Im also from the UK.
I was told chav standed for Council House And Violent but thats not really the real definition. Chavs are people who drape their person in Argos
gold...burburry...and live in Romford on the most part. They drive Corsa's and go cruising down Southend. Chavs are normally pretty dumb too.
Whats seen in the video are "hoodies" these are nasty lil s**ts. These are the ones that carry knives and intimidate people.
14 kids....i dunno what id have done to be honest, i live Essex and its not too bad round my part
We do get groups of kids but they are pretty
quiet and the police round here are on there case. CCTV vans sit in the 2 high roads, with PCSO's patrolling all night with police backup.
The high police presence is because there have been a lot of bank robberies round the area. One bank was hit 4 times in 6 months.
I dont think you can tar all kids with this brush. I think it depends on their up bringing. Scummy parents = scummy kids.
I see groups of young people and dont automatically think they are going to rob me...maybe one day i will be wrong but up till now ive been
I think these kids pray on venerable looking wouldnt make sense to make fun of a 6' 8" brick s**thouse. Im not anywhere near that big
btw haha.
Im 30...but im a young looking 30...and i have short hair and some tattoo's, you would be amazed what shaving your hair does lol. Im a VERY polite
respectful person, but your first oppinion of me visually may make you think otherwise...i dunno?? Bit of a stigma for having short hair still i
The parents should be prosecuted for child neglect or something similar. The parents are responsible for a child until the age of 18.....there should
be no reason for horrible lil *****.
Manners and respect will get you far in life. These kids are unemployable because of their attitude. This attitude has come from somewhere. Yea school
could be to blame but the kids were horrible even before school. I blame the parents 100% for these nasty cretins lol.
Glad your alright, although i would recommend getting rid of the knife and mace.
I know we should have the right to protect ourselves but as we dont i think you could find yourself in a sticky situation...both by police and by
gangs of kids. If someone threatens you with a knife....give them whatever it is they are after...nothing is more valuable than your future. Im sure
you would bump into them again at some point...when you had the upper hand as it were.
If you carry a knife you have to be willing to use it. Some people are willing to use a knife over someone calling them a name...others only when they
are in grave danger.
Law does need changing. If everyone was allowed to carry a gun there would be no crime. All the criminals would be dead. Everyone else would learn to
respect eachother as equals. Its a deterrant to commit a crime of anysort.
Yea USA are allowed guns and theres a lot of shootings. We have tight gun laws and we have shootings too.
Idiots will always shoot first and ask questions later.....not everyones an idiot though, hence there is still a huge population in the USA lol.
I know its long and mixed up....ive had a long day but wanted to comment on this