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The Anti-Muslim Threads Are Giving ATS a Bad Name

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by nocents
OK let me see if I have this right.....
If I do not agree with Obama I'm a racist
If I do not agree with amnesty I.m a xenophobe
If I have a Ron Paul bumper sticker or am a returning vet I may be a potential home grown terroist.
And now that I am firmly against letting a murderous group build a trophy land mark I am anti ATS

Huh...who knew?

Simple, direct, and to the point.

As I have said here some residential groups blocked a walmart
coming in because they said it might affect property values.

When the tax ppl heard that they got on board real quick of course....

Pathetic but true...

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:07 PM
What is Religion? Should I care about the existence of entities that are supposedly superior to me?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by ghostsoldier
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Alot of the problems in the Arab world stem back to poverty caused by Western Imperialism - and now trying to bark down a whole society from the top down into submission and cultural assimilation is pointless and arrogant.
Then what hope is there?

Are you serious? Can you see no other alternative modes of education?

Maybe there is no hope.

I am asking you what I should do, how do you educate, when I cannot even bring up the subject on this forum.

Apparently you have to clear it with the ministry of truth.

You are not allowed to say anything that might offend someone.

I will keep the 1st amendment, and anyone who wants to
abridge it like Kagan will find a lot of ppl in the US are not
too hip to her taking an Axe to the Bill of Rights.

For those who live elsewhere and want suppression of free speech,
then good for you and yours.

Enjoy your Orwellian trash heap.

Islam is just going thru the same blood lust phases Christianity
went thru and a bunch of sheep want to act as apologists for it.

Call a duck a duck.

They want to blame the west for starting it.

I looked back thru history and ppl have been killing each other
over holy dirt there for more centuries than I can account for.

Hell it looks like the first invaders were Egyptians ?!?!?

As for modern day adventurism over there yeah the US needs
to get the hell out.

I am totally for the withdrawal of all US troops and for all the
records to be exposed like wikileaks has done.

Ron Paul's statements on blowback are DEAD on.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:13 PM
I suggest you go to a Muslim country and see how much tolerance they express to you. Be sure to bring some Bibles or whatever and start a non Muslim church.

I'm sure that you will be will be in for a real experience. And how you are treated is exactly how they should be treated in the West.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by debz325
Actually it is muslims that give muslims a bad name.

There is blame on all sides.

Even the british had their troops dress up like Iraqis and
instigate violence between groups.

They should totally be taken to the hague for war crimes, but
I want the ppl at the top that gave the order to try to stir
unrest there.

They should be sentenced to death.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Doctor Smith

Be the change you want to see, eh?

Makes perfect sense. Gotta love the reasoning.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:16 PM
Im confused?!

How the f*ck is a book that says to "convert or die", condones decapitating women for petty crime PEACEFUL?

And what kind of god is allah if he had to send an angel to threaten muhammed with death and worseif he did not preach?

What kind of prophet rapes, wars, and is a drunk?

I am sick of all these weak kneed leftists pulling the "religion of peace", or "read the quran" card when obviously they know nothing of either.

Furthermore, allah is not jehovah, in fact allah has more in common with the biblical "satan".


Im all for freedom to do whatever, but dont be ignorant, look around you. Is it the christians, buddhists, hindu's, atheists: hijacking planes, blowing up hotels, rocketing schools, and suicide bombing crowded sreets?


posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:23 PM
You obviously haven't been to a Muslim country and hear what they say about Jews and Christians in everyday conversation and preach from the mosques and print in their newspaers and put on their airwaves. When you do, you'll see why the West should fear them (not as they are now but when they take over, as is their intention).

If you have any doubts about this go spend time in a real Muslim country and try to do what you do in your freedom now... in fact take a woman with you.

When you ignorance disappears, re-post something useful.....

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:24 PM
I tire so of this religion rubbish everywhere.

It is one thing to be free to practice whatever religion you choose,but it gets used for so much more than that by so many.

Go about worshipping yellow rubbermaid garbage cans if you choose to,but don't try to get me to do the same,and don't tell me about your religious preferences,cuz I don't care.

Wish more people were like that,there would be less conflict in the world,and no threads about this meaningless drivel.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:25 PM
Wow, I wasn't going to touch this thread with my 10 foot pole....good thing I have my 11 foot pole next to me.

Man, this thread is boiling. I'll put my $0.02 in and see how much fuel or dirt I add to the fire.

I see all religion as having some level of corruption in it and that is why I will never adhere to any form of organized religion. Now, do I hate those who are a part of one of those organized religions? No way. In fact I encourage you to be a part of one if it further helps you to pursue a better life. I know some people who were literally killing themselves by using hard drugs. They joined a church and it helped them get out of it. They became a better person. I've only met ONE, just one Muslim extremist and all they did was try to convert me. Did they try to use threats, yes. But, they were just as bad as any christian extremist of whom I've met more of around this country. You know, the whole "You're going to hell if you don't join our group" thing. I just tell them to #$%@ off and not to force their ideologies upon my life.

I actually think all of this hatred really is designed to take the better of us. I've met so many Muslims who are wonderful people. Within any group of people there are those bad eggs in that group who can give the whole a bad name. Even before 9/11 happened it was already a stereotype for a Muslim to be a terrorist, but it wasn't as bad as it is now. It was the media propaganda machine that was pushing to hate that group of people, you cannot unite a country to be tricked into conquering the world without a common enemy that just happens to be a minority within it. What better scapegoat than the Muslim community? The judeo-christian groups, of whom are the majority, have thousands of years of bad blood with the Muslim community. It's really not hard to entice them into ganging together for that common goal of hatred.

The whole mosque thing, I really think that's not a coincidence it's going up and will be commissioned on 9/11 of 2011. Come on, who the hell can't see that one? AND it's all over the media. Hell, i would've never known about it unless it was reported on the news. I'm actually neutral on a mosque going up but, in my opinion so far, that particular mosque is definitely being placed there on purpose for the very reason this thread exists.

I've got a lot of friends who went to Iraq and various parts of the middle east. They've all told me stories about both the good and evil that exists there. I think all of this turmoil is way more complex than one group vs that other group. The stories those friends were telling me totally reflect the stories my grandfather used to tell me of world war 2. He didn't hate the Germans, in fact he loved the German people there once he was there, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to kill every damn German that was trying to kill him.

I think it's just plain dumb not to talk about this subject. Why would we censor ourselves? I don't get offended by certain topics on this forum. They are just mere words, they will only hurt you if you let them hurt you. You know, sticks and stones.

This topic is a result of the Propaganda machine.....WAKE THE @#%$ UP!!!!

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:28 PM
ATS must be absolved from its sin.

I, the high priest of the Perfunctory Piety am here to guide you, my
errant minions through the process of pontifical posting purification...

First we must bathe ourselves in the river. Clothe ourselves
in white linen. Fast for eleven days. Anoint our heads with oil.
Burn the sativa incense and meditate. Pray and confess.
Count the beads and recite four Our Father's and three
Hare Krishna's. Lick a frog. Eat a mushroom. Dance.
Speak in tongues...and chant this slowly twenty two
times on the first Friday after harvest.... (just before we
sacrifice the virgin)....

Take me to the river...wash me in the water
Take me to the river...wash me in the water
Washing me down...

Hug me, squeeze me, love me, tease me
Till I can't, till I can't, till I can't take no more of it

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by shamus78

YES YES YES. If I read what I read on ATS today for a week or so, I would leave this site.

The intolerance, hate, bigotry, racism, and ignorance here today is disgusting. I seriously am in shock from the number of stars some bigoted post received today. I lost a LOT of faith in ATS today.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by shamus78

Maybe it is the Muslim's giving themselves the so called bad name. Maybe they should try treating women with the respect they deserve Oh wait under their God women are basically slaves.

They are bringing this on themselves. And I believe deserve everything they get from it. Maybe they should look inside and ask why is my God not forgiving and why does my God not give everyone equal rights.

And why dont the moderate Muslims speak out agaisnt the rest? Hmm it makes me wonder.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Subjective Truth]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:36 PM
I look forward to the day when religion is replaced by the Truth of the Divine. Until that time, people will live and act accordingly, by various dogma's that have nothing to do with the Truth.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by shamus78

Action reaction. People act badly, they get called out for it. I would expect no different when the Catholic church lies about sex charges.

When you lie about yourself, you are called out.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:04 PM
like others im over this "great big melting pot" of a world. why do you have some animals on continents and not others?.....because they dont all get along. the world is the same. i just find it very amusing that muslims would prefer to live in a country where they are in a minority for the following reasons:

they love money more than allah.

they love the good life western countries offer and the safety afforded to them in western countries like australia more than they love allah.

they are the only two reasons i can think of that they would leave a country that puts into practice their beliefs. i choose not to leave here and go to the middle east because i dont like the way those countries operate. yet when they choose to imigrate, we are suppose to change our ways?? i just dont get it. you cant have your cake and eat it too

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:08 PM
Islam has turned into nothing more than an apolitical tool of the violent, leaving the rest of its hapless sheep to cower in fear of reprisal if they even speak word one against their more extremist bretheren, and the OP and likeminded apologists would have New Yorkers thinking they're hypocrites if they don't want any semblance of that nonsense near where their loved ones died? All 9/11 conjecture aside, ignorance doesn't even begin to describe that line of thinking IMO.

These people have every right, emphasis on right, to purchase said property and build a Muslim prayer center on it - but that doesn't change the fact that even though it's two blocks away, they would be giant, insensitive douchebags for doing so. In this country though, it's only against the law to kill in the name of your religion, not to build a monument to it.

So, given the fact that all organized religions are inherently filled with douchebagery, some more recently than others, I raise my glass and say here's to the douchebags!

IMO, any Muslim that thinks this is a good idea is trying to piss people off, and any American politician that thinks this is a good idea is both trying to piss off his constituents and gain new ones... who are Muslim. Ergo, douchebags...

But again, it's not against the law so have at it...

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

I walked away from the discussions on this forum earlier and had a good cry,

I am called a racist, and a bigot, and a hater, why?

Because you are.

Because I love the women of Islam,

I am motivated by love not hatred,

No. Because you wish to deny them their house of worship for what you feel is your idea of what is best for them because obviously you believe Muslim women need your love to improve their lot in life somehow. That makes you a hater and a bigot. Need a tissue? Think about all those young Muslim girls crying themselves to sleep at night because they get to see how hated they are by people like you that "really love them" so much on TV and online all day long. Cry more.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Legion2112

Oh too true mate! A glass to you! I salute yee!

I find it ironic. Now that it is revealed that the Spanish voters go mainly republican and the blacks are slowly going republican, the democrats are now bringing in new groups to vote farm. And republicans are no better! Go to a few NASCAR events, say a tid bit here or there, wa la, the south loves you.

This is ridiculous. Vote farming at its finest.

This is why I cannot help but feel sad at the fact that those bellow do not realize they are tools, and those bellow them do not realize that they are not even tools. They are nothing but gears for the tool.

So very sad.

reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Not to be an incentively D-bag, but you don't have a right not to be offended. If you cry yourself to sleep every night because of who you are, then you are lying to yourself and you are not an individual. Two solutions, love who you are regardless of what others say, or change who you are so you feel better.

It's as simple as that.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Adevoc Satanae

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

I walked away from the discussions on this forum earlier and had a good cry,

I am called a racist, and a bigot, and a hater, why?

Because you are.

Because I love the women of Islam,

I am motivated by love not hatred,

No. Because you wish to deny them their house of worship for what you feel is your idea of what is best for them because obviously you believe Muslim women need your love to improve their lot in life somehow. That makes you a hater and a bigot. Need a tissue? Think about all those young Muslim girls crying themselves to sleep at night because they get to see how hated they are by people like you that "really love them" so much on TV and online all day long. Cry more.

You really shouldn't address fellow members like this. Check your t and c handbook.

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