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Enough Is Enough - Time To Take Action! "The ATS Gulf Project"

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:56 PM
About to head off to work for the day but i just wanted to say to everyone who is joining in and making this project something significant:


I can understand all the questions and negativity - for some it is entirely OK to question how something non-physical can have a physical effect. I was in this boat too until i did the research and came to know that the non-physical can have a BIGGER effect than the physical sometimes.

We all learn and travel on our path at different rates - so i wish those who do not believe in this project the best on their individual journeys

As for those who are on board - let's kick this thing into high gear!!!!

It is not expected that anyone person prays/meditates all 4 times each day, but if your lifestyle allows for that then I Love You endlessly for your passion, commitment and heart!!

The most maintainable and reasonable schedule is pick just 1 slot each day to put some time aside and send love, healing and positivity to Mother earth, the Gulf region and its inhabitants.

I personally will send the love whenever I am physically able. For example, i will take my lunch break today at 12:45pm so i can ensure i will be free to send my 1pm healing energy.

Just want to say again, thank you so much for the passion and belief guys - we can, will and are making a difference here!

This is the New World in action!!!!!

Thank you eternally!!!!!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:00 PM


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:09 PM

you can't see it with your eyes
hold it in your hand
but like the wind,
it covers our land
strong enough to rule
the heart of any man
this thing called love

it can lift you up
it can let you down
take your world,
turn it all around
ever since time

nothing's ever been found
stronger than love!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by srsen
About to head off to work for the day but i just wanted to say to everyone who is joining in and making this project something significant:



No. Some Say pictures can be worth a thousand words. Perhaps if all things can be equal, then maybe words can be worth a thousand pictures?


Right back at ya.
your op made me feel like this:


Here, for srsn's efforts, watch out below....


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:20 PM
No, srsen.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by truthy-bird
reply to post by PsychoX42

Projecting ? being negative ... icing the cake... Non... I'm just saying for the time being, action by the masses is more relevante then mind tricks of the masses.

i would venture to entertain most of what you said in that post as being possible.

However, not trying to be negative.....

if actions are taken and someone does a thing because they have become or are in some measure the extension of another one's will, or wills, or collective wills, then maybe the relevance of mind tricks on the masses do become an addressable issue, or issues.

in other words, if you have decided to act, on who's will are you acting upon?

people make the worst leaders i know of.
people make the worst followers i know of.

perhaps the best of our true potentials lie inbetween those two?

who makes the rules?
rulers who need tools?
who make the rules?
rulers who need fools?

and who follows the rules of the game?
followers of rulers who are not the same?
spreading guilt, blaming, accusations of shame?
who is the master archetect of controlling & tame?

untamed wild things don't fall
wild things don't stand too tall
before long, there's stars for us all

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by lincoln61

My apologies, perhaps you misunderstood my British sense of Humour - I am not a lawyer and I wasn't actually threatening any legal actions, further I never made any claim to own ATS.

please accept MY apologies - i do have a sense of humor, myself, although it didn't show itself to you.

i had been reading too much negativity toward something that is dearer to me than i can put words to, and i was cross with you.

To put it in very simple terms - I found the Title misleading , to be honest when I saw the title I hoped against hope that at last , as the title suggests your great nation was about to rise and take action against this terrible event.


well, we are!
in the one way that will make a difference not only in the gulf but in the world's thought paradigm, as well.

the lovers of the Mother and brothers, who live in the United States are uniting with all like-minded souls around the world to change the world.

O Pioneers!

this may seem silly to many, but on the other hand, many of us understand that the world is at a literal crossroads right now, in the present, and what we choose is of vital importance as it will determine our fate.

we can either appeal to the unseen force that powers this world, namely thought, mind, intention, or spirit - whatever the name, the power is the same - in the name of love, as ONE, and OVERCOME.


we can give in to the fear, indecision, and delusional feelings of helplessness and powerlessness that are engendered by those who currently are the power over the physical part of the world, and be overcome. to be overcome is to literally lose all we've gained in our tiny part of evolution as the human race and become just another extinct species.

i, for one, have no intention of being overcome. it's just not in me.

besides, i love the human race and see such beautiful potential in even the most desperate and nefarious characters...not to mention how beautiful this world, our Mother, is!

i have it on good authority that there is no planet anywhere in the universe as beautiful as the one we've got!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:30 PM
I think this is a great suggestion. Personally, I think we should never doubt the power of directed positive energy and intent - I believe it is more powerful than most of us imagine.

Also, it might be inspired to know that there are many other groups doing the same thing. Together, we are creating a 'crystal net' across the globe to send healing to the Gulf. I love the idea that different sources, different groups are energetically working as one to help this situation.

I have been doing the meditation suggested by the 13 Tribal Grandmothers. I'm now going to join you all at the times suggested when I do this meditation.

"Individually we are one drop. Together we are on ocean"

Positive energy is powerful!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by truthy-bird
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Wow !!! very nice.

reply to post by PsychoX42

Of course i'm odd ! I dont think-it like others. Maybe i'm protected from all that love and happyness signal of yours or it's just not haim at me.

In my sense, Love or positive thinking is something you learn, projecting-it is done with gestures and real example. Now developping love or positive though is something you have to practice, mentally(stories, idea, meditation etc) and physicly(with actions etc).

What is odd for me, is reading/watching people thinking they can project love or positive though through consiousness or meditation. I never got consiousness of that phenomena. It's also odd for me, thinking that people can manipulate molecular sturcture with there though(heal the gulf).

Any good gesture will confort any soul and heal any phisical damage, faster then having some gouru humming love all over the place. Gouru will never have enought will or though to heal some one or some thing just by thinking about them or about-it. That is freaking odd ... for me. I have a hunt who's loss in this type of none sense, she build dream catcher has a hobby, hopping to save one person at a time.

Which bring us alway back to the begin of are discussion. Real action well though make a real diffenrence. Thinking is just thinking.

Well then, the problem here is with your belief system, and I don't have the time to change that. If you choose to believe that you are limited by the physical senses, then may you be confined to only that. I must say, that's rather suppressive and dangerous to your own development, but, if that's what you have accepted as reality, then fine. But, trying to limit others to that frame of thought is not only selfish, but its de-progressive. Just so you know, there are people who don't think in such limited terms and choose to maximize their potential any way that they can by using love as their primary and only source. You can choose to stay as far in the dark as you like, but, its quite unbecoming to expect that others would want to adopt that narrow frame of thought.

This is the 21st century. You can choose to lead it or continue following the methods which haven't worked for 2000 years. Since I am not a follower, I choose to do the opposite. The closest that we as a society have gotten to successful proactive and direct action was done in the 60's, and this was a collaborate effort between the spiritual and the physical. If you recall, those were the days when unconditional and free love was promoted which was coupled with sit-ins, picketing, marching, etc. Consequently, it did make an enormous dent in the system when the efforts were combined.

My question to you is, when are you going to stop criticizing and actually make a positive impact on your own behalf? If you haven't offered either form of your own services be it physical or spiritual, then why are you attempting to stunt someone else's attempts? It seems that you are serving nothing more than topic derailment, and consequently, just so you know, it hasn't stopped any of us in our quest to send positive energy to the gulf. As a matter of fact, it has made us more determined to do so.

Namaste and Love

[edit on 5-7-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:04 PM
you're welcome OP..

i have never been one to be constrained by time..
so i will send energy..whether...concentrated..or generally
at random times(meaning) as i feel guided to do.

as far as the nay sayers...i do not have time to get driven down to accomodate others that have not reached the level i am at..
it is tough enough to stay positive without getting riled just because someone else has an opinion.

we are all on our path..we do have free choice and when we feel guided to act as one...such as now!!
I say...Lets git er dun!

Stay bright.

Love and light

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:05 PM
Dear brother, I can assure you that all my spare energy is dedicated to your cause.

We must save our planet, and those of us who have no power to help physically must do our part to help the planet spiritually.

There may come a time and place where the planet is whole again, and that dream is what fuels us. Please, everyone, help us pray for our mother earth. She hurts, and it is our duty to help her.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:08 PM
Thoughts are neurons firing, which is electro-chemical in nature. This is energy. Thoughts are energy. Energy is power. The more energy, the more power. Seeing is believing? Nope: Believing is seeing. Believe it. Think it into being. If you see it with your mind's eye, you can make a difference. Together, if we see it, we can make it happen. Positive thoughts are more powerful than negative thoughts, so there is still a chance...

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by ninthaxis
When has sitting and day dreaming accomplished more than an honest days work? Sitting in your house dreaming of clear oceans will filter the oil out of the ocean no more than dreaming of getting rich will get you money. Action is how things are changed.

If you cannot stay calm and peaceful with confidence and an open heart how can the earth?

You and the Earth are one just as you and the endless infinity/foreverness in all directions from where you are aware are one.

The external world is a reflection/mirror of yourself, what do you wish your reflection to be?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

in other words, if you have decided to act, on who's will are you acting upon?

Good point !

Maybe this will help being more understandable.

I'm would act on my own will. A simple reation to something that I feal is wrong. Taking peacefull action like walking with a sign is something I can do, easely !

At home or at work, when something is wrong or getting out of hand, I stop everything(almost) and take care of it. I still have to love, stay responsable of my engagement, beside eating, sleeping and dumping. I dont just sit there and take a 30min hummmmm of love. I Take the freaking 30min to help fixing.

If i'm the cause, even if it's out of bad intention or misc calculation, I take my pride and leave it a side for a while and put up whit-it. Thing or better fixed when fixed base on the truth. That is call maturing. Fixing something wrong, base on a lie only make-it redondant.

When all that is done, then a hummmm love all over the place, usaly with an acoustic guitar.

I can't compare this alanologie to a country size disasteror or planete wide, but it fit the idea.

Now what is "the wrong" with GOM beside nature being destroyed, including humain lives. The Gotv, media and other fat corperations. I'm not saying you could fix all that with one big sympatic walks over one night.

I'm saying,

Let them know that you know.
Let them know you really care about other people.
Let them know that if they make mistake pride has to be set a side
Let them know that if they make a big mistake a big fine is in order.
Let them know that if they make a very big mistake, bacrupcy is an option
Hoping next time thing are gonna be differente. If you play with a dog that dont bite, how far will play with him?

The only thing they know for sure is that a high % of the people will just hummmm love and happiness all over the place.

Being an adult is all about responsibilities. Since I have been older then 18 years old my will to do good have not been dictated or indulged anymoore, only compared. Well maybe a bit of lagislation still indulge me, but it's there for well bieng of everybody. But prior to that, I must thanks my parent, teacher, friends .... Not some big fat juicy corporation or over powered gotv. All they though me was creed. They prooved me that money is justice and life is a statistical constant. Basically, it's all about there wealth.

Hell I dont even need ATS to tell me some action has to be taking or something is wrong. But ATS can point some direction.

You maybe think that i'm trying to be negative about this thread, no i just hope you dont spend all this hummmm of love before the well is colmated. Tha's probably when it's gonna be must needed most.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by srsen
Yes the first one is out there. I did some checking and a ROV for that depth could go as high as 100,000$. I suggested this to find out the actual oil going into the gulf and if there is more than 1 leak etc. etc.

To solve a problem you must know exactly what the problem is. I feel we are not being told the truth about this from BP. Even if we did know there is little we could do about it. As for god feel free to substitute Higher power where applicable.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by PsychoX42

Well then, the problem here is with your belief system, and I don't have the time to change that.

Then you think i'm stunning someone. Maybe you got stoned or something. Stop hummming love for a sec. and talk sense about "Taking action". Enlighten people always have the big titles, with the worsth content !

Now you want me to make example. I just exemplain my way of living on a daily bases. i'm just arguing with my humble opinnion.

You got me all wrong, my english must be very bad or you have a selective memory. Maybe your just to inlighten that you forgot about the physical existance or what separte body and mind.

Anyhow, again, hummmmming love is a selfish act. Taking your body and doing something much more generious.

If you haven't offered either form of your own services be it physical or spiritual

I oferd one month of my time ... my vacation for something good ! Then in some other post, this thread. I read : All my energy is with you, you got to be kidding right ?

You are very selective in your arguments

[edit on 5-7-2010 by truthy-bird]

[edit on 5-7-2010 by truthy-bird]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by truthy-bird
reply to post by PsychoX42

Well then, the problem here is with your belief system, and I don't have the time to change that.

Then you think i'm stunning someone. Maybe you got stoned or something. Stop hummming love for a sec. and talk sense about "Taking action". Enlighten people always have the big titles, with the worsth content !

Now you want me to make example. I just exemplain my way of living on a daily bases. i'm just arguing with my humble opinnion.

You got me all wrong, my english must be very bad or you have a selective memory. Maybe your just to inlighten that you forgot about the physical existance or what separte body and mind.

Anyhow, again, hummmmming love is a selfish act. Taking your body and doing something much more generious.

If you haven't offered either form of your own services be it physical or spiritual

I oferd one month of my time ... my vacation for something good ! Then in some other post, this thread. I read : All my energy is with you, you got to be kidding right ?

You are very selective in your arguments

[edit on 5-7-2010 by truthy-bird]

[edit on 5-7-2010 by truthy-bird]

Do what you wish, but, this conversation is over. You can try to argue your point to someone who is more of a professional caliber and is paid to listen to such problems (If you know what I mean). But as far as I'm concerned, your argument against sending positive energy to the gulf is null and void and without merit. If you choose to go down and help physically, more power to you. Personally, I will contribute any way that I can through mind, body, and spirit. This is my choice, and this is how I choose to enact upon my own free will. Do with yours as you choose, however, I think I've heard enough of your suggestions for now.

Enjoy your life and I hope you're able to overcome your aversion to helping others by sending them love and peace.

Namaste and Love

[edit on 5-7-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:41 AM
Look at the debate, friction, friction, friction.

Why not use this energy in a positive matter towards a common goal, each persons will towards radiating love/positive energy for the earth is squared by each other person in unison doing the same.

Accept others views, forgive, and work with them for a common goal. Arguing only causes more arguing, acceptance and forgiveness stops this seemingly endless wheel of karma/action-reaction. People think they must fight for what they think is right, when it is just as easy to forgive, accept, and move on with positivity.

Be the lighthouse that shines into the dark. Do not feel powerless but instead have trust in the truly magnificent entity that you are.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by 11118]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:51 AM
I am glad to see this thread going strong. Just got done cleaning the boat. Was not arrested. Obviously.
Keep up the good work people.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:53 AM
Count me in, fellow Sydney-sider.

Thought is indeed a powerful force, so powerful it's creating the future right now. I'll do my best to pick a time and focus on a positive outcome.

FYI this is the first thread I've flagged, starred, or even contributed to since mid-March which should go to show how relevant I feel this endeavour truly is.

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