posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 02:11 AM
mmm. what about the FEMA coffins? AND if for some reason these sites are for immigrants, why have they built enough to practically house the entire
population? ive read on many sites, these may be for people who go against the new order after martial law. ive read that FEMA has plans to execute
90% of the population. the other 10% will be left to be controlled. ive read that these sites are for immigrants, or for the people who refuse to take
the "Chip" they are implanting, holding your information, so you can be tracked and monitored. (when money goes down the drain, these chips will
hold currency info used to purchase goods.) ive heard that these sites will be used for MANY different reasons.
ALSO. In a few weeks, the government will give NO more welfare checks. i have a friend working for the county, who received a letter asking " in case
of emergency, how many people can you house in your home?" Theres the start to Martial law. Riots. Panic. Chaos.
now this is where the FEMA "camps" come in.
After the president declares martial law, FEMA takes over. hence the garden plot, splice...blah blah blah.
FEMA will have all rights to the presidential authority.
FEMA's camps.
FEMA's plans.
but yet. no one knows exactly what for.
there is an abandoned air force base near my home.
been abandoned for YEARS. (Atleast 20 years now)
Now FULLY staffed. in the midst of renovations. AND HIGH security. so high, that if you even slow down in front of this base, you have a 90% chance of
being tailed by government vehicles. All this security is new, and this base was shut down due to the fact that the base itself is one of the smallest
in the US and another one was opened but is now being expanded. inward fences. near the train tracks.
A little fishy, dontcha think?