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Do You Believe In Transsexualism?

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Nice try but only you and kron are buying that one. Check around and you'll find people saying they respect your right to hold whatever view you wish. However to dislike someone over their sex or perceived sex is most certainly bigoted and as much as you may not like the label it is at it is.

Then there are those who have the view that it's wrong and they have no real basis for that other than the gut reaction that is so easy to take notice of.

It's exactly the same reason that people hate gay people, black people or the opposite gender. If you want to hold an opinion like that then fine, that is your right but please don't try and write off those who have a problem with what you're saying as some kind of crusading, politically correct extremists.

Really!......... You obviously don't respect my right to hold an opinion on this matter if it doesn't exactly coincide with your own view. And how do I dislike someone who would consider changing their sex or someone who prefers having sex with their own, or both genders. Where have I stated that I don't like people who have made this choice?

I've had gay and transsexual friends over the years. And although I never agreed with the choices they had made, I would not have befriended them if I had hated them. It's their business, not mine. But for you to insist that I am a bigot and a racist because I don't agree with the decisions and the choices they have made, is deliberately insulting, provocative, condescending, and betrays a shocking lack of morality on your part.

It's bad enough to encourage people to ruin their lives, but attacking anybody who would even attempt to offer alternative advise proves to me that you are a miserable, loathsome creature who wants people to at least be as miserable as you are. And that is not a gut feeling.

edit on 9-9-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth because: add portion of quote

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

The difference being yo cannot become super human or a frog and so your argument is flawed from the beginning.

Exactly, if your born a man you can't become a woman and vice versa. I'm not sure why you find this hard to understand.

She did not alter her body to the point she is clearly a cat and her brain when scanned will reveal no cat like formations, whereas a transexual will often show a brain similar to that of the gender they feel like.

Just like a man cannot alter his body to the point he clearly is a woman, it's not possible...

Nope you don't have to agree with it, however your reasons for disliking it seem to be based on nothing more than a gut feeling it is wrong and that's the kind of feeling that people hate homosexuals for, and black people for and well you get the point here. It's nothing more than bigoted bnonsense and bigotry will only hold the human race back. You are antitled to your belief because that's what freedom is all about.

I'm glad you appreciate the freedom of speech, I suppose...

I see nature shouldn't be messed with. Well in that case, have you ever had medical intervention? That's messing with nature, ever had a vaccine? That's messing with nature. Oh and the computer you are using was created with very unatural processes, along with anything you have ever eaten, from wheat to dairy.

There is a very clear and distinct difference with preventing death through medical treatment than there is with removing your sex organs and pretending to be another gender.

Yeah that's some quality ignorance of genetics right there. It can't happen because if you tried to do that to someone they would die. Switching gender is not the same as switching species. If someone switches species they will die, unless we find another intelligent race of course and we figure out some kind of body switching lol but lets stick to realities which seem possible shall we?

I think you've answered your own argument right there, let's stick to reality as you said; the reality is that you cannot change your sex. Of course you can chop parts of your sex organs off, wear make up and have hormonal treatment but as hard as it maybe for you to accept you cannot change your gender.

Out of interest I'd be interested to know your feelings in the opposite scenario i.e. a woman "becoming" a man.

Do you really believe a woman having an artificial penis constructed out of flesh & muscle and surgically attached to her body becomes a man?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

Thanks for the support mate, it's nice to know some people can see sense!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Im going to share something with you...

Right now I'm right at the edge. I am being attacked and berated from all directions of the family and they have pushed me into suicide attempts before. Ill get it right sooner or later. Believe me nobody would want to be born Transexual. It is not a nice thing to be and life is very very grim. The title of the thread is do you believe in transexualism... the facts are Transexualism exists.

I am being told that I should live my life for everyone else and to remain unhappy, and suicidal. The point being they want to keep their own lives normal. My own happiness and what I am they want to push aside.... imagine being told your totally worthless.

You are correst you cannot change your DNA or your chromosones. The brain is a very complex organ and develops very early. sex of the baby is the last thing to be assigned in development terms. This is an open and shut discussion based on the op's original question and the Moderators in my humble opinion should monitor this thread a little for discrimination.

Transexualism is a fact of life. It will more than likely become more prominant as the years go by. Estrogens in food, water, medication could all cause feminization of males.

If your born with this wrong with you, life is no bed of roses. Imagine a world were everything in it isn't real. Imagine having no real sexuality, imagine having the inabillity to build a social life or to have friends.

Your opinions are valid but people should base opinions on facts... you have a true Transexual in this thread open to questions and open to actually speaking to you... However narrow mindedness isn't going to help your argument. You can not make a man a genetic woman that is correct however you can make a Transexual woman complete, what you have seen on tv and in documentries isn't what we are really like. I am pre op however in the world I pass and don't even have to try. There are many like me and i fit right in. I would tell any partner of my transexuality history if and when i have a partner however this would not be on the first date. This would be further down the line before things get serious. You wouldn't tell a a potential partner everything on a first date you could scare them off and thats if everything is normal. God willing at the end of all this if i make it through and it's a big if... Suicide rate is huge... I hope to have a male partner.... It's not a longing for sex or a wanting of desire... Its the man snuggling up behind you and making you feel safe....

I understand that people struggle with the idea of a man or woman being born in the wrong body... the best way to look at it is the brain not developing as it should and someone having to live a nightmare....

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Out of interest I'd be interested to know your feelings in the opposite scenario i.e. a woman "becoming" a man.

Do you really believe a woman having an artificial penis constructed out of flesh & muscle and surgically attached to her body becomes a man?

You really need to look into the clitoris my dear friend....

When a FTM transexual "and there are roughly equal amounts of both" takes testosterone the clitoris will grow to resemble a penis. They then obviously add extra bits but it does actually function quite well... A FTM transexual can fit right in after the treatment and you would be hard pushed to know unless you were having intercourse with them.


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Above are some interesting research materials for you and some information about other syndromes. Also be aware that there are other forms of gender dysphoria and transexualism is targeting an individual sub group of society.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by IanC99000310

Originally posted by IanC99000310
I understand that people struggle with the idea of a man or woman being born in the wrong body... the best way to look at it is the brain not developing as it should and someone having to live a nightmare....

Thank you for your honesty. You have a hell of a lot of courage as far as I'm concerned. But as a man who felt feminine, why didn't you take male hormones to correct your condition instead of surrendering to the abnormality?

edit on 9-9-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth because: italics error

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by IanC99000310

Starred your post.

Unlike many on here who believe I hate transsexuals you know seem to have come around to the idea that I don't.

Not much time available now but I'll check the links you posted, thanks for your open & honest answer.

P.S. I do not wish suffering on anyone, regardless of what people may think or how my opinion is interpreted.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

The male hormones won't work. They will help make the body more masculine possibly however if you put diesel in a petrol car it won't run and if it does not very well...

The Estrogen I take has removed all my motor skill problems and has also taken away the pelvic pains.

If I was a man and really felt like a man I would have begged for testosterone. I am 100% female there is no doubt, I have always been female, I walk, stand, talk and behave like a female. Even when trying to be a man I fail and eventually it consumes you. Hormones don't effect the brain as much as changing the way you think or act. It isn't a choice thing it's a natural mess and believe me I have prayed to wake up a man, that was when i realised no matter how much you pray it doesn't drop off....

My earlier posts explain about the brain and what not.

No one on this planet would want to be a transexual.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by IanC99000310

Originally posted by IanC99000310
It isn't a choice thing it's a natural mess and believe me I have prayed to wake up a man, that was when i realised no matter how much you pray it doesn't drop off....

I pray that you and all transexuals will find peace, if not in this life then in the next.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by IanC99000310

I really feel for you and thanks for joining this forum and sharing your struggles with us.

The thing is, there always will be some ignorant assholes full of idiotic, uneducated bigot comments. You only have to read the title of the op (hardly a thesis title) to see that!

As a soldier it has been my great pleasure to serve with a few trans women who did everything they could to fit in and do the most manly things possible in order to erase the the truth of who they are from their minds. Truth is after all that struggle to get rid of that to the point of reckless bravery in the field, they still could not not be who they are and are now the women they were born to be.

Amongst personal experience I am currently studying transexualism for my psychiatric nursing degree. This is by no means a mental condition but a physical one, where the mind does not match the body which does indeed cause mental conditions, and that combined with social constructs will make a transexuals life hell to the point of suicide in many cases... That fact alone should give the op pause for thought because transexuality untreated is mostly fatal and terminal... Most trans people would rather die than stay as they are and societies constructs and idiotic morons cause the death of these wonderfull people..

Thats right op... YOUR attitude and words and people like you cause misery and death to wonderfull souls who just want to be themselves., Change or karma is going to be a bitch!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:02 PM
A REALLY great question.

Here is how I feel about it...hard to explain but I will try.

I have a woman's body. BUT, I feel that I am more male than female but not enough to do anything about it like having a sex change. I am "ok" with my body. I never liked wearing dresses. I liked playing with boy things when I was a kid. I was very athletic when I was younger. I knew I was attracted to girls when I was about 10 years old. I am also slightly attracted to men. I am a bit jealous of men's bodies and I wish I was stronger physically. Although I am 100% physically a female, I feel that I am at least 60% MALE mentally. Emotionally, I am 80% female. Go figure. I have felt like a freak most of my life.. and only now at 52 years old learning to accept myself as I am.

I KNOW that there are many out there like me. People are all different and sometimes the brain does not match up with the body in one degree or another. It is just that simple. I REALLY wish that people that don't have these issues would try to understand and accept those of us that do.

Thank you for starting this thread.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by IanC99000310

Thank you for your open and honest posts. You show so much courage. Your comments should help people understand what it is like to be a transexual. It is up to them what to do with the information. Some will accept it...some not.

You have so much to offer this world. Please hang in there.

I am proud to say that I added you to my friends list here on ATS. I can see that you are a wonderful person with a big heart.

I wish you much happiness and love.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by IanC99000310

No one on this planet would want to be a transexual.

My mom was disabled. I grew up going to a club for disabled. I learned early in life People are who they are on the inside.

People - ALL People - - - need to realize - - - the "human soup" can mix up all and every shade of gray.

Most children are curious but accepting of differences - - - - how sad the judgment and hate come from adults who have Choice of Thought.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by IanC99000310

I really feel for you and thanks for joining this forum and sharing your struggles with us.

The thing is, there always will be some ignorant assholes full of idiotic, uneducated bigot comments. You only have to read the title of the op (hardly a thesis title) to see that!

As a soldier it has been my great pleasure to serve with a few trans women who did everything they could to fit in and do the most manly things possible in order to erase the the truth of who they are from their minds. Truth is after all that struggle to get rid of that to the point of reckless bravery in the field, they still could not not be who they are and are now the women they were born to be.

Amongst personal experience I am currently studying transexualism for my psychiatric nursing degree. This is by no means a mental condition but a physical one, where the mind does not match the body which does indeed cause mental conditions, and that combined with social constructs will make a transexuals life hell to the point of suicide in many cases... That fact alone should give the op pause for thought because transexuality untreated is mostly fatal and terminal... Most trans people would rather die than stay as they are and societies constructs and idiotic morons cause the death of these wonderfull people..

Thats right op... YOUR attitude and words and people like you cause misery and death to wonderfull souls who just want to be themselves., Change or karma is going to be a bitch!

The only thing that's going to be a bitch is having to put up with the likes of you. So you take it a step further and declare all of us who do not share your warped views on transsexualism to be Murderers. Murderers?

Murderers?........You are a lying sack of s***!....... I don't know what army you claim to have served in, but it certainly wasn't mine. You do not do transsexuals any favors with your lying twisted opinions. You're the one responsible for the violence that is heaped upon them because of your unethical dishonest statements.

And as a parting note, if you are really studying transsexualism, try spelling it correctly, and if you can't do that, try using spell check. If you can't see it, it's spelled check!

Transsexuals and the Military
Q: Dear Sharra,

I am a post-operative female-to-male transsexual. I desperately want to join the military, but I am aware of that the military medically disqualifies transsexuals.

I am a registered nurse, so I would be in high demand in the military. I was wondering if there is any hope for me being able to join the Reserves.
I'd appreciate any advice.

Thank you,

A: Dear Seb,

Unfortunately, the short answer to your question is that you will probably not be able to join the Reserves. The Department of Defense sets the physical standards criteria, and they must be met by all applicants for military service, including the Reserves and National Guard. Each person attempting to join the military must undergo a physical examination as part of the induction process.

The military considers having had any type of gender-confirming surgery to be a major genital abnormality or defect, even if there are no complications after surgery. If an individual is at any other stage of transition, or does not plan on having surgery, the military considers transsexuality to be a disqualifying psychiatric condition.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth

The military considers having had any type of gender-confirming surgery to be a major genital abnormality or defect, even if there are no complications after surgery. If an individual is at any other stage of transition, or does not plan on having surgery, the military considers transsexuality to be a disqualifying psychiatric condition.

If this wording hasn't been changed yet. It will be.

Won't be the first time the military has been out of line.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

I do believe in transexualism. The plastics can accrete in the flesh to overwhelm natural born gender traits, which is what tptb need in order to allow further assimilation of 'minorities', and to insert subsequent protective measures (laws) in society. Who are we to change natural corporate evolution?

There is another chemical called pyrethrin which is said to cause closer proximity of the anus to the coccyx in males, and possibly affecting the distance between orifices in the female.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by IanC99000310

This is exactly what I've been trying to say; this thread in its entirety is pretty ignorant if you ask me. Nobody "believes" in transsexualism, they are either accepting of reality, or pathologically blocking out the possiblity of it because they do not fully understand it. It is not a matter of opinion at all. It is a fact of life that some people simply don't understand because they CHOOSE not to educate themselves, and therefore develop a stance on it (not an opinion, opinions do not fight hard facts) that is really not based on anything but misunderstanding.

Whether or not you "believe" in transsexualism, it exists. It is a fact. So I suggest you all stop arguing against it because it won't get you anywhere. It's like telling someone who was born with a tumor in their head that they weren't, even though you can plainly see that there is a hole in their skull. Would you argue with them about it? Of course not. So why is this such a big deal?

P.S. To those of you who compare this to people thinking they are FROGS or HORSES; do you actually think that relates to this at all? Something that you actually have no natural possibility of being? If you think like this, your logic is flawed and that is simply all there is to it.

edit on 9-9-2010 by Brood because: grammar

edit on 9-9-2010 by Brood because: more grammar

edit on 9-9-2010 by Brood because: sigh..

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth

The military considers having had any type of gender-confirming surgery to be a major genital abnormality or defect.

The military discriminates based on a lot of things that is absolutely none of their business. That is why America is considered a global enemy by many countries. I strongly suggest you don't go moulding your ethics around what the American military does, because you will be absolutely dysfunctional in today's society.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Brood

Originally posted by Brood
The military discriminates based on a lot of things that is absolutely none of their business. That is why America is considered a global enemy by many countries. I strongly suggest you don't go moulding your ethics around what the American military does, because you will be absolutely dysfunctional in today's society.

Really!.......Well I strongly suggest that you don't go moulding your ethics around what the American Military does, because you will be absolutely dysfunctional in today's society. That's why you and other Muslims are considered a global enemy by many countries.

And I doubt if you really care about the quality of life of transsexuals do you? The only thing you care about is taking a shot at America at the expense of transsexuals.

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