posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Blanca Rose
I am in complete support of no drug being legalized, and death sentences for drug dealer is the US, or Mexico, or wherever.
So death sentences to all doctors, surgeons and anyone else trying to help with the use of drugs???? Does that include employers of 7/11 and other
retailers of alcohol tabacoo and gas, toilet cleaner, marker pens, glue, shoe polish, lighter fluid, hairspray, cream in a can (whippets) laughing gas
(N2o) the dentist use, paint, thinners, white spirit, nail remover, I can keep goin on an on and on and on about all things that you can find in your
local shop. ( I have Video evidence of people getting high off Gas, nail varnish ect ect look at youtube)
SO I can without consience go and kill or eradicate the people selling these items, i mean they are dealing in psycoatives????
IF i was to murder or incasarate these people how would you feel??
not so good when you dont have anything to remove that horrible fake pink from your nails or even use a marker pen on your kids sandwich wrapping to
tell him this is tuna, this is salami.
If they didn't supply it, people would not be using it.
WHATTTT???? what sort of argument is this???? where do you live in a cave???
if they dont supply people will find a way around it!!
IN the UK we have a terrible problem where there a sooo many legal drugs that have never been reasurched or tested just labeled as plant food. people
are still taking it even if they have not been tested for the last 20-30 years like '___' or MDMA, completly unknown but because they are legal people
think they are fine.
do you think that that is ok???
well the real scientists do not agree and you have a case to agree????? who are you?????
That is the way I feel.
again your opinion is nothing copmpared to people who have actualy spent more than 10 years educating themselves to hopefully make a change to society
even if they do get corrupted and payed to Lie.
While addicts make their own choices, they wouldn't be so inclined if it
wasn't available.
People are addicted to everything these days even the internet, maybe you didnt read the study that was made in china with teenagers who are addicted
to the internet??? do I have to keep repeating myself,
alcohol, glue and gambling, these things are legal and there are people who are seriously addicted to these. should we make them illegal as well???
I believe in attacking the source, rather than people who are roped into become addicts, because something is available.
ok let go and smash up all the bars, nighclubs, pharmacies and supermarkets!!!!!
Thanks for your participation, too!!!!!!! LOL, as if YOU should be granting me the right to express my opinion!
what opinions???? where you get your opinions?? in a trash can??? sounds like the teachings of a swamp monster
fair enough grant your opinion but the come on how much of a cloud do you have to be in to not see whats happening???
people are dying because its in the nautural human nature to get high (i mentioned this before with kids who spin and get dizzy)
OK what about Homo Sapiens the thinking man how did they go from hunter gather to thinking man???
maybe when trying different plants and berries did they experiance a psycoative experience that made the hunter gather think about his existance.
What noone has any intelligent arguments??]
People a Suffering terribly from illnesses like Multiple scolrosis and because you lot are ignorant and dont want to change the law people have to die
screaming in pain?????
this is not a guilt trip its the truth
sory i edited without editing!!
[edit on 5-8-2010 by outcrysoundsystem]