posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:13 AM
Let me add a couple of things. First, any seasoned sailor knows about marine life that glows in the dark. They knew about it in the 1800's.
Second, the OP's article implies that the person who reported it had to add names of other witnesses.
That is almost the same thing as saying "No! I am NOT crazy! Even (insert name of important official here) saw it too!!!"
It implies that what was seen was so unusual that to convey this to others would make you appear to be crazy, drunk or on drugs.
The person who reported the sighting was aware he would be viewed this way.
Lastly, I grew up in Florida, my best friend's father owned a fleet of fishing boats, I spent my summers with him and his dad in the deep sea. I have
seen phospherescent waves.
They DO NOT make perfect rotating circles that follow your ship for 20 minutes.
Just saying ....
EDITED TO ASK: Is Bill Moore a member of these forums? Of Charles Berlitz fame?
If so - PM me, I know your son.
[edit on 6-9-2010 by GeisterFahrer]