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Giants really were really giants.

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

I think the OP just used a bad source. There is a great deal of info out there. I also think s/he may have been confused.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by darkelf

So I guess it depends on what the ancient peoples, would call "giants" they are pretty much in every mythology. But given that people back in those days were on average smaller depending were in the world they lived and the ecosystem, I heard that in roman times the average hight was about 5.3 feet for the average roman person, and taller and bigger people were actually sought out by the legions, and they even had a hight requirement, mostly because the Gauls and other tribes peoples of that time were on average bigger then them. So if one goes back further in history to a time of tribes then depending on the ecosystem and what physical attributes they would need to survive then different peoples would be bigger in the lands of more game and plenty, like in Europe. And smaller in a land of sand and tribes were food and the ecosystem was more of on a conserve size for what is needed in daily life like Judea and the middle east, so they could of been bellow 5 feet in hight, and anybody over 6 feet or even 7 feet they would of been considered giants. That find and the story of native Americans is interesting though sounds like they ran into a group of red haired big vikings, and killed them. But 8 feet or even 9 I wouldn't consider giant only very big, and comparing lower dental jaw is not a good way to judge size they should of showed the skull sizes, because I know some dude who aren't that tall but they have huge jaws/chins, and other dude the same size who have really small jaw/chins, but they are the same size.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by darkelf

Hercules was not described as a giant in Greek mythology. He was described as tall and very very strong (he was a son of Zeus after all) but not a giant!

As for what sparked giant stories, look around you. All the megalithic sites around the world, all the mega sized structures. How else could the later locals explain those things rather than attributing them to "a race of giants"? Ask "natives" everywhere near a megalithic site 'who built that?' and you will receive the trademark answer "Giants!!".

Just because they thought normal size people couldn't build those things (or because they had lost the ability to build them).

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
reply to post by K J Gunderson

I think the OP just used a bad source. There is a great deal of info out there. I also think s/he may have been confused.

Do you mean evidence of the kinds of giants suggested by the OP? I do mean ones that would bend over to greet anyone 8 ft tall?

That is what I am looking for and no one has offered any up yet.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Maegnas
reply to post by darkelf

Hercules was not described as a giant in Greek mythology. He was described as tall and very very strong (he was a son of Zeus after all) but not a giant!

As for what sparked giant stories, look around you. All the megalithic sites around the world, all the mega sized structures. How else could the later locals explain those things rather than attributing them to "a race of giants"? Ask "natives" everywhere near a megalithic site 'who built that?' and you will receive the trademark answer "Giants!!".

Just because they thought normal size people couldn't build those things (or because they had lost the ability to build them).

Giants as in you mean like that alien chick from dude wheres my car?...yea totally!

[edit on 8-7-2010 by Leonardo01]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 12:30 AM
Hercules could have just been a freakishly strong dude with muscular heteropy or some genetic mutation like that. The Greeks in those times must have believed he was a demi god or something.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:22 AM
Hercules was a mythical hero, are we going, seriously, to discuss the nature of his "condition" (being freakishly strong, for example)? Based on what?

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Maegnas

The stories behind the Sumerian tablets everybody thought were "mythical", but lately mainstream is thinking differently now.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 06:32 PM
OK, let's entertain that notion for a while. what about Zeus, Apollo (not the space program of the same name, the "original" one), Aphrodite, Ares and the rest of the gang? Were they real too?

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Maegnas
OK, let's entertain that notion for a while. what about Zeus, Apollo (not the space program of the same name, the "original" one), Aphrodite, Ares and the rest of the gang? Were they real too?

Of course not. Those were all just sully myths. All religions BUT Christianity are the product of simple minds. They are fairy ghost stories people made up to make themselves feel better about ignorance.

Christianity however is true and God of the bible is real, I have a sculpture of a giant leg bone I saw once to prove it!

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Maegnas
Hercules was a mythical hero, are we going, seriously, to discuss the nature of his "condition" (being freakishly strong, for example)? Based on what?

There is a rare genetic condition where the mutation blocks the protein myostatin which inhibits muscle growth. This leads to people having unnatural muscle growth and becoming freakishly strong....some babies with this condition can even lift tables, chairs and stuff, sort of like superman depending on the potency of the genetic mutation.

Check the link below:

[edit on 9-7-2010 by Leonardo01]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Maegnas
Hercules was a mythical hero, are we going, seriously, to discuss the nature of his "condition" (being freakishly strong, for example)? Based on what?

From my understanding of Hercule's and the legends surrounding him, is that Leonardo01 could be right he was a physically big dude, stronger then the average man and warrior/fighter of renowned fame, in fact according to this website he was a Pankration fighter in his day which was the original combat sport in the Olympics, the equivalent to mma or the ufc to those who watch fights.

History and Popularity of Pankration Hercules was considered to be one of the fathers of pankration, having won in a pankration contest in Olympia, after winning on the same day the wrestling competition. He reputedly also won a pankration competition organized by the Argonauts. The Argonautics of Orfeus has him being awarded a shining and ornamented vase by Jason. Hercules is also said to have won in the first Pythian Games, held by Apollo himself at Delphi. Another tradition has it that Hercules first used pankration techniques to subdue the Nemeanlion, which is also depicted on numerous surviving Greek vases. Theseus— another very important hero of Greek antiquity—was said to have defeated the Minotaur using pankration.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

I think you got me wrong. Unless that "bone" remark was entirely sarcastic. I never claimed those "gods" were real, nor have I ever said the Hebrew god is real. I just pointed out that is Hercules could be real, what about the rest of his extended "family"?

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

(and to an extent, Leonardo01)

Hercules is attributed the onset of the Olympic Games. He competed for the initial games but after winning all events he withdrew (probably to give the Games a chance to catch on!) and let "common" men compete.

About the protein block situation, I am no biologist or MD so I will take your word for it. It could be the "root" of this myth (one cannot seriously claim though that the entirety of the myth, especially the Labors, were based on true events).

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:24 PM
Yes, some men were bigger overall long ago. And so was his penis. There are many studies on how man is losing size to his most important part. Men had much bigger, and beefier protrusions long ago. Today, because of pollution and chemicals in his diet, his sex organ is shrinking in size. The emasculation is happening at an alarming rate.

I read long ago, that the Greek Athletes who possessed very large penises, were worshiped and women paid great sums to be impregnated by them. It was a highly desirable attribute on a man. Now, guys resort vacuum pumps and pills to plump it up. Most of which does nothing.

Size mattered then and it still does now. The incredible shrinking man file.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Maegnas
reply to post by K J Gunderson

I think you got me wrong. Unless that "bone" remark was entirely sarcastic. I never claimed those "gods" were real, nor have I ever said the Hebrew god is real. I just pointed out that is Hercules could be real, what about the rest of his extended "family"?

I was replying to you, not about you.

Sorry if that was not clear.

It was a joke at the expense of the thread in the form of a response TO you, not ABOUT you.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Confused and Dazed!
Yes, some men were bigger overall long ago. And so was his penis.

I see.

So that explaines the prevalence of divorce in modern times!


posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:55 PM
In the ancient times, and even into the modern day, being large in stature was and is regarded as being an attribute of divinity. The Gods were giants. It is for this reason that Pagan Temple and Christian Church are constructed with giant doors. So that the angels, and such like, can enter the building. For example, look at this video about the PANTHEON, a building constructed in ROME, not long after the time of Jesus, to be a place where every divinity would be acknowledged. Notice the gigantic size of the doors. Why construct such massive doors ? Because the Gods are a race of giants. Even the Emperors of Rome were a family of giants. As we say they were king size. Presumably emperor size is even bigger than king size. Emperor being king of kings. The Gods must have been even taller again. Thus the huge doors on the PANTHEON a building constructed in Rome to honour the majesty of all the Gods.

In the video I insert below, you can see a manifestation of the angellic, collecting the soul of a recently passed away child. At the time of the video being made the camera operator had no idea what he was filming. It was only later that he discovered what was on the video. The point of me including this video, is not as proof of the existance of spirits, since that is best saved for the paranormal section, however I include it here to show you that angels are super human in stature. Which is why the PANTHEON in ROME was constructed with such large doors. So as to allow the Gods to enter and feel comfortable inside.

Angels video link

This amazing video were sent by pastor Igor Shvedov.

Amateur video has unexpectedly photographed angels. On the screen, visiting angels of one of the apartments of an apartment house is visible. Afterwards, we found out it appeared at the time in the house a child has died. Angels are behind the soul of the child.

Video is taken in the city of Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan).

See & belive!
Jesus is the Lord!

For those who would like to watch in better quality ... one can download this video here:
(at the foot of page - 468КB)

(The commentators who are using the unprintable language will be remoted... sorry)

[edit on 11/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Confused and Dazed!

I read long ago, that the Greek Athletes who possessed very large penises, were worshiped and women paid great sums to be impregnated by them. It was a highly desirable attribute on a man. Now, guys resort vacuum pumps and pills to plump it up. Most of which does nothing.

Size mattered then and it still does now. The incredible shrinking man file.

I will need a link about that bit where women in ancient Greece paid money to be impregnated by well hung men. Women in ancient Greece couldn't know which athlete was the "biggest" because they were not allowed to view the Games (not even as spectators!). There is so little known about the way women fared in their everyday lives in ancient Greece that I wonder where you got that claim.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

So, Neptune (Poseidon in Greek), for example, was a giant, right? Apollo (Greek in origin, at least with the same name), Bacchus, Ceres, Cupid (Eros of the Greeks), Diana (Apollo's twin sister, Artemis in Greek), Janus, Jupiter, Mars (Ares in Greek), Mercury (Hermes in Greek), Minerva (Athena in Greek), Pluto (Hades in Greek), Saturn (Kronos in Greek), Uranus (same name in Greek, pronounced "Ouranos"), Venus (Aphrodite in Greek), Vesta (Hestia in Greek), Vulcan (Hephaestos in Greek) and the rest of the "gang" were all giants?

Any bones of any of them left for us to verify this?

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