posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 03:29 PM
As a gay man the only "agenda" that I have is to not have to live under a stigmata,watch people of my orientation be portrayed in the media as limp
wristed mincing queens, who bang anything that moves, do hair, decorate etc etc.
I would also like to enjoy some of the tax breaks "married" couples enjoy, and I am not talking about the church sanctioned marriages, I could care
less about that and call it whatever you want. I am not allowed to legally be married to the person I love, nor adopt a child if chose to, yet I as a
single male in the upper tax bracket have to pay for a myriad of social services that I do not partake in.
The upside is that I work for a company that allows me to have my partner on my insurance which is nice, but it's the overall effect of being a 2nd
class citizen with less rights than most illegal immigrants. The stereotype of the gay male as it is portrayed, is not the rule but the exception, yet
it is used as a flashpoint to rally others to their cause. Regarding monogamy and drug use, both sides of the fence play around, I have just as many
straight friends who bang someone they don't know after a night at the club as gay friends, and drug use...I have been offered more drugs at a
straight bar than at a gay bar, but I am sure that it is prevalent on both sides.
Most of these arguments come from a place of ignorance,and I mean that word as "ill informed". Most gay guys are not what you see on tv, they are
like me, we do not condone pedophiles of any variety, do not chase boys around and tend to be overall well adjusted, productive members of society.
And yet, because a book of stories of dubious authenticity, that is the mains stay fallback of a religion says its wrong, it must be. I say take up
your point on that with gay Christians, as I am Shinto, I could really care less what your bible has to say on anything that I do.
On the topic before about the teaching of sex gay or otherwise in schools, I am personally appalled that something like that would be allowed to
happen, gay or straight, and someone needs to be held responsible for it. The parents of children need to be the ones to explain sex to their
children, not the school, or government. The problem as I see it is too many parents are willing to let someone else raise their children then cry
foul when they hear about them being taught something that they do not like.
I was raised by loving caring parents who took the time to explain to me about how things worked in the world, and did not leave it up to someone
As far as a "gay agenda" if there is one, I must have been absent the day that they were handing the pamphlet out because I have absolutely no idea
what it is we are supposed to be doing, which leads me to believe that the "gay agenda" plot is just fear mongering and hot button pot stirring.I
could go as far as saying there is a "christian agenda" or "muslin agenda" or "political/religious ideology" agenda". We are all just people,
some are good ..some are bad ..some are neither ..some are gay some are straight some are bi. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it wrong
or evil, I cannot stand cauliflower but I as of yet have not started a nationwide band on it simply because I do not like it.
I know this is kind of rambling and off and on topic but I got onto a thing here and it just kinda went rolling along.