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Has 9/11 truth had its day ?

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posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53

I haven't read any point that is proven wrong.

So then they're all possible?



Space beams?

Hijackers still alive?

Remote controlled planes?


Missles at WTC?

Skywarrior at Pentagon?

Flyover at Pentagon?

Anti aircraft capability at Pentagon?

Drones in Shanksville?

Fake plane crash in Shanksville?

Crash scar in Shanksville is really an old ditch?

Military rather than civilian planes?


Surely you must admit that many have been disproven.

I have seen more and more Mainstream slowly supporting 9/11 truthers. mainstream still doesn't believe though it was an inside job sadly.

Nobody cares, except if they feel it'll get ratings.

It's like a funniest home video show. It's stupid, yet we all laugh at the poor schmucks that get hit in the nuts by their son's golf club.

You are the schmucks.

We laugh at you.

And it gets ratings.

So you are the butt of the joke, and are too oblivious to notice.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Nutter

I forgot about the pod theory

Naw, I have no problem with debunkers. I do take issue with people who claim to know 100% what happened,, truthers and debunkers. At this point I am not sure we can know 100%.

[edit on 4-7-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 02:20 AM
How 'bout this example?

ATS thread Absolute Proof: A Pentagon Picture Montage = 180 FLAGS

...and 5 or 6 OSers fighting for scraps with poor arguments.

Do the math, what's that 30 to 1?

Just because the truth is public knowledge doesn't mean the U.S. government is just gonna tell everyone the OS was faked. Besides you few OSers make the thought of talking (writing) in a thread almost disasterous with your incessant arguments about if "too" was spelled right or the melting point of steel is 1600 or 1601 C

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 02:24 AM
I’ve come to realize that blogs and discussion forums like ATS don’t wake people up to the truth about 911. It’s the documentaries that wake people up to the truth about 911. By the time people come to these blogs or discussion forums like ATS they’ve already been exposed to the evidence long ago through the documentaries.

What I’m saying is the establishments’ attempt to cover up the crimes committed on 911 via blogs and discussion forums like ATS is futile. By the time people make their way to forums like ATS they’ve already been woken up long ago by the massive amount of evidence revealed in the many documentaries.

So you're wasting your time here… I’ve read one person say “my cat knows 911 was an inside job.”

[edit on 4-7-2010 by soleprobe]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by soleprobe

I agree that by the time people come to ATS they already know, but often it's not from the documentaries, it's from common sense. We've all seen a building taken down with controlled implosion and that's exactly what we saw on 9/11...

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 02:41 AM

This thread will end up with 250 posts and 5 flags (maybe less gov't employees don't work on holiday weekends)

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
but often it's not from the documentaries, it's from common sense. We've all seen a building taken down with controlled implosion ....

I have to respectfully disagree with you here. Most of us have seen the buildings "collapse" in 2001 because that's what CNN told us. You were one of the few with "common sense", that wasn't so common at the time, that were trying to wake up the rest of us sleepers... you just never put out a documentary explaining the truth at that time.

[edit on 4-7-2010 by soleprobe]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by winston_jones

One could say exactly the same about the official narrative!

If you did you'd be wrong.

I don't really acknowledge an official narrative, but the mainstream view of 9/11 is far from comforting. It suggests that the US is unable to protect itself from a few determined zealots; that it will lurch into disastrous wars on the back of a single event; it suggests that US hegemony is on the wane.

Note how many conspiracy theories require America on September 11 2001 to be a fortress, protected by a steel shield of fighter jets and space-age technology. Surely only an evil group of insiders could allow our defenses to be pierced? We'd be safe and happy in our city on a hill if only Dick Cheney and his cabal could be ousted.

And note the fascination with justice and sometimes rather violent retribution. One day a reckoning will come and the evil ones will be publicly lynched as the initiates cheer. Classic millenarian tripe.

[edit on 4-7-2010 by TrickoftheShade]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 04:07 AM
The 9/11 Truth Movement has Evolved

I've been a 9/11 researcher for more than five years. In the past few years I have seen the 9/11 Truth Movement evolve, showing several trends:

• The movement is more organized with groups specializing in particular areas: research, activism, video production. Research group examples include Architects & Engineers for Truth, Pilots for Truth, etc.

I will comment on the research area, since this is what I know.

• 9/11 research is becoming more focused as individuals find their niche. Some specialize in following the money, the hijackers, air activity on 9/11, passenger analysis, WTC 7, collapse/demolition of the towers...

• 9/11 researchers are getting better. They have more experience, knowledge, tools and data than before.

• Serious researchers are digging deeper and wider than before, and almost always finding more "little smoking guns", evidence of conspiracy and of course -- more unanswered questions and things that don't make sense.

• More information, data, analysis, photos, videos -- all contribute to the global "body of knowledge" concerning 9/11.

• FOIA is paying off. Thousands of documents, photos and videos are being pried out of the hands of the government. I have personally read thousands of pages of FOIA documents and have found small smoking guns, WTFs, corroborating data/evidence and sometimes info that actually supports part of the official story.

• 9/11 researchers continue to fight amongst themselves with pet theories, name calling, rivalries -- as will be found with any group of individuals sharing a similar interest.

• There is more consensus than before since many theories have become established as fact. It is the general consensus that WTC 1, 2, 6 and 7 were destroyed by controlled demolitions. Thermite, and specifically nano-thermite played a role in WTC 1 & 2.

• More people are politically aware than a few years ago and recognize that 9/11 "changed everything" and that 9/11 affects their lives today.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 04:11 AM
We need to get a new investigation but this woon't happen because the zionists control politicians and the press and the legal system.

Take them down first and then we will have our day in court.

9/11 will never go away whilst we have the data that proves the buildings were pulled unless they change the laws of physics.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by LieBuster

Don't forget to throw the Royals in there as well, eh? The banksters merged with the Royals long ago... one of em loves having her face stamped and printed on their money

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

Its fascinating. I dont know if 9/11 Truth has had its day or whether or not its fallen in on itself. Having fools like Alex Jones on the prowl cannot be helped in any way. Theres also a very big problem that JFK researchers are now encountering, that being that a number of people in the 9/11 Truth movement have made a lot about the Bush connection to the Kennedy assassination. I am no Bush apologist, but trust me the evidence is scant and the work that says he was is extremely dubious.

Heres a link to one of the worst of the recent batch and his book Body of Secrets. Have a read and I hope you find it sobering food for thought!

[edit on 4-7-2010 by Lee Harvey Osmond]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
9/11 truth is still waiting for the day when they are proven wrong. It hasn't come yet.

Perhaps you'd like to read this:

"America’s Addiction to Belief"

by Brian Trent
Published in the July/August 2010 Humanist

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
After nearly 9 years there seems to be nothing but feeble re-gurgitated material and fewer and fewer posters are supporting it. Is it time for truthers to move on to more productive pastures ?

After 9 years no theory regarding 911 has been proven true.

As far as less posters supporting it, show where you got that information please.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by filosophia
9/11 truth is still waiting for the day when they are proven wrong. It hasn't come yet.

Perhaps you'd like to read this:

"America’s Addiction to Belief"

by Brian Trent
Published in the July/August 2010 Humanist

1. It is an opinion piece.
2. It applies to you also.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 01:34 PM
I agree with The Surgeon. I think you could say that for people who believe that 9/11 was an inside job, 9/11 truth has moved on.

I think the most important way that it has moved on is that there is a settled conviction among truthers, as a result of the frustration of the movement to advance in any official quarter at all , that there is a serious systemic problem with government in the United States.

Is government broken? Recently during Obama's health care initiative the question arose and was answered by statements to the effect that it was broken, and by suprising decisions from legislative representatives well positioned to win elections not to seek re-election.

One of the worst signs of a systemic problem on the 9/11 issue is the demonization of truthers, not only by the "rabies infected big mouth division" of the mainstream press, but by "sweet talkin'" guys like Bill "the rationalist" Clinton. There is a real problem going on here that is very, very troubling.

Truthers are beginning to realize that it is not just that "they don't get it", it is that they don't want to do anything but paper this issue over and move on. They don't even see the utility in getting it. I don't want to make this a long post, but that is a very bad sign that has shown up before in history.

Bottom line, the American government and a large segment of it's population are losing contact with reality.

The 9/11 truth movement, I think, has really fanned out to deal with that whether it be in the field of US/Israeli relations, the Iraq and Afghani wars, the gulf spill issue, the financial catastophe and bail outs, etc.

Somebody has got to deal with the chickens coming home to roost. I think the 9/11 truthers constitute a group sprinkled throughout the society now, who no longer buy the baloney and can help the society generally deal with the other problems that it has.

As far as getting a fair hearing in court on 9/11 issues and jailing the perps goes, I think events have overtaken our hopes in that regard. At the end of WW2 was anyone prosecuted for the Reichstag fire?

If so, that crime was lost in a laundry list of horrors that towered over it in importance. 9/11 truthers should be working first to halt the march toward a new laundry list of horrors, that is already begining to be drawn up. When we get that done we can return to 9/11 issues.

I think if Bush, Cheney and others were hauled into court now on war crimes charges, 9/11 would loom large as an issue on the docket, but in a few more years, if Iran is attacked, if we slide into a serious nuclear exchange with any of the usual suspects, 9/11 will only be a footnote in history (if there is anyone around to write history) similar to the Reichstag fire.

[edit on 4-7-2010 by ipsedixit]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Yes I totally agree. 9/11 as horrible as it was is quite old news. There are much better things truthers could talk about, but that is only my opinion. And my opinions are subject to extraneous thinking. My heart goes out to the misfortune but for the most part I have given up talking about 9/11, but that does not mean it is still very important to others.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
After nearly 9 years there seems to be nothing but feeble re-gurgitated material and fewer and fewer posters are supporting it. Is it time for truthers to move on to more productive pastures ?

Of course the Government's version of the truth about 9/11 is nothing but feeble re-gurgitated material with fewer and fewer posters supporting it! (although you were probably meaning the 911 truther's position, but you don't state which).

If they had of had a PROPER independant commission investigation, there might not be so many conspiracy theories.

[edit on 4-7-2010 by babybunnies]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 02:07 PM
I just wanted to add one more thing that troubles me about the movement. I'm not sure how widespread this is but there is a sizeable contingent of people in the movement who still call for a re-opening of an investigation by the government into 9/11.

This indicates to me that a lot of 9/11 truthers, despite their knowledge of what happened on 9/11 and in the aftermath, still don't truly realize who they are dealing with.

There is something pathetic about this. I don't mean that in a caustic way. It is almost like Jews being carted off to the concentration camps and despite the rumors and intuitions of catastrophe, still having faith that the government was just sending them to work camps.

It also brings to mind the faith of the millions on both sides in WW1, unceasingly marched into the meatgrinder, by their rulers, a class of people beyond morality of any sort, but still being loyal to those rulers, still dying for them.

It is really hard to take the ongoing naivete in the truth movement. Keep in mind that we haven't really done anything to even break the stride of the villains of this piece.

It's a very discouraging situation, but also suspensful. When are the wheels finally going to fall off the train wreck of the United States?

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by filosophia
9/11 truth is still waiting for the day when they are proven wrong. It hasn't come yet.

Perhaps you'd like to read this:

"America’s Addiction to Belief"

by Brian Trent
Published in the July/August 2010 Humanist

1. It is an opinion piece.

So is "9/11 Truth".

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