Originally posted by Granite
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Very true, but requires the patience of Solomon...
Can't we speed this up?
I have some good news, a lot of the rancor involving this issue on ATS is because more and more people are in fact making determinations of their own
that cause them to want to opt out on the whole ‘hate’ and ‘blame’ game.
They have evolved past the herd mentality of “I am ok, you are ok, but that person is not ok”, “I am your friend, you are my friend, but that
person is not ‘ok’ because they are ‘different’ is not our friend, they are our enemy because they are different”.
This is the high drama, those people who imagine that it’s wise to hate, stereotype, and to become afraid because some one and some people are
different than them.
They want to be reassured, and that reassurance requires you be ‘just like’ them in their attitudes and perspectives.
When you aren’t they become very angry because in their estimation you aren’t ‘ok’. In their estimation you can’t be a friend, because a
‘true’ friend would always ‘agree’ with them!
So that makes you just not a friend, and not just an enemy, but worse, you must be a friend of their enemy!
What they then become more upset about is their ego, because they view your choice not to adopt their perspective as a rejection of them, a rebuke and
often take insult to the point of umbrage as a result.
So they just redouble their efforts to try to ‘convince’ everyone and anyone, and do their best to isolate people from credible and balanced
views, to pander their own in an environment replete with that ignorance that makes their views then seem more credible, and wise.
So in a lot of ways what we are seeing is a good thing, because too many of us, are in fact tired of playing a two sided game, where we know neither
side is perfect, and don’t want to limit ourselves by subscribing to ‘a’ side’s doctrines and perspectives.
When people rely on peer pressure to ‘make’ poor arguments, and that peer pressure does not work, it is a rejection of the kind that many people
have a very difficult time emotionally and intellectually internalizing.
Evolution is a slow process, as people are reluctant to change, because the unknown is always more frightening to people than the known. They would
rather stick with something bad than take their chances on ending up with something worse.
Yet evolution is a natural process that in fact like time itself can’t be stopped, merely delayed and made more painful.
So many of these people are angry now because they want us to feel their fear, and embrace their fears, and give life to their fears, and when we
refuse it makes them angry.
Why? Because misery loves company!
It is all changing, just say no to the temptation to judge others and others in mass just say no to peer pressure and manipulation and never stop
trying to learn and educate you by seeking out all the pros and cons and hidden truths and higher truths.
The truth is you can’t change other people, you can only change yourself.