posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:44 PM
I find it personally disturbing so many people form hard and fast opinions on stereotypes. In many places within the United States the Muslim
population is not that large, and not that visible, and most people have no to very limited interaction with Muslims as a result.
Like the boogie man under your bed, they then can become anything your imagination wants them to be, since most people don’t have real world
experiences in interacting with Muslims to form realistic opinions of their own.
So they simply adopt other’s views, most often views of people with a political agenda.
In part because people love drama and spectacle and competition and creating drama and spectacle and competition as a means to make more exciting and
seemingly more relevant another wise dull and uneventful existence.
So they play out these great epic struggles in their mind. People love great epic struggles, Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Bible, the Revolution, the
Civil War, the White Sox endless quest to win a world series.
These Tolkien like epic struggles are often what give people an identify from the earliest formative stages in life as they imagine their roles in a
endless struggle between good and evil, light and darkness.
One just has to choose what is good and what is evil through ones own perspective.
One man’s hero becomes another man’s villain, one man’s villain another’s hero, everyone is always right, no one is ever wrong.
People have an intrinsic need to become a part of something larger than themselves, in part because it’s not very easy to exercise real freedom in
pursuing a quality of life, most people don’t have the money to do the real things they want to do, and with 600,000 codes governing every aspect of
one’s existence in the United States their options on what they can do, are in fact far fewer than the Travel Brochures and the Text Book’s claim.
So they pick a side and join a side in an epic struggle and will at times genuinely create an epic struggle where none truly existed in the first
place, until so many people fanned the flames on both sides of the issue to create that epic struggle.
Doesn’t matter which side you are on at that point, each side absolutely believes it is entirely the other side’s fault and they are just doing
the ‘wise’ and ‘sensible’ and ‘good’ and ‘right’ thing in fighting against it, and will entertain no thought that their own
willingness to not just participate in an epic struggle, but first create that epic struggle in their mind is the root cause of the struggle.
Face it most people are like lemmings in that they have to follow some crowd no matter what.
It almost is always a two sided coin of polar opposites they get to choose from.
“Rome offers you War or Peace and it matters not to Rome which you decide”
That is what lies at the bottom of it, and while it’s often tragic, heartbreaking, and sad, watching how easy people are manipulated and manipulate
themselves through almost entirely emotion and entirely imagination is rather fascinating for those people striving to evolve.
It will change one day, once people realize the futility of it all and all it really does is end in negativity and destruction, and is to everyone’s
They are all waiting for the other guy to change first, so the good news OP is you have done your part! 5,999,999,999 people to go!
[edit on 15/8/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]