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Enough Is Enough - Time To Take Action! "The ATS Gulf Project"

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posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:07 PM
As much as I want to believe in the positive intention woo-woo-ism, I am afraid that if we don't RADICALLY change the way that we live on this planet, all the prayer and positive intentions are just more methane gas.

Until we learn to live in symbiosis and sustainability as other organisms do (and reduce our viral population), all the chanting and imagining in the world is just a waste of time and energy (better to get involved in REAL change).

I am simply not hopeful though, because even insects (and most all organisms) have the evolutionary programming to take care of their home. Somehow in spite of our self proclaimed intelligence and divine ennoblement, we got short changed in this vital department. Therefore, I think extinction is probably and regrettably in the cards for us.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by whatsup]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 11:33 PM
God helped part the red sea for moses...and you think a little oil spill can stop him hahah...Prayer has amazing power....literally amazing....

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by srsen


I think there is enough people in the world already praying to
something or someone every day.

IF God could have fixed it, he would have by now, unless he's too
busy doing barmitsfa's.

GOD, clearly can't fix it, Swearing at it won't fix it, Talking nice to it
won't fix it, you can charge BP with Mans Inhumanity to Man and fine
them more money than Bernie Madoff made off with but that won't fix
it either.

Only Humans can fix it.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by whatsup
As much as I want to believe in the positive intention woo-woo-ism, I am afraid that if we don't RADICALLY change the way that we live on this planet, all the prayer and positive intentions are just more methane gas.

Until we learn to live in symbiosis and sustainability as other organisms do (and reduce our viral population), all the chanting and imagining in the world is just a waste of time and energy (better to get involved in REAL change).

I am simply not hopeful though, because even insects (and most all organisms) have the evolutionary programming to take care of their home. Somehow in spite of our self proclaimed intelligence and divine ennoblement, we got short changed in this vital department. Therefore, I think extinction is probably and regrettably in the cards for us.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by whatsup]

Well, I agree with living in harmony with nature and others, but, this is a side-effect from my spiritualism which also entails meditation. And, I see nothing wrong with projecting positive energy to the gulf while also attempting the very things that you listed. In fact, the majority of people who share these same spiritualist ideas are the very people who also practice living in harmony with their surroundings. The American Indians had that down pat. It wasn't until a certain type of un-enlightened and non-spiritual people got here did things go south for this country.

If you get back to your spirituality, you also get back to living in harmony. One lifestyle usually compliments the other. I'm not sure how people have gotten these two items separated in their minds, but, one principle is reliant on the other.

Just a thought.

Namaste and Love

[edit on 7-7-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
Only Humans can fix it.


and this is one way that we will fix it.

just one way out of many combined efforts


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:56 AM
As the OP stated, it doesn't have to be about prayer unless you want it to be. Simply a little positive thought.

T-minus 1 hour or so until the next group effort...

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by ninthaxis

ahahah why do you think they let the oil spill in the first place

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:47 AM
OK, for those who are willing to participate in this, the next instance comes in 15 minutes or so. I will be visualizing something along the lines of the following:

-The streaks of oil in the water disappearing, gradually, to yield crystal blue water, clean and healthy.
-A rich, dynamic undersea world thriving.
-People in the gulf area happily going about their daily lives, feeling safe and happy with decent jobs and security, spending time enjoying life with their familes and friends, and feeling calm and at ease as they breathe in unpoisoned fresh air and drink untainted water.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 02:37 AM

did anyone else feel the green-eyed lady during the last mind-miracle-meeting?

here is another song about her, she is the ocean's daughter:

she is BEAUTIFUL....

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by DaWhiz
Now OP - I don't have the time to pray for hours on end, can I just pick times with the times? Sorry, you aren't gonna get this catholic for more than an hour a day, it's what I grew up with - deal with it.

Hey mate, pffft hours a day? Hell no. No need to go that hard. What i do is just know what times are relevant to my city (in my case 7am/pm and 1am/pm) and just keep those times in mind.

If you have a chance during those times then send a loving positive healing energy to the GUlf at the time - your energy/healing will be amplified because others are doing the same thing at the same time to the same destination/means.

I personally try to put away 15 minutes at least twice a day, but thats just me. One minute once a day is more than awesome and truly appreciated

Do what you can, just keep it natural and let it fit in with your lifestyle, that way you are more likely to continue with it long-term

Best of luck mate and thanks for chipping in!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by whatsup
As much as I want to believe in the positive intention woo-woo-ism, I am afraid that if we don't RADICALLY change the way that we live on this planet, all the prayer and positive intentions are just more methane gas.

I honestly believe that efforts such as this REALLY IS radically changing the way we live!! THIS is where i believe our planet's future lies.

We need to unite and realise our true power. We must remember who we are and play the parts we were destined to in this stage play called Earth

reply to post by silent thunder

This is pretty much the ball-park i'm playing in in regards to my visualizations.
I kind of start with this and then let the session evolve as it does.

I normally wind up, unintentionally too, feeling as though I am in the ocean sorta thing, in the clear blue beautiful life-giving ocean and kind of it surrounds me. Nothing miraculous but it seems to be where i "go" naturally.

Bit upset though, I was late home from work today, my phone had lost battery and i was unaware of the time - i missed today's 7pm session.

Which really bugs me because today is 7-7-2010 - a powerful day to have a healing session at 7pm. And 7 is a very significant number for me too.... Oh well, it'll be 7-7-2010 in the States when its 7am here tommorow morning, so i guess i'll still get some energy magnification!

As always, thanks for the continuing effort everyone!!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:50 AM
Had to stop reading due to all the negative this is going to be a waste of time...really what 2 mintues a day a the most...i think people can find that...most of us dont have a way to go down there and do anything and from what i hear even if you can your not allowed to help anyways...No reason to say its a waste of time and add negativity...Im starting to believe more an more things are possible and theres nothing negative about many people wishing the same postive thing and meaning it

So what does it hurt...Im down...all this new science and therioes about collective conscious...that stuff intruigues me and if all some of that stuff is true maybe a larger conscious/subconscious call from many about the same thing will help...especially if its going to end up very bad...who knows this universe is definetly weird...sure it wont jsut magically stop...maybe it will...maybe they will find a solution quicker..

maybe discolsuer will happen bc of it...if you rem the speech obama gave he mentioned something about we dont have the "human" technology to handle this...i watched a show about presidential speeches and 17 different agencies have to sign off on them and nothing is put there by accident..every word has a reason..human technology...what other kind of technology is there other than human? Why not just say technology...
(this part a little off topic but watch that speech again think he mentions it twice...and now with media being blacked out and felonys for people reporting...somethings going on)

Anything specifially we are saying or is it just go with what you want...I wondered if saying/thinking the same thing makes it stonger..if we do in fact have that capability

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by srsen
Which really bugs me because today is 7-7-2010 - a powerful day to have a healing session at 7pm.

for some reason, i had a seemingly random thought yesterday that i must tell you that 7/7 was a big day for our Mother Earth.

but i don't know WHY it is a big day or why i was supposed to mention it to you.

i have had some very noticeable positive adjustments in my life in the few days we've been doing this!

  • i've been happy again, for the first time in 2-2.5 months
  • i have had a clearer head and haven't been tired
  • i have felt useful and productive for the first time in i-don't-know-when
  • i've been hungrier
  • my frustration with BP among so many other of my would-be-oppressors is marginal - it's still there but it isn't making itself feel like a brick wall with boxing gloves on
  • just a general increase in mood and affect overall

has anyone else noticed pleasant surprises in their own general state of mind or life?

i know that if i feel like this, then certainly we're doing some good!

the doubters might suggest that it is the placebo affect but i don't think so - i never once considered these particular effects for myself! it was the farthest thing from my mind and not that i think it isn't possible but it is something i'd never have guessed would happen - but of course!

it makes sense!

i mostly just play it by ear and when my cell phone alarm goes off, i'm usually near my desk so i always tune into my mother nature ipod list and often i draw or color or even water paint but it's all reflexive while my mind stays on love and Mother and the water and the turtles and the dolpins and the BIRDS!

once or twice i timed my shower for the time and i talked directly with the water - the voice of many thunders?

confidence is high!

i love all of you all!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:28 AM
it is one thing to have the capacity to percieve what may occur during the unfolding of future events, and determining what would have to be going on behind the seens to justify such actions and behaveiors...

it is one thing to blog about it and vent, point fingers, accuse & blame others....

it is another thing to effort and determine why, and act upon what you believe to be true, once you have seen enough tragedy and heartache due to disregard and contempt for our life forms on earth.

we can not permit the continuation of such events and dare to call ourselves guardians of anything other than what we thing "ours"

This spill ... this leak was preventable, but people were and are too distracted from the real information to find time to deaal with what is broken.

we cannot continue to demostrate an irreverence for life itself, we simply cannot.

this was preventable.
this was foreseen.
this was predicted.
this was known to be a possible outcome of what happens when money meets complacency.

now what can governments or the corporation of america do?

big oil is needed to finish the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR.

For those who do not know what GLOBAL MEANS...

it means WORLD

SO, marketting techniques aside...

World War III started a few years back.

now the animals and plant life have to pay for it?

if we are the most advanced species on the planet and we are scared....

then think of how all "inferior" life must be feeling, beyond scared i would imagine.

hey op,
i came to your thread when invited.
i invite you to visit the thread i authored in the aliens forum that mentions "UFO thingies" and "skeptics". i put a little art and extra work into it. selfless promotion:

thoughts, things & stuff,

[edit on 7-7-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:29 AM
this guy did this video in 2007 when our biggest threat to our global health was possible climate change, not poison in our waters, but the principles he teaches apply now maybe even more than ever!

what is the acceptable risk?

that is pretty much my line of thinking, too, in all this. Probably many of you guys thought through the same process?

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

i would agree with your assesment THE PROF.

however i seem to think that maybe both god and aliens both seem to be a little too preocupied to clean up this mess we (people) are being blamed for creating.

praying & blogging are one thing.
actions & behaviors & habits & prioritized dependancies are other things.

what we do is as effective as what we think we project, i think.

i might be mistaken, but actions and words are better than just words without actions.


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by BDIDDY425

...if you rem the speech obama gave he mentioned something about we dont have the "human" technology to handle this...


Happy to see that I wasn't the only one to notice that one ! I had the same reasoning as you...why not just "technology" ? These scripts are written, studied and passed under the microscope before they are said. So, for me, it implied two things. First, we don't have the human technology to fix this but there are other technologies out there that could. A very subtle way to say "help" to other forms of intelligence. Or, we don't have the technology to fix this...and basically, we're screwed. Which would fall into this new conspiracy ideology about the spill, all the secrecy building up...


Which brings me back to the seriousness of this thread. The members on ATS that are doing their collective connections DO and WILL make a difference. We are not alone. The hopis do it. The native americans do it. Many groups out there do it. We most probably are hundreds of thousands connecting, at various times of the day. When we reach millions, imagine the power of the mind and heart over matter !!

Everytime I meditate and connect, I "feel" the difference. And it makes a difference in my daily life as well. I feel more serene, more conscious. And not in a negative way. Somehow, I'm starting to feel the collective.

Keep it up !!!!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:27 AM
i drew this today, during the appointed time

it is pastel.
it's no masterpiece by any means, but it is actually the best picture i've done so far, which hasn't been very long.

but the sea looks awesome!
i drew the birds as the "feeling" was fading and then, after i put the hairspray on it and had it in the scanner, looking at the screen, i realized i had drawn 7 birds!

at 7 am on 7/7, 7 birds?



posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

Yeah I know glad i wasnt the only one who caught that either...didnt see it mentioned on here but Im sure there was also a second reference within the speech i just dont remember it exactly...and at the time it stuck out to me...then not even 2 days later i see a show going into detail, CIA all the major agencies have to sign off and there are many speech writers...and every single word is chosen i reading too much into that or did not many people catch it?

Were ready..just tell us!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38
i drew this today, during the appointed time

it is pastel.
it's no masterpiece by any means, but it is actually the best picture i've done so far, which hasn't been very long.

but the sea looks awesome!
i drew the birds as the "feeling" was fading and then, after i put the hairspray on it and had it in the scanner, looking at the screen, i realized i had drawn 7 birds!

at 7 am on 7/7, 7 birds?



Thank you for sending your picture and love to my profile. I very much appreciate your gesture.

Namaste and Love

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