is because it is not "specific". No specific person and no specific threat. He added there are no images in the manual. If there were specifics, it wouldn't fall under free speech. For instance, had it specified "who" by naming the person, or referring to "a photo" with threats or details, then it would have been considered illegal.
The Sergeant mentioned the WFTV "Raw Interview video" (see link below)explains in more detail that this manual was mentioned to the public for "awareness". He said the predator handbook was probably created from out of the United States and has been circulating locally for a while now.

The Sergeant I talked to made me laugh, he said the media took a spin on the story from an awareness to the public to something different. That is why he refers people to the raw interview, it explains this is a message to the public for awareness.


Edit to add, it is considered a fantasy manual.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by sweetliberty]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by TruthIsPower
I agree that our job as parents is to protect our children from these molesters, so what better way to protect them than to read the book to find out where the molesters will be targeting our children so we can be alerted to the dangers of such locations? By understanding the techniques used by the enemy (the molesters) we can better understand how to defeat them. So I agree with that part of your comment.

What I don't understand is why you and others refer to the books "selling", are these books for sale? The source stated that the Sherriff's department received the manual via e-mail from a listserve, which could mean they didn't even pay for it but might have received it for free. They don't say the source of the listserv, but in the past I have joined some yahoo groups and received mass e-mails to all group members just by being a member of the group, so I expext the police received it in a similar fashion though if any of you have more details, please enlighten us.

Having said that, I noticed a previous poster said the anarchists's cookbook was bogus and the stuff in it didn't really work. I think I saw a copy of that online at some point but I never tried to do any of the stuff in the "cookbook" so I don't know if it really works or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't really work and they were just tracking people who got the book to put them on watch lists.

That makes a segue into the claims that this molester's manual might be a false flag operation.

reply to post by debris765nju
I read that cache page

Well this is a conspiracy site so I guess we have to bring up the conspiracy angle as your link suggests:

In a lengthy academic paper, President Obama's regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, argued the U.S. government should ban "conspiracy theorizing."
Among the beliefs Sunstein would ban is advocating that the theory of global warming is a deliberate fraud. ....

What kind of sick #$%^& psychos sit in some back room NSA office and go "Now how can we further get rid of the 1st amendment?
"i know, let's distribute a 170 page manual on how to molest children. Let's also run a bunch of news stories saying that this manual is out there because of free speech issues and let's pay off the local cops to not arrest our operatives for these obvious crimes. We have to make sure that the manual is so damaging that people will view anyone reading it as a criminal. it must be worse that the video in the movie "The Ring"."

You would think someone in the meeting would say "I think this is an insane plan."
If they find the author and the author serves time in jail (for molesting children, not for writing the manual), then that would indicate to me it's not a false flag operation designed to take away first amendment rights. So let's see if they catch the guy. If it was e-mailed to them, e-mails tend to be traceable. Even an anonymous e-mail account can be linked to an IP after authorities get the proper search warrants and they may have probable cause to go after the author as a probable child molester, even if not as the author of the manual. So let's see if they catch the author and see what they do to him. If he goes to jail it should be for molesting children I don't really think his book should be illegal as it can also be an instruction manual for parents on how to protect their children, if it isn't just the ramblings of some mentally unstable lunatic which it could be.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by Arbitrageur]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by sweetliberty
reply to post by silo13
Hello, I talked to a local deputy who was very helpful, not long after that, the Sergeant phoned me back.

Edit to add, it is considered a fantasy manual.
Thanks for sharing the results of your follow-up. This is as I expected, the manual is not illegal because there is no law against it. But I suppose they haven't caught the author yet or he might have mentioned that to you.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by sweetliberty

Excellent work! The epitome of a good ATS member, IMO! Great Job!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by silo13

I think only physical punishment can keep molesters away from such acts..

I think sooner or later you gonna have to agree with those 90 lashes Westerners hate so much lol..

At this point, those punishments look much forward than backward riiiiiiggghhht

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Unless the police department did it intentionally to try to nab molesters who go to the site, why did they announce to the media that this thing is on the Internet and not "illegal?" Not that most pedophiles haven't already figured out the tricks of the trade already, but why publicize the fact that this thing is available? What purpose did it serve other than to piss off the public by saying "it's not illegal" and give child molesters more ideas on how to victimize children?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by NightGypsy

In case you see the manual in your Boyscout Troop leaders van as they head out for camp! Or your daughters tennis coach's bag.

Parent's need to be aware that this exists.

I wish I would see one of these just before a camping trip. Bears and alligators love the taste of pedophiles!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by sweetliberty
reply to post by silo13
Hello, I talked to a local deputy who was very helpful, not long after that, the Sergeant phoned me back.

Edit to add, it is considered a fantasy manual.
Thanks for sharing the results of your follow-up. This is as I expected, the manual is not illegal because there is no law against it. But I suppose they haven't caught the author yet or he might have mentioned that to you.

Oh, sorry I was out there trying to figure out how to embed videos and didn't realize you replied to me, lol.

The Sergeant only made reference that the handbook was "probably" created out of the United States.
He said they don't know who created it.
Personally, and this is just my opinion, I feel they are investigating it. I've had to call the police before for other than non-emergency reasons and I don't recall every getting a response as fast as I did from both agencies.

The Sergeant mentioned "NAMDL", I believe he said it was a site that is out of the country but I'm not positive. He said sites like NAMDL " boy lovers" are not illegal if they aren't sending pornographic pictures or engaging in online sex. I don't think it would be a good idea to look up the site I just mentioned for the sake of not being "flagged" though, lol.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by silo13

How stupid do you have to be to need a book for such things anyways? This is great, they should just let people download it, then use their IP address to track them down and make them register on a list of some sort. I guess you could call it an "aspiring sex offender" list. I mean seriously, I dont require a book to meet women, so how would it be any different if I was in to other things? Obviously this guy is just sick AND retarded. What a winning combination by the way.....

If the book is legal, I say let em have it, just make it illegal to be stupid and its a win win for everyone

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by WhiteDevil013

Tracking the downloads and creating a list is a violation of our privacy, and everyone on ATS is against the proposed internet regulation.

Plus, assuming everyone with the download is an aspiring pedophile is inaccurate. It could be a parent, a school official, an law enforcement officer. AND, it gets even more sticky, because someone could be BOTH!! They could be a pedophile, and also work in an area that would need this type of information to protect kids. We could be rounding up lots of good parents that wanted to see for themselves, while at the same time allowing some molestor teacher/coach/LEO to go unchecked, because they had a legitimate excuse.

We can't make assumptions, and we can't limit everyone's freedom because of a few criminals.

What we need to do is just take care of our own kids, and if we unfortunately fall victim to some sicko, we need to make sure our kids are comfortable and confident enough to talk to us about it, and then we need to take a few days off work and make sure that sicko never sees another kid in the rest of his short painful life!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by oozyism

I would quite like to see these sickos tied to a large concrete block, being kicked in the nuts with lead boots on. That would be fitting.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:10 AM
you wonder why I call the human race evil. Plus humanity makes me laugh and wonder how we survive as a species.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by oozyism

I would quite like to see these sickos tied to a large concrete block, being kicked in the nuts with lead boots on. That would be fitting.

Why not give them 90 lashes because it would be considered adultery anyways touching little kids>??

That would keep other pedophiles away..

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by silo13

The problem with society these days they allow Evil to go on in the name of rights..... we should use common sense ....and weed out the Bad roots....

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by TruthIsPower
I've read through the first 6 pages or so, and if this has been brought up then I apologize.

PLEASE hear me out, before flaming me.

This book should should sell 10's of thousands of copies. Not to pedophiles (even though they'd make up a small percentage of sales) but to parents, grandparents, teachers, whoever wanted to know exactly what points to make their children (or children placed within their care) aware of. Even though this "manual" was in all likelihood "written" (probably in crayon) by a pedophile, it's much more valuable to a parent than a pedophile. A simple scenario. I'm a leader in a battalion in battle...are my battle plans more valuable to my allies or my enemies?

Very good. I like it.

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