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John Stewart Shows how Stupid FOX are.......Again

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posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

I watch nether so I would never attempt to claim either has spouted off false stuff. I have never made the claim that Stewart has, nor have I claimed the opposite that Rush has never.

You have also decided to muddle the conversation and debate by throwing in Glenn Beck. Emotions have gotten to you and you have now falling into the cycle of defense of something I was never attacking.

You are telling me that John Steward never has taken a news clip out of context to make a joke? If so, then you are blindly following based on the entertainment value the Daily Show presents to you...

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
reply to post by MrXYZ

I watch nether so I would never attempt to claim either has spouted off false stuff.

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

You are telling me that John Steward never has taken a news clip out of context to make a joke? If so, then you are blindly following based on the entertainment value the Daily Show presents to you...

No matter what I say here, you clearly can't know if I'm talking the truth or not...after all, you don't watch the show

By showing only small clips during a show, you obviously have to take things out of context. That doesn't mean you can't do some extra research. If you do, you'll figure out that he doesn't really take things much out of context in a way that would make stuff sound worse than it is.

If you disagree, please feel free to watch the show and post some clips to prove me wrong

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

While the correct terms is socially unacceptable in human life, it is acceptable in animal life. We separate many different types of animals, more specifically, mammals into categories of classification, but will refuse to do such for human beings. When clearly, whether you are a creationist or evolutionist, we come from some common background but have developed differently to the areas in which our ancestors settled.

What the gentleman said was idiotic, but nothing racist nor even bigoted.

species are anything that are potentially capable of interbreeding, according to the English language. What that man said was not only racist and bigoted, but directly opposed to the English language's own definition of "species".

Definition of SPECIES
1a : kind, sort b : a class of individuals having common attributes and designated by a common name; specifically : a logical division of a genus or more comprehensive class c : the human race : human beings —often used with the d (1) : a category of biological classification ranking immediately below the genus or subgenus, comprising related organisms or populations potentially capable of interbreeding, and being designated by a binomial that consists of the name of a genus followed by a Latin or latinized uncapitalized noun or adjective agreeing grammatically with the genus name (2) : an individual or kind belonging to a biological species.
Mirriam-Websters Dictionary

His intent may have been different, if he is ignorant of the meanings of the words he spews out of his mouth.

But according to the English Language what he said was:

"These people are not human, and not capable of interbreeding with the human race."
-according to the definion of the word.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by ownbestenemy

The difference is, Stewart clearly labels his show as comedy. Beck & Rush don't! They say it's "commentary", but in Beck's case, his show is running on a NEWS channel. And if his show is preceded by news, and followed by news, a lot of the viewers will be too dumb to realize it's not just news.

And you know what the saddest part is? You get more straight talk, and more pointed-out hypocrisy from Stewart than Beck and Rush combined.

Right on. He's crystal clear that he's doing comedy and imho he's a decent comedian all things considered -- even though he's talented beyond just comedy.

When Beck goes on his self-righteous mental (I'm being generous here) masturbation orgy, that's a completely different ballpark.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Boomer1941
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

I'd be hard pressed to lend any credibility to a ratings starved comedian for a news source, let alone the Leftwing Liberal Huffington Post.

how is he a ratings starved comedian. He has had his show for like 10 years and still going. I doubt he is starving. Comedy Central doesn't keept renewing contracts of "ratings starved" shows.....

He doesn't need attention....He has his own show ! so no matter what ..people are watching. He brings it to our attention because he wants to. And since it's his show and he can do that.

I don't know where you make up this ratings starved comedian thing. narrow minded viewpoint.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
You are telling me that John Steward never has taken a news clip out of context to make a joke? If so, then you are blindly following based on the entertainment value the Daily Show presents to you...

His comedy is a little deeper than taking random quotes out of context.

He actually makes fun of things IN context...

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

Here's a fun one for you guys.

Can you guess where that leads before clicking it?

I smell a conspiracy

Hey searching4thruth!
Do you think Beck authorized that "pre link?" I can't see him being that audacious....well perhaps?
Surely someone else took his address and linked to the killa#%*.
If it could be proven that he is responsible for that...well, let's see first.


reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Thanks for digging and bringing those vids onboard

[edit on 27-8-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:39 PM
stewart doesnt need to make things up, he just reveals the stupidity of others.

like beck, while on cnn hated the medical system, then loves it once on fox. laura ingraham, who said the new york mosque was ok a year ago, but now is against it. fox news, who is fair and balanced, yet gives more air time to republicans and the conservative message, as well as a million dollars to the R.G.A. how fox blew up the sherrod scandal, then the next day claimed to have had nothing to do with it. how fox claims that letting the bush tax cuts expire will be the largest tax hike in history, when we all know that honor belongs to reagan. how fox berates obama for pointing out that the recession started because of bush, yet bush blamed clinton up until 8 months before he left office (7+ years).

all stewart does is bring up the past to show the hypocrisy of the present.

as for ratings, spongebob has higher ratings that oreilly and beck combined, so that arguement is absurd.

if you truly want a non-biased news source, then find the one hated by all. so far that is the bbc. conservatives call it liberal, and vice versa.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:05 PM


posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:32 PM
Why are we still attempting to discredit news agencies that are obvious propaganda fronts? THEY ALL ARE. I'm sorry but coming here I thought I was going to be amongst the enlightened, but I see that you are all just as clueless as the rest and just as quick to go rabid over a damned news channel. Holy mother of God, you should all be ashamed. IT'S ALL GARBAGE, ALL OF IT! There is not one IOTA of TRUTH hidden in any of your favorite channels liberal or conservative or whatever...

You want to really find out whats news and whats not? Stop watching TV, stop listening to the Radio, stop using the internet for a month, then come back... trust me.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Darkurth2000

I hope medication does the trick.....

If by "medicine" you mean truth, then yes we will continue to take it no matter what source provides it, for it is not just the source, but what they say that matters, no?
Otherwise your comment is empty and is not appreciated....


reply to post by brutalsun

Why are we still attempting to discredit news agencies that are obvious propaganda fronts?

For discussion's sake, for educating each other about what is real and not and because there is "reporting," and then there is sensationalistic entertainment, and too many people in our society can't tell the difference anymore.


[edit on 27-8-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

I have no idea. I tried googling it, along with Glenn Beck and there were a some postings on different boards over the past few months. So, all I know is that is has active since at least June.

I tried other groups, and none worked just this one, and just for Beck.

Yes, I do think he would for the publicity. It probably is someone's idea of a joke though.

[edit on 27-8-2010 by searching4truth]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Darkurth2000
If you're getting your facts from Huffington Post, I guess I can see where you'd make this a big deal. Good luck to you my friend. I hope medication does the trick.....

Gotta love how you completely destroy the points mentioned instead of attacking the source...oh...wait


It's channels like FOX who encourage the crazy people to make stupid visit a mosque and piss all over the place. I mean, what happened to "freedom and liberties"? Those people call themselves patriots, but in reality, they reflect the exact opposite of the values this country was founded on. Michael Bloomberg said it nicely last night!

[edit on 27-8-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Darkurth2000
If you're getting your facts from Huffington Post, I guess I can see where you'd make this a big deal. Good luck to you my friend. I hope medication does the trick.....

You seem to be playing a hardball here. If I were to answer in kind, I would have said that anyone who watches FOX should be a subject to compulsory lobotomy. But I won't.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Bah - ORielly makes me sick, at least Stewart is a well mannered shill and pretty funny.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by searching4truth
What's the difference between Jon and Glenn?

Neither is a journalist.
Only one of them went to college.
One of them interviews heads/former heads of state, cabinet officials, and congress.

It's not Glenn.

So, whatever it is that Glenn does, how it is more important or rather self important, than what Jon does using satire in regard to the actual news. Actually, in my opinion most of his stuff isn't even satire anymore, its just pointing out the hypocrisy of elected officials and media personalities.

So whatever it is that Glen does???

Glen's not there to illicit laughs to prop up bad ratings, he's not a comedian by profession. If he has one of the highest ratings on the news networks that would mean people are watching, would there be that many stupid people in this country wasting their time watching his show if there wasn't some interest? Glen himself professes he doesn't want or need any politicians, heads of State on his show, he doesn't want the spin. But then you stick with the Comedy for your primary news source, maybe there will be a new Blue Collar Comedy Tour that will bring you more up to date on current events. Try reading the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and then try and tell us all how much of that is being practiced by our Federal Government today.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Boomer1941
I'd be hard pressed to lend any credibility to a ratings starved comedian for a news source
Ratings starved? By this weeks Neilson numbers, Jon Stewart is getting 1.8 million viewers. Glen Beck is getting 1.9 million viewers. Not a wide margin there...

So where are you getting those numbers these days?

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 11:48 AM
Pardon the digression, but Beck's name came up several times throughout this thread and I thought it would be interesting to hear him speak at the Restoring Honor gathering today(1000) people showed up.

Beck - Restoring Honor


[edit on 28-8-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 11:48 AM
Here you can see O'Riley (or however you spell that) confronting Jon Stewart on taking clips out of context.

Of course Fox had to edit that part out of the broadcasted version.

And here you see Hannity apologizing to Jon Stewart for using footage out of context

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

There is no difference between left wing politico's and right wing politico's, both are in alliance with each other to expand the power base of government.

more accurately, they belong to common owners &, in fact, are just puppet show

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