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Today was pivotal folks. The Churches have come out and said they will no longer stand by and let the country be destroyed.
When the SHTF I am heading for the hills, and I recommend the same
for anyone else that will not try to impose on the ppl already there.
Originally posted by minigunner
If I had my way we would leave the middle east but kick every single muslim out of America. Then it would be a better place!
As to the actual topic, that photo makes me sick to my stomach,how can 750,000 people just in that area be christian?! this country was not born a christian nation, the founding fathers HATED religion, especially christianity, as the people in charge, even they knew religion was just a system of the powerful controlling the masses.
Originally posted by Crimelab
**edit** Since the numbers in the OP's headline are completely made up... Does this need to be moved to "Hoax"?
Good job at proving nothing, i said the founding fathers hated religion, not tried to keep church out of state, they needed church actually, they needed a way to control the masses(sheeple) such as yourself.
Maybe you should read a little more closely instead of making yourself look like an idiot. Ignorance is blissful isn't it?
""No government can continue good but under the control of the people; and people so demoralized [lacking good morals] and depraved as to be incapable of exercising a wholesome control, their reformation must be taken up ab incunabulis. Their minds [must] be informed by education what is right and what wrong, be encouraged in habits of virtue and deterred from those of vice by the dread of punishments, proportioned indeed, but irremissible. In all cases, follow truth as the only safe guide and eschew error which bewilders us in one false consequence after another in endless succession. These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure of order and good government."" – Thomas Jefferson to John Adams (1819. ME 15:234)