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over kill chemtrails (pics)

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posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

Its not a myth! maybe in your head, but not in mine!

If it is not a myth, by definition you should be able to demonstrate that it isn't. You haven't so far - except if in your book insisting on the mere proclamation that "chemtrails are real" counts as a convincing argument.

Until then, or until soemeone else presents compelling evidence, it is a myth perpetuated by an industry - as the various "chemtrail buster" merchandise peddled on those sites demonstrate.


Also found in: Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia 0.04 sec.
myth (mth)
a. A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a creation myth.
b. Such stories considered as a group: the realm of myth.
2. A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal: a star whose fame turned her into a myth; the pioneer myth of suburbia.
3. A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.
4. A fictitious story, person, or thing: "German artillery superiority on the Western Front was a myth" (Leon Wolff).

Especially note 2,3 and 4. I think that this exactly describes what lies behind the popular concept of "chemtrails"....

[edit on 25-7-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker

Pay attention to the LOCATIONS of the three engines. In other words, since the #2 (center) engine is further aft, and the development of contrails from the exhaust exit point will be virtually identical from all three engines, your perspective (as you rightly pointed out) means that the part of the center engine's contrail you see is less than from engines #1 and #3.

i'd still like to be able to identify any contrail from engine no.3, but maybe it was just running at a different load.

AND, there is no such "device", nor "devices", on board...

hey, i never claimed that every a/c out there had spraying equipment, i just said that mounting them away from the engines would be dumb if one actually mounted such devices.

PS: we can talk about contexts of previous experimentation all day long, it's not going to be convincing either way, because intent is hard to quantify, isn't it?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:59 PM
link was me who brought up the Global Dimming aspect.

It's just too logical to admit.

The choices are : drastic mandatory CO2 emissions, or artificial atmospheric sunscreen.

The studies have been done and funded by taxpayer money.

The conclusions have been made. It's cheaper to spray the skies by with fuel additives to create artificial cloud cover rather than attempt to wean the drug addict off his fix.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Long Lance

Oh, dear...

i'd still like to be able to identify any contrail from engine no.3, but maybe it was just running at a different load.

FIRST...the CENTER engine is #2. Engines are numbered, starting from the left...1,2,3,4. Etc.

SECOND...I was wrong, thinking of the video from memory, you CAN easily see the engine #2 contrail...the chase plane is far enough back, and it's easily seen.

( I wrote initially in haste --- I get so pissed off, by the idiots who post these as "proof" of "chemtrails"...and the OTHER idiots who all lap it up, in the YouTube video page comments...

Just so everyone knows what we're talking about, I post (keeping in mind this is a HOAX, despite what the YouTube poster claims) the video in question:

Actually, this isn't the same one from "tankerenemy" on YT...( and the music os SO MUCH more dramatic!
) was copied from the OP at YT, username"USAFFKC10FE" --- (who has since REMOVED IT!!!).

BTW...breaking down the YT screename, it is "USAF" (that should be obvious?)

(extra 'F', probably a mistake?)

'KC10' --- because he flies the KC-10s.

AND, 'FE' --- means "Flight Engineer". That is the third 'pilot' on the KC-10, as it requires a three-person crew.

This person KNOWS that "chemtrails" are a HOAX!!! He did it as a JOKE!!!

Anyway, you can clearly see the #2 engine making the is actually MORE visible because of the angle of the Sun, and the difference in height of #2, compared to #1 and #3.

AND, is NOT "spraying" anything...normal engine contrails, and occasional flying through existing cirrus clouds, and the effect it creates as the wings disturb them.

AND, also no....all three engines are normally set to the same power settings (they ARE identical engines). UNLESS there is a mechanical fault of some sort, of course. But, this is a normal flight, normal airplanes just flying along...going somewhere.

Sad that people can't understand this....

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:03 PM
Nice pictures you got .

I've had the fortune to live within 20 miles of various airports my whole life .In the UK its pretty hard to stay far from one . I also served an engineering apprenticeship with British Aerospace . Although not a aeronautical oracle , i have more experience than the average person with aircraft , flightpaths contrails etc etc...
One of my favourite pastimes during summer holidays from school , was to spend the hot lazy days that we did get , lying on my back watching the comings and goings from our local airport . As i got older , aircraft didnt seem to have the same allure , despite me starting my career with British Aerospace
One thing i do remember is the fact that "contrails " from the aircraft seemed to dissipate as fast as the aircraft could lay it track-like across the sky. In proportion to the aircraft , the trails appeared to be between five times as long as the aircraft and up to possibly thirty times its length . The same thing ALWAYS happened , the plane left a trail , the trail then disappeared .
Today , things have changed . I still live less than 20 miles from an airport and still see aircraft EVERY day . I still see aircraft leave small trails that disappear as fast as they are laid . Unfortunately there has also been a huge change . A change that is hard to explain
Nowadays i see multiple aircraft leaving trails across the sky practically from horizon to horizon and thes trails are really odd . Instead of dissapating , these trails , over a few hour time period , start to spread out across the sky and form a sort of "off-white " haze that then further develops into what i can only describe as a dull hazy sky . Ive stood and watched this happen on my own and with others and they can confirm that what i have been seeing is not , i repeat , NOT a hallucination . What i have described actually happens on a semi-regular basis.
The reason for the long-winded description is exceptionally simple..


I'm sick to the back teeth of supposed debunkers claiming that we are all imagining/creating this . Really really sick of it . Do these people have either the lack of ability to look upwards or are they purposely trying to cover it up ? Why is it that some people can claim ,quite wrongly , that there is a god "up there" and are lauded for their opinions yet when the "chemtrail" community show you photographic and video evidence of what they are actually seeing up there , not just claiming , they are ridiculed and told there is nothing there but good ole contrails ?

I dont claim to know why its happening .
I dont claim to know what it contains .
I do know that it is happening and that the debunkers appear to me as liars everytime i look at the sky

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by teapotbishop
Do these people have either the lack of ability to look upwards or are they purposely trying to cover it up ?

Probably the 2nd. They are shills for big oil. If it came out they were engaged in climate modification to hide the effects of CO2 emissions...well. That would be something.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Point of No Return

No problem, thanks for clarifying.

Namaste and Love

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by teapotbishop

HOW can you claim to have 'worked' in aerospace, and still not understand?

You are going on (as many do) about "in the past"...yes, because of the DIFFERENCES in the types of engines, and their designs, contrails were different decades ago....I'd think you'd know this??

In many of these threads (if you care to look around a little) you will see many citations to events of WWII when similar long-lasting contrails would form...and spread out, and "cover the sky".

It is the combination (back then) of the big, hot piston engines and their big propellors...pushing a massive column of cooler air around, and the way it all interacted with the prevailing meteorological conditions contributed to the contrail formations.

Fast-forward to the first turbojet engines. The MAJORITY of the thrust power came from the exhaust gases...the hot exhaust gases were expelled, and the contrails formed...but they weren't prone to be as long-lasting, from that type of formation source.

NOW (in the last 15+ years) more and more common to see the High Bypass Turbo FAN engines! THEY (like the old pistion/propellor combinations of decades ago) derive the MAJORITY of their thrust from the FAN...which can be thought of as a multi-bladed 'propellor' that is shrouded, thus improving its aerodynamic efficiency.

IN FACT, it is the overall increase in efficiency that results in the more pronounced contrails, and why they look "different" than 10 or 20 years ago...or even from the first jets in the 1960s.

NONE of this is 'secret', it's all freely available if you bother to research it. It's called "science".

The "khemtrail krowd" and their HOAX are a problem...THE problem.

Because they spew mis- and disinformation...for various reasons. is true that ALL airplanes (jets, pistons) produce chemicals as a byproduct of the combustion of petrochemical fuels.


Your automobile, truck, motorcycle, scooter does too...and FAR more, I might add.

The other byproduct of aviation, and airplanes interacting with the atmosphere IS an increase in cirrus-type (cirriform) cloud creation, above and beyond what Mother Nature would normally produce, if left alone.

TAHT is a debate that is yet to be to its ultimate impact (or non-impact) on World one really knows, yet.

( However....the miniscule increase, OVERALL --- when viewed from a broad perspective, seems to be insignificant. It is the HUMAN perception of the "khemtrail klowns" [dolts] on the ground who seem to think that the extent of the sky they see from their backyard is the entire World!!

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:32 PM
What gets me is they have the audacity to call me an others who are just honest men "idiots"

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by teapotbishop
Nice pictures you got .

I don't see evidence or even an argument in what you posted.

You've got the chance to convince us. Is all you got the claim that "something is different when I look up into the sky today" ? If that is all it is not really compelling.

There's plenty of people on this thread who have been watching the skies practically all their life and they don't see any conceptual or significant change in the sky. All people like me see are normal contrails in ever increasing frequencies - ever increasing by the same rate that aircraft travel and transport did increase over the last 20 years.

I lived next to a and worked in an international airport and had plenty of time to watch planes fly by and in all those years I've seen nothing new in the sky - all I see is that there are way more Airplanes flying around than 15, 20 years ago when I first looked at the sky and hence more contrails.

So it is not the case that "everyone looks at the sky and agrees something has changed". In fact, from personal experience I would say the majority of people being observant of the sky don't see any significant change at all.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
What gets me is they have the audacity to call me an others who are just honest men "idiots"

When people have to resort to deflection and ad hominem, they have no logical argument to fall back on.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by __rich__

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
What gets me is they have the audacity to call me an others who are just honest men "idiots"

When people have to resort to deflection and ad hominem, they have no logical argument to fall back on.

Luckily you can go through the thread and see that the ad-homs come from the other side, mostly.

My use of the word "idiot" was reserved not for the one who posted this, but the one who wrote the content of the quoted post. That guy must be an idiot as in: seriously deluded.

Or do you accept them as your new government? Are you going to pay them taxes? come on.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Yea man an you are one of them who think that Crop Circles are made by men (not women mind you) with planks in the middle of the night! so if you believe that why should anyone believe you when it comes to the crap thats been sprayed over our heads on daily basis?

[edit on 25-7-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by NichirasuKenshin

Originally posted by __rich__

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
What gets me is they have the audacity to call me an others who are just honest men "idiots"

When people have to resort to deflection and ad hominem, they have no logical argument to fall back on.

Luckily you can go through the thread and see that the ad-homs come from the other side, mostly.

My use of the word "idiot" was reserved not for the one who posted this, but the one who wrote the content of the quoted post. That guy must be an idiot as in: seriously deluded.

Or do you accept them as your new government? Are you going to pay them taxes? come on.

I don't take sides. The only ones who really know are the chemists who produce the jet fuel and related additives.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:45 PM
Here....a compilation of airliners making contrails, being filmed by other airline pilots, from inside the cockpit:

Sometimes, because it's JUST humid enough for them to form, but NOT for them to sustain:

"Air India 777 overtaking us 2000 feet below, Eastbound over Germany"

"Following a B777 overhead the ocean. Video taken from a B747 flightdeck. The 777 was flying at 36000' and we were just behind cruising 1000' below."

"Shot from MD11 cockpit of opposite airplane 1000ft below us"

"A470 enroute opposite traffic 1000 feet above Malaysian Airlines B747."

(This one videoed by a passenger...):

There are plenty more....

Oh, and BTW: The "idiots" comment is directed at the HUCKSTERS who foist this "khemtrail" crap on the gullible!!!!

[edit on 25 July 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin
I think you've only peripherally addressed the crux of the situation:\

I guess that I don't really have to fear your hillbilly-death squads ... You people didn't do quack then and you won't in the future.. Because as this thread shows.. You're the minority.

These are not "hill-billies," although they probably share the same intellectual capabilities.
"You people" couldn't do "quack" years ago because they were still in their infancy. If they'd been able to think and act independently, they would've taken action, as they are about to [n]right now..

Oh, yeah, they won't. They can't. There's nothing to take action against, except grown-ups who pull back the covers.

They ARE the minority, but only as in terms of age and maturity. These are children or the child-like who've been allowed to see things that frighten them, and don't know how to respond.

They're gonna get you? Not in their wildest dreams. They can't logically reply to a simple request for the substance of their fears.


posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by __rich__
The only ones who really know are the chemists who produce the jet fuel and related additives.

If there was a massive conspiracy to add chemicals to the normal fuel supply in order to alter the atmosphere then there would be more people who know.

They guys who ordered it. The guys who dreamed the plan up. The people who handle the fuel. The people who produce the fuel. All atmospheric researchers in the world (they would notice a considerable change in the atmosphere consistent with injecting a large amount of chemicals into it..). The people who analyze the run-off fuels on the airport grounds (at least the airport I worked at did that, regularly). The researchers who develop new fuels. A ton of universities (from Prof to Student). And practically every hobby aviationist and sky watcher around the world (they would consistently witness the canges)... Doctors and Hospitals around the world (if it is indeed consciously poisened)....

I don't think that nobody else would note. There's tons of people who come to my mind who would.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Here, FYI....a real example of the kinds of wind speeds we can occasionally encounter, at cruise altitudes:

According to the video notes, this was shot inside a Falcon business jet....the layout of the instrumentation (the EADI and EHSI -- those are the CRT screens in the center, and the EHSI is bottom, with the wind information displayed) is very, very similar to the Boeing 757, BTW).

ALSO, on the EHSI, upper left, in the next waypoint they are currently navigating to..."DUNKN".

I looked it up, 'cause it sounded familiar. It's overhead the state of Georgia, in the USA:

Just so people can comprehend...those wind velocities aren't seen every day, nor all year long. (Usually the jetstreams are stronger in the winter months, in North America).

Oh, I see it was posted in January! Makes sense....


I went to look up "DUNKN" is an intersection (waypoint) just 40 NM west of Savannah...

[edit on 25 July 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
What gets me is they have the audacity to call me an others who are just honest men "idiots"

Well when some of you trot out the same debunked photos and videos over and over, well what should we call you then?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Sofar, nobody has a reasonable explanation for the fact that lots and lots of people are seeing that the skies aren't the same as 10-15 years ago.

You can "debunk" chemtrails all you want, call it contrails, fact remains that the skies keep getting hazed up, and it's not normal, and more and more people are noticing this.

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