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John Stewart Shows how Stupid FOX are.......Again

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posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:38 PM
Reasons why I hate John Stewart:

He feels so smug when he brings right wing guests and uses his louder more annoying voice, and audience to control the conversation. I just watched an interview with Blago the other day and the guy couldn't get a word in edgewise.

Basically thats all I have for right now because the only reason I ever watch his stupid show is when I'm playing World of Warcraft and Tosh.0 ends while i'm in a raid.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:40 PM
I saw this on Australian TV and it made me laugh at Fox NEW's ignorance (owned by an Australian btw).

Also the FOX reporter they showed in the same episode that while live on air googled for what 'ignoramous(sp?)' meant and then came to the conclusion it meant "an ignorant lawyer".

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

jon stewart is the only fool in this scenario; i think not...but he is the funniest!!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Nventual

so why is it, according to polls fox news is rated as the #1 news station does murdock and the prince own the ratings orgainizations too??

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Loutty

you gotta watch it for the humor...he is the funniest son of a gun...hes got the emmys to prove it!!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Loutty

you gotta watch it for the humor...he is the funniest son of a gun...hes got the emmys to prove it!!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by jazabel51
reply to post by Nventual

so why is it, according to polls fox news is rated as the #1 news station does murdock and the prince own the ratings orgainizations too??

Ratings have nothing to do with truth.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:55 PM
I don't really care how anyone feels about Stewart personally.

Those that continue supporting Fox......Is he wrong?

Everyday, we sit on ats screaming to deny ignorance, is Jon Stewart wrong?
And can you honestly still watch Fox, for anything other than purely entertainment?

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by jazabel51
reply to post by Nventual

so why is it, according to polls fox news is rated as the #1 news station does murdock and the prince own the ratings orgainizations too??

No, but they paid for the poll and if they didn't like the results they just question a different group of people 'till they can get more people to say they watch FOX over any other news station.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Loutty

I just watched an interview with Blago the other day and the guy couldn't get a word in edgewise.

Hey Loutty, I too watched that and it is my opinion that Stewart was preventing Blago from wiggling his way out of truth. Blago is crafty in defending himself, attempting a tactic to say everything but the point by circumventing the specific contention.
That was a rare obstructive effort by Stewart, for I have watched him for years and he should have the term "fair and balanced,"particularly when it comes to interviews. He is as cordial,considerate and fair of an interviewer as they come, imo.


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 04:43 PM
Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is nicknamed the "Warren Buffet of the Gulf" and holds a wide array of investments in PUBLICLY TRADED companies like
investments in Citigroup, Carlyle Group (a company backed by an awful lot of bin Laden connected money), Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co Inc, McDonald`s Corp, Apple Computer Inc., Motorola, AOL Time Warner, Saks Inc., EuroDisney and Walt Disney Company, the Teledesic satellite venture. Blahh Blahh Blahh the list goes on

He has been a shareholder in Newscorp since 1997!!! In that year he also became the Second Largest shareholder in Apple.

He also donated $20 million to Obamas Alma Mater, Harvard, back in 2009 and he has been rumored to have funded Obama's Harvard years.

Obama's Harvard Years

Furthermore, the Alwaleed Foundation has set aside $100 million for its Islam-West dialogue project, which endowed the centers at Harvard and Georgetown.

Alwaleed gets around folks. If you want to poke fun at Fox News you have to poke fun at Apple and all of the others too!! Including Your President!!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by jibeho

*irrelevant material snipped*

If you want to poke fun at Fox News you have to poke fun at Apple and all of the others too!! Including Your President!!

Why? They aren't the topic. That's deflection. It's like saying, "Yeah, we know but we'll talk about something else though."

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by jibeho

*irrelevant material snipped*

If you want to poke fun at Fox News you have to poke fun at Apple and all of the others too!! Including Your President!!

Why? They aren't the topic. That's deflection. It's like saying, "Yeah, we know but we'll talk about something else though."

You're just denying the raw facts. Alwaleed is a shareholder in Newscorp. As are many other investors. Newscorp is a PUBLICLY traded company. Alwaleed has his money everywhere including the President's pocket.

To understand completely, you need to know all there is to know about this man and his interests.

Sadly, people just pick and choose info. that supports an agenda. In this case an agenda against Fox News. Present all of the Facts!!! and the story and hit attempt on Fox sort of loses its punch. Eh??

Just as many anti Fox threads as anti Obama threads. I wonder why.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Well I could start a topic stating that apples are good for you because look at all the sugar in Coke but that wouldn't fly either. That's what is presented here.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Alwaleed is all over the place.

In case you didn't read the first time

It is all relevant as to who he is and what his interests are.

edit to add:

Once again Alwaleed has been a leading shareholder in Newscorp since 1997!!!

This is not NEW news. His money is all over the place to the point that you would not know where he stands on anything other than to manipulate both sides to every argument or battle.

Perhaps the broadcasters should have mentioned just to simplify the lives of those who completely fail to understand what is happening.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by jibeho]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Sadly, people just pick and choose info. that supports an agenda. In this case an agenda against Fox News. Present all of the Facts!!! and the story and hit attempt on Fox sort of loses its punch. Eh??

Hello jibeho, while I don't totally disagree with you, the difference between Fox and the other's is that Fox comes out and criticizes those associated with Alawaleed as evil and anyone connected is guilty by association.
So Alawaleed is the second largest shareholder in Newscorp, guess who the first is?

Kingdom Holding, a Saudi investment firm.
Guess who is the chairman? Alawlaeed

Now it may be true that all news media is guilty of misperception and blame, but does it not make sense that the largest and most powerful(Newscorp) of these organizations are responsible for the most bs put out?
Here is a list of Newscorp co's:

Selected businesses in Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation Media Empire include..

Filmed Entertainment - News Corporation
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox Espanol
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
20th Century Fox International
20th Century Fox Television
Blue Sky Studios
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Fox Studios Australia
Fox Studios LA
Fox Studios Baja
Fox Television Studios

Television - News Corporation
Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox Sports Australia
Fox Television Stations

Cable Television owned by News Corporation
Fox Movie Channel
Fox News Channel
Fox Sports Digital
Fox Sports Enterprises
Fox Sports Espanol
Fox Sports Net
Fox Sports World
National Geographic Channel
SPEED Channel
Stats, Inc

Direct Broadcast & Satellite Television - News Corporation
Sky Italia

Magazines - News Corporation
Inside Out
Donna Hay
News America Marketing
Smart Source
The Weekly Standard

Newspapers - News Corporation
Australasian region Newspapers:
Daily Telegraph
Fiji Times
Gold Coast Bulletin
Herald Sun
NT News
Post Courier
Sunday Herald Sun
Sunday Mail
Sunday Tasmanian
Sunday Territorian
Sunday Times
The Advertiser
The Australian
The Courier Mail
The Mercury
The Sunday Mail
The Sunday Telegraph
Weekly Times
United Kingdom region Newspapers:
News International
News of the World
The Sun
The Sunday Times
The Times
Times Education Supplement
Times Higher Education Supplement
Times Literary Supplement
TSL Education
United States region Newspapers:
New York Post

Books - News Corporation
Harper Collins Publishers
- Australia
- Canada
- Childrens Books
- United States
- United Kingdom
Regan Books

Other Investments - News Corporation Profile
Festival Records
Mushroom Records
National Rugby League - Australia
News Interactive
News Outdoor
Nursery World

Boy, there sure are a lot of "Fox's" in the Tv/Cable shows.
Now who has more power than this to effect the minds of the people?
Therefore, imo, the biggest co is responsible for putting out the most(quantity wise) garbage.
So no, objective analysis does not "decrease the punch," it increases it.
At least that is how I see it.
And yes Alwaleed is all over the place, but he is invested in the 2nd most powerful media force on the planet, which puts him in a unique position of bias.
AND, he is the chairman of Kingdom Holding, the largest shareholder of Newscorp. Do I see a picture forming here? Yes
Does it put Fox news at a disadvantage when it comes to accountability? Yes


Edit To Add:
I think my point may have gotten scattered, so let me reiterate. Yes, all the media is responsible for putting out garbage, thus follows the logic that the "most powerful and watched" company is putting out the most garbage. So yes, Fox news is more responsible for misperception and sensationalism than all the others.
So the criticism is not "picking on," it is proportional.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:44 PM
I always found it bit sad and funny that the best news show about current events is a show that airs on a comedy channel. Weird that the best kind of humor comes from point out facts and truths that other ignore/hide.
for Jon & staff.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Perhaps the broadcasters should have mentioned just to simplify the lives of those who completely fail to understand what is happening.

Your exactly right, but they didn't and that was Stewart's whole point. Instead they cast a nefarious / mysterious / vague image of him to incite fear and therefore, by association on the GZ mosque.

Fox NEWS NETWORK either didn't do the same research that Stewart did, a comedian on a COMEDY NETWORK, or they did and withheld that research to further an agenda. Either scenario doesn't paint a very good image for Fox. And you, yourself know how easy it was to find the truth by the research / info you provided.

That's the joke of it

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity are the unholy trinity of disinformation.

Stewart just makes fun of them.

Stewart hurt your feelings? Get over it.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by The Sword]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
You're just denying the raw facts. Alwaleed is a shareholder in Newscorp. As are many other investors. Newscorp is a PUBLICLY traded company. Alwaleed has his money everywhere including the President's pocket.

To understand completely, you need to know all there is to know about this man and his interests.

Sadly, people just pick and choose info. that supports an agenda. In this case an agenda against Fox News. Present all of the Facts!!! and the story and hit attempt on Fox sort of loses its punch. Eh??

Thats kind of the whole point of what Stewart is doing, though.

They say that the mosque is linked to terror because of the connection to Alwaleed. If that is true, then shouldnt all of the other things he funds be ALSO linked to terror?

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