reply to post by kevinunknown
I dont fear it but keep in mind that most of what is discussed is real and underworks, though not going to have the outcomes they desire,since its
kind of takes us to participate. Or rather, can only be as possible as the ones participating allow. This is all a test. Not from the leaders,
they're being tested too, but often don't know that.
Researching and seeing injustice is very healthy, for we are repsonsible as well for this world, though most of us alone cant' change it, we can
change it or vastly improve it if we start to envision a better one.
The mental illness of people watching lies in the media, but seeing the truth too, crimes, inequality, suffering, warzones, starvation, and doing
nothing, feeling suicidal, is ridiculous.
The point to knowledge is to act, to send out yearnings for a better world, to ask under the stars, to pray, meditate, envision it, to nudge others to
awareness and help them see it.
Also, 2012 is a date, there have already been many disasters, like Haiti, and Chili, and Rwanda, too many for words really, in which hundreds of
thouands and millions lost their lives.
Being ready to help others, thinking of what survival would look like in any situation, paying attention to threats of war, nuclear, chemicals in our
food, water, soil, and other things brought up, like the grid going out, the economy crashing and how to group up and survive is only a very healthy
There should be groups in every community and every generation preparing and ready.
Its also the repsonsible thing to do.
All I know is, whether you follow the news as your source of information, or question beyond it, as my family always did, being positive and helpful
to others, and envisioning a much better world is not depressing, its very very liberating and takes away depression, it gives you the feeling that
you can do something, you can make a differnence, no matter what your income, status, its all irrelvant. We can always be positive and find others to
discuss solutions with, and nudge others.
[edit on 3-8-2010 by Unity_99]