posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 04:06 AM
I would rather be a sheep than a man who lives in fear.
Fortunately, these are not our only choices.
Even if you ultimatley decide to do nothing about it, its better to know than not to know. Simply speaking, it makes you a stronger and more profound
And you are right, it *is* scary. But guess what -- by "giving up" and going back to normal "ignorance is bliss" mode, you are
giving in to
your fear. In other woids, you have let your fear rule you and make your decisions for you. It may feel like the fear has abated by ignoring it,
but this is the feeling a junkie gets when he takes a shot and feels the pain of withdrawal go away. "Ahh, what a relief. No more pain." For a
little while, at least.
What the junkie and the man who has capitulated to fear have in common is that they are both controlled by forces outside themselves. The junkie's
every move is centered around preventing and alleviating the pain of withdrawal. And the fear-victim can be manipulated, shunted this way and that, by
subtle cues designed to evoke the threat of fear.
Once you realize that you are being lied to, in order to combat the fear you need to build tremendous psychospiritual resources to balance it out. In
other words, you need to build inner strength of character (whether you do it spiritually or secularly is up to you). You need to steel yourself to
become a stronger person. Then, perhaps someday, you can look your worst fears straight in the eye and, whatever course of action you take or don't
take, you will be acting from a position in which
you have taken control over yourself, rather than a position in which you have capitualted
and allowed an external power to
control you via your own inabiliity to deal with your own fear.
Good luck. Its never easy. But remember, there will be lots of us rooting for you. "Find the others."