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Show us ONE, just one UFO pic or ANY evidence that can be proven as evidence of visitation.

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posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by OldDragger

This board, the entire internet is FULL OF hoax, fake, fraudulant UFO junk.
ATS is full of UFO hoaxes too.
Can any of you show ONE thing that isn't? That actually is evidence, even hinting of proof?

EVERY one of you that "believes' does so on faith, not reason or science.
So, I challenge you! Steer me to just ONE, just ONE bit of proof!

Prove to me your human and from this country, (USA). Your profile says you're from 'Sunny Cal'. Prove it.

Oh and don't bother showing me birth certificates, drivers license, SS Card, Utility Bills, high school/College Diploma, family photos/videos, school transcripts, medical files, tax records, etc. as those can all be faked very easily with my computer.

'Friends and Family' testimony won't work either as I don't know them from Adam and have no idea if you paid them to say what they tell me.

You want me to provide you proof of Aliens? Fine, lead by example. Prove to me you are human AND from where you say YOU are then I will provide you proof of what your asking.

Balls in your court sparky. Hop to it.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:13 AM
it is absolutly incredibly frustrating to KNOW that aliens and ufos are here and will always be here and ARE REAL! however so many ppl out there think its funny to spend hours, days, weeks, creating hoax videos to splatter all over the web. it is these people that give the government all the ammunition they need to deny the existance of UFOs.

i know, in my heart, that they are here. i have seen a ufo in broad daylight at 12 noon hovering over a busy street. i sat and watched it for 20 minutes before it moved from a horizontal to a vertical position and shot off at high speeds. NOTHING/NOBODY can tell me that i didnt see this, it would be completely pointless to try because I KNOW what i saw.

it really saddens me that THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE, but people like me, or even the lucky ones that actually get a photo are ridiculed as phonys, or mad men because of what they saw. even when i see a credible ufo photo, part of me still wants to say its not real because of all the hoaxes out there, however i know that if i, just some guy on the street, saw a ufo, then i know that someone out there has got a picture, and that picture is real.

i would say if ur looking for credible photos, look for mass sightings, those tend to be REALLY hard to disprove

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by supyo
Testimony is evidence. There is lots of very compelling testimony from trained observers and other credible persons of intereste who get nothing but ridicule for coming forward.


posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by theminutemonth
however so many ppl out there think its funny to spend hours, days, weeks, creating hoax videos to splatter all over the web.

If people didn't rely on belief and didn't fall for the hoaxes then there wouldn't be any.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by DGFenrir
reply to post by FireMoon

I agree with you to some extent. If I didn't see dreams I'd be a bit skeptical too. But we can monitor brains during sleep and we do see hightened brain activity during dreams. And that isn't blurry.

Yes but exactly the same way you can't actually prove that that, brain activity is a dream, as you don;t have a dream to study, is exactly the same way there are umpteen radar tapes of UFOs, but we don;t have a UFO to study. In the final analysis dreams are accepted, as it stands right now, purely on anecdotal evidence.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by OldDragger

Show us ONE, just one UFO pic or ANY evidence that can be proven as evidence of visitation.

Dr. Roger Leir Presents New Startling Findings: Alien Implant Research

Material of implant proven to have isotopes too old to be of this solar system.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:18 AM
Why is it when someone demands not asks for proof all you get is an argument between those that believe and those that don't?.

Yes people want proof , proof about a lot of things Aliens being one of them, but all it really boils down to is one of each argument, can you prove they exist , or can you the non believers prove they DON'T exist, but without proof EITHER way its an argument that will draw no creative replies just slanging matches that really prove one thing, that Humanity has a long way to go before it matures enough for any non-terrestrial beings to want to come here.

edited to add, besides what proof CAN you deliver that will not try to be debunked or classed as hoax or fake or CGI?

An Non Terrestrial appearing on tv? a Human in Alien makeup
An alien artifact ? A fake item created by a dillusional person
A UFO? a classified top secret aircraft.
Video of a UFO? CGI animation

I have one question to those that either ask for or in most cases DEMAND proof, what kind would you want that you couldn't criticise or try to dismiss?

[edit on 11/7/10 by DataWraith]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by NomDeGuerre
Is there irrefutable proof that alien life forms exist and occasionly visit us? No. But then you already knew that, because if such proof existed and was readily availble to average joes like us then the whole world would know about because it would've been the most significant discovery in mankinds history.

The question should be is there enough evidence for us to assume that we have been visited by alien life forms? In my opinion, yes. Just my opinion though, and everyone is entitled to their own.

im positive there is proof, now, whether u will accept it as truth (as in photos of mass sightings), or whether or not the government will release such information is another story. however the evidance is there, but will u accept it

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:18 AM
I look at Ufology as the same as religion

you either "know" or "believe" or "blindly follow"

Nobody has proven to me God or Aliens exist

I "WANT" to believe in both, I am 37 and have yet to see anything.

I will say.
This one time (I dont fly, and I to scared)
my 2 son's were about to fly away with the Grandparents for a week, and I was getting all upset and worried, they were 10 and 12, around that age.
The night before, I went out for a smoke, and gazed up at the stars and said to myself "God if you are there, can you give me a sign my 2 sons will be safe"
a second later, 2 shooting stars flew past at the exact place I was looking.
coinsidence ?

That is my only experience I can say, "maybe"

[edit on 11/7/2010 by shauny]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by shauny
I look at Ufology as the same as religion

you either "know" or "believe" or "blindly follow"

Nobody has proven to me God or Aliens exist

I "WANT" to believe in both, I am 37 and have yet to see anything.

I will say.
This one time (I dont fly, and I to scared)
my 2 son's were about to fly away with the Grandparents for a week, and I was getting all upset and worried, they were 10 and 12, around that age.
The night before, I went out for a smoke, and gazed up at the stars and said to myself "God if you are there, can you give me a sign my 2 sons will be safe"
a second later, 2 shooting stars flew past at the exact place I was looking.
coinsidence ?

That is my only experience I can say, "maybe"

[edit on 11/7/2010 by shauny]

Ufolgy is not like religon. Religon has no evidence what so ever to back up its claims. But evidence of ufos are overwhelming, we just dont know what they are.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by FireMoon

Originally posted by DGFenrir
reply to post by FireMoon

I agree with you to some extent. If I didn't see dreams I'd be a bit skeptical too. But we can monitor brains during sleep and we do see hightened brain activity during dreams. And that isn't blurry.

Yes but exactly the same way you can't actually prove that that, brain activity is a dream, as you don;t have a dream to study, is exactly the same way there are umpteen radar tapes of UFOs, but we don;t have a UFO to study. In the final analysis dreams are accepted, as it stands right now, purely on anecdotal evidence.

You might as well say that we live in a matrix because all that we see is seen in our brains.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by DGFenrir

Originally posted by supyo
Testimony is evidence. There is lots of very compelling testimony from trained observers and other credible persons of intereste who get nothing but ridicule for coming forward.


Yes I know how to use the internet machine as well, and I'm also aware that Wikipedia exists. What is your point?

[edit on 11-7-2010 by supyo]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith
Why is it when someone demands not asks for proof all you get is an argument between those that believe and those that don't?.

Yes people want proof , proof about a lot of things Aliens being one of them, but all it really boils down to is one of each argument, can you prove they exist , or can you the non believers prove they DON'T exist, but without proof EITHER way its an argument that will draw no creative replies just slanging matches that really prove one thing, that Humanity has a long way to go before it matures enough for any non-terrestrial beings to want to come here.

good point, with every scientific study, people dont just try to prove the point they also look at ways to disprove it, and so far NEITHER side has come up with any evidence to prove otherwise.

however, u would think if the government had some kind of something (anything at all) to disprove the existance of ufos and shut up all these "believers" or "nonbelivers" and put an end to all these stupid hoaxes, why wouldnt they. if they had information to prove aliens are not here why dont we hear about it. As a matter of fact all we ever see, or hear of from anything even remotely government in nature is that UFOs and aliens ARE HERE and that we have contacted them and that they are not going away.

we always see reports the government has done to research ufos (bluebook, etc) but no studies on how it would be impossible for them to travel here, or live in our atmosphere, not a single word on why they wouldn't be here.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by supyo

Originally posted by DGFenrir

Originally posted by supyo
Testimony is evidence. There is lots of very compelling testimony from trained observers and other credible persons of intereste who get nothing but ridicule for coming forward.


Yes I know how to use the internet machine as well, and I'm also aware that Wikipedia exists. What is your point?

[edit on 11-7-2010 by supyo]

Point is that there is a big difference between a testimony and actual evidence of the claim.

Originally posted by Jay-morris
Ufolgy is not like religon. Religon has no evidence what so ever to back up its claims. But evidence of ufos are overwhelming, we just dont know what they are.

He should've said Alienology..

UFOs are real but we are mostly discussing if they are of terrestrial origin or not.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Master Shen long
Angry troll alert!!!!!

So your saying pilots, police, air force, scientists, commisioned military officers to name but a few who have come forward with multiple eye witness accounts dont count of evidence as visitation? Maybe not in your eyes but you dont realy matter now do you?

Your just an angry troll.....

Now if i have a photo of a clear as day ufo with little gray dudes in portals waving at you what would you do? scream "CGI". If i show u a blurry pic of a ufo zooming at a zillion mph what would you say? FAKE!

Your in the wrong website...... Thats unless you come to stir trouble

[edit on 10-7-2010 by Master Shen long]

Defensive believer alert!!!

That's not proof. Do you understand what that word means? You're relying on word of mouth, nothing that can be studied under a microscope. Anyone can claim anything, the only time someone can be considered credible is if they have tangible evidence to back up their claims. What the person does for a living is not evidence.

I think you're the one that's coming across as angry, there's no need to take it personally.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by OldDragger

Apparently if these are your true feelings about UFO's you don't know jack # about anything relating to UFO

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by DGFenrir

Originally posted by FireMoon

Originally posted by DGFenrir
reply to post by FireMoon

I agree with you to some extent. If I didn't see dreams I'd be a bit skeptical too. But we can monitor brains during sleep and we do see hightened brain activity during dreams. And that isn't blurry.

Yes but exactly the same way you can't actually prove that that, brain activity is a dream, as you don;t have a dream to study, is exactly the same way there are umpteen radar tapes of UFOs, but we don;t have a UFO to study. In the final analysis dreams are accepted, as it stands right now, purely on anecdotal evidence.

You might as well say that we live in a matrix because all that we see is seen in our brains.

Once one starts into quantum levels, maybe that is exactly what we do. I am just pointing out that dreams are accepted as real, even though no-one has ever studied one after it happened in a laboratory and that proof, is merely often an excuse for people to just pretend they are blind and to extrapolate their own bias to the whole of creation.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by OldDragger

Totally valid points. There seems to be more BELIEF supporting the existence of extraterrestrials/UFOs than actual PROOF.

The UFO subject seems to consist of mostly hearsay, with the occasional hoax, mixed in with some misidentification, and a little wishful thinking thrown in for good measure.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Man does this topic really stir the pot. I believe the ufo phenomenon is real because of old, retired credible witness who have nothing to gain and a lifetime of professional service for country.

Their legacy to their to the kids and grandkids would be that (insert name) was a crackpot. I don't think so.

They saw something remarkable and it's not from this earth.

Like religion and politics, this topic has turned toxic.

It's a damn shame.


posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:45 AM
Machu Pichu
Monte Alban
The gigantic stones in the middle east.

Fly there, see them, THINK

try to explain them....

Ther you go proof of alien visitation ...


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