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Iran says it has 100 vessels to confront each US warship

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:52 PM

House OK's possible Israeli raid on Iran
Republicans in the US House of Representatives have introduced a measure that would green-light a possible Israeli bombing campaign against Iran.

Resolution 1553 provides explicit support for military strikes against Iran, stating that Congress backs Israel's use of 'all means necessary' against Iran, "including the use of military force," BBC Persian reported.

The introduction of the measure coincides with a pattern of renewed calls for military strikes that have escalated since President Obama signed Congressional Iran sanctions into law.

Neoconservatives who were instrumental in orchestrating the Iraq War, such as Bill Kristol and Reuel Marc Gerecht, have led the stepped up calls for military action.

House OK's possible Israeli raid on Iran story link

i dare anyone telling me that im a fearmongering after this news
all the pions are in place .. now the congress needs to approve it
and guess what... the us congress are 3/4 prozionist

its almost a done deal ... sadly

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by spy66
I wonder what 100 boats could do?

By the looks of this YouTube video. I think the US have a lot to fear from just one boat.

wow awesome vid .. thanks a lot
stars for this cool video..
they have shoot how many times on it ??
it didnt sink !! and was still going fast to finally come near the big ship

its actualy 1000 boats in total ..
the statement is 100 speed boats for each warship
they have at least 10 warships over there

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech
Wake the hell up.
Under clinton a chinese spy was allowed to get the information
from Los Alamos on how to make MIRV's.

A MIRV is rocketed into space and then the warhead just falls to earth.

Then for a $400,000 campaign contribution he let loral sell the
chinese the ballistic missile guidance system WE USE.

People tend to either forget real history. Example The Clintons--

But it's ok becuase he didn't have sex with Monica.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Zionism is desire for an Israeli state. Zionism ended in 1949. This is nationalism. Nothing more and nothing less. And the US does stuff like this all the time. But hey, Jews are involved, so for some uncomprehending reason it matters more. Whatever. It's the same pile of lard to me. Nation A attacks nation B. If there's raid, it is not a war. It is a raid. The US has done this sorta stuff in a lot of countries without a war getting declared. Must be up to like 20 something nations now in the last few years we've raided.

reply to post by Ben81

That guy fired barley anything at that boat. How can you call that a failure? If it was actual conflict, he would have fired a crap tone more.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:12 PM
todays episode broght to you by Haliburton
400 dollars a gallon
half the deal at twice the price
gouging GIs at a theater near you....

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Danbones

Most of the oil goes to China.

So yea, we get the short end of the stick.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
After more thoughs on the main title
that iran have 100 ships for each warships....

how many US warships are now stationned near Iran sea borders..?
between 10 to 20

100 * 10 = 1000

I'm not trying to get into a pissing contest over numbers but you do realize the US navy doesn't just have "Boats" but ships and aircraft of all varieties that are designed for combat right?

Shooting up 1,000 speed boats is what the US Navy would simply consider as a Target Rich Environment

so did they just say that they will launch a swarm of little speedy boats by thousands to confront all the US warships

Are they seriously considering losing that many personnel pointlessly?

i think yes ... only 100 smalls speedy iranian boats vs a fleet of US warships will not be enough
but a thousand of them will change this futur sea war


After the bloodbath nobody in their right mind would ever consider something as stupid and asinine as contemplating such a ridiculous attack ever again.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

even if Iran gets raped by the US navy, firing couple of hundred anti ship missiles at the US fleet and being able to kill couple hundred or thousend US navy personal is a victory in its self,

go down with a fight.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I don't think the Iranians are "only" talking about 1,000 speed boats.

I think they are talking about their "underwater superfast missiles" and new stealth underwater technology and underwater launching systems/mobile platforms.

They got this tech from Russia and North Korea in the 1990's and probably got more since then, and developed more themselves.

If you google it you can find many trustworthy links about it, from the US Navy - JANE'S - The British Navy - and several other published papers since 2002.

It's quite interesting really!

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by illusive man

What? You mean the ones that are a decade old?

reply to post by Chevalerous

So far, no success in stealth getting past our ships. Stealth at sea is kind of a hit-miss situation because they are so much more loud, massive, and hot than a small airplane. You can't actually mask a ship at sea. You can only hope no one is looking out the window.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91

So far, no success in stealth getting past our ships. Stealth at sea is kind of a hit-miss situation because they are so much more loud, massive, and hot than a small airplane. You can't actually mask a ship at sea. You can only hope no one is looking out the window.

If you had read correctly what I wrote you can clearly see that I'm talking about the Iranian "underwater" stuff.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by illusive man

Here's the deal...

Playing along in this hypothetical scenario. Let's say Iran had not just a thousand but two thousand or three, it really doesn't matter. The US Navy wouldn't just sit there like a lame duck waiting for an attack. The Iranian boats in question need to port at some location. A massive preemptive strike by air [You know we could do it too] would be devastating.

But we are speaking hypothetically after all, aren't we?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech
The PT boats were small, but VERY deadly.

JFK served on one.

PT 109

I think this type of boat may be what the Iranians may be referring to.

Yeah, but JFKs PT boat experiences aren't the best to quote.Remember, he did get his boat cut in half!

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

hey i dont care,
for all i care they can kill as many of your people they can and vice versa with Iran (Iran arent really going to lay down and let the US rape them) expect US casulties. (all we can hope for is nukes or bombs on US soil) so when s** does hit the fan (US also takes a nice bruse along with iran)

thats hyperthetical

at the end of the day you have russia, china and so on giving them anti ship missiles.
US navy may not be sitting their with targets painted on them.
but the size of the area, they might aswell be,

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

So am I.

The point?

FYI, they don't have nuclear subs. And also FYI, that makes them quite noisy and easier to track. Most of their subs are 90s based. And they don't have the necessary parts to build their own. So they can only upgrade what they have, and most of that is, well, bland.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by illusive man
at the end of the day you have russia, china and so on giving them anti ship missiles.
US navy may not be sitting their with targets painted on them.
but the size of the area, they might aswell be,

And you honestly think the US Navy isn't or wasn't aware of this? Again the US Military doesn't just sit around and wish it had a solution for such weapon systems. Remember we have the "Industrial Military Complex"

As far as the size of the Gulf are you familiar with just how large of an area it is? I know looking at it on maps or Google Earth it may seem small but in reality it's quite large. But wait there's more....

Who said anything about the US Navy having to get within the range of THEIR offensive systems in order to flatten their abilities?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by illusive man

The US fleet in the Gulf ain't large nought to sustain a full out attack from Iran.

If the Carrier or any other ship in the fleet have technical problems that would seriously jeopardize the whole fleet. Technical problems occur on a air craft carrier more often then you think.

No jets or Helli's will be taking of or landing for re-armament while the carriers are under attack.

If the whole fleet is attacked at once, each ship will have more than enough just taking care of its own defence. I bet the Air craft carriers will be put out of business very fast.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91

So far, no success in stealth getting past our ships. Stealth at sea is kind of a hit-miss situation because they are so much more loud, massive, and hot than a small airplane. You can't actually mask a ship at sea. You can only hope no one is looking out the window.

That is not entirely correct!

A hired Swedish new diesel tech submarine and its crew based in San Diego took out a battle group several times and they were none the wiser to prevent it or stop the Swedes from attacking during the exercises.

Swedish submarine sinks US aircraft carrier and nuclear submarine

New Class Of Silent Submarines Poses Threat

The Pentagon said it believes the greatest undersea threat facing the U.S. Navy since the end of the Cold War has arrived. The threat involves a new a new class of silent submarines, subs that the U.S. Navy is having trouble finding under water.

Subs have always had two weaknesses: they make noise and can’t stay submerged very long. But the Gotland runs on a high-tech system called Air Independent Propulsion, or AIP. With AIP, The new class of sub can stay submerged for weeks.

Since last summer the Navy has spent months playing a game of cat and mouse with one such sub, the HMS Gotland, off San Diego, and time after time the Swedish sub has eluded its pursuers.

And not only these new Submarines - I was talking about the new Iranian "superfast underwater missiles" and their "underwater" launching capabilities with unmanned stealth mini subs and other unmanned underwater mobile launching platforms/systems.

Tech which they first got from Russia and North Korea in the late 1990' and since then developed further themselves.

If they can swarm the battle groups with these new fast underwater vessels and new superfast underwater missiles, they are surely a threat + add a few of these new silent subs to that.

If you can swarm both the surface and the below the surface at the same time in an attack, some underwater missiles will surley hit their target.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Chevalerous]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

Swedish, not Iranian. And besides, most naval crews know that a simple way to defend against subs is with subs of your own. And no matter what, at the end of the day, the second that sub launches, whatever shade on the radar screen it came from is going to get blasted.

That's the one failure for stealth at sea. It is still on the radar screen, just smaller. You run out the source of the missile, Identify what is moving at velocities of a sub, and blast it. You get one good shot, maybe 2 or 3 if you are lucky. Then you're screwed. The ship hit would not sink from one strike too. So all and all, you kill maybe 20 to 50 people, but you go down with all hands.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

That's cool...

So when we go to war with Sweden we will have to look into that.

Oh wait whats this?
Virginia class submarine

The Virginia-class incorporates several innovations not previously seen in other submarine classes. Instead of a traditional periscope, the class utilizes a pair of telescoping photonics masts[2] located outside the pressure hull. Each mast contains high-resolution cameras, along with light-intensification and infrared sensors, an infrared laser rangefinder, and an integrated Electronic Support Measures (ESM) array.

Signals from the masts' sensors are transmitted through fiber optic data lines through signal processors to the control center. Visual feeds from the masts are displayed on LCD interfaces in the command center. The class also makes use of pump-jet propulsors, which significantly reduces the risks of cavitation, allowing for quieter operations.

USS California will be the first Virginia with the advanced electromagnetic signature reduction system built in, but this will be retrofitted into the other submarines of the class.[3]

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