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Frederick Valentich Update: A real bizarre development

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posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 08:41 AM

The main route of our craft—Earth and Jupiter’s satellite Callisto

If they have enough energy to fly that route wouldn't they have enough energy to split water? Perhaps getting their oxygen from Europa.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 09:10 AM
If he is abducted as what he claims, then how come that he can go to a port in Spain and mingle with the crowd? It doesn't look like he was abducted.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 10:30 AM
I love the use of the clever disinformation add-on to this known account that dodges the whole issue of the flight radio sequence and goes off on an entirely bizzare alternate story. Give the creator of that story a raise!

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 11:17 AM
That whole area of Australia has some weird disappearances:

The Bass Strait Triangle


The Mystery of KAZ II

The Valentich story is just the most well known in an area which seems to be quite spooky!

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by CheapShotArtist


Considering the huge amount of ET civilizations that are probably out there, it's a given that at least some of them are hostile or are at the very least ambivalent to our well being.

That being said, the other side of the coin should also be true. There are probably some races that consider us to be of the utmost importance, and are actively involved with helping us in some way.

Just as there is good and bad among humans and animals, there is going to be good and bad among ET's too.

I like to think that the good guys are keeping the bad guys at bay.

The follow up story, with the message sounds phony to me..although i'm willing to keep a 'half open mind' about it, but my gut feeling is that it's false.

'A huge base on Callisto'...amazingly advanced technology...yet they cannot synthesize O2?

There are many ways to obtain O2, traveling across the solar system to siphon it from the atmosphere is not the easiest.

Why don't we simply give them all of our CO2, and let the extract the O2 or they could go to Mars and help themselves to the massive amounts of the stuff?

Why don't they mine comets and moons for water ice, and obtain the O2 that way?

There are a multitude of chemical reaction that result in O2, why not go to other worlds, obtain the raw ingredients and make their own O2?

And as for giant metallic-plastic 'balloons' to store the O2 in...come on..balloons? Really?

As i say, i like to keep my mind open to possibilities, but i'm not buying the pinching our O2 story, it doesn't make sense to do that, when so many other and easier sources for o2 are available to them with their levels of technology.

Interesting case though, and i have to say, i'm ashamed to admit after a life long interest in the UFO subject, i had never heard of this case before!

Not even a whisper of it. So thank you for bringing it up OP.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by CheapShotArtist

Not trying to derail this thread... but would you please explain to your readers as to why your keyboard spits out it’s for the word... it's??? I've stumbled across this same keyboard error in other newsgroups/forums and am wondering WHY WHY WHY this error occurs. Any explanations??? TIA

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by CheapShotArtist

Excellent post. At my age it is rare to read of a "mysterious" event that genuinely piques my interest, but you've done that, OP. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse
Bass Strait is the wild ocean between Melbourne and Tasmania. Oine Gap is located thousands of kilometers awy in the dead centre of Australa, virtually in Alice Springs.
Although there may be a relationship here, as PG is a mysterious and secretive American Military underground base, the base you are refering to is Omega, a base near to the coast. Although apparently obsolete now, there was a lot of mysterious activity back then.
If anyone is wondering, this case was very serious in Aus and instilled fear across the country. It is amazing how such a terrifying abduction can remain almost folklore, as in people question the validity of the story now, when back then the entire country was flabbergasted.
Just goes to show how ufolgy is such a suppressed field. Even with solid media coverage such an amazing story fades in to myth.
Around this time in Aus there were some very rigid cases, films and abductions in this region, all covered here on ATS.
There is undeniable footage from a Melbourne film crew of an object fimed between Aus and NZ by a professional crew, as well as some abductions around Melbourne with witnesses.
And now it is simply legend.
Back then even sceptics like my father were horrified, discussions around family dinner tables were heated, and the government struggled to find answers.
This wave was not driven by pop culture, just a rapid chain of very unexplainable ufo incidents.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Agreed. A sure fire way to take a genuinely interesting story, with better then normal evidence and kick it straight into the bad B movie zone.

Aliens with the ability to cross intergalactic distances need to steal oxygen from this planet, and they need to press gang humans as pilot subcontractors....yeah whatever.

What was the first recorded instance of the second part of the story surfacing in the media. It would be interesting to find out from where that originated.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 01:22 PM
My question is: what exactly are the new developments and updates to this story? It appears to me that the latest info was in the 1980s, which hardly translates to a recent update?

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 01:24 PM
S&F, this is certainly an interesting story that I have not heard of.

reply to post by CheapShotArtist

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Hedera Helix
reply to post by CheapShotArtist

Not trying to derail this thread... but would you please explain to your readers as to why your keyboard spits out it’s for the word... it's??? I've stumbled across this same keyboard error in other newsgroups/forums and am wondering WHY WHY WHY this error occurs. Any explanations??? TIA

The font encoding of the forums doesn't match up with the external character set pasted, so the browser doesn't know what to display properly.

It's not a keyboard error, just that most likely the forums are UTF-8 encoding and the text pasted is not following that standard.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:04 PM
Has anyone talked to the Avengers or the Justice League to see if they can rescue poor Alien Dundee from his prison in outer-space? How many more Australians, nay how many more UFO-enthusiasts are being trapped inside of this interstellar-gitmo? Oh dear!

The Hill case (which is by far the biggest crock of crap I've ever heard) is more convincing than this. Those old geezers road that story their whole lives. Hey everyone needs to make money. I think all abduction or encounter cases are no good at face value and you should never believe a second hand story.

But why not write a book about it? Sci-fi is awesome, but when you try to induce sci-fi upon reality you'll find yourself always wondering why the truth doesn't reveal it's self. It's like the boy who wants an apple he decided was in a box, he never saw the apple but someone told him it was there. When he opens the box the apple is gone, he's left puzzled, wondering what happened to the apple. But the truth is, there was no apple, that was just a story.

Facts people, stop diluting the situation with hearsay and conjecture.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:26 PM
I think the story and the transcript is a total fabrication, and not even a good one.

The object circles him, passes him, and flies above him, meaning he must have gotten a really good look at it, yet he doesn't seem shocked at all. There is no real reactions like "What the heck is that?!", or something similiar.

Also at the end he says, "That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and its not an aircraft."

First off, he says "HOVERING on top of me again", "It is HOVERING". He is in a fixed wing aircraft, probably flying at 166 mph.... How could something be "HOVERING" above him when he is traveling at 166mph?? He should have said "FLYING" above me. I think this is a mistake on the writters part, who was probably trying to make the craft seem more out of this world so he used the term "hovering" so you would imagine it having some anti-gravity or something.

Also who really would say "that strange aircraft"? Or, "Its not an aircraft"?It doesn't seem real to me at all. By that point, and normal person would call it a UFO, not "A strange aircraft". Even though anything is possible, and maybe someone would use those words in that situation, this still just doesn't feel right to me, it's all fake like acting.

Seem like an amature sci-fi writter made this up.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Unst0ppable0ne

Spot on! I though the same things. I've got over 7,000 flight hours in fixed wing aircraft and would never say anything is hovering above me, because it would require me to be in a hover as well.

The 2nd part of the story, where he mysteriously shows up again, is written so badly that it cannot be believed. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it is being written in 1st person or 3rd person. Other times, the choice of wording just doesn't make sense. I especially loved when he said some balloons are 110k and the smaller ones are "2 times smaller" or something to that effect - wouldn't an english-speaker says "half the size"? Also, he writes "These “researchers” impudently steal the most valuable part of Earthly atmosphere. And idiots like me are actively helping them in this. " Who would say this? He says something like, "God help me and whoever finds this letter". So why are you writing the letter, then?

There are plenty of other examples which insinuate to me that the writer of this story is not a born English speaker. Unfortunately, the way a story is written often reveals its authenticity, and this bad piece of fiction screams hoax.

[edit on 8/12/2010 by bagari]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Unst0ppable0ne
Your skepticism is a good thing. On the surface, why should you expect any of this to be true or factual? In this case, your skepticism is misdirected.

The transcript is from the tapes recorded by ATC. They were/are available through FoI. Dr Richard Haines (NASA research scientist) has copies of the tapes and referred to them in his investigation.

There was a full sea search for Valentich' plane and a police investigation into his disappearance. Even Phil Klass came out and argued that Valentich was a drug smuggler involved in some bizarre scheme. It was headline news in several countries.

The transcript is factual. Valentich never came back. What happened to him is simply unknown.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Unst0ppable0ne

Also at the end he says, "That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and its not an aircraft."

Great point. I was thinking that the object could of been dirt, a smudge or something stuck to the plane it's self. Because this is what I think, he saw something, didn't know what it was but thought it was an aircraft (naturally since he's up there flying and he believes in UFOs he saw what his imagination wanted to see, like how we see monsters as kids in the shadows of our rooms at night), then he realized it wasn't (could of been smoke his plane could of been on fire, or could of been dirt or mud) could of been anything. He stops and says it's not an aircraft, there right there tells you he retracted his initial claim that what he saw was a UFO and probably just some dirt or an object interfering with his vision. (possibly something tethered to the plane accidentally that flapped around because of the planes speed and his position it could appear to fly around him.) He got too distracted, crashed and the plane blew up. To avoid life insurance complications or to cover up an accident, they disposed of all evidence since he was probably being tracked all the way to the ground. This is not unfamiliar in a world full of cover-ups to avoid litigation or pursuance of family members for reparations .

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

Hard to believe that just an apostrophe could cause that much chaos -----> it’s

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:42 PM
Maybe I am misunderstanding this post, maybe it's too late at night and I am tired.
In fact, I hope I am.
But in case I am not....

I was thinking that the object could of been dirt, a smudge or something stuck to the plane it's self. Because this is what I think, he saw something, didn't know what it was but thought it was an aircraft (naturally since he's up there flying and he believes in UFOs he saw what his imagination wanted to see, like how we see monsters as kids in the shadows of our rooms at night),

We're talking about a pilot. A trained PILOT in the prime of his life, with no observed physical or mental anomalies that would account for such an event.

then he realized it wasn't (could of been smoke his plane could of been on fire, or could of been dirt or mud) could of been anything. He stops and says it's not an aircraft, there right there tells you he retracted his initial claim that what he saw was a UFO

It was a UFO.
It still is: an (as yet) unidentified flying object.

Also, would you care to explain the green light reports mentioned in my previous post in this thread?

Because if a person submits that something is a hoax or whatever, that person must be able to provide really good explanations for such a massive cover-up, down to the nitty-gritty details, including a MOTIVE.

As for his reaction being "no proper reaction" (a different post, I know).... I can't believe anyone would have the nerve to write such a puerile thing on a site intended for adults. Really, no offense, but whoever judges other people's reactions, or the perceived lack thereof, based on themselves or Hollywood movie scripts needs to turn off that TV and DVD player ASAP and try interacting with living people, for a change.

Good grief.

[edit on 12-8-2010 by AdAstra]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Thanks CSA.
Yea I have heard about this event. What's strange I just finesed the book 2 weeks ago, that talks about this event. No, I didn't know he was allegedy found by the Russians. It is fact that he did dissappear on his flight. If he hoaxed the whole thing, i think the authorites would follow throght with charges? In the U.S. they would.

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