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Satan and Science, His Creation to Mislead

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

Science is knowledge. How that knowledge is used is determined by the user. To condemn knowledge as Satanic returns us to the dark ages. If your God wants you to be ignorant and not understand his universe, he is not the loving God that you expected.
If you would like to learn how the two-edged sword of science and technology affects the world, read "The Alchemy of Air" by Thomas Hager. This is about the Bosch-Haber process of nitrogen fixation, arguably the most important and far reaching industrial process ever developed.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:26 AM
Yesterday in another thread, I have written my opinion that muslim fundamentalism is maybe the most dangerous and backwards ideology humanity is facing in the next century. But after witnessing this thread, I am not so sure. Christians are surely quickly catching up..

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:30 AM
Ouch....... tempers are running high here.

Here's an easy solution to Kinglizard's problem..... in the morning, instead of using your toaster.... beat the crap out of it.

That should send Satin a clear message.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

1) Knowledge and use of Science serves the Devil.

You are implying that *KNOWING THINGS* is a tool of the Devil... and it seems a fitting metaphor for the Apple of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden.

But God Also implied that Knowledge could be Maintained, if Humans Also Ate of the Tree of Life.

(And live Forever)

So, are you trying to Rid the Vile disease of *KNOWING THINGS* from the human collective Consciousness?

3) Science has killed more people than any other single thing.

The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population, reducing the world's population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in 1400.

Microscopic Life Forms(A.K.A. '"Nature"'): 1
Science: 0

2) The more technological and "advanced" a society becomes the more likely they will turn from God to serve the other.

Percentage of state populations that identify with a religion rather than "no religion", 2001.


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by GunzCoty
reply to post by kinglizard

And yet here you are using science and technology to post this thread.hmmmmm.

Just to let everyone know that as a Christian i am not like this person and on the lighter side of things you guys are just mean lol.

As a Christian, you are a hypocrite. Why attack your fellow Christian in an attempt to make yourself look better? You could just as easily not have responded.

I can imagine Peter saying, "yo, guys, no, I'm nothing like that guy in there. I don't even know Him!? You want to what? Crucify Him? Aw, you guys are just mean. Hyuk Hyuk."

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:42 AM
Science has saved much much more people than it has killed. Why do you think there is 7 billion humans on Earth? It is not because humans are procreating more. It is because with the use of science and technology, those people that would die in the past can live today.
On the other hand, humanity was perfectly capable of waging wars even with sticks and rocks. You do not need science to kill people. I would say that our times are maybe the most peaceful time in human history. Compared to the sheer number of humans alive now, a fraction of them waging wars is less than in the past.

God (if she exists) gave us brain to use it. If you believe god desires to have a following composed of mindless drones, then maybe it is you who is misled by Satan..

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by kinglizard

Satan is not a creator.

Satan is a destroyer.

He created nothing.

Science and technology are brilliant.

It is how some people are using science and technology that is the problem.

Science is "knowledge". "Knowledge" is only a cumulative upkeep on what man believes is true at that particular time. "Knowledge" today is nothing like "Knowledge" was yesterday. It changes... there is NO TRUTH in science.

Technology is the art of destruction - NOT construction.

Technology destroys work ethic. In turn, people become lazy, fat, and stupid... not understanding how to do things in ways that are edifying to the body and the mind. Technology destroys the planet. Whereas many metals and minerals and many patches of earth have been molded to create industrial machinery which does nothing besides change the shape of the particles of the earth into the shapes of toxins which pollute the living source for all humans and animals. Technology destroys the human "spirit". In fact, being on this computer has taken time that I could be outside running through the forest with a stick pretending I'm Tarzan.......................................................

The reason why the books were printed is because peoples' envy of power/money (which is made easier to receive due to certain kinds of technology) caused them to tell tall tales instead of the tales which were histories and morals of the past. These tales were designed to make themselves higher in peoples' minds. Therefore, the evil of technology was a necessary evil to fight back against the evil... meaning, the Truth needed to come out somehow. Therefore, the books are printed.

Just as genocide is evil, it is a necessary evil when the entire planet is ravaged by disrespectful, narcissistic, adulterous, hedonized, whiny, adult-babies.

And technology most definitely makes it easier for people to be disrespectful. Why be respectful to someone if they don't know who you are?
Technology makes it easier to be narcissistic. You can make everything about you! And people will follow.
Technology makes it easier to be adulterous. Hello. #1 profit from the internet is what, ladies and gents?
Technology makes it much easier to be a hedonist... because you can sit and absorb for hours and still never be satisfied.
Technology makes it easier to be whiny. My son, Link, will shut up if you shove a bottle in his mouth. He gets his way whenever he wants because it is all available to him... what growth? What character? Is God giving him this stuff? God's nature makes it so that without technology our character's must grow and come out. Patience becomes a real virtue without technology! My son will not be so patient because of this junk.

Adult-babies... yes. Since I've had my son, I've noticed what is wrong with the world.

The world is a bunch of infants in adult bodies who knew enough to realize that if they don't learn how to speak a language, they won't get what they want.

kinglizard, thanks for providing a place for me to rant. Darned tech.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
Science has saved much much more people than it has killed. Why do you think there is 7 billion humans on Earth? It is not because humans are procreating more. It is because with the use of science and technology, those people that would die in the past can live today.
On the other hand, humanity was perfectly capable of waging wars even with sticks and rocks. You do not need science to kill people. I would say that our times are maybe the most peaceful time in human history. Compared to the sheer number of humans alive now, a fraction of them waging wars is less than in the past.

God (if she exists) gave us brain to use it. If you believe god desires to have a following composed of mindless drones, then maybe it is you who is misled by Satan..

Do you have proof to back up your claim that science has saved more people than it is has caused to perish? Are you the one who judges the people after they've left the earth? How many have perished due to science and how many have been granted salvation by Science?

If these are peaceful times, then why is it that the world's belief is that all beliefs should be aligned to one's self instead of with the Creator? How peaceful would the world be everyone had a different idea of how the planet should be run? ohh. wait...

Hah! If you think God's people are mindless drones, I wonder makes you so fascinated with technology?? Is that not what technology does? Makes everything easier so that you have more time to....use more technology! Mwaha! It's amazing what the human brain can do when it's doing nothing!

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:10 AM
The reason the world is the way it is can be put down to humans who are greedy and humans who are complacent enough to let the greedy ones take control.
You can blame science all you like, but really it's just the ordinary human mind-set that drags this world down - the way we've been programmed. And yes, science has had it's hand in our social programming (radio, television, the print and, more recently, the internet) but if you took all those things and started encouraging people to think and act then it would be much different.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:35 AM
If we were created we were created with minds and a unique ability to understand things, which is surely to be used, I wouldn't say the real problem with what you are talking about is science, but rather money, without money driving science to not actually exist to the benefit of mankind as a whole, it is not really what science should be

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

I have a question (not trying to be rude or sarcastic). If your life has been saved by "science" twice...does that mean you now serve the devil? Do you have a t.v....cook on a stove...I am willing to bet that you do. And according you serve satan.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

It seems you have got it backwards. There was a time the earth was in a pure natural state, no desertification,no sea encroachment, no exhaust gases from SUVs, no McDonalds. Then people lived in caves and hunted when hungry. From what I understand the earth was never meant to be in a such a state forever especially with increasing population. Degeneration seems to be part of any natural process. Isn't science a tool for man to learn more about the earth and universe?

Whatever created man and the universe intended that knowledge would start from somewhere around zero and rise exponentially and this is the task science is fulfilling. It is absurd to think that science was not a plan for mankind. Without it, we should still hold on to the opinion that the earth is the only planet in the whole universe and the stars we see in the night sky are the missiles God use to shoot at Satan according to Islam. You'd never know what the moon is especially if you think the earth is flat.

I don't know if knowledge is an advantage but science has helped to rescue man from ignorance. At the end of the day, science is displacing naturalism at all levels and it would come to the point when everything we know becomes artificial. This is the destiny of mankind.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by pro-all]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by kinglizard
1) Knowledge and use of Science serves the Devil.

This is an interesting quote, but I don't see any truth in it at all. Knowledge is benign and has no power of its own. Whether knowledge is of science (not capitalized. Science is NOT a proper noun) religion, art, technology, electronics, literature or motorcycle maintenance, knowledge is powerless without action.

The use of science can be good or bad, depending on the intent and outcome. Advancements in science allow people to walk and talk when they couldn't before. The use of science helps people to live longer, fuller lives and makes procreation possible in couples who were unable to procreate. The use of science makes communication possible around the globe and beyond. I don't see how this serves "the Devil"...

2) The more technological and "advanced" a society becomes the more likely they will turn from God to serve the other.

That's because science explains our world, whereas before science, we had to make up something to explain it. The more people learn about how our world works, the less we need the story.

3) Science has killed more people than any other single thing.

Can you explain this? Or source it? I haven't read the rest of the thread, so if this has been answered, please disregard.

The sciences breed a God like syndrome in Man, we think we understand everything and control all, no need for God. Who does that serve? The desire for more is now an unquenchable thirst that cannot be quenched without the latest and greatest ipod or flat screen TV. Having enough is no longer enough so all our resources go to propping up our ego and "social status" rather than serving others. You have last years ipod, not good enough.... Don't feed the multitudes, buy a new ipod so you can keep up with the technological status quo.

Maybe that's how some people live, but that's not because of science, that's because of man's greed and longing for power, not the knowledge of science. You seem to be blaming "science" instead of the failures and imperfections of man. But you can't blame science. Science has no will, no power, no intent. It's MAN that possesses these qualities.

1) Science has built unimaginable killing technology from the gun to weaponized viruses.
2) How many people have been killed through modern transportation.
3) How many have died because of technology grown cancers.
4) How many animals have gone extinct in the name of progress.
5) How often do you push things of God's away to watch TV or sit on the computer?
6) Science is killing our planet (God's beautiful creation) with pollution.

Science isn't doing these things, dude. MAN is. The man behind the machine. It's MAN that serves "the Devil" in your scenario.

How many people has science fed? It could feed all but enough is not enough for us.

Using science, man has fed millions.

What do you think....should I see a Doctor?

I wouldn't say that... necessarily. But you need to think about your logic. Would you say that math serves the Devil? Or biology serves the Devil?

Knowledge does not serve anything. Science does not serve anything. What man does with his knowledge is his responsibility and he should be accountable for it, not the knowledge itself.

[edit on 9/5/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Maybe the Amish are on to something.

Amish live in a simple world where they manually till the ground with their own two hands and reap what they sew, build their own houses, sew their own clothing. Their focus is family, community and God. These things breed self reliance and confidence. No technology to distract them away from what is important.


I've got to go to costco be back later....maybe I'll walk.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by bogomil
In the early gnostic-christian sects, it was interpretated inverse to 'original sin'. In judeo-christianity the 'law' was considred more important and only in Paulinism was this constallation emphasized. It justifies the Pauline concept of redemption through faith only. Read acts and epistles, and you'll find, that the controversy between Paulus and the original disciples of Jesus was on 'faith' versus 'law' (or 'faith' versus deeds)

And why, may I ask, do you have to come to such criticism? What's the important of it? 'faith versus law' of gnostic-christian vs judeo-christianity depend very much of your own free will to interpret what's best for your own self and not for the entire society. We are no longer dominated by a handful elites who have access to ink, paper and education. We have much better tools at our disposal and more freedom compare to people of gnostic-christian and judeo-christianity era. They have to rely on their religious head or Paulus. But we are not. 'Faith versus law/deed' in modern day become issue only if you do not have the will and sincerity to abide what's God written message. Take example, I want to help you. Do I require faith to do that? or Do I have to justify God's word as a 'force' or law for my deed to help you? No. I want to help you because I want it. Not because of faith or law. You see.. there is no issue there. But if I don't want to help you then yes 'faith versus law' become issue. Because either way it's is an excuse for not wanting to help you. You see the difference? Seriously you have to stop drawing conclusion on society and cultural past behaviour. The significant of their argument is already lost in time and due to social and cultural changes. Also, the argument were driven based on what they have and what choice they have at that time.

Anyway, I stop reading Paulus handbook 20 years ago thank you. Not that I don't believe in Paul. I think he is honest person and fully awake by his redemption.I also believe Mark, Peter and the rest are genuine in their writing. But there're something missing and I can't justify the answer by just reading old and new testament. There are more than just Christianity out there.... And no. Do not argue faith as an issue on this. Faith has nothing to compare to my willingness.

Originally posted by bogomil
On the point of 'forcing' me to believe, it's only a few years ago our local political 'christian' fundamentalists tried to re-introduce 'christianity' as part of obligatory teaching in public schools, and re-instating 'christian' values as basis of my rather liberal and secular country. Sometimes it's not at gunpoint; but it's invasion anyway, trying to establish a religious monopoly (they are only 5% of the population).

Then you should know it would never work because you can't embrace faith by force. A 'force' religion only lead to rebellion and hatred instead of understanding, willingness and love. As I said no one can force you to believe. If you don't want to be a believer then you can never be one unless your heart/soul will for it.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by EasternShadow]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:18 PM
The Devil created science to mislead us ROFL what a load of BS
Prove to me the devil exists.
Devil is Man and his evil corruption and the Elite create the devil as a scape goat if you ask me.

No such thing as the devil.

[edit on 5/9/10 by Ezappa]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by adjensen

Secondly, it renders the sacrifice of Christ, even the bare existence of him, null and void.

Ah hum, what sacrifice exactly ?

Now he didn't actually die did he ? You know "abrakadabra" back to life in a couple of days.

No one actually died an omnipresent being cannot die.

Suffer ? Well not as much as anyone else that was crucified, no one else was given the mercy of a quick death were they? the other pair of monkeys were left hanging there for the rest of the week presumably as per custom.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Do you have proof to back up your claim that science has saved more people than it is has caused to perish? Are you the one who judges the people after they've left the earth? How many have perished due to science and how many have been granted salvation by Science?

By saved I meant that those people would be dead or nonexistent without science, I do not mean heavenly salvation.

What proof do you require? Current human population is huge compared to the past, and that is because of applied science. Medical industry has saved hundreds of millions of people, and mean lenght of life is higher than ever. Is that enough proof for you?

Science, or more precisely, misuse of science for evil purposes has killed lots of people, I know that. But by absolute numbers, science has surely saved more than it killed, and thats what I was responding to in OPs post.

If these are peaceful times, then why is it that the world's belief is that all beliefs should be aligned to one's self instead of with the Creator? How peaceful would the world be everyone had a different idea of how the planet should be run? ohh. wait...

Whats bad about plurality of ideas? Everyone is different, and many beliefs can coexist peacefully. That is hard to accept for lots of religious people, and thus it leads to wars.

Hah! If you think God's people are mindless drones, I wonder makes you so fascinated with technology?? Is that not what technology does? Makes everything easier so that you have more time to....use more technology! Mwaha! It's amazing what the human brain can do when it's doing nothing!

I never said gods people are mindless drones. OPs idea of gods people is what I consider mindless drones. I come from a religious background, but there was never any anti-science sentiment present. Science is primarily based on physical world - and physical world is a gods creation. Why would it be against god to explore and utilize it?

Technology does not turn people into mindless drones, technology is just a tool, it is up to you what you do with it. If you fear that it will make you into a mindless drone, then dont use it..

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:37 PM
Ok I'm not sure if this has been mentioned bu OP your using a computer to rant about the evils of science. Science gave you electricity to power your computer and build your computer and create the internet and the programs on your computer. So you are a devil worshiper, like everyone else on ATS and the web. Kinda an hypocrisy ain't it. Or is the OP just preaching about how worshiping satan is good? I'm kind of left confused, are we to worship satan by discussing how science is bad thus we worship of the Devil. Ahh how simple atheism is.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:47 PM
stop blaming s# on the devil. the downfall of humankind is very much a product of human ignorance.

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