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John Stewart Shows how Stupid FOX are.......Again

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posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:17 PM
Sorry to those of you who don't like Jon but I feel this can't be passed upon!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:58 PM
Remember when Jon Stewart used to be funny?

Me neither.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Remember when Jon Stewart used to be funny?

Me neither.

Astute and poignant reply that adds more to the topic to debate..............

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:26 PM
I think you meant "how stupid Fox New is"
Also I wouldn't spend too much time sourcing Comedy Network for news although I have to admit they are probably correct more of the time than Media Matters or MoveOn.Org

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:37 PM
Here's a fun one for you guys.

Can you guess where that leads before clicking it?

I smell a conspiracy

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by vox2442

Originally posted by jibeho
You're just denying the raw facts. Alwaleed is a shareholder in Newscorp. As are many other investors. Newscorp is a PUBLICLY traded company. Alwaleed has his money everywhere including the President's pocket.

To understand completely, you need to know all there is to know about this man and his interests.

Sadly, people just pick and choose info. that supports an agenda. In this case an agenda against Fox News. Present all of the Facts!!! and the story and hit attempt on Fox sort of loses its punch. Eh??

Thats kind of the whole point of what Stewart is doing, though.

They say that the mosque is linked to terror because of the connection to Alwaleed. If that is true, then shouldnt all of the other things he funds be ALSO linked to terror?

I can't argue with that! So, let's add Georgetown University, a Jesuit University, and Harvard to the terror links right next to Fox.

My point is that Alwaleed is so greatly diversified that you can't pin the man down. I don't see any proof that Fox News was trying to deliberately conceal his connections to their parent company of Newscorp. Newscorp Owns a hell of a lot. Its no secret that he is a shareholder.

Anyway, is there any evidence to suggest that a deliberate failure to disclose a publicly known fact was committed by Fox? Alwaleed owns 5.7% in voting shares of News Corp.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by jibeho]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by jibeho

I can't argue with that! So, let's add Georgetown University, a Jesuit University, and Harvard to the terror links right next to Fox.

No one can argue with that
. Yes, let's add those to the list Fox SHOULD have included, but didn't.

My point is that Alwaleed is so greatly diversified that you can't pin the man down. I don't see any proof that Fox News was trying to deliberately conceal his connections to their parent company of Newscorp. Newscorp Owns a hell of a lot. Its no secret that he is a shareholder.

He is not "only" a shareholder, but the SECOND largest., next to Murdoch himself.


Quote from source:

* Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, through his Kingdom Holding Company, owns 7% of News Corp.'s shares, making Kingdom Holdings the second largest shareholder.[21][22][23]


Anyway, is there any evidence to suggest that a deliberate failure to disclose a publicly known fact was committed by Fox? Alwaleed owns 5.7% in voting shares of News Corp.

The evidence is either in their ineptitude or agenda. Are they a NEWS WIRE service or an ENTERTAINMENT service for their CLIENT base?

Dude, I hear some of what your saying, but you have to turn that light around 180* sometimes, and look closely at what your trying to defend just for the sake of it.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 11:58 PM
For anyone interested in checking the shows out online:

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
For anyone interested in checking the shows out online:

Or you could just go to and watch where its all free, better quality, and legal.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:10 AM
Jon Stewart has more brain cells in his pinky than the whole FOX "News" team combined. And he's not afraid to slap people who are as dishonest as some news hosts.

The video bellow is one of his best performances...and it was on CNN

Notice how he didn't care which political affiliations those 2 had!

[edit on 27-8-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by vox2442

Or you could just go to and watch where its all free, better quality, and legal.

I like the show without commercials, and viewing is legal, downloading is not. I think?
Quality is same on my end...

[edit on 27-8-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
I can't argue with that! So, let's add Georgetown University, a Jesuit University, and Harvard to the terror links right next to Fox.

My point is that Alwaleed is so greatly diversified that you can't pin the man down. I don't see any proof that Fox News was trying to deliberately conceal his connections to their parent company of Newscorp. Newscorp Owns a hell of a lot. Its no secret that he is a shareholder.

Anyway, is there any evidence to suggest that a deliberate failure to disclose a publicly known fact was committed by Fox? Alwaleed owns 5.7% in voting shares of News Corp.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by jibeho]

Here is one of the clips in question:

I guess the deliberate failure to disclose would be: fox neither used a photo or said his name. A lot of allegations are made, but the name is withheld - the only reason I can think of is that they want to keep people from looking too closely and finding the link to Fox.

Here, Beck has similar allegations, uses a photo, but does not use his name (just calls him "this guy").

It`s not like they don`t know who he is - he is hardly keeping a low profile.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

LMFAO hahaha....

Man he still got it, I haven't seen his shows for a while now but he still making a mockery of those who need mockery to teach them a lesson lol.

Man funny as hell..

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:40 AM
How FOX has any level of credibility in this day and age is astounding.
They don't even try and hide their bias and manipulation in the slightest.

They never seem to even know what they are talking about and so...the SCREAM to overcompensate and throw off their mild mannered intellectual guests.

It really is a dullards show at this point.

- Lee

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by tspark
I think you meant "how stupid Fox New is"
Also I wouldn't spend too much time sourcing Comedy Network for news although I have to admit they are probably correct more of the time than Media Matters or MoveOn.Org

I was reading and thought I was the only one that caught it.

I guess when casting aspersions of other's ignorance, one should not use the wrong linking verb.

Oh well, I is smarter than the aberage ATSer.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:04 AM
FOXNews, MSNBC, ABC,CNN... all garbage outlets to keep the mindless fed with garbage. So instead of uniting together because we are being fleeced and have been fleeced for at least the 12 years, we sit here and argue over one news stations broadcasts... pretty intelligent on our parts don't you think? Mission accomplished on their part, populace suppressed, effectively divided, using our natural American will to fight and turn it on each other. So now we are like two pitbulls attached at each others throats, unable to release our jaws, doomed to die.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

This is nice "spin" from Stewart - and a very funny clip - but I think he, the huffington post and the OP are missing an important message from Fox here - let me preface what I'm about to say by saying that I am not a Fox viewer, and am a registered independent who voted for Obama... that having been said, I think that this is actually scores a point FOR Fox News - they are "outing" one of their own major shareholders for doing something they feel is wrong. In other words, its more important to get the truth out than to protect their own business interests....quite refreshing my estimation, Good Job Fox ! I wish the other MSM would follow their lead and start reporting the truth rather than kowtowing to their money masters. Thoughts ? Remember - Deny Ignorance, it looks to me like this is a situation where a MSM outlet is doing exactly what we want them to do !

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:25 AM
LOL Jon Stewart is just as bad as FOX news. HE is a hypocrite. Do you remember back in the bush days of his video editing to make him look right?

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by TSZodiac
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

This is nice "spin" from Stewart - and a very funny clip - but I think he, the huffington post and the OP are missing an important message from Fox here - let me preface what I'm about to say by saying that I am not a Fox viewer, and am a registered independent who voted for Obama... that having been said, I think that this is actually scores a point FOR Fox News - they are "outing" one of their own major shareholders for doing something they feel is wrong. In other words, its more important to get the truth out than to protect their own business interests....quite refreshing my estimation, Good Job Fox ! I wish the other MSM would follow their lead and start reporting the truth rather than kowtowing to their money masters. Thoughts ? Remember - Deny Ignorance, it looks to me like this is a situation where a MSM outlet is doing exactly what we want them to do !

You hit the nail on the head!! Despite Alwaleed's stock ownership and funding of the the mosque, all of Fox News' leading commentators and hosts have speaking out against the mosque plan and have suggested that it be built elsewhere. Sure Beck pointed him out but didn't name him. Alwaleed is not new to the nation or to New Yorkers. Remember when Guiliani refused his $10 million check after the 9/11 attacks.

Alwaleed has been bitter ever since!!!! and will use his wealth in every way possible!! Just like George Soros and others like them.

I am going to stop trying to defend Fox here. They don't control who invests in a parent company or how those investors are able to influence decisions with the all mighty dollar. I think it has been clearly shown that Alwaleed is trying to spread his influence all over the West in an effort to advance Islam.

Lets all look at what is really going on with this man and study his agenda.

Here is a great article on him that made my head spin.

Fox connection to Alwaleed

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:24 AM
A Brit's view chiming in here after watching Jon Stewart dissect more Fox nonsense. Has Fox ever broken any credible stories in a non-partisan manner? It was through Jon Stewart that I heard about the likes of Beck and Hannity and have subsequently watched their broadcasts. I struggle to understand why people buy into the trash that they spout. Do people honestly think that Fox is a credible news channel?

Coming from the UK we have our fair share of insanity on tv, but nothing like Fox. Beck seems to think the Nazis have invaded the White House, Hannity confuses fact from fiction and O'Reilly shouts at anyone who doesn't agree with him.

But the most strange thing about Fox at the moment surrounds the Islamic Community Centre. All Fox commentators insist that it isn't about religion yet launch into diatribes about how Islam is taking over America.

I really think that guy Beck has serious mental health issues. He is bizarre.

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