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Do You Believe In Transsexualism?

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posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Pinke

As for the actual 'change' ... I dunno. I was born without the ability to have children and things like that, and I was born with the wrong voice btw so it can happen naturally. I suppose it's like being born with any other illness that changes a person. I suppose the exception for you will be that it prevents or changes how 'working' organs operate. Well that's going to be a continued topic of disagreement.

Your gender isn't an illness, if you consider it one then I'd suggest you have a possible psychological illness.

You wasn't born without the ability to have children, you was born as a male aka males do not have children.

The idea that an FTM is a big butch monster, and MTF is a homosexual man playing dress up is pretty much all over the place.

I haven't stereotyped anyone, I maybe have used stereotypical examples as part of my argument but I haven't pointed anything specifically.

Just someone around them changed a little bit. They don't even really seem that interested in it - certainly not as interested as most people

Yeah, changed a little bit in that they chopped off some parts of their sex organs. They probably weren't that interested in it because they were too young to comprehend it...

You're not going to find any 'answers' or really change anyone's mind other than those that already had it made up.

I'm not trying to change anyones mind, I've already stated its up to the individual how they live their life.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth

20 Billion?
...........That's funny!.... Ha ha .....So you're saying that 20% of all the people who ever lived are openly gay?....... Try 1 billion tops! Get your facts straight. Maybe a billion gay people have ever been open about it......and this is on the high end when you consider there are only about 2%-3% of the population that is gay.

It sounds to me that you are gay and you wish that everybody else would choose to be gay.

First of all, nobody chooses to be gay, if you could read this thread it woulod be much appreciated before you start spewing ignorant nonsense. Don't bother arguing against that statement, it is not a matter of opinion, it is a fact, and if you argue against it you are simply doing that, trying to disprove a fact that you have no evidence about. You are sorely misinformed. he number was obviously fabricated for the 20 billion; as the actual number is arbitrary provided it isn't some minuscule number like 20, the point I was getting across is that the people who have experience with it have a much more educated opinion on it than you narcissistic neanderthals who seem to know everything about life even though you don't consider other people's opinions for more than three seconds. Makes me wonder why you think you belong on this mature forum that was made to discuss controversial issues so that adults can find truth. Why argue if not to be open to the ideas of the people are experienced in it? The only answer is arrogance. Only answer. And it is very, very sad that you straight men think your opinion is really worth any weight when arguing against what the people who live this experience every day.

You have some serious growing up to get to so I suggest you stop wasting your time being an egoistical brat with radical stances against hard facts on an online forum.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:57 AM
If I have failed to answer any questions then I duly apologise. I thought I'd covered everything in precise detail but please if you will list all the questions you have and I will answer them matter of factly.

Then Im pretty much through. We have established that although the Thread has provoked a healthy debate with some individuals, Transexualism isn't something that is up for debate.

Transexualism is very very real and exists. Not believing in Transexualism is like saying that the world is flat.

Natures sick joke if you will.

Sure you may always see me as a man... legally I will be a woman...

There is no reason why this has to get nasty. the most important thing to realise that Gender and Sexuality are not linked. A Transexual who isnt gay isn't gay. Then it's down to the man or woman who dates the Transperson if they accept the person for who they are.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by IanC99000310

Sadly, and clearly, it is not the truth that these people seek. Stubbornness is their crutch for misunderstanding.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by IanC99000310
If I have failed to answer any questions then I duly apologise. I thought I'd covered everything in precise detail but please if you will list all the questions you have and I will answer them matter of factly.

Then Im pretty much through. We have established that although the Thread has provoked a healthy debate with some individuals, Transexualism isn't something that is up for debate.

Transexualism is very very real and exists. Not believing in Transexualism is like saying that the world is flat.

Natures sick joke if you will.

Sure you may always see me as a man... legally I will be a woman...

There is no reason why this has to get nasty. the most important thing to realise that Gender and Sexuality are not linked. A Transexual who isnt gay isn't gay. Then it's down to the man or woman who dates the Transperson if they accept the person for who they are.

Legally I've been accused for a crime (that I didn't commit) that I don't want to speak about on here.

Sexuality and gender are different issues, I've already agreed on that fact.

But a man wanting to "become" a woman and then have sexual relations with a man is still homosexual, it's still a modified man having sex with another man.

I'm not sure how anyone would find that hard to understand and it can be dressed up which ever way you want but it's still the truth.

I'm not trying to be nasty and I think we have already established that, we've gone beyond the point of insults and debated; which I'm happy about.

As mentioned previously we may have to agree to disagree, I wish you all the best as a human being but you'll never in my mind convince me your a woman because you are not. They maybe painful words but it's the truth my friend...

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:35 PM
The crime you got convicted of has no interest to me.

That is between you and your conscience.

I do think you have an issue with people like me and if you have been hurt by one I am sorry. To say i will never be a woman is true in the sense I wasn't born properly. But believe me all the arguments you have put forward I have had with myself. I am 100 % female in the brain and socially.

there are other things that can happen some that get tested for currently I am looking to get tested for being an XX male which would then screw with the whole born a man theory...I was trying not to confuse too many people but there are some things that can and do go wrong.

Ashleigh Olivia xx

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by IanC99000310

I didn't say convicted mate, I said accused.

I wish you peace in your future.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 05:21 PM

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by Yissachar1

Just a few things:

Firstly, your a fantist, a keyboard warrior if you will.

You have killed British Army soldiers? Really? In what war/conflict mate?

You've passed American special forces course's? Are you implying that your an American? Because the last time I checked America and the UK were allies.

Let me tell you this, any special forces trained soldier wouldn't be that immature and childish to boast about how they have killed people on an internet forum. Neither would they happily refer to themselves as murderers...

I'm glad you "easily" passed the special forces course that you undertook, you must be a supreme warrior!

The fact of the matter is that your more than likely a keyboard cowboy with no combat experience and like to tell stories about how you have "killed" people.

If by some miracle you have actually served in the special forces then god help us all because the last time I checked they didn't enlist egotistical, blood thirsty savages who enjoy killing and then post about it on the internet...



I served in the British army and idf.. During which time I had the honour of fighting for britain and israel.. I have indeed as a british army soldier have cause to go and train in america quite a few times.. Nowhere did i imply that i have killed US troops however i have witnessed them killing my troops.

What i DID imply however is the fact that people who have your views are directly responsable for the suicides of many a good person who wishes to be themselves.. Thats a fact jack.

As for anything else I could not give a crap what some bigoted wanker says about me at the comfort of their computer.. Call me what you will, i dont have to prove anything to the likes of you... But i do have a sneaky suspicion that you are a tranny chaser who got burnt and now want revenge or why the vitriol?

Methinks you doth protest too much x

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
Your gender isn't an illness, if you consider it one then I'd suggest you have a possible psychological illness.

You wasn't born without the ability to have children, you was born as a male aka males do not have children.

Where did I say I was born a male? I think you've misread, or I've typed dumbly. But no I wasn't born a male. Not all transsexuals started off male.

I haven't stereotyped anyone, I maybe have used stereotypical examples as part of my argument but I haven't pointed anything specifically.

Stereotyped enough that it might be good for you to do more research if the topic is really that fascinating to you..

Yeah, changed a little bit in that they chopped off some parts of their sex organs. They probably weren't that interested in it because they were too young to comprehend it...

Nope. I know a child who is around 14 today. Same issue. They comprehend it. They're even going through the phase of calling everything 'gay' like a normal child. The whole 'omg children will copy it thing' is just not gonna happen. It didn't happen with the ninja turtles, its not going to happen with sexuality and sex changes. And no, they didn't 'chop off' anything.

I'm not trying to change anyones mind, I've already stated its up to the individual how they live their life.

You fill in one too many blanks in conversations perhaps. Not sure what you are trying to do. Hope you've learnt whatever it is you were looking for. Good conversation anyway.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:36 AM

I haven't stereotyped anyone, I maybe have used stereotypical examples as part of my argument but I haven't pointed anything specifically.

Using stereotypical examples to try and prove a point that you are inexperienced in is the definition of stereotyping, and it is looked at negatively because it is uneducated and completely ignorant, much like most of your posts. This sentence is extremely contradictory.

Yeah, changed a little bit in that they chopped off some parts of their sex organs. They probably weren't that interested in it because they were too young to comprehend it...

Assuming age of certain thought processes that you really know nothing about; also stereotyping.

I'm not trying to change anyones mind, I've already stated its up to the individual how they live their life.

No, you assume a neutral stance for about 20% of most of your arguments, but maintain a negative stance and make extremely generic comments coming from an ignoramus (in all its definitions) for the rest of it, and it is hardly subtle and very juvenile.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:50 AM
We are all in utero as female until the hormones are working, hence why men also have nipples.

edit on 11-9-2010 by Skittle because: cuz I am a dingo

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Yissachar1

No you implied you had killed BRITISH soldiers, pretty strange considering you have apparently served with the British army, out of interest which regiment was that???

If you want to go around boasting about your "killings" then I'll leave you to it, you still also haven't replied as to what conflict/war you killed these people in.

Some special forces soldier you are, do you really think the likes of the SAS/SEAL's/SBS/GSG9 etc etc go on the internet and brag about being murderers?

Get real mate...

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Pinke

I simply started a thread that I was interested in and liked to hear people view points and thoughts about, no offence was intended to anyone and considering the amount of replies (and thank you's) this thread has receieved I think it's a topic that alot of people are interested in.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Brood

I can't even be bothered to point out the holes in your argument.

2nd line.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:56 AM
Dude- 330 reply's and 7 flags (one star) should tell you to give it up. I do applaud you for posting the question and responding to the reaction you have gotten.

However if you wish to continue down this path- "it is a state of mind". It's not the physical transference of body that people have labeled (transsexual)

This is much like an alien abduction. They say. They believe. Therefore it is so, for them.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Tribble

Firstly, this thread recieved more than 1 star.

Secondly, I'm not on some sort of crusade mate, simply responding to the questions and answer's being posted. If people believe this thread has died a death then fair enough, but as long as people keep directing questions to me I'll answer.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Fair enough then, I truly await your next topic.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Tribble

I'm working on it mate, you'll hear from me very shortly

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Don't bother waiting too long for questions; we are not the ones who need to be taught, we are simply the ones who accepted it when people taught it to us. It's a shame you are so unwilling to learn about the world around you.

Anyways, this thread stopped going places when you continued arguing the same points even though the reasons which they are not right have been shown to you multiple times.

edit on 12-9-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

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