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The Anti-Muslim Threads Are Giving ATS a Bad Name

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:44 PM
A few weeks ago, people were outraged by the Jewish exposure on this site with news articles, right after the boat flotila massacre. When we expose a pedophile priest, the Catholics take the hit. I would not call it bashing of Muslums or Islam, but you have to report the entire story and when you hear the phrase "Jihad or Holy War" almost daily with senselesss killings, you report what you hear or see. Every time a cleric (Muslum religion) speaks race igniting messages, what are you suppose to write? The truth, and don't leave anything out cause you might offend someone. Tough. Everyone gets held accountable here.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I think that there is a big difference in 'discussing' and downright religion bashing.

I have noticed the same on ATS recently. Thanks for highlighting the issue

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:50 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if there were some provocateurs on here stirring up bad feeling towards Islamists - after all that would suit the Israeli/US desire to attack Iran.

Having said that - it's all part of the programme to cause divisions and conflict between ordinary people.

I haven't seen the thread where someone allegedly says that Muslims have a lower IQ - but any such remark is ridiculous in the extreme.
In the history of Islam there have been some incredibly fine thinkers in all areas of life.

In any case, it wasn't Muslims who created the Federal Reserve which is bleeding America dry, nor did Muslims create the Big Banksters who also stole billions of dollars from people all over the world. It wasn't Muslims who voted for Bush or Obama - nor did they create the Cess-Pit which rules behind the scenes. It wasn't Muslims who foreclosed on people's houses nor who made them lose their job.

C'mon people - don't fall for this garbage.

Threads such as this, and others of a similar ilk, are frankly a distraction from the other, vitally important issues everyone needs to be focusing on. The children squabble while the house is burning!

We, the ordinary people, of every nation and every colour, creed and relition MUST stay smart and PULL TOGETHER,

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by shamus78

Gotta agree.

Such threads represent rather than deny ignorance and ATS is far off of the original message as it could possibly be at this time.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Again I will say I am not a fan of ANY religion.

As I see they are just tools for control.

Most have been manipulated and are not now what they
were in original form, not that that was any better.

The Council of Nicaea and a Roman Emperor saw to it for the bible.

But for Islam I will let a former woman who had to live under it
speak her case, and she has a Phd so she is no idiot.

Wafa Sultan, she is lucky to be alive even though she has angered
some muslims more than Theo Van Gogh did and he is dead for
his words.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:55 PM
Stop hating on the muslims.

People in Iran are just like us, they look like us, they act like us. Shopping, Partying, praying. Just people.

Al Quaeda is fake
terrorism is a government false attack for political and psychological control
Osama videos were faked by CIA
Osama never caught in 9 years seriously? thnk about it.

The enemy is clearly the bankers and the military industrial complex
if you don't know that by now just kill yourself.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:56 PM
You leftys really grind my gears!

You call it hatred when the majority of the time its just the truth. Islam (or some sects of it) is EVIL! It oppresses women and freedoms. I'm not saying its any worse than the other "God of the desert" religons but it is the newest threat to are way of life.

What about all the other "anti threads"?


These are ok but when you put Muslim in the title it makes you a bad person? I say it is you that gives ATS a bad name, for not allow the islam issue to be confronted.

Did you say muslim? YOU RACIST!

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
You leftys really grind my gears!

You know what "grinds my gears"? People that assume too damn much. I'm about as conservative as they come but I don't diss Muslims en masse. Look that up in a dictionary, if you still have one after you've burned all of the books.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:01 PM
Hate is such wasted potential.

Fear is the root of all evil - and hate is such.

God is Love.

Take your hate speech elsewhere - you're not welcome here.

If you wanna gave a proper conversation about Spiritual Islam vs. Sharia Law - cool, that's one thing - if you don't even know they are separate and just want to spread bigoted bile and shallowly seek the re-enforcement of your own narrow self-centred opinions - bugger off.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I don't think it matters where people stand politically. Most of us know better than to judge large groups by the actions of a few extremists within them.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

TY Ex_mis,

I walked away from the discussions on this forum earlier and had a good cry,

I am called a racist, and a bigot, and a hater, why?

Because I love the women of Islam,

I am motivated by love not hatred,

They are stoned, beheaded, mutilated, and I feel helpless, and they feel helpless, there are many Islamic women that want changes but they are afraid.

People attack me and say it is their culture,

Oh well then that makes everything alright, so I should be able to lay my head on my pillow and sleep well, because people seem to believe Islamic women like the way they are treated.

I am confused at the lack of compassion for Muslim women.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Granite
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Very true, but requires the patience of Solomon...
Can't we speed this up?

I have some good news, a lot of the rancor involving this issue on ATS is because more and more people are in fact making determinations of their own that cause them to want to opt out on the whole ‘hate’ and ‘blame’ game.

They have evolved past the herd mentality of “I am ok, you are ok, but that person is not ok”, “I am your friend, you are my friend, but that person is not ‘ok’ because they are ‘different’ is not our friend, they are our enemy because they are different”.

This is the high drama, those people who imagine that it’s wise to hate, stereotype, and to become afraid because some one and some people are different than them.

They want to be reassured, and that reassurance requires you be ‘just like’ them in their attitudes and perspectives.

When you aren’t they become very angry because in their estimation you aren’t ‘ok’. In their estimation you can’t be a friend, because a ‘true’ friend would always ‘agree’ with them!

So that makes you just not a friend, and not just an enemy, but worse, you must be a friend of their enemy!

What they then become more upset about is their ego, because they view your choice not to adopt their perspective as a rejection of them, a rebuke and often take insult to the point of umbrage as a result.

So they just redouble their efforts to try to ‘convince’ everyone and anyone, and do their best to isolate people from credible and balanced views, to pander their own in an environment replete with that ignorance that makes their views then seem more credible, and wise.

So in a lot of ways what we are seeing is a good thing, because too many of us, are in fact tired of playing a two sided game, where we know neither side is perfect, and don’t want to limit ourselves by subscribing to ‘a’ side’s doctrines and perspectives.

When people rely on peer pressure to ‘make’ poor arguments, and that peer pressure does not work, it is a rejection of the kind that many people have a very difficult time emotionally and intellectually internalizing.

Evolution is a slow process, as people are reluctant to change, because the unknown is always more frightening to people than the known. They would rather stick with something bad than take their chances on ending up with something worse.

Yet evolution is a natural process that in fact like time itself can’t be stopped, merely delayed and made more painful.

So many of these people are angry now because they want us to feel their fear, and embrace their fears, and give life to their fears, and when we refuse it makes them angry.

Why? Because misery loves company!

It is all changing, just say no to the temptation to judge others and others in mass just say no to peer pressure and manipulation and never stop trying to learn and educate you by seeking out all the pros and cons and hidden truths and higher truths.

The truth is you can’t change other people, you can only change yourself.


posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
You leftys really grind my gears!

You know what "grinds my gears"? People that assume too damn much. I'm about as conservative as they come but I don't diss Muslims en masse. Look that up in a dictionary, if you still have one after you've burned all of the books.

The truth is I couldn't care less about Islam or any other religion for that matter. I think they are all same pieces of a bigger puzzle, I just get so angry that as soon as you mention Islam you are vilified.

Book burning? I guess your calling me a Nazi, now whos the biggot.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

These are ok but when you put Muslim in the title it makes you a bad person? I say it is you that gives ATS a bad name, for not allow the islam issue to be confronted.

I am so confused, I don't have any words left to express how I feel,

Why can't people see what is happening?

Where are the women on this forum where are the womens rights activist,

How do stand idoly by and let this happen to your sisters?

[edit on 073131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Indoctrination maybe?

Guilt for Iraq and Afganistan?

Believing that its all government propaganda? (although alot of it is).

I really don't know why, it seems people are choosing to stay blind but not mute.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I don't know much, but I do know that Sharia Law is different to Spiritual Islam - and any threads or comments who don't make the effort to differentiate the two in an intelligent way - doesn't deserve praise for your feminism.

Spousal abuse is a big problem for Caucasians aswell you know.

Western Cultural Imperialism is just as much of a threat to Muslim women as misguided traditions that have nothing to do with contemporary secularist Islam.

How about switching off Fox - and going and working in a womens shelter for a while.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

actually I am not a feminist,

Christianity went through a reformation and I believe it is now time as well for Islam, way overdue

What century is this?

It feels like we are going backwards.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Believing that its all government propaganda? (although alot of it is).

Yes, I see it too.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I walked away from the discussions on this forum earlier and had a good cry,

I am called a racist, and a bigot, and a hater, why?

Because I love the women of Islam,

I am motivated by love not hatred,

They are stoned, beheaded, mutilated, and I feel helpless, and they feel helpless, there are many Islamic women that want changes but they are afraid.

Actually I think if you actually were honest with yourself, the number one threat to Muslim women, is American and Israeli Bombs as a staggering number of them die as a result of those, a far greater number than those few are judged harshly or unfairly under Sharia Law.

I am sure that they are touched that you are interested in helping them even if it means first insulting them and then killing them, but keep in mind your approach to this is resulting in both.

Maybe if you spent a little less time crying, and a little more time thinking things through on a more intellectual level, you would understand 'change' naturally occurs by itself, when people are ready to change, and that is possitive, forcing others to change, cause you don't want to cry, crying that is the result of focusing on a very narrow aspect of a very complex issue, is all about you not wanting to cry, because you sure don't seem to be focused on the very negative and deadly and destructive things forcing change causes.

Sadly people will use attempts at emotional domination and manipulation to justify what is in fact just bigorty and hatred and cold blooded murder in insisting change occur in a violent self serving process.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by guyopitz

Outstanding Guyoplit. It's all about the bankers and financing the wars. The bankers have been financing conflicts since wars, banking, & time has begun.

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