Please, all creationists... why all these dishonest misinformation? Why the refusal to learn basic science so you can understand how your own
god's creation works? Why reject you own gods creation like that?
You reject your gods reality when you refuse to learn basic science, like evolution, and instead believe scripture written by men, who could have been
lying. You are choosing man over your own god when you choose scripture over reality.
Scientists and evolutionists love and adore reality, and wish to understand this reality you believe was created by your god. I admire that reality, I
am inspired by that reality and I want to know all about it. Those like you shun your god's own creation while obsessing with a man-made book which
contradicts the reality you think god created
I too is inspired of the magnificence of creation around us. And contrary to your post, I studied science and nature with an open mind.
Now I’ll show you how illogical evolutionist are and can’t reason with common sense but insults. Watch the reaction to this post.
Consider this please and let me know if this is a product of chance / evolution or a masterful Creator:
The incredible DNA.
Fact: Each of us begins life as a tiny single cell that some 20 years later yields a full-grown adult. From that one minuscule cell come all the
various body parts:
heart, stomach, liver and other internal organs; the intricate eyes and ears; the versatile fingers.
Question: Have you ever contemplated the sheer volume of information contained in that original single cell and its positively amazing yet exquisite
Now consider how amazing the DNA is:
Fact: The DNA is only about 0.00000008 inch (0.0000002 cm) wide. However, the total length of the DNA strands in a single human cell is 5 feet 8
1⁄2 inches (1.74 m). Each gene is a tiny section about 0.00001 inch (0.00003 cm) long. Imagine: all the information to make a complete human body
is stored on strands less than 6 feet long and only 80 billionths of an inch wide!
Incredibly, this 5 feet 8 1⁄2 inches of DNA is contained in a nucleus that is only about 0.00004 inch (0.0001 cm) wide! We can more easily
comprehend how amazing that is by visualizing the DNA as 600 times larger, a thread 0.024 inch (0.06 cm)—about 1⁄40 inch—wide. On this scale
the nucleus would be a ball about a foot (30 cm) in diameter. This ball would contain lengths of thread totaling in all 330 miles (530 km)! To get
an idea of the genetic complexity of the human body, picture yourself walking 330 miles and seeing a new gene every 5 inches.
Do you agree so far? Now here’s a challenge for you - how do you package the DNA so that it is just the exact size.
Consider this - take a 24 mil diameter thread 330 miles long and roll it into a yarn. Compact so tight that it’s a size of tennis ball. Is it
doable? If so, please prove it.
Now let’s take it one step further.
How is all this DNA packaged into the cell nucleus?
Because the cell must be able to consult its “blueprint” by “reading” the genes along its DNA, these strands cannot simply be crammed into the
tiny tiny itty bitty space. Even though there are so many long, thin strands, no strand can become tangled up in any other strand. The DNA is so
neatly arranged that small sections of any strand can be quickly and easily “read” whenever necessary.
Think about this too, the DNA blueprint is vital to a cell. Why?
Consider again, when a cell divides, each of the two new cells will need its own blueprint. Any idea what this means?
This means that before a cell can divide, all the DNA must be copied to generate a duplicate set of genes. After the DNA has been carefully copied,
the strands are coiled back and forth on themselves into very dense bundles. As the cell divides, these bundles are divided equally between the two
new cells so that each receives an identical blueprint. Once inside the new cells, the bundles are uncoiled. Interesting.
More amazing, all these manipulations are performed in such a meticulous manner that no sections of the strands— mind you none of the vital genes
— are accidentally knotted up, broken off or lost. Can chance do that?
Yet these processes occur inside a cell nucleus only a tiny fraction of the length of the DNA. What an extraordinary feat of design! Do you agree?
OK, but many other features of the cell and its DNA remain a mystery to scientists. Adult humans have 90 to 100 different types of cells, each with a
distinctive shape and size, and each specialized to perform a different task. Since almost every cell in the human body contains an identical copy of
DNA strands, why do certain cells become skin cells and others become muscle, nerve or bone cells? In other words, how does the cell know which part
of the DNA to “read” and when to “read” it?
Now did all of these happen by chance? Blindly, accidentally or whatever terminology evolutionist will use to explain how it became a cell, a
Pondering over the cell and its DNA, we become awed by the creativity and intelligence of the One who designed this marvel, Jehovah God. As was Job,
we are moved to say: “I have come to know that you are able to do all things, and there is no idea that is unattainable for you.”—Job 42:2.
Final thought.
Remember, there are over 100 amino acids, but only 20 are needed for life’s proteins. Moreover, they come in two shapes: Some of the molecules are
“right-handed” and others are “left-handed.” Should they be formed at random, as in a theoretical organic soup, it is most likely that half
would be right-handed and half left-handed. And there is no known reason why either shape should be preferred in living things. Yet, of the 20 amino
acids used in producing life’s proteins, all are left-handed!
Final question:
What chance is there that the correct amino acids would come together to form a protein molecule? What is the chance of even a simple protein molecule
forming at random?
Can you please tell me the probability number?
Now - we have not even scratch the surface, but I think this will be more than enough.
Again, watch how evolutionist will react to this - if there’s any logic at all in their reasoning.
Will come bake later…gotta go.