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Are ATS Members Losing The Ability To think For Themselves ?

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:09 AM
If there's one thing this thread has highlighted for me it's this...

There's way too much childish sarcasm on here blocking up the threads. I guess 'intelligent' people think sarcasm is a clever form of witt? I guess it is, when it's done effectively.

You know who you are, seriously give it a rest. If you want to act like a pre-pubescent American school kid why not do it elsewhere. The threads on site site are becoming much more full of late with these short sarcastic-trying-to-be-the-comedian replies.

Grow up.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by and14263]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

You might be starring for quality but there are many of those who star simply because the post supports their belief.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by DGFenrir
reply to post by HeavenlyDivine

The flagging and starring system mostly reflects popularity on this site. One member could post something like: "I just had sex with an alien" and he'll get tons of stars and lots of replies like "ZOMG! I wish I was you" while the guy, who posts a well researched post that contradicts with the other side's ideas, will get very few stars and ends up as a foe of many and on many ignore lists.

Of course but I don't think it's as deep as the OP and others are suggesting. I've received a couple of flags for the few posts I've made and I don't know anyone, nor were my posts of that high quality.

People have different views so its only normal for some views to get a more positive response than others.

If i saw a post by someone saying they'd had sex with an alien I'd surely star it. If not for being profound and humoring me. I imagine alot has to do with the section you post in aswell... So many factors. For example, the OPs first post, if he made those observations on page 4 of an already established thread he'd get maybe 10 stars, if that.

So post position, topic, post being well articulated, maybe funny and a whole host of other things no doubt go into it.

I don't think its anything much more than that really though.

Also as someone else said the foe button is used by different people for different reasons. I've never seen it as a negative. When I 'respected foe' somebody it's usually because despite holding opposing views, they articulate them well, and are friendly and well mannered. I respect them, despite our differing views.

Now i notice alot of people see it as a bad thing i'll be paranoid when somebody respected foes me

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur


Who has credentials in chemtrails and UFOs anyway?

Ummm…..Jaime Maussan?

And if someone is going to have a following it's nice to see that the person being followed is knowledgeable.

Actually, I’m thinking of following Zaiger & Mr Mask instead of Phage.

Actually some other ATS members besides Phage who are also pilots are also excellent contributors. So I have to wonder if there's some kind of correlation there.

Ummm…..yeah…..well…..except the other one’s Weedwhacker!

The only planes I've piloted are on programs like Microsoft Flight Simulator and another program too, the aircraft carrier landings are tricky!
While I'm only a simulator pilot, I do have respect for the real pilots.

Microsoft should do a UFO Simulator!

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:21 AM
What is needed is - A Short burst of IMAGINATION... It will last for a week..
Where you imagine what it could be...And why.

Especially in the UFO'Forum - It is needed to tell people - Let's imagine..!!
Instead of banning people like killing flies, or fleas..

I am talking about the Fake planes..

It is only seen from 1 perspective... not 2 perspectives like we used to do it..

What do we call it?
Single minded people?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by Ram
What is needed is - A Short burst of IMAGINATION... It will last for a week..
Where you imagine what it could be...And why.
Especially in the UFO'Forum - It is needed to tell people - Let's imagine..!!
Instead of banning people like killing flies, or fleas..
I am talking about the Fake planes..
It is only seen from 1 perspective... not 2 perspectives like we used to do it..
What do we call it?
Single minded people?


Now are going to yourself a serious mischief if you keep watching those Alison Kruse videos!

Maybe...maybe not


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not

Now are going to yourself a serious mischief if you keep watching those Alison Kruse videos!

Maybe...maybe not

I already did..

But - I found a new video - That shows molecular water plasma..
Filmed by someone else than Alison Cruse..

Some of her videos are planes... I agree..
But there is some - that tells another story...!

Wake up dude!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by Ram


I found a new video

Yes.....I saw that. I will have a look.

That shows molecular water plasma..

It's a what?

Filmed by someone else than Alison Cruse..

Like I said.....I shall have a look.

Some of her videos are planes... I agree..

ALL "of her videos are planes... I agree.."

But there is some - that tells another story...!

"There is" NONE of Kruse's videos "that tells another story...!

Wake up dude!!!

Whoa there boy.....I'm awake already!

Maybe...maybe not


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 05:01 AM

You see? This one is filmed by someone else...
Alison cruse

Here is another video of same stuff again...


The reason he thinks it is Orion ships... IS..
Because there Is stories about Orion guys and their obsession about water..
It's ancient stories...

Not that I want to be a slave to something from Orion...Quiet frankly I don't care what names are connected to these sightings.. What ever!..

It is important that we look at what we have...
I mean It could be Secret technology...

The thing is - You guys look at it - and you cannot see it..
That is why some people go nuts about it - and end up being banned - because then it becomes a problem about your ability to actually see what is happening in some of these videos...

Thus forcing some people to be angry at your approach...
When your plainly wrong... Creating an atmosphere of total paranoia..
The case is - Some of them are Airplanes some are not...

The IMAGINATION aspect of it is...
The effect of the water thing floating in front, and perhaps behind the Unidentified flying objects could be camouflage...To mimic things it fly behind..

Not trees - Because it is round shapes.. Maybe to mimic clouds...Or made to create the fuzz we have about it here - with people not being able to see what is happening in the video..
The easy IMAGINATION aspect of it
Is to say it is flying behind something... But that is entirely up to your skills in seeing what is on the video or what your brains want to see..

Thus making the split...

Now - YOU GUYS have a lot of followers now...!! And from what I can see - You have brainwashed each-other - Either on PURPOSE or from outright FEAR!

FEAR OR PURPOSE!! no other...

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Ram


Honestly mate.....

It's not water "anything".

It's a general overexposure "hazing" caused by using the nightvision equipment in conditions that are too bright.

Why don't you take a few mins too look into that.....

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Ram


In fairness to the op, I think we should take this up back in my The Dishonesty & Danger Inherent In The seeingUFOsPA Hoax thread.

I'll repost back in there.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:11 AM
MMN, you've been found out!

I do agree with some of the OP's view. Some people have a tendency to throw insults at every post or comment a particular member makes. Stop that I say, or I shall bring the tasers out!

Although many of us do "follow" certain members...sometimes its for the right reasons.

I do think it is necessary to ensure you look at both sides before you make up your mind.

I admit, I do "follow" some members because I believe they provide reliable, good quality posts. Think about you may shop at Waitrose or Marks and Spencer because there are good quality stuff there and reliable. Admit it, your not going to go for certain things because you believe its bad quality, unreliable; you wouldn't go for a faulty tv.

Saying that, I would look at both shops and then make my decision. Now apply that principle to ATS members.

Gaining knowledge can only be learnt and one method is through our members, for example:

MMN teaches how to debunk UFO threads

Nef teaches how to run a radio superbly, yet crash it every 5 seconds!

Gimme_some_truth taught me how to sing Britney.

Semper teaches me good death threats.

We are all unique individuals with so, so, so much to share.

Embrace it, cause when the time comes, you may need it one day and end up regretting you never knew.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Again, I see the thread taking a turn in the wrong direction and is going no where. many of you fail to see the OPs point and are taking this as some sort of personal attack. What does beig Phage's friend, or trusting him have to do with any of this? Not one thing! No one is saying don't trust the dude, or others like him, or don't be their friends. Learn to read and understand what is being said, and stop seeing what you want to see!

I'll summarize this thread and hope people can get back on point.


And that is the point of the thread! I joined ATS a some time ago(2006), under the account sdrawkcab. I got banned from posting for being too rude to another user(couldn't help it...stupidity deserves a kick in the butt in the worst way) and have rejoined using sdrawkcabII in 2008. And I can say for a fact, that this site has indeed changed. When I first came here, this phenomenon was not as prevalent and wide spread as it is now!

[edit on 12-7-2010 by sdrawkcabII]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:38 AM
If I had anything of value, and I won't say I do or don't, I would not post it on this site.

Valuable information is provided to those that are most receptive to receiving it.

An intelligent mind will not spend a lot of time, trying to convince people to 'believe' what is presented. You either believe or don't believe. All this, show me proof, and then the only proof accepted is the proof already presented by someone else in their research is no sign of 'free thinking' or intelligence any way.

So many want 'proof'.

In the Matrix, Neo asked the Oracle if he was 'the One'.
She responded, "No has to tell you, you are in Love. You just know."

From that perspective, a person can come up with a thought, (having the
knowledge of the universe within) and the purpose of presenting that
thought may be to awaken someone who has another piece of the puzzle.
And in dialogue a 'discovery' is made.

But here, there are those who 'feign' intelligence, but want the proof from what has already been provided in this distorted existence.

There is more than what 3RD Density has provided, and as we head toward 4th Density what we learn will buck the status quo and won't fit into our 3rd density understanding.

Watching these posts, I know who is not up to par, are stuck in a 3rd Density understanding, and time has just about run out on which way we will move for ascension. If I'm closer to a 4th Density understanding, I would not want to spend my time dealing with working 'around' their 3rd Density distractions.

Equate it to trying to teach quantum theory in a classroom full of intellects and toddlers and pre-schoolers.

The distractions caused by the ones who have no way of knowing what a distractions they are causing, will prevent the intellects that want to learn from having the proper learning experience.

I feel and that's not a 'fear', but I feel ATS has outlived it's days as a site for that 'advanced' thinking, and if the information is to be unlocked and released it will be in other channels.

ATS is not the only site on the internet, and if the information is already out there, it certainly doesn't need to be 'repeated' (parroted) here for someone's understanding.

I haven't made my 20 posts yet in order to even create a thread, but I wouldn't create a thread here, because the 'distortions' are too strong, and you only 'introduce' knowledge and understanding to those that are receptive to it.

To force your ideas, thoughts, knowledge, or understanding upon those that have shown they don't want it, will be in 'direct' violation of their Free Will to not want to know.

And with that, I am done.
I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

Light and Love.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
I don't have a problem with people speculating on a topic themselves and then saying I'd be interested in Phages views on this matter.

What does annoy me is users who don't bother to think or come up with any ideas or theories themselves. They just say:

"I can't wait to see what Phage has to say."

Or something along those lines. That's it. No attempt to think anything themselves.

Or perhaps they don't think they have "everything figured out." They don't use terms like "sheeple" or "Wake up!"

Perhaps they don't feel the need to write out paragraphs about things they know nothing about. Too bad the rest of ATS doesn't feel that way.

There's a difference between speculating and claiming to KNOW. And too often ATSers believe their speculation is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Kind of like the infinite failed predictions that muck up the site every day.

Speaking of which...I didn't see any extraterrestrial broadcasts during the World Cup. Maybe I was in the bathroom

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by LurkerMan
i cant give an opinion until phage comes and debunks this nonsense.

he will show you.

you just wait.

what 67 stars! ? from the time i typed this just because about phage !
waiting to sit back until he come in !

here is something Could Phage be not just one person but a team of people ! ? or is it that Phage is like a person that wait by the Phone All day !

I do like Phage but some of you feel the need to be a Cult Follower
I admit he is good in searching for fact's and Truth .. be he does make a few errors and when he does he is not in denial when he is corrected!

Should Phage have his Own section on this site ! or Should Above Top Secret Owners Should Hire Him put him as a Super Moderator ?

Please name some other ATS Members like Phage

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:50 PM
There is nothing I enjoy more than a little anarchy. I have often heard people complain, "there are too many chiefs and not enough indians".
Well how would life be with to many indians and no chiefs.

I have often found it very useful to let someone else be the leader, or to blame, so I can sit back and watch them squirm.

I have also noticed the things which tho OP has brought up, as well as those who seem to think they are the only ones who are always right.

After many years of being called wrong on many issues I have adopted the notion of having something to look foward to.

You see the only thing these people who are always right can expect to change in their lives is, one day they will be WRONG about something; however, I am looking, with great anticipation, to some day being found RIGHT.

While I will be delighted with this occurance, they will only find dissappointment with their's.

Now, if we could just agree upon who we are going to beat up next; I am all for it !!

By the way. If this seems a little incohearant --- get over it. I just write what they voices say I should.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by hdutton]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:13 PM
Maybe all those toxins from the chem-trials are finally starting to make an effect on us.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:42 PM


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 02:36 PM
There is an old saying, geniuses talk about ideas, smart people talk about things, and fools talk about people. You can guess which group is in the clear majority by the vast pile of celebrity-driven slush around which our media revolves.

Here are some data backing up the preponderance of followers to thinkers and leaders in the human race, based on the study of millions of Twitter accounts:

"Let’s face it, most people are sheep. It is much easier to follow than to lead, and on Twitter it is no different. A full 80 percent of Twitter accounts have fewer than 10 followers, according to an analysis of seven million Twitter accounts... What’s more, 30 percent have zero followers."

source: TechCrunch

Or as Robert Heinlein put it, "Most people can't think, most of the remainder won't think, the small fraction who do think mostly can't do it very well."

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