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Why the west should fear muslims

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by SaosinEngaged

in some places, culture = religion

since most aspects of the culture are based on religion

off course you cant say for every case

but, for the most part, yes ...

but really, its just stupid to try to discuss if culture = religion

to judge a culture, its like judging a religion ... and vice versa ... thats what matters

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by JohnnyElohim

Cognitave bias bougt to you via what is right .

You know what is right


Come on England!

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Yissachar1]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:48 PM
I don't agree that ALL Muslims are like this (I know some very educated and moral Muslims) but it's sad that the vast majority of Muslims are like this. I personally think it is due to the their poor socio-economic background which is a result of their archaic religion. Look at African Americans in the ghettos? Are they so different? No. It is just that a very large amount of Muslims are trapped in the violence cycle.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Jerry_Teps]

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Jerry_Teps]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by avatar01

Why do you automatically assume this person is a Christian, and not a free thinking human being? Why is your defence to his post to attack another religeon vs. attacking him on his views of Islam? Do you support Islam? Obviously you don't support Crhritianity. Are you a Buddhist, a Shaman, Wiccan, Hindu, Satanist, Atheist? Does it matter? Why not address his post on one religion without attacking another for apparently no reason?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Jerry_Teps

They are nothing x]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Acharya

Christianity once fueled the Spanish Inquisition that killed tens of thousands of people in an attempt to convert Muslims and Jews to Christianity. You might consider opening a history book and finding something about Islam that hasn't previously been done in the name of Christianity. You won't.

Why don't you get yourself some psychological help before you decide to blow up a mosque to "stop" terrorism?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

I am a person who has held grenades for you., And thogh i nevdr..

I would destroy you xxx



[edit on 15-8-2010 by Yissachar1]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by SaosinEngaged

All easy to say when you aint oppressed.. See you in a few
years x

If you live in a democratic nation and you are being oppressed by Muslims it is your own damn fault and you deserve what you get. Here in the US we understand the difference between allowing a mosque to be built and allowing religious nutjobs to take away our porn and ribs.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Acid_Burn2009

So you believe that the "violent" Qu'ran does indeed paint a picture of all Muslims and their true nature but we cannot discuss the "violent" bible because that would mean applying that same logic to Christians and would fall apart, you mean?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae


Muslims will never take England, that aint about proptiefy

It about England

The isle of thr migjty

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by neosceptic

I have a 160 iq and still hate islam...

Wonder why?

Because you are lying about your IQ.

Here is a thought. How about instead of you people claiming to have these high IQs, how about you write a well thought out intelligent post and just prove it. Your IQ has nothing to do with this thread. Hell, IQ has nothing to do with this thread. The OP refuses to acknowledge that chart is more than half guesses based on nothing while pretending it is a real study and you with your proclaimed 160 come in and glom onto it. Yeah that makes sense.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1

reply to post by Adevoc Satanae


Muslims will never take England, that aint about proptiefy

It about England

The isle of thr migjty

160 IQ


160 proof?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Hey satanist, you and your muslim freinds have alot more
in common than you might be aware of.
You both serve the same master, the only difference being
you at least know yours by his true name.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Satanists eat ribs? I mean I was pretty sure about the porn angle. Do your Muslim friends eat ribs, I guess beef I could see, no pork though huh? What about the porn? Have you ever asked them how their mosques would react if they simpily took you to prayer service as a "Satanist Observer? That would be funny. Dont get me wrong. I don't think of Satanism as being beyond the realm of any other religion. I once looked at it myself because I was so pissed of at Christianity. Though what is your life really like? How outspoken in public or to your friends are you about your religion? Seriously not condemning! Just curious.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

That being said- As a Satanist, why do you back up Islam? I mean I can see being anti christian, but pro Muslim? Do you feel they pose a large enough threat to Christians, that they deserve to be praised. I mean you are a Satanist right? What is the alterior motive here? Anything that tears down Christianity is good? Regardless of the consequences, and regardless of whether they hate you more? Once again, not backing up christianity, just asking about your motivation.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by lestweforget
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Hey satanist, you and your muslim freinds have alot more
in common than you might be aware of.
You both serve the same master, the only difference being
you at least know yours by his true name.

I do not serve any master let alone some ghost in the sky but thanks for continuing the ATS ignorance train by just saying things that make no sense because you have no clue what you are talking about but have an opinion based on the facts you made up anyway. Thanks. Thanks a bunch.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by dreamwalker74
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Satanists eat ribs? I mean I was pretty sure about the porn angle.

Why would I have a problem with ribs? Some do. Some people do not like ribs. Some people do not eat meat. It happens. We take them all. No dietary restrictions allowed.

Do your Muslim friends eat ribs, I guess beef I could see, no pork though huh? What about the porn?

Why would they eat pork and watch porn?

Have you ever asked them how their mosques would react if they simpily took you to prayer service as a "Satanist Observer?
Yes. I have been asked to come many times. I have met quite a few other Muslims through my friends and all have been warm, welcoming, and inquisitive, not judgmental.

That would be funny. Dont get me wrong. I don't think of Satanism as being beyond the realm of any other religion. I once looked at it myself because I was so pissed of at Christianity. Though what is your life really like? How outspoken in public or to your friends are you about your religion? Seriously not condemning! Just curious.
I am not outspoken to my friends at all. My life reflects my religion in so much as it is something that is within me. I feel no need to point it out to anyone or try to get them to join me, see it my way, or care how I feel. If someone asks about my motivations and it applies, I am happy to answer. I hope that answers what you asked.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:28 PM
We should be scared of muslims because of the fact that almost all americans have instant access to an armory in their city or county if they can't afford a machine gun in case of invasion. We should be scared because we dont have to steal aircraft and fly them into buildings, each of our aircraft can destroy thousands of buildings in their lifetime. We should be scared because there are islamic terrorist attacks every day- on the other side of the world. And none here. Maybe a few in England, but like I said, not here. OOOOOH Im so scared.... Im more worried about the police shooting me on accident than of some idiot who found a best ways to commit suicide website.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:41 PM
Well said and a perfect post, thank you. Now, how do the civilized nations overcome this threat from Islam?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by atlguy
If you think the Muslim religion is violent, do yourself a favor and open a book. Check out the history of Catholicism and Christianity. The blood that has been drawn by the followers of those religions makes the Muslim religion look like Nirvana.

Originally posted by Acharya
Islam is not a peaceful religion, it spreads seperation and hate. (snip) Prove me wrong!
[edit on 15-8-2010 by Acharya]

No, you are the one casting the stone - so the impetus is on YOU to provide facts, not your opinion, to support your argument

Originally posted by Acharya
I live in Oslo, Norway. We have lots of problems with muslim immigrants. Official crime statistics over a three year period shows 49 of 49 assault rapes in Oslo was made by a person from a "non-western background" which is basically government code for muslim immigrants.

A link to your government source is called for - otherwise I am going to assume that you're, you know, lying. I didn't know that Norway kept crime statistics based on creed.

Originally posted by Acharya
From a young age they openly call Norwegian women for whores, their own sisters are locked inside the home to protect them from the Norwegian society. The young muslim men often date Norwegian girls, but does not marry them because they are percieved as whores; they are ok to have sex with but to filthy to marry, basically.

I've yet to read anything other than racist hatemongering. All this is according to YOU and your perspective. FYI - your perspective appears to be somewhat tilted.

Originally posted by Acharya
The Norwegian government also tries to hide the fact that people from muslim countries have a much lower IQ than people from the West, as independent studies have shown... (snip)

These numbers may indicate that many muslim immigrants are just not smart enough to fit in a modern western society, and when they dont fit in their anger and envy turns to the people that welcomed them with open arms.

IQ is measured via a test - have you ever taken an IQ test? Do you think that education standards are high in ETHIOPIA? Seems to me that they'd have bigger fish to fry than learning about how to properly graph a sentence. Things like staying alive may trump learning about an isosceles triangle.

Furthermore, an IQ test is largely a useless measure as even to this day, what it actually measures is open to debate among scientists.
Here - read this. It is an honest look at the issues with "IQ Tests"

And not only have you shown yourself to be a racist, but also an ignorant bigot.

Your post is nothing but hate, elitism, racism, bigotry, and ignorance - wrapped up nice and neatly in a cloak of fear.

[edit on 8/15/2010 by atlguy]

People always come with Christianity in the past this and that. Guess what? Before Christian Europe ment anything in the world we had to keep alive while fighting off the Moors, Turks, Arabic, Muslims and Mongols.It made us more assertive.
We can thank people from the Order of the Dragon like...vlad "dracul" for that, too bad we don't have those heroes around anymore..

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Foppezao]

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