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Was Hitler our last savior?

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
The trains were finally on time. I'll give the bastard that much.

the trains to the boncentration bamps?
(thats a monty python reference if you cant tell)

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:24 PM
also- why do you say "last" savior?


see how close NAZI is to
"Narzissmus"(germ.)= narcissism (eng.)
that surely hasn't stopped and has only become the accepted social norm. if you aint out for yourself, well you can't be trusted.......oh what a country!

[edit on 13-8-2010 by IandEye]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by ypperst

Um. Hitler wanted domination. That is a rather large distinction from mankind coming together as a species.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by IandEye

The term Nazi was not a term they used or encouraged.

1930, from Ger. Nazi, abbreviation of Ger. pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier Ger. sozi, popular abbreviaton of "socialist"), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei "National Socialist German Workers' Party," led by Hitler from 1920. The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c.1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname Nazi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, Ger. form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean "a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person." Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in WWI Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary. An older use of Nazi for national-sozial is attested in Ger. from 1903, but EWdS does not think it contributed to the word as applied to Hitler and his followers. The NSDAP for a time attempted to adopt the Nazi designation as what the Germans call a "despite-word," but they gave this up, and the NSDAP is said to have generally avoided the term. Before 1930, party members had been called in Eng. National Socialists, which dates from 1923. The use of Nazi Germany, Nazi regime, etc., was popularized by German exiles abroad. From them, it spread into other languages, and eventually brought back to Germany, after the war. In the USSR, the terms national socialist and Nazi were said to have been forbidden after 1932, presumably to avoid any taint to the good word socialist. Soviet literature refers to fascists.


[edit on 13-8-2010 by Watcher-In-The-Shadows]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
reply to post by ypperst

Um. Hitler wanted domination. That is a rather large distinction from mankind coming together as a species.

Oh yeah...
That's what we've been force fed for 65 years
That's what it says in our Zionist history books.


posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

His actions make obvious his intent. If you want to tell yourself he wanted something else feel free to delude yourself.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:42 PM
Hitler was no moore no less the result of crap politics in the world
his hate to the jews was created by the rothchild family where his mother was working...
possible adolf was an rothchild...! we know very less of his real father...

but he was an leader pur-sang also..his charisma was overwelming...
no leader later has ever achieved it...

actully the world needs an leader as him thought not so extreem...

[edit on 13-8-2010 by ressiv]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:45 PM
You know something...shooting straight from the hip here...

I read threads like this and I fear for my kids. I fear for the world. And heres why...

If anyone truly believes that a psychopathic racist coward - who ordered the deaths of millions and bought about the biggest war this planet has ever seen (a man who failed miserably in achieving his goal of being part of a "master race" and did not even have the power of his own convictions to stand trial in front of the nations that shattered his delusions of grandeur and instead took his own life) - was somehow a "saviour" then the allied soldiers who fought in WW2 died in vain, and we are doomed to repeat history again and again.

Saviour? What complete and utter rubbish.

All Hitler did was bring death and misery to millions, and left a legacy of hatred and despicable acts behind.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:47 PM
thanks rigel kent man,for the non believers: so do you like this future now in which hitler is defeated? your either illuminati/banks slaves with taken homes,chiped and brainwashed and killed by vaccines and controled "do your job" "buy an ipod" "buy bottled water". sure working in a nazi factory wasnt really liberty but you got REAL PRODUCTS,real food for your labor.
and if its not illuminati/banks then we will end up under islamic/muslim me they had bulgaria under slavery for 500 years,raped our wifes,and turned our children brainwashed against us,stolen and raisen to praise allah.
in both illuminati win and islam win scenaryos ALL PEOPLE LOOSE!

if hitler won the world would be united and the technologies would skyrocket.
the nazis even envented a ufo for sake!
there would be genetic treatment for everysickness and far better lifestyle and economics,and IT WOULD BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC,not like now secret.
hitler loved his people,and he cared for them. yes other races would suffer we all loose

[edit on 13-8-2010 by Stillalive]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Stillalive

Yea for only the price of a few billion lives. Tis but a pittance right? Unless you're one of the few billion that is.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by ressiv
Hitler was no moore no less the result of crap politics in the world
his hate to the jews was created by the rothchild family where his mother was working...
possible adolf was an rothchild...! we know very less of his real father...

[edit on 13-8-2010 by ressiv]

If you are going to peddle long debunked, impossible historical revisionism then please, at least get them right:

The myth is that Dollfuss uncovered that Hitlers grandmother, not his mother, had worked for the Rotschilds and got pregnant there. The myth is not about his mother.

As for his father, Alois. They myth could be perpetrated because the Hitlers didn't like to talk about ancestry, since they were very keen on hiding the incest part of it.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:54 PM
well sure obama is not a coward and he wants piece,thats why hes attacking iran now and is probably going to be responsible for the deaths of thousands americans,when another 9/11 happens because "muslims cant have nukes"
and as i look america is just great financialy because of obama.

hitler was a fanatic just like me,its rare breed of people we may call "berserkers" that feed of anger and sorrow and feed theyr will to progress and win. without believign in himself and all that ego he would never make germany so powerfull and evenr each moscow.
hystory is written by the winners,and if hitler didnt kill that magician,we would be nazis

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Stillalive
hitler loved his people,and he cared for them. yes other races would suffer we all loose

Yes. Right. He loved them so much he bought about a war that ended up with their cities being bombed out ruins, their industry destroyed and then - not long before he shot himself and his mistress through the head with a pistol, he issued an order that all industry, all public services and anything of use in Germany be destroyed so that the allies could not use it because "the people had failed him".

Yep. He loved them so much.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Stillalive

You are so deluded it is scary.

I was going to write an in depth analysis to your post explaining exactly why you are so terribly wrong, but to be quite honest I can't be bothered. I doubt it would make a difference.

I would encourage you to go and study some history before you say something really stupid.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:59 PM
Let's get one thing straight.

Hitler was just a talker.

It was the rest of humanity that did all the killings.

Think about it.

We scapegoat Hitler but in REALITY, WE DID WW2.

Us the Humans.

(Well our ancestors in most cases but you get the point).

Let's figure out why we are so easily lead first.

Maybe we all need to lead ourselves and stop relying on other people to be our "leaders"??

If Aliens come down and ask me "take me to your leader", I will reply "Your speaking to him".

[edit on 13-8-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by neformore
I read threads like this and I fear for my kids. I fear for the world. And heres why...

If anyone truly believes that a psychopathic racist coward - who ordered the deaths of millions and bought about the biggest war this planet has ever seen

What concerns me, is that everyone blames the "boss" for their personal crimes.

It's that we are so distracted from the Truth, and we are so misled into the Darkness.

I bet if people finally took responsibility for their own actions, and stopped taking "orders" and realized they are 100% guilty for their OWN personal actions in life, all of this crap would stop overnight.

Yeah well, I am not taking orders ever again.

I certainly hope none of you take "orders" either.

Change is Constant. Sign that new lease on life today.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Reply to post by Stillalive

oh really? I don't work for the illuminati banks and never have in 38 years.
how can you say something so speculative without any proof or evidence- just your feelings?
this thread must be dominated by children looking for something they can cling to in this crazy world. too bad you picked something even crazier.

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

agee totally

fact is wat are the lessons of ww2.......!!!!!!!!!
we still fearmongering against the moslims...
we still have concentration camps
we still prison humans for nothing in illegal processes..
(wat about osama's driver.. helpt him escaping !!! how much taxi drivers in the US are prisont for driving criminals????)
ect ect
we will never learn .... history repeats again and again ..its in oure blood...:-)

[edit on 13-8-2010 by ressiv]

[edit on 13-8-2010 by ressiv]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 04:22 PM
we all know how much lies we were fed in history class,especialy in my country.
but i dont need history classes to know that the man DID ALOT. yes he was very evil and crazy,and i dont promote racism,my best friend was black and i dont have anything against other races as far as theyr good people.
but you cant say hitler only talked,this is not the president of iran here...this is the guy who expanded on all europe.
not only he was developing the first ufo,what about the rumors about the moon or the earth core,or stargates,another dimensions.
maybe we all forgot how obssessed was himler about runes and magic,and so was hitler. what about all the secret bio projects for the perfect soldier,what about all the abandoned hospitals with secret underground bases with magic symbols? hitler was interested in everything,and he was making damn good progress,and one thing is for sure - if he was in power he would let alot of the new technology right into betterment of life of the normal people.
nowadays instead of that we have ipods,the pinnacle of technology... touchscreens....and no improvement whatsover...what happend to the hologram keyboard? why is no one making a hologram keyboard?
capitalism....went rogue. sure hitler was bad,but rothchilds just want you to die even if you are white,your own people...want you to die.
while muslims and jews governents support themselfs,they expand and conquer secretly inside your lands...while your government wants to control you....and to kill you

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 04:27 PM
well dont worry guys,we will see if hitler was our savior or not,and maybe even next week!
when your blessed obama decided to attack iran.
and what will happen if russia and turkey..even china join the war?
if usa starts to loose keep in mind that if hitler won,there would be no muslims,no russa,not even china...
so yea...the man was "really evil" since he was your only hope.
were always fighting one another,but the muslims and other races dont fight so much....theyr fanatic religios believes keep them together...and they getting stronger or are you guys blind?
i dont know what to say,usualy im not racist,and i dont think all muslims are fanatic and evil...and if iran just wants nuclear reactors i dont see a problem,its not usas problem..theyr not god....i shoudlnt be worried at all i dont even live in america

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