posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 07:03 AM
Very interesting account...
For those that can't be bothered following the link...
What was proposed to me was beyond my imagination. Later I came to the conclusion that several factors influenced my psyche, at first, the reality of
the UFOs and their pilots, and secondly, their proposal for me to become the pilot of one of their aircraft (!).
Here is proof of contact with another civilization and the man who achieved this is I, Frederick Valentich. That was what I thought. But the most
tempting was their fantastic proposal for me to stay in my same physical body, so I have not aged over my current 25 years of age (my age when I
signed such a “contract” with the aliens). This proposal “eclipsed everything” even those few purely human affections I’ve had. At the
moment of the deal I remembered only that my mother had died, I am single with no children. I didn’t even remember my aunt and two of my ex
girlfriends I have been close with, this is additional evidence of a strong psychological influence put upon me.
The giant UFO I have to work in is a “cargo ship”. The crew, except those humans which were captured just like me, are 2-3 aliens. All belong to a
civilization located in the Pleiades constellation and represent an interplanetary organization with 6 civilizations from Orion, Swan and the Big Dog
constellation; our Solar system is also part of it.
Like us they’re also albumen organic entities, breathing oxygen and of similar body build.
Answering such questions like, what are they doing here, they stated on numerous occasions that they were engaged in research work. But according to
my own observations that is only a mere screen covering their “real” activities and to calm the conscience of other earthlings who signed such
compelling contacts like mine.
Our basic load from Earth---is liquid oxygen obtained from plants installed onboard the ship. These “researchers” impudently steal the most
valuable part of Earthly atmosphere. And idiots like me are actively helping them in this. The main route of our craft—Earth and Jupiter’s
satellite Callisto where a huge constantly operating base is located.
Oxygen is loaded into balloons made of plastic-metal. Volume can be estimated in weight---the large balloon weighs no less than 110 pounds, the
smaller ones—2 times less than that. The maximum quantity of balloons that our ship has taken for one flight to Callisto is more than 12,000 large
and 5k small balloons. Imagine how much oxygen they take from Earth! We make 2 flights per week sometimes. God help me and those who find this letter!
Russian or Chinese---I ask to give this capsule to the Australian embassy and to the representatives of our embassy, give it to scientists for further
To establish the authenticity of this material evidence, it was sent to several scientific research laboratories of the USSR for secret analyses.
Results of the research exceeded all expectations. Documents with the results of the study were compiled, stamped and signed by the expert laboratory
of KGB USSR, document dated September 29 1982. Institute of Astronomy of USSR dated October 10 1982. Institute of the Technical Physics USSR,
Chelyabinsk-40 (nuclear military industrial center), and dated November 12 1982, all the documents were classified TOP SECRET.
Here is the opinion of a member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Dr. Nechai PhD, addressed to the special expert commission in the
Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. “The amazing physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, their uncommon chemical
compound and structure allow to make the following conclusions:
- …materials obtained by the technologies, unknown yet to humankind and apparently outside the Earth. The plate is the source of unknown radioactive
emanation of colossal penetrating ability and spoils all other types of cinema and photo films…
- Many other facts, described by Valentich we