posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:40 AM
To OP, thanks for bringing this up. But honestly you have a very steep mountain to climb and the storm is against you. You are fighting almost
impossible battle here. I can understand your sincerity to share with others but not everyone study and embrace Abrahamaic religions or Hindu as their
faith. Even so, if I'm not wrong, the scripture about Adam and Eve which account for devil first deception against humanity is not included in New
Testament. Therefore, many are not aware of devil or simply put do not have the concept of devil and angels. To explain the story to such person is
like telling story to stone. Even one who has learn about devil can and will dismiss such as just entertaining story. As you know, the fruit of
knowledge that both Adam and Eve ate, did give them new insight and superior intelligence. But it also make them realized they are naked and ashamed
that enough to turn them away from God. This is what happening and continue to happen.
This story has been told for thousand of years through God's prophets. For me, it is more like a prophecy. A prophecy that mankind will gain
knowledge and turn against God by the deception of evil has been fulfilled. But the second part of the prophecy that Adam and Eve will repent their
sin and turn back to God has not yet happen. Only faithful children of god are aware of this. But even they are not saved from devil's mischief.
History has proven so many religious leaders fell to the devil's cunning scheme by greed, power, lust, arrogance, hatred, jealousy, etc...What's
better way to corrupt entire God's children if not by corrupting their leaders first? The destructions has been done enough to tarnish organized
religion forever. And it will not end. For you and I both know, the purpose of fallen angel is one and only one. To bring dust made being called Adam
to hell for eternity. The revenge of the fallen angel know no end.
For those children of god who still have faith, you know you have a cunning powerful foe and a difficult war within yourself.
For those who do not understand this or do not have the concept of angel and evil, just take this as entertainment story. Thanks for your time for
reading it and I hope you enjoy.
EDIT : Ooopss! I forget about science. Science just knowledge and tool. It's the creation of God. The serpent disguised fallen angel is different
entity that can influence your freewill to choose science as tool to do evil.
[edit on 5-9-2010 by EasternShadow]