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Arizona Citizen Militia responds to Zetas commanders' death threats

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:01 PM
In the short term we must regain control of our border, and at this stage I think it requires federal troops, not unarmed NG "assistance" or half-baked yahoos in pickup trucks who have watched Saving Private Ryan too many times. In the long term the solution is a new Mexican government, which only the people of Mexico can provide. The Mexican federal government needs border crossers to bleed off pressure from the boiler and as a source of US currency. It the border is closed to all but legal visa holders, eventually the pressure will build to the point that Mexicans will do something themselves, in their own nation. Whether they end up with a right-wing caudillo or a pack of leftie social-theorists whackos (like we have), it will be their choice. The US should not interfere, but clearly explain to the new Mexican government that border crossers will no longer be tolerated in any form, and that he government of the United States will turn a deaf ear to any international whining about "human rights violations" on the border.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Retseh

Originally posted by JacKatMtn

Many reports are coming in that U.S. Military units are being seen on and near the U.S. Mexican border close to Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge and the Tohono D' O'dham Indian Reservation, and all along the southern side of I-8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend.
And they are equipped with Stryker armored fighting vehicles.

I can be there in about 20 minutes if anyone wants an on the spot report with photos.

Strange place for them to assemble though, that's still a long way from the border.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by Retseh]

Same here. It is rite up the road from me. I have not driven up there, but I have not seen anything, but I HAVE heard military copters flying overhead A LOT

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by taskforce4256
In the long term the solution is a new Mexican government, which only the people of Mexico can provide.

Actually the current Mexican government is the one that the US government has provided for them. Along with NAFTA, the war on drugs and a welcome sign via a pourous southern border, lax immigration laws and companies that hire illegals.

I would say that everything that is going on is part of the US governments plan or their puppet masters.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

This from a Russian scientist guy.

What is it that you find so offensive concerning war?

A symptom of societal breakdown is being manifest. Who will bring order out of this chaos.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Whenever someone uses the word extermination i feel very uneasy and instantly see them as scum. Defending borders is one thing, killing as many people as you can is quite another.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by Retseh

So its just going to be targeted as racial profiling then?

Only in the cotton candy brain of a liberal - here we call it felony profiling.

Commit a crime, and we ask for your ID.

We are NAZIS I tell ya, NAZIS !!!!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Be aware that most of our sniper teams in Iraq and Afstan routinely use night vision scopes and other devices when possible; it has given us a major edge on the insurgents. It has saved American lives.
Do you think that the US sniper teams are cowardly??????Do you think its murder?// Do you know anything at all about war or armed conflict?????
DesertStormVet (Maj. ret)
Ballistics Consultant to DOD

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:01 PM
Where do I sign up and can I make a vacation out of it (seeing how I live very far from AZ)? I have always said that Americans need to form a militia to combat the drug cartels. If our government won't do it, we need to. The only thing is that the drug cartels would be much better funded by why they operate for profit, we would operate on our principals which is a much better motivator, believe it or not.

What would be really great, is if the AZ Governor would deputize this militia so they won't be charged with murder for each kill they rack up.

Many people might say that peace is much better and to that I agree, however sometimes you have to face reality and realize that it takes two sides to want peace before it can be realized. Right now we have war, and we are currently losing that war. If we are ever going to get peace, we have to destroy those who want to make the war in the first place. Again, where can I sign up?

Now granted, I think the best way to win this war is to cut off the funding of these groups by ending prohibition. If we could only be so logical, they wouldn't have legs to stand on. However, because that won't be realized anytime soon, we have to move to plan-b and meet force with force.

As much as I would love to see peace, sometimes you have to fight for such a goal. Peace is never a constant as human greed and ignorance is as fluid as water. As long as you have those that don't believe in or value peace, you will need people like us who are willing to fight and kill for the pursuit of that evasive goal. Peace is only a luxury for those generations who come directly after the generations who were willing to sacrifice to achieve it.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:02 PM
Oh, I get it the guy complaining about use of night vision and long range use of high powered rifles was Russian.
Russian night vision is total crapola !!!!!
Russian rifles, i.e. the famous AK, is crapola for anything over 100-200 yards at best and then accuracy is a joke.
So, for a russian to complain about use of night vision scopes on high powered rifles......well, they just don't have the right kind of night vision or the right kind of rifles. HA :-)

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:13 PM
Racism?! Cowardice?!

You honestly think that's what this is?

The militia wants to kill the zetas. I guess I missed the part where they said "lets get all those filthy mexicans".
I am sure there are some misguided and racist militia members. This is not their creed. The zetas/cartels are a terrifying group that have made my city the kidnapping capital of the US number 2 in the world, that is, to Mexico City.

These are not little happy Mexican children playing by the border, these are highly trained highly equipped soldiers.
I like that this area is racially diverse and if I had the weapons and time I would join the ranks of the militia to protect my fellow citizens no matter their race.

You're starting to look silly.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:15 PM
Not American but i agree that a militia is the only viable option, considering many factions within the government make a fortune off the drug trade i doubt they will want that to stop. Although i agree with another poster that it all sounds a bit gung-ho, many of these people probably don't have a clue what they are getting in to...if a militia to deal with the problem is formed it should be handled properly and organized by folks who have a clear understanding of the situation...tactics used by the zetas, how well they are armed, have past experiences with the cartels etc Not just any trigger happy idiot.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by Solomons]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by RussianScientists

It is murder and disgraceful to shoot the pigs this way, because they do not have the fore thought of what they are doing is wrong! As far as the people go they have no excuse! They don’t have to cross the border. They know it is against the law yet they do it anyway. In this situation it is not murder it is defense! If you don’t like it then go down there and warn them what is going to happen if they choose to continue to ignore the people’s wishes.

[edit on 7/21/10 by xyankee]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I thought Obama wanted a civilian national security force?

Obama Quote July 2008

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

I guess someone forgot to tell him
Be careful for what you wish for!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Whenever someone uses the word extermination i feel very uneasy and instantly see them as scum. Defending borders is one thing, killing as many people as you can is quite another.

I think your looking at this the wrong way - the crazy gun people don't want to invade Mexico they want to stop armed intrusion by the zetas.

Since you can't reason with an armed zeta I'd imagine you have to either stand aside or kill them until they stop crossing the border.

Once they cross that border it's not just the crazy gun peoples target it's everyone's on this side of the border.

This idea that imprisonment is the answer is false - these people are murderers and no amount of jail sentence will undo what they have done so extermination is the only real answer until they get the hint and realize it's no longer worth the risk and stay on there side of the border to do whatever great things they can come up with - but not here.

This is the idea of a border to separate two states to provide a distinct line of law and living. I live on one side and have no more desire to visit the other personally.

in a nutshell I say exterminate them all, it's there choice when it stops.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by circuitsports]

[edit on 21-7-2010 by circuitsports]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by JacKatMtn

pray for peace, that's all you can do. Just hope it does not end up as a war.


I hate to say it but peace is over. The Narco's (and de facto, the Feds) declared war on us a long time ago.

Peace was never an option. This goes WAY beyond illegals.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:54 PM
Now this right here is the kind of war we need. I want to see Liveleak videos of Mexican drug dealers being blown to pieces by Reaper drones. HELLL YEAAAH!

[edit on 21-7-2010 by xLogic]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:55 PM
If anyone from Mexico starts killing the local police, Militia in any numbers then you all will witness a huge rush of highly trained Americans to the boarder with one intention. They will slaughter Mexico's drug cartels in a hurry. Many are laying in wait, us Americans are pissed off and ready to explode.

Let the Zetas retaliate, The militias will slaughter them gutless punks.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Agreed again. I was searching for verification of the the death of the two smugglers (reported by the militia) and I ran across that article.

I found about 5 different news/blog sites with the exact same article word for word.

Something's fishy. I have no doubt in my mind that there are Militia patrolling the drug smuggling corridor. I have some doubt they killed two smugglers. I could find no independent sources on the net reporting Militias killing two smugglers.

But I could understand why everyone would want to keep it quiet if it did happen.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by FearNoEvil]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
reply to post by RussianScientists

Have you seen what the Mexican drug cartels do to people? Do you REALLY want that coming to your home town?

It's bad enough that my county has seen an influx of MS-13 gang members (of which I venture 99.9% of them are illegals). They are a terrible gang who just shoot people for their initiations. They just shoot, beat and rob people for fun.

I can only imagine what Arizona would turn into if these drug cartels start pouring over the border.

So you know what? Good for the militias. At least someone is taking a stand to protect our country.


Blow them all to hell.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by airspoon

why is there a drug war evrywhere in the world ?
and not at the one main route into your country?
why are your troops keeping you safe in another contenient but not at home?

treason is defending another country above your own

how can we protect a boarder so large?
how big is afganistan?

you are required to be peiceful and not break any laws
you are required to follow the law

but the illegals have a free pass to mule drugs and smuggle people into your country?wtf

dont break the laws change them legal and non violent!!


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