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Was Hitler our last savior?

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Utopia2012
I remember reading about this secret goverment project, i think it was project yellow book but im not sure, any one who is into US government/alien conspircies should remember this;

ill try and find a link.

The myth behind this was called "Lookinglass", if I remember correctly. David Wilcock is big on this stuff.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:42 AM
Hitler's idea of paring civilization down to one 'master' race has a horrible flaw.

Humanity's genetic diversity, (please don't read just RACES here, I am speaking of the genetic differences between Irish and Dutch, even) is a very important thing.

The more vast and varied our gene pool is, the better our chances for normal evolution and survival. By limiting the gene pool to one group(and eventually it would have been a sub-group, IMO) Hitler would have in essence been inbreeding our species, which is a terrible idea.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by butcherguy]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:43 AM
Hitler was one of the most brilliant leaders to have lived even Churchill admitted this although the killing of gays, mentally challenged individuals and Jews may sound all good and well to some it just doesn't sit well with the mass of the global community
Even Germans in Germany suffered greatly under his rule and oppression
so for some he was a savior and for others he was a monster and to some he was what he was an exceptional leader
I believe if he had not made the costly mistakes he did the word would be a very different place right now although hard to say better or worse and exactly who for

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by mackblack27
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Please explain how murdering and imprisoning thousands of minoroties is a "sound idea"?

And history always isnt written by the victors. How would we actually know what happened in Germany, under German regime, if this were true. Its completely disgraceful that you people would disrespect your own countries soldiers, that went to fight for your country, for freedom.

murdering thousands would be the method which i said was flawed. so there

what would be wrong with a world where no one was disabled or infirm and everyone had a place, to be honest it sounds much better than what we have at the moment , I see thousands of people in all diffirent jobs but they have no purpose, they work for material wealth and no one cares about advancing the human race they only care whos gonna win big brother and what kinda car they drive and personally it sickens me . People should have purpose and work to better our world and make us strong and productive. Today you have teenagers running roit on the streets crime is high and no one fears the law. It wouldnt be that way If we had one strong power in control.

And as far as disrespecting soldiers,, well I dont question that they thought they were doing the right thing but dont forget most of them were drafted and they were only told they were fighting for the country... they werent they were fighting for the guys in power who told them that the enemy was germany . suicide bombers martyr themselves for what they believe are good reasons but that doesnt make it so. so whats the diffirence lol there isnt one.

Im no aryan or nazi I just look at things without the clouded judgment of a socially conditioned mind like yours.
Once again I pity you , your obviously very emotionally charged so its probabaly best to leave it at that and agree to disagree.


posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by mackblack27
murdering thousands would be the method which i said was flawed. so there

So there?

I like how you failed to mention that earlier

what would be wrong with a world where no one was disabled or infirm and everyone had a place,

Everyone had a place? WTF?

Everyone except for the:

Catholic and Christian pastors

and the list goes on. He killed off hundreds of handicapped and intellectually challenged people...becasue they did not adhere to his idea of the perfect world. How is killing handicapped people, for being handicapped right?

You really are a poor excuse for a human being, if you think the world is better off without these people. And if I didnt know better you are a neo-nazi

to be honest it sounds much better than what we have at the moment , I see thousands of people in all diffirent jobs but they have no purpose, they work for material wealth and no one cares about advancing the human race they only care whos gonna win big brother and what kinda car they drive and personally it sickens me . People should have purpose and work to better our world and make us strong and productive. Today you have teenagers running roit on the streets crime is high and no one fears the law. It wouldnt be that way If we had one strong power in control.


Killing off all these other groups, handicapped people and homosexuals, would not make the world a better place. I cant believe that anyone would think that....maybe you are Hitler reincarnated?

Im no aryan or nazi I just look at things without the clouded judgment of a socially conditioned mind like yours.
Once again I pity you , your obviously very emotionally charged so its probabaly best to leave it at that and agree to disagree.


Im only emotinally charged when people make heartless, disrespectful and hurtfull comments towards others, by suggesting that having them eliminated from the human race would make this world better.

In fact, this world would be better off if people like you were removed from it.

And yes, you are a neo nazi....well your comments are

[edit on 13/8/2010 by OzWeatherman]

[edit on 13/8/2010 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

I don't think inbreeding would have really been a big issue selecting the right specimen to breed, out of however many tens of thousand's of individuals who'd have been prime targets for this realistically should hold all the required genetic differences to survive for tens of thousands of years look at the aboriginal people of the world some isolated for 40k years plus and still kicking
and if constantly searching for the best blend i'm sure it would slowly weed out the genetic faults of some eliminating them from the gene pool permanently thus creating the super man (all drunken logic of course)

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

yeah and maybe the world would be a better place if we had no famine , disease or war .

But seeing as the new nazis AKA the west are in control we will never know.

But one things for sure about hitler He didnt lie about what he wanted.
I wish we could say the same about the west

See ya

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by ypperst

The first thing that comes to mind is, well, what about the Japanese? And all those Chinese? There'd likely be some more friction. You see, they look different at a glance than the master race. TV programming would be more tasteful, no doubt, but it would still be one sided to favor which ever group ran things, just like today. What bothers me the most is that if the Germans won, would you be allowed to wake up when you want (when God tells you to get up) or would it be all fanatical, such as people reporting their neighbor because they stayed up/woke up late??? I don't think 'savior' can be applied to a man, especially if everyone's sporting the same dress code. Those sort of things can only lead to ruin. Those nazi's sure had great fashion sense, but really, world wide application of a single culture is just totalitarian. It can't end well, can it? All diversity gone? Best to not allow centralization of power as it really does corrupt. Who will be on top? Everyone would be fighting to be the big cheese just like today, but worldwide. I cringe at the thought of a pelosi surrounded by nazi flags, as many as she can drape around herself, on the telescreen. The perks of power are unimaginable. It is more than money. It encompasses every possible hypocrisy one can conceive of...being able to break or ignore every rule, having flush retirement, enough to buy a small county like bush did in Paraguay (where does every president get their hands on millions and millions of dollars)? Sovereign powers are better than state powers, and the smaller the units of sovereignty, the less power can centralize. It's a little early to be thinking all this.... Power is the right, and the power, to lie. Witness the USA. Will the economy crash if we don't drink the blood of Iran in a few weeks, as the telescreen suggests?????

One thing about Hitler: he said what he meant and was his own man, to a fault. No way should he have attacked England, but I think he was mad because they stopped the Germans from an oil pipeline during the last war. All the resources that went into shooting rockets could have been applied against russia and slobbering bolsheviks, for instance. He made a lot of mistakes and had he secured more victories, there's no telling what he would have interpreted this to mean. He ought to have been more humble.

You raise interesting points, to be sure. I think PKD wrote about a scenario in which Germans did win the war. All I can do now is refresh my mind where the Chinese were at during ww2. It's as though they didn't exist.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by davidmann]

[edit on 13-8-2010 by davidmann]

[edit on 13-8-2010 by davidmann]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:14 AM
do you still believe that hitler killed the jews? is there any evidence? where are the gas chambers?

it was only when hitler declared war against the red devil (soviet union) and started to lose the war, that was when the germans couldnt feed the prisoners so they abandoned them. i mean who would you feed, you're starving prisoners or starving army? they left all the prisoners a lot of which were jews, polish, german, french, etc etc... so when the allies got their on time they found people that were starving, but no gas chambers. that was the perfect time to take pictures of underweight people in the hundreds and claim the holocaust...

the jewish migration from 1935-1939 proves that there was less jews in europe that hitler killed, so what does that mean?

hitler never drank, he was a vegeterian, he loved animals, and he knew the zionists, the communits and the capitalists were bad for this world. he wasnt a racist, he was just proud. his allies were italians and japanese. other allies include romanians, bulgarians and arabs.

germany did need living space, look how big russia is, why? germany is still so cramped for its population.

hitler proposed peace to the english just to be rejected.

hitlers army never targeted civilians, but it was only after the allies started bombing german civilian cities that he retaliated in such manner.

last but not least, ww2 started because germany was mistreated after ww1. and germany did have territorial claims on poland and many other countries. if 95% of the population in danzig wanted to be under the Reich, then whos going to stop them?? they were germans!!

the holocaust lie boosted the number of zionists, since zionism existed way before hitler and the nazis rose to power. the british were helping zionist into palestine in the 1920s.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:16 AM
your saying the jews financed hitler? crazy man -_-
hitler was too crazy and angry to let someone control him,not the masons,not the illuminati,no joews. he hated them all,and he hunted them all!

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by davidmann

All I can do now is refresh my mind where the Chinese were at during ww2. It's as though they didn't exist.
They were trying to fight a civil war at the same time as they were fighting the Japanese.

The Nationalist Chinese were fighting the Communists before the Japanese invaded them, they tried to put their differences behind them, but truth be told, both sides were just as happy to see the other being killed by the Japanese as they were to see the Japanese being killed.

After the USA finished the Pacific war, the Chinese resumed their civil war in earnest.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by butcherguy]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
do you still believe that hitler killed the jews? is there any evidence? where are the gas chambers?

Why dont you take historical trip to Germany. I believe you can still visit gas chambers, former concentration camps and location of mass graves

it was only when hitler declared war against the red devil (soviet union) and started to lose the war, that was when the germans couldnt feed the prisoners so they abandoned them. i mean who would you feed, you're starving prisoners or starving army? they left all the prisoners a lot of which were jews, polish, german, french, etc etc... so when the allies got their on time they found people that were starving, but no gas chambers. that was the perfect time to take pictures of underweight people in the hundreds and claim the holocaust...

No, they pretty much neglected people all the time. Thousands died of starvation....and again, they have found gas chambers. They have also found plans, and designs for gas chambers

the jewish migration from 1935-1939 proves that there was less jews in europe that hitler killed, so what does that mean?


hitler never drank, he was a vegeterian, he loved animals, and he knew the zionists, the communits and the capitalists were bad for this world. he wasnt a racist, he was just proud. his allies were italians and japanese. other allies include romanians, bulgarians and arabs.

Actually, he had no arab allies, and where are you getting this information? From the Hitler family or something?

germany did need living space, look how big russia is, why? germany is still so cramped for its population.

Im sorry, but thats a pretty weak excuse for invading several countries at once, and murdering all these people.

hitler proposed peace to the english just to be rejected.

WTF? No he didnt...he simply bombed them....where are you getting this information from?

hitlers army never targeted civilians, but it was only after the allies started bombing german civilian cities that he retaliated in such manner.

Oh wow....this is actually becoming laughable.....Hitler was the first to drop bombs, and he was first to invade countries.....just ask..oh perhaps....every single Polish and Czech person in the world

last but not least, ww2 started because germany was mistreated after ww1. and germany did have territorial claims on poland and many other countries. if 95% of the population in danzig wanted to be under the Reich, then whos going to stop them?? they were germans!!

And it gets better

How the hell did Germany have any right to have territorial claims on Poland?

Where are you getting this information?

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
do you still believe that hitler killed the jews? is there any evidence? where are the gas chambers?

I'll be happy to visit any thread you make where you're going to prove that. Please U2U me whenever you decide to provide more of an argument than the mere assertion.

it was only when hitler declared war against the red devil (soviet union) and started to lose the war, that was when the germans couldnt feed the prisoners so they abandoned them.

Can you provide an example of - with a source - even one set of prisoners that was simply "abandoned" after 1941?

i mean who would you feed, you're starving prisoners or starving army? they left all the prisoners a lot of which were jews, polish, german, french, etc etc... so when the allies got their on time they found people that were starving, but no gas chambers. that was the perfect time to take pictures of underweight people in the hundreds and claim the holocaust...

So what about Backe's orders that provide for caloric rations of Germans, the general government, the front troops, the forced labor population etc.?

If they only fed the Germans, why maintain a sophisticated distribution system for all of those people? Why would Backe constantly revise the caloric tables for poles, POWS and forced laborors if he only was feeding the troops?

Seems there's (just one; the first that pops to mind) a contradiction there.

the jewish migration from 1935-1939 proves that there was less jews in europe that hitler killed, so what does that mean?

Jewish migration? 35-39? Care to cite just how many German Jews emigrated in those years?


hitler never drank, he was a vegeterian, he loved animals, and he knew the zionists, the communits and the capitalists were bad for this world. he wasnt a racist, he was just proud. his allies were italians and japanese. other allies include romanians, bulgarians and arabs.

Funny how he did eat liver tough, isn't it?

And he was especially brutal on the capitalists, wasn't he? Abolishing private profit was a pretty bold move of him, wasn't it?

Why would he be proud? By his own defitnion, he wasn't even a pure-grade Aryan.

germany did need living space, look how big russia is, why? germany is still so cramped for its population.

Well, if the demographic trends go on in a similiar way then they will soon have more land than they know what to do with.

Population density was never Germany's problem. It was rather in the structure of how the land was distributed; a few held most of it but instead of productively using it they preferred to play Gutsherr.

hitler proposed peace to the english just to be rejected.

The British had no mind to give up world domination just because the Nazis wanted a share of it.

hitlers army never targeted civilians, but it was only after the allies started bombing german civilian cities that he retaliated in such manner.

So the shootings of French partisans in 1940 didn't happen?

What about Heydrich in the General Government? Did he start his job after bombing started in 43 or before?

last but not least, ww2 started because germany was mistreated after ww1. and germany did have territorial claims on poland and many other countries. if 95% of the population in danzig wanted to be under the Reich, then whos going to stop them?? they were germans!!

Yeah. And what about Chelmo? How many Germans were there? Or Bohemia and Moravia? Was there a German majority there? How about Lodz?

Are you claiming the Germans only attacked parts that had a "legal" german claim on them?

the holocaust lie boosted the number of zionists, since zionism existed way before hitler and the nazis rose to power. the british were helping zionist into palestine in the 1920s.

And *then a mircale happens* and kaboom you have evidence of an evil plot between international Jews and the Nazis.

Black and white history. You gotta love it.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

Thanks for the reply. I am looking into what the chinese were busy with in this era. It is amazing what we don't know. All we hear about are the jews and how bad they have it. This sort of high pressure disinformation is what keeps a mind from learning.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Hmmm this is a touchy subject indeed. Holocaust aside... I think he couldnt have done any worse. Their I said it. Give me your boos.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by IandEye

i agree this idea cant possibly be discussd with an even keel.

no matter what the intention..........

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:33 AM
Want an idea of what the world would be like had Hitler won?

Ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell? Given that this book is an idea of what the world would be like if it were ruled by a totalitarian regime, this book is not all that far off as to the kind of world we would live under if Hitler and his Nazi party won the war....( Yes, I know Hitler was a Socialist)

If you have not read it, I suggest you do, and then see what you think of that kind of world....

The idea that there is even a master/superior race, is a silly notion at best. Pure racist hogwash at worst. With all due respect, it is the kind of talk I would expect to hear at a neonazi/klan meeting.

The way to world peace is NOT through mass murder, war, genocide, mass extinction of a whole people, holocaust, or any other horrible thing like that.

Given a choice between heil Hitler and heil freedom... I will choose freedom, any day.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:40 AM
they wrote the bible so that they could make it come true, time and time again. Hitler was no saviour, just another pawn in the game.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by ypperst

I'd have to say "NO", especially if you happened to be jewish!

"What a silly question!"

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:51 AM
Josh Hitler was kind of a jerk, too....

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