Just finished watching the Restoring Honor rally. Looks to be like over 750,000 people attended the rally. Also, the live Facebook feed had over
130,000 watchers. With it being shown on C Span, this is probably one of the largest rallies in history.
Only dwarfed by the 9/12 rally and about the same size(edit here, sorry, I meant to say half the size-just reread the OP-oops) as the Obama
inauguration. Some are estimating more than 750k, I myself estimate right in that range using the National Park crowd estimation map.
It was quite inspirational.
The black robe regiment has been called into being again. Wonder if the feds are going to threaten the Churches not to talk politics in the
Today was pivotal folks. The Churches have come out and said they will no longer stand by and let the country be destroyed.
All denominations were there.
Heck, Alveda King's segment was as inspirational as Glenn Beck's was. I leaned toward the Beck speech because of him including segments from my
favorite founder-Thomas Jefferson.
Anyway, glad to see even the MSM has admitted to the size of the crowd.
I wish I could of went. But the live feed was great.
At least THIS time, the MSM cannot fudge the numbers.
OH, well the New York Times tried.
Before it even began, they did the SAME thing they did to the last rally, they had their headline read,
THOUSANDS show up to the Glenn Beck rally. Funny, you would think as a business, they would attempt to cover the truth, when their losing money hand
over fist.
oh, what was I thinking, they are just one of the MSM propaganda locations.
November right around the corner.
For my part though, the voting really no longer matters.
I am using my God given right to remove my consent to be governed. I am now governing myself. They no longer have any jurisdiction afforded them.
God Bless and Peace.
And if you missed it, as soon as I get a link to the video, I will post it.
edit to change might to my
[edit on 29-8-2010 by saltheart foamfollower]