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Satan and Science, His Creation to Mislead

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:07 AM
You bring up a good point, but with technology I like to use the "magic" analogy. Magic is neither good nor bad, but in the heart of the witch which makes it good or bad....

I argue that if it wasn't for the Tower of Babel we would probably be a lot more technologically advanced then we are now. Imagine how many years we were set back because of the languages being confused! Is it just me or does technology seem to have a "goal"? Seems to be heading into a certain direction, like I don't know....Become God or bust?

Ya, its probably just me

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:12 AM
Re: Titen-Sxull

Ofcourse I agree with you, but I would like to add a personal comment. I believe we're all, to some degree, responsible for the consequences of our actions and involvements. This goes for greengrocers as well as scientists and holy people.

But here comes the beauty of it.The greatest known historical hoax, Paulinism, has declared itself exempt from this responsibility. Earthly deeds don't count for them in any way of accounting, faith absolves them.

So while we poor heathen sinners in vain try to live up to our own ideals of ethics, Pauline fundamentalists can do whatever they please, .....and by Dog, haven't they used that opportunity

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

Hey you,

It is not science (the knowledge) that is to blame. Blame the people who misuse this knowledge. Maybe you should read and learn about Prometheus. You know, it is not fault of the sword if people kill each others with it.

Get wise.


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

It's definitely not just you!! Their goal it seems, is just that: to be gods. If they can create life, and then have it live indefinitely, they will feel they are gods.I believe that is their ultimate goal.

[edit on 9/5/10 by jennybee35]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by adjensen
While a case can be made for the similarities between Sumerian mythology and Genesis, the remaining four books of Torah are uniquely Jewish and one would be hard pressed to make the case that they are derivative of anything else. There are basic commonalities between all moral codes, but these may be attributed to recognition of an absolute morality, and that's about it.

I like the use of the word Mythology there, very strategic.

The case is made. The Hebrew came out of Sumer (Sumeria) with the first book of the Torah, which has become our Genesis tale, although considerably shortened we are forced to agree. In it is Their God.. from the very beginning it is the exact same story.

So the point remains that The Old Testament God, was a being, not human, and was an egotistical nightmare, hence the exact same attributes in later stories that are uniquely Hebrew.. for Their God. And that it is the same Being from the Original Source material we know as the Sumerian Tablets.

There is no debate, it only needs more people to study it to see the reality, not mythology.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:33 AM
I think it's safe to say:

If you believe in a Satan, you're a nut.

It's called Mythology. That's all there is to it. Stories and fairy tales from organized religious institutions to strike fear. It's 2010, this not a theory. It's fact. Satan does not exist and neither does the Christian God.

Get over it.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:45 AM
Re: Jennybee35

And so what if people live for a very, very long time. The individuals from the original bloodline was said to live app. 1000 years.

But this is only OK, if you have some kind if divine sanction. If the average lifespan slowly rises through medicine, technology helping to feed the hungry (China is in spite of its repugnant 'god'lessness catching up on famines) and transport facilities, it's devilish.

In Europe, when your kind of 'christianity' made its most brilliant performance, even practising natural medicine (no science or technology involved, I promise) was leading to torture and later to the cosy bonfires. If you were going to die, you died, and Dog look in mercy on anyone interfering with the process.

So let's get back to an average lifespan of 35, get rid of dentistry and toiletpaper, knowing that we rest safely in Dog.

You present an extremely attractive vision of how life could be, if your beloved theocracy ever is reintroduced. I'm quite sure it will be a hit.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by bogomil]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by bogomil

What I believe is definitely not for you.

Edit to add: Boy, you sure pegged me, dead on! I didn't realise that I had revealed my narrow, mean and petty view of humanity so clearly. Must be nice to be so clear-eyed

[edit on 9/5/10 by jennybee35]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:28 AM
That may or may not be so, but you have to remember that every individual still has free will and makes their own choices. Yes, technology is everywhere; tvs, computers, etc etc. But we aren't forced to use them. We can choose to live a life with minimal technology if we wish. As far as I know, the bible never said life here is supposed to be easy.
If Satan offered you a million dollars to kill an innocent child and nobody would ever know, would you do it? It's all about free will.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by trollz]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:40 AM
To OP, thanks for bringing this up. But honestly you have a very steep mountain to climb and the storm is against you. You are fighting almost impossible battle here. I can understand your sincerity to share with others but not everyone study and embrace Abrahamaic religions or Hindu as their faith. Even so, if I'm not wrong, the scripture about Adam and Eve which account for devil first deception against humanity is not included in New Testament. Therefore, many are not aware of devil or simply put do not have the concept of devil and angels. To explain the story to such person is like telling story to stone. Even one who has learn about devil can and will dismiss such as just entertaining story. As you know, the fruit of knowledge that both Adam and Eve ate, did give them new insight and superior intelligence. But it also make them realized they are naked and ashamed that enough to turn them away from God. This is what happening and continue to happen.

This story has been told for thousand of years through God's prophets. For me, it is more like a prophecy. A prophecy that mankind will gain knowledge and turn against God by the deception of evil has been fulfilled. But the second part of the prophecy that Adam and Eve will repent their sin and turn back to God has not yet happen. Only faithful children of god are aware of this. But even they are not saved from devil's mischief. History has proven so many religious leaders fell to the devil's cunning scheme by greed, power, lust, arrogance, hatred, jealousy, etc...What's better way to corrupt entire God's children if not by corrupting their leaders first? The destructions has been done enough to tarnish organized religion forever. And it will not end. For you and I both know, the purpose of fallen angel is one and only one. To bring dust made being called Adam to hell for eternity. The revenge of the fallen angel know no end.

For those children of god who still have faith, you know you have a cunning powerful foe and a difficult war within yourself.

For those who do not understand this or do not have the concept of angel and evil, just take this as entertainment story. Thanks for your time for reading it and I hope you enjoy.

EDIT : Ooopss! I forget about science. Science just knowledge and tool. It's the creation of God. The serpent disguised fallen angel is different entity that can influence your freewill to choose science as tool to do evil.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by EasternShadow]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:55 AM
If i believed in Satan, then...

Satan is just a fallen angel ..he found a loophole in which he could
be in the same level of power with God..
and he also thought he could be a better God than God himself..
he must have seen the future of what would God do.

God must be pissed off and then banished Satan..


If I believed in Satan

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:55 AM
If i believed in Satan, then...

Satan is just a fallen angel ..he found a loophole in which he could
be in the same level of power with God..
and he also thought he could be a better God than God himself..
he must have seen the future of what would God do.

God must be pissed off and then banished Satan..


If I believed in Satan

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

i completely agree with you %100

the greatest trick the devil has is by tricking humanity into believing he doesnt exist, then, its all downhill from there.


it takes lots of courage to point out the evils that permanently ravage this world & contaminate souls forever.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

Satan is not a creator.

Satan is a destroyer.

He created nothing.

Science and technology are brilliant.

It is how some people are using science and technology that is the problem.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by kinglizard

4) How many animals have gone extinct in the name of progress

If i recall correctly, around 98% of all species that have ever lived have gone extintc before your character Satan was ever invented.

So, it would appear that your god is one hell of a killer and doesn't really need the help of science to boost his kill count.

I love threads like this which try to discuss imaginary beings like Satan in a pseudo scientific manner.

You could quite easily substitute the name Satan in the title of this thread for the Green Goblin or Lex Luthor, their relationship with science and their reality are exactly the same.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:13 AM
where in the ten commandments does it say 'thou shalt not use science'

God gave us the ability and intelligence to discover the natural mysteries of this world so how could it be evil? Science has benefited mankind in so many ways and yes has been used for evil purpouses but science did not blow people up or shoot people.


So to call it evil is just silly in my opinion

people are evil science is not.


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by moosevernel

also correct me if im wrong because i dont know about scripture that much

but satan hasnt actually been cast out from heaven

i thought that happens in revelation??

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Cobra.EXE

the greatest trick the devil has is by tricking humanity into believing he doesnt exist, then, its all downhill from there.

So by your reasoning, as the evidence for yahwhe/jesus and satan is exactly the same jesus is also tricking humanity into believing he doesn't exist.

Let's be honest between the pair of them their doing a bloody good job, rational people have certainly fallen for it. Give them a few years and those bloody Smurfs will have us thinking their also imaginary.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by moosevernel

Satan was cast out from heaven because he was proud and challenged God.

Satan had the sin of pride.

But this is all allegory - personally, I believe that a lot of the bible is wrong or at least distorted.

The only things I believe in are what we know - good and bad.

And I believe that Jesus is that good.

But a lot of other people believe differently.

The apocolypse is about Jesus overcoming satan, who was cast out at the beginning and rules in hell (according to the bible).

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by moosevernel

people are evil science is not.

And (according to the scriptures) yahwhe/jesus created evil, therefore responsibility for all evil lays at his door. This would also appears to make the character of Satan completely redundant.

What a mind numbly illogical beliefs system/ delusion this is.

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