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All of you against drug decriminalization have the blood of 28,000 people on your hands

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by above

Even if that's true, how would that change anything?

Addicts would still be unable to work after they reach a certain level of addiction. Drugs would still be a primary source of abuse in the home. Addicts would still be a huge financial burden on society.

Like I said, I'm not opposed to legalization, but the reality is that we will see the same as we have seen with alcohol. I'm betting alcohol kills far more people than the Drug War ever could. How is that a win for society? The cost of treatment for addicts could easily rise to the level of the cost of the war on drugs.

The real answer is in Mexico and other drug supplying countries where the traffickers have gained the upper hand. They can't stop them but what is going on now is most certainly the fault of Mexico, no matter how many Americans partake of their products. If the will existed, they could keep it under some control as we do.

Mexico has ample natural resources and their is simply no reason Mexico is not on par with the US. Their poverty is self induced. The jobs they come here to acquire could just as easily exist in Mexico. Too often we look at Mexico as victim, when in fact the people of Mexico could rise up and fix their own problems instead of fleeing to other countries. That plays a huge part in the drug trade as well. As long as Mexicans play the victim role, they won't do anything to help themselves.

There are many sides to this coin.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
They can't stop them but what is going on now is most certainly the fault of Mexico, no matter how many Americans partake of their products. If the will existed, they could keep it under some control as we do.

What is happening in Mexico is the same thing that has happened in many countries because of the "War on Drugs".

It is not Mexico's fault that the U.S. ignorantly declared war on substances and continues it because of greed (criminal industrial complex).

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Jezus

Your creating an argument where there is none. I said nothing to contradict what you say about treatment being a better solution.

That is why I said I was not opposed as long as the same money used for the drug war is diverted to treatment. I think we actually agree here.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
reply to post by MilzGatez

People will do drugs, no doubt about that.

Why should it be made any easier for them to do so?

It shouldn't. In my opinion.

Because making it hard is what gives people the opportunity to profit from the distribution of illegal substances therefor leading to large and powerful criminal organizations.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Jezus

How is it not Mexico's fault they have allowed gangs to take over villages and towns and control its residents with fear? Do you think Mexicans are any less capable or decent than we are?

What is occurring in Mexico is happening because the citizens of Mexico allow it to happen. Like I said they have the resources and are as capable as any other country in the Western World.

The people of Mexico have to stand up to the corruption themselves. Nobody can do it for them. Many peoples of many countries have done just that throughout history. Mexico is not like a Theocracy with no way out for its citizens because most citizens are brainwashed to side with the government. They could most certainly clean up the mess if the desire to do so was there.

The idea that their problems are caused by outsiders is ludicrous on its face. We hear it from their corrupt government because they are corrupt. Truth is the last argument you will get from them.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
What is occurring in Mexico is happening because the citizens of Mexico allow it to happen. Like I said they have the resources and are as capable as any other country in the Western World.

The problem is that the organized crime in Mexico has been made far too powerful by the "War on Drugs".

The drug cartels are literally billionaires and have been growing for decades. They control Mexico in every way possible, they ARE the government.

It is far too late for the people of Mexico to remove power from this militarized and extremely wealthy force.

If you follow history this same thing has happened in many other poor countries.

The "War on Drugs" simply creates power for those willing to be violent. The citizens of Mexico cannot stop how much this "war" distorts their economy because of the artificial market it creates. It literally creates power for violent criminals. The size of the U.S. economy in combination with this insane war creates powerful organized crime, it was unavoidable.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:02 PM
are you seriousy using mexico as an argument for the legitamacy of all narcotics???????????
HOW Ignorant do you have to be??????????????

YOU should have know full well that the World Bank and the IMF has corrupted ALL of south America.

It wasnt the drugs america was interested in. it was in the interest of the World Bank, and the IMF to corrupt any country, that has the cabability to rise up against them, whether it be drugs, Oil, Gas or any resource the country has to offer!!!

again im sorry for spelling/grammer!! this is what alcohol does to an educated mind.

IF you really need englitenment watch ziegheist 2 where an employer of the CIA openly admits to goin to countries on the specific mission to corrupt world leaders so they are in debt to the world bank and IMF, especcialy if the local government have the interest of the local people to hand.

Chris rock said quite well if cannabis was made by the white man like alcohol there would be a WEEDBucks on every corner! But seeing as Cali and other states are lookin to decrimanalize and tax cannabis maybe theres a buisness opertunity that even the morals that have taken years to brainwash people with might have to take a U-turn

come on all the People on ATS there isnt even an intelligent argument against the legalisation???
or you dont want to be laughed at with your uneducated ignorance

[edit on 5-8-2010 by outcrysoundsystem]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Sorry bout the Caps

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Blanca Rose

I am in complete support of no drug being legalized, and death sentences for drug dealer is the US, or Mexico, or wherever.

So death sentences to all doctors, surgeons and anyone else trying to help with the use of drugs???? Does that include employers of 7/11 and other retailers of alcohol tabacoo and gas, toilet cleaner, marker pens, glue, shoe polish, lighter fluid, hairspray, cream in a can (whippets) laughing gas (N2o) the dentist use, paint, thinners, white spirit, nail remover, I can keep goin on an on and on and on about all things that you can find in your local shop. ( I have Video evidence of people getting high off Gas, nail varnish ect ect look at youtube)

SO I can without consience go and kill or eradicate the people selling these items, i mean they are dealing in psycoatives????

IF i was to murder or incasarate these people how would you feel??
not so good when you dont have anything to remove that horrible fake pink from your nails or even use a marker pen on your kids sandwich wrapping to tell him this is tuna, this is salami.

If they didn't supply it, people would not be using it.

WHATTTT???? what sort of argument is this???? where do you live in a cave???

if they dont supply people will find a way around it!!
IN the UK we have a terrible problem where there a sooo many legal drugs that have never been reasurched or tested just labeled as plant food. people are still taking it even if they have not been tested for the last 20-30 years like '___' or MDMA, completly unknown but because they are legal people think they are fine.

do you think that that is ok???

well the real scientists do not agree and you have a case to agree????? who are you?????

That is the way I feel.

again your opinion is nothing copmpared to people who have actualy spent more than 10 years educating themselves to hopefully make a change to society even if they do get corrupted and payed to Lie.

While addicts make their own choices, they wouldn't be so inclined if it
wasn't available.


People are addicted to everything these days even the internet, maybe you didnt read the study that was made in china with teenagers who are addicted to the internet??? do I have to keep repeating myself,
alcohol, glue and gambling, these things are legal and there are people who are seriously addicted to these. should we make them illegal as well???

I believe in attacking the source, rather than people who are roped into become addicts, because something is available.

ok let go and smash up all the bars, nighclubs, pharmacies and supermarkets!!!!!

Thanks for your participation, too!!!!!!! LOL, as if YOU should be granting me the right to express my opinion!

what opinions???? where you get your opinions?? in a trash can??? sounds like the teachings of a swamp monster

fair enough grant your opinion but the come on how much of a cloud do you have to be in to not see whats happening???

people are dying because its in the nautural human nature to get high (i mentioned this before with kids who spin and get dizzy)

OK what about Homo Sapiens the thinking man how did they go from hunter gather to thinking man???
maybe when trying different plants and berries did they experiance a psycoative experience that made the hunter gather think about his existance.


What noone has any intelligent arguments??]
People a Suffering terribly from illnesses like Multiple scolrosis and because you lot are ignorant and dont want to change the law people have to die screaming in pain?????

this is not a guilt trip its the truth

sory i edited without editing!!

[edit on 5-8-2010 by outcrysoundsystem]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose

I am in complete support of no drug being legalized, and death sentences for drug dealer is the US, or Mexico, or wherever.

If they didn't supply it, people would not be using it.

Death sentences?

Violence is the problem...not the solution.

You can't get rid of drug...drugs are supplied by nature.

Originally posted by Jezus
1. Anything can be abused

- food, alcohol, prescriptions, and tons of other chemicals

2. People can grow or make their own drugs

Drug addiction and drug abuse has nothing to do with the drugs.

Fat people abuse fried chicken.

Do we outlaw fatty foods?

No. We educate people about healthy eating.

This is all about self control.

Prisons and machine guns don't solve the mental issues that cause drug addiction and abuse.

This violence can end when we stop focusing on the substance.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by Jezus]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:38 PM
i edited that post 3 times i wrote out my argument then it wouldnt post so i had to break it down as i rembered.
definatly not as effictive first time round


[edit on 5-8-2010 by outcrysoundsystem]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 08:33 AM
So no replys?????
whats going on peoples

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 08:33 AM
So no replys?????
whats going on peoples someone must have a counter argument

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

Makes you hate murders.

If people could grow their own, maybe in a different world, this kinda crap wouldn't happen..

Good laws eh... good laws...

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by outcrysoundsystem
this is what alcohol does to an educated mind.

?uneducated ignorance

[edit on 5-8-2010 by outcrysoundsystem]

I found one line I agree with.
Drunks are funny but piss me off. I much prefer stoners. In the words of Bob Dylan-"Everybody must get stoned". We need to get the drunks cured with the miracle weed.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
We need to get the drunks cured with the miracle weed.

It is truly disturbing how few people realize that alcohol is MUCH MUCH more damaging to the mind and body than even the "hardest" drugs.

Meth or PCP may be the exception...but it's a close call...

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