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The Anti-Muslim Threads Are Giving ATS a Bad Name

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Frontkjemper

If I may ask, what was the reason for you to move from country to country ?

By the way... I love your post.

What kind of neighborhoods did you lived in ? Like poor, medium or above avarage income occupants ?

Also... Look at history. You will see that ME Muslims have pretty good reasons to hate.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:38 PM
*Sigh*. Post in the threads you dislike, state your case. Get put on ignore by those that have closed minds (reciprocate the action), debate with those that don't.

1...2.....3......You have the ATS you're looking for, one which contains those people willing to actually discuss and debate their viewpoints rather than simply ignore anything outside of their worldview.

You have to make "the world" you wish to live in not simply sit passive.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Noncompatible]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:44 PM
I find it personally disturbing so many people form hard and fast opinions on stereotypes. In many places within the United States the Muslim population is not that large, and not that visible, and most people have no to very limited interaction with Muslims as a result.

Like the boogie man under your bed, they then can become anything your imagination wants them to be, since most people don’t have real world experiences in interacting with Muslims to form realistic opinions of their own.

So they simply adopt other’s views, most often views of people with a political agenda.

In part because people love drama and spectacle and competition and creating drama and spectacle and competition as a means to make more exciting and seemingly more relevant another wise dull and uneventful existence.

So they play out these great epic struggles in their mind. People love great epic struggles, Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Bible, the Revolution, the Civil War, the White Sox endless quest to win a world series.

These Tolkien like epic struggles are often what give people an identify from the earliest formative stages in life as they imagine their roles in a endless struggle between good and evil, light and darkness.

One just has to choose what is good and what is evil through ones own perspective.

One man’s hero becomes another man’s villain, one man’s villain another’s hero, everyone is always right, no one is ever wrong.

People have an intrinsic need to become a part of something larger than themselves, in part because it’s not very easy to exercise real freedom in pursuing a quality of life, most people don’t have the money to do the real things they want to do, and with 600,000 codes governing every aspect of one’s existence in the United States their options on what they can do, are in fact far fewer than the Travel Brochures and the Text Book’s claim.

So they pick a side and join a side in an epic struggle and will at times genuinely create an epic struggle where none truly existed in the first place, until so many people fanned the flames on both sides of the issue to create that epic struggle.

Doesn’t matter which side you are on at that point, each side absolutely believes it is entirely the other side’s fault and they are just doing the ‘wise’ and ‘sensible’ and ‘good’ and ‘right’ thing in fighting against it, and will entertain no thought that their own willingness to not just participate in an epic struggle, but first create that epic struggle in their mind is the root cause of the struggle.

Face it most people are like lemmings in that they have to follow some crowd no matter what.

It almost is always a two sided coin of polar opposites they get to choose from.

“Rome offers you War or Peace and it matters not to Rome which you decide”

That is what lies at the bottom of it, and while it’s often tragic, heartbreaking, and sad, watching how easy people are manipulated and manipulate themselves through almost entirely emotion and entirely imagination is rather fascinating for those people striving to evolve.

It will change one day, once people realize the futility of it all and all it really does is end in negativity and destruction, and is to everyone’s detriment.

They are all waiting for the other guy to change first, so the good news OP is you have done your part! 5,999,999,999 people to go!

[edit on 15/8/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Personally I will continue to speak up against Islam where appropriate. Anything that is anti-freedom of speech, anti-freedom of religion, and anti- everything else upheld as basic human rights and freedoms in the constitution is worth fighting against.

Islam does not get a free pass and does not deserve special protected treatment from criticism.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by slane69
Personally I will continue to speak up against Islam where appropriate. Anything that is anti-freedom of speech, anti-freedom of religion, and anti- everything else upheld as basic human rights and freedoms in the constitution is worth fighting against.

Islam does not get a free pass and does not deserve special protected treatment from criticism.

Indeed you have the right to voice your opinion on the matter. However beware becoming that which you hate. If the USA "outlaws" any religion then it becomes

anti-freedom of speech, anti-freedom of religion, and anti- everything else upheld as basic human rights and freedoms in the constitution.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Noncompatible]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Noncompatible

I never said I hated the people who were Muslim, but I can hate the political/religious ideas behind Islam. Just as one can hate communism or fascism. Call something a religion instead of what it really is and suddenly the bleeding hearts all come out in support.

If Hitler had been smarter he would have set up his political system as a religion also, I am sure he would have gotten more support. Note the Koran advocates killing Jews and treating them as second class citizens also.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by slane69]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:02 PM
Well Nice try.

"Can't we separate ourselves from the herd and use reasoning and intelligence to talk our way thru problems rather then engaging in flaming? (which I admit I'm also guilty of) "

I particular like this poignant plea. The answer is "hell no " I agree with you but thought some of the true idiots here would not be able to spell "hell" or "no" on the same line so I did it for them

Sadly all we can do is to challenge and challenge.

At present many terrorists are Moslem but most Moslems are not Terrorists.

Keep fighting the ignorance.
I think this is a culture war.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by shamus78

Is Sweden Being Destroyed?

Show me the example of hate on that topic,

it is an expose, and people from the countries involved voiced opinions and experiences,

Where was the hate.

and why do you want to suppress freedom of speech,

What about the Christian topics were you an activist for Christians?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by shamus78

The Anti-Muslim Threads Are Giving ATS a Bad Name

Yea and in that vein of thought the anti Christian topic gave ATS a bad name as well.

I am not going to be silenced by intimidation, I will not be silenced, because i have not broken any rules on this forum , when the forum makes a ruling regarding religious discussions then I will obey them, but as it stands I have not done anything wrong.

[edit on 053131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:08 PM
The fact that we can discuss anti-Islam positions on ATS is the power of this medium.

Unlike television and print where Islam has immunity through threats of violence and the fear it creates.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

If so, then how is America going to stop the slow bleed attack?

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Granite]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by slane69
The fact that we can discuss anti-Islam positions on ATS is the power of this medium.

When warranted. I see blanket accusations against anything Muslim. That's not right or true. Islam isn't perfect and I'll point that out but one must think outside of just "Muslim", if not one is propagating the very same stereotype that one is discussing.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Granite
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

If so, then how is America going to stop the slow bleed attack?

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Granite]

It’s rather easy, but hard, for you see, the average person is better at examining the other person’s religion than their own.

The average person is better at examining the other person’s faults better than their own.

The average person is better at screaming out about the injustices committed by the other person rather than the ones they committed.

We live in a deflection loving world, where the mindset is, that someone else, and something else is far worse, and we all ought to concentrate on those things first, rather than concentrate on our faults and foibles.

In fact it’s a holier than thou world where people are more focused on first imagining they are, and then convincing others that they are holier than thou.

So until people really want to take the same level of personal responsibility for their own decisions and ways and the wisdom or lack of them, that they want the other person to in that deflective holier than thou process, not much progress is going to be made.

Master yourself first, then work on your environment, most people though chooses to try to Master their environment as a way to Master their own imperfections and shortcomings.

If everyone turned the same critical eye towards themselves in the mirror and their own books, they look at everyone else and everyone else’s book with, the world would right itself in short order.

We never fail to fail because it’s the easiest thing to do. So by all means let’s blame that failure on someone else!

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by shamus78
Hi All,

Like many of you, I have noticed the large amount of anti Muslim threads popping up on ATS right now. Some examples:


The Ayatollah Khomeini’s Book: Sex with Children and Animals

S&F Shane & thanks for sharing your feelings on the subject.

I saw and read the third example of such a thread last night, and made what i thought was an appropriate post contribution to it.

people who are authoring alot of these threads are (in my opinion) dealing with unresolved issues they can't find resolution for within their own being, and they are projecting that conflict outward onto our shared reality, our shared ATS community.

i'm doing what i can. although sharing what methods that work, and knowing what methods of addressing hate don't work is still a work in progress.

maybe some of these posters are lazy, not willing to invest some investigative research, or google and wikipedia are their two main sources of information gathering, coupled together with their wildest imaginations.

people are still adapting to this psyop super-cyber-ego that is ATS, and the internet itself. The internet is younger than most people on this planet. and the digital cyber-ego is evolving. inventing all these new ways to communicate, but repeating nothing new that has not been heard before is challenging for some.

those are some of my thoughts on this issue.

HATE? what does it mean?

what is hate? do i owe anyone my definition of what i think hate is?

anyone who thinks i owe them a definition of what hate is will probably hate my definition in the first place, considering it is hate that they are looking for.

never pass up the opportunity to engage hate, it is the funniest thing one can ever experience....

ah, but who am i and what do i know,

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

HATE? what does it mean?

what is hate? do i owe anyone my definition of what i think hate is?

anyone who thinks i owe them a definition of what hate is will probably hate my definition in the first place, considering it is hate that they are looking for.

never pass up the opportunity to engage hate, it is the funniest thing one can ever experience....

Your sarcasm is well warranted. It is funny watching someone get their hate on and it's these people I want to address. I was a hate filled individual until 32. I hated everything, everyone and myself. I'm an expert on hate. I think that's the first time I called myself an expert on anything here, but it's a fact.

Hate takes a lot of energy to maintain. That's energy better used in your day to day life. I didn't realize how much energy it took until I let the hate and anger go. You don't even have to be conscious of the hate for it to be sucking you dry. Get rid of the hate guys. It doesn't mean that someone else wins. YOU WIN!!! Not only will you be happier but you'll have a helluva lot more energy.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by shamus78

I don't think drawing more attention to the threads helps. These things have a way of working themselves out. Generally, the community as a whole are very informative, helpful, and fair. But we hate trolls. Most can't handle the constant scrutiny and heated debates that come with such topics, and eventually blow up and get banned or just disappear for awhile.

You can't stop discussion of topics that don't sit well with you, I've found the best way to help the situation is to contribute heavily to other topics that interest you. Don't sweat it because it will only be a matter of time till the next flavor of the month hits.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Very true, but requires the patience of Solomon...
Can't we speed this up?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by shamus78

Just speaking for myself I only visited one of those threads you posted, the one about Sweden, and after about 30 seconds I left because I had no interest. I thought only the brainwashed victims of the establishment propaganda were anti-Muslim not frequenters of ATS. Are not the frequenters to this site those who no longer drink the Muslim boogieman KoolAid?

Actually every time I see an “anti” anything thread, including anti-topics threads, I consider them to be disingenuous.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:27 PM
I don't think it generates bad name for ATS. It generates good name because it allows us to openly discuss about it.

If you disagree with what they say, all you have to do is to rationally argue against it like in Platonian patience.

The key of all these is in the openness. Let everybody else see your dirty laundary because that way we can clean our act together and do no more nonsenses.

I hate people who try to stop a rational argument.

If violence has been caused mainly by Islam so far in the world and it is the truth, what is your defense against it other than crying out wolf.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:41 PM
Sooo...the anti-Muslim threads are a problem for you. Are all the anti-Christian and anti-Jew threads a problem for you, as well? I'd really like to know.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Quaght]

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