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Has 9/11 truth had its day ?

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
You know if you answer the question you will realize how impossible your fantasy is.

Why is it speculation? Your story is a controlled demolition. It's obvious that therm*te did not cause the lateral ejections. It had to have been some sort of explosive. So, yes you have to come up with what caused the lateral ejections. Pretty much silently.

Speakers Turned Up?

Is that right, so how do you explain first responders and what they heard?

I'd rather believe them than you and a video from a web site.

I guess they're describing a fantasy also huh?

I don't really care what your opinion is on what might have been used.

Until you can show me how a building can collapse through the path of most resistance, symmetrically and globally, with no slowing or deflection of the collapse from resistance from sporadic fire and asymmetrical damage then I'll listen. Otherwise you have nothing and your silly demand I declare what I think was used is meaningless...

The debate does not end because you can't hear 'explosions' on a video.

[edit on 7/12/2010 by ANOK]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli

9/11 truth's day has come and gone.

You have zero real evidence, so no one cares what has convinced your feeble mind.

Uhh..Correction my Debunker friend, you care. Your actions speak louder than your words.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Is that right

Were you at GZ on 911, Mate? I didn't think so. I will take the words of MANY of my friends that were. Some heard explosions... MOST did not. Not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM think it was a CD. You have failed once again to enlighten us with the amount of explosives it would take to laterally eject the materials witnessed on video.

Figure it out, mate, and come back with how much....then tell me the decibels produced during these explosions. I know you wont.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by ANOK

Until you can show me how a building can collapse through the path of most resistance....

Most, least, whatever, those are just adjectives of your choosing with no scientific or engineering basis. The fact is unless the resistance is sufficient to the purpose of deflecting the fall, gravity will win out and send the item on its favorite path - straight line.

symmetrically and globally....

Again, adjectives of your choosing, no basis in fact or objective observation.

with no slowing or deflection of the collapse from resistance....

Unsubstantiated opinion. The actual velocity of the collapse cannot be perfectly ascertained so to present an absolute is dishonest.

from sporadic fire and asymmetrical damage then I'll listen....

Again, your word choice is not a valid substitutes for objective facts.

Talking points dismissed.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 04:50 AM
It has been 9 years and more and more people believe it was an inside job.

There are way to many coincidences to be coincidental.

And what is a truther?Why do you label people?So what, anybody who questions the official story is a truther?Can't they be people asking questions?

No testing for explosives were done even though witnesses reported seeing,hearing and feeling explosions going off in the buildings.Why was there no explanation for the explosions?When they could have been the whole reason why the buildings collapsed?Any real investigator would have..investigated.

Proof of explosions in building 7 AFTER the towers were down.Listen to what Barry Jennings says.!
That's proof!
Barry was stepping over bodies in the lobby of building 7.An explosion knocked him back into the 8th floor.The landing below him blew away.Barry was trapped for several hours.
People died from explosions in the basement.
I'm not a truther.These are witnesses that were there.Don't mistake it for my claim.

hen you have floors in the towers exploding to dust 3 to 4 floors at a time way below the collapse.
Then you have former FBI coming forward saying it was an inside job.
Then you have firemen coming forward saying it was an inside job.
Then you have people dying in the basement from explosions.
Then you have the pentagon situation where no 757 hit.

Then you have Larry Silverstien putting an insurance policy specifically covering acts of terrorism on the towers just months before 9/11.That's motive.
Then you have Nist lying.Saying "nobody said anything about molten steel".
Then you have George Bush lying and said he saw the first plane just before he went in the classroom on 9/11..he even jokes about it.
Then you have the commission report saying they were set up to fail.

What about Lloyd England?What did Lloyd mean when he said "I'm in it".."Youre in it"?-Craig Ranke..."YEAH,WE CAME ACROSS THE HIGHWAY TOGETHER"-Lloyd England "You and their event"?-Craig Ranke "That's right"-Lloyd England

I could go on all day about all the suspicious activities that occurred on 9/11 but I think I will hit the hey for now..Peace.

Oh and if you have any proof that 19 Arabs pulled off 9/11 I would be interested in seeing it.Thank you.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 04:53 AM
One more quick thing.The reason it's been 9 years and no new proper investigation has taken place is because..who would go up against the government in court?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by XxiTzYoMasterxX

I could go on all day about all the suspicious activities that occurred on 9/11 but I think I will hit the hey for now..Peace.

Yeah, I guess you could go on all day when all you have to do is make stuff up..War.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by hooper

Do those links look like HE made anything up? Didn't think so.

You *can't* make this stuff up - well, clearly TPTB couldn't - it took so many lies to put this thing together they keep tripping over themselves trying to get their stories straight (which is impossible)

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
Were you at GZ on 911, Mate? I didn't think so. I will take the words of MANY of my friends that were. Some heard explosions... MOST did not. Not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM think it was a CD. You have failed once again to enlighten us with the amount of explosives it would take to laterally eject the materials witnessed on video.


I've talked to a woman who was not only there on 9/11, she was in the north tower. She specifically recalled horror stories on how there were explosions, one of them bursting down a door and sheets of flames throwing a man clear across the room. As she climbed down the stairs it sounded to her like a thousand boulders were crashing down the stairs from above.

Despite all that, her opinion on these "controlled demolitions" is that it's the product of a bunch of ignorant people who know absolutely nothing about the WTC and have no idea what they're talking about. She knew what the security was like, she knew the people who took care of the building, and she knew how the building was designed, and she says it simply couldn't be done. On top of that, once she saw the crass behavior of the conspriacy theorists with her own eyes (on the 5th anniversary at ground zero one "inside job" protestor called an old woman who lost her son on 9/11 a liar(!)) she has nothing but utter contempt for them.

Something tells me she isn't going to be an eyewitness these conspiracy people will ever be quoting.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 03:52 PM
I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

And did you know that more then one person involved makes it a conspiracy?It's a conspiracy no matter what.There's no theorizing about it.

So I would appreciate you not calling me a conspiracy theorist...or a truther.I am not either.

Wow you people are quick to label anyone who questions the government.

Can anyone show me proof that 19 Arabs pulled off 9/11?Besides the news saying 19 Arabs did it.

Can anyone tell me why they did it,and what they got out of it?Besides being attacked for 9 years with NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that Osama was involved.Because that was the whole reason they invaded Afghanistan in the first place.His face was plastered all over the news like he was the one who did it...but yet they had no proof??Whatever happen to innocent until proven guilty?Does that not apply here?

Now they're putting the blame on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and even tortured him about a hundred times.Why did they torture him so many times?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz
reply to post by hooper

Do those links look like HE made anything up? Didn't think so.

You *can't* make this stuff up - well, clearly TPTB couldn't - it took so many lies to put this thing together they keep tripping over themselves trying to get their stories straight (which is impossible)

Yeah, he made them up. Also - what links? I saw no links in his post. These are all talking points with no basis in reality, just quote mining and semantical reconstruction, eg "no bodies were found at Shanksville".

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Hmmm so again I'm supposed to believe hearsay from you?

I don't think so...

Show evidence that a building can collapse symmetrically into it's own footprint, with no slowing of the collapse wave due to resistance, from asymmetrical damage and fire then I'll listen, otherwise you have nothing.

You had 'friends' at GZ and I have NYC firefighters on video, if I was to present both as evidence which do you think would have more credibility?

We bring physics to discuss, you bring meaningless claims...

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Powerful people linked to 9/11?

George Bush's brother AND cousin both worked as mere security for the World Trade center.

Now why would the president's brother and cousin both be working out of all the jobs out there,for security at the World Trade center of all places?

Both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney took extraordinary steps to limit any investigation into the events of 9/11.

The NTSB never held inquiries into any of the 4 plane crashes, as required by law,and the FBI is withholding the data from the airliner's flight recorders.

The WTC steel, which if fully examined could have revealed the effects of explosives, was quickly removed under armed guard then shipped overseas and melted down. This was an unprecedented violation of federal crime scene laws...and illegal.

The media said that Bin Laden carried out the 9/11 attacks from the caves of Afghanistan,yet after a supposedly "thorough" investigation, the FBI says they still have no evidence or a single piece of paper that links Osama to 9/11.

The FBI is withholding videos that may show what really hit the Pentagon.If there are nothing on them then why not release them?

Whenever contact is lost with any airplane, fighter jets routinely take to the air to investigate. This commonly occurs about 100 times per year in well under 20 minutes. But on 9/11 nearly two hours passed without any interception.This was due to all the hijack training exercises that were conviently going on at the exact same time as the real ones.

The Secret Service broke established protocols by allowing President Bush to remain in a well-publicized classroom "photo op" long after it was known that the U.S. was under attack and he might well have been a target.

Unidentified insiders made millions on the stocks of American and United Airlines and those of other corporations that were likewise impacted by the attacks. These "put option" bets were made just prior to 9/11.

There were warnings of the impending attacks from at least eleven other countries. Also prior to 9/11, insiders such as John Ashcroft, top military officers, and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown were warned not to fly...Did Bush know?

In September of 2000, a group of neocon hawks, many of whom would become key officials in the Bush administration, wrote that their proposed massive military buildup would proceed slowly "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor."

Some of the alleged 9/11 "suicide hijackers" are still alive and well, according to the BBC and The Guardian. At least five of the alleged hijackers may have trained at U.S. military bases, as reported in Newsweek and other sources.

THE United States allowed members of Osama bin Laden’s family to jet out of the US in the immediate aftermath of September 11, even as American airspace was closed. - Former White House counter-terrorism tsar Richard Clarke said the Bush administration sanctioned the repatriation of about 140 high-ranking Saudi Arabians, including relatives of the Al Qaeda chief.

There are so many cover-ups concerning 9/11 that it's sickening.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Has it occurred to anyone that the "buckling" of the towers or the "collapse" as they call it were caused from explosions?

The towers were built with plane impacts in mind..Old news but true.Now don't you think that they thought of the jet fuel too?It is part of a plane.And there have been planes that hit buildings and the buildings still stood.

The only building I think should have fallen over like it was designed too(yes they were designed to fall over look it up)would be the south tower because the plane hit near the corner of it.But it should have toppled over not fall through itself with no resistance whatsoever.You're talking steel and concrete here,not a deck of cards.Remember two 110 story buildings in turned to dust in ten seconds.Only thing left was the steel,which was quickly removed and melted down.

Only about 200 pieces of steel was handpicked and handed over to investigators.

And to all those who say "that's not how a demolition is done" Do you forget they were trying to cover up the fact it was a demolition?

But it still looked like one.

Here are some prime examples of the towers exploding.

And building 7.

Proof of explosions. hour long.

Listen to the explosions yourself

Firefighters want answers to the obvious explosions and evidence being destroyed.

If anyone can provide firefighters,policemen or people that were there's testimonies that don't believe the demolition theory then I would be interested in seeing them.

So far I haven't seen anybody but debunkers online with no credentials whatsoever,going against the demolition theory.Nist theories are just that..theories.And Nist was caught lying over and over again.They never even tested for explosives even though witnesses reported seeing,hearing and feeling explosions going off.Any normal investigator would have tested for explosives because they could have been the reason for the buildings "collapse".

Here's one example of Nist lying.

Another example. Y

..Yes it's the WTC7 video but also shows how Nist lied about the sounds of explosions.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

]..........Despite all that, her opinion on these "controlled demolitions" is that it's the product of a bunch of ignorant people who know absolutely nothing about the WTC and have no idea what they're talking about. She knew what the security was like, she knew the people who took care of the building, and she knew how the building was designed, and she says it simply couldn't be done.

Good stuff Dave. What is important here is that I have been working with skyscrapers and other large buildings +1 Million Sq. Ft. Up until a few weeks ago, I worked on Washington Street, pretty much at Ground Zero. I know what goes on inside buildings, I know what it would take to gain access to the critical areas of a building that would be required to plant det charges.

I have mentioned in the past about my experience with Elevator Companies and their Unions. NYC has some of the toughest (if not the toughest) unions in the country. I can tell I can guarantee you, There is NO way explosives were place in ANY elevator shafts in any of three buildings.

I am currently in a smaller building (40 stories) where I am in charge of the physical plant. I know every single company that walks through my doors. I know who gains access to my garage, elevator shafts, office space, etc. etc. No one does work in my building unless I am notified prior to! If Security needs a camera installed, the let me know where and when. If IT needs a CAT-6 run for a new printer, I know it! If there is work needed in the elevators, I am informed and know that along with my inspecting the work, the State Inspector is right behind me.

As you noticed with Anok, he postures here often with his physics lessons.
He fails, however to comprehend what it would take to hurl the materials seen on 9/11 during the collapses.

Actually, I take that back. He does comprehend it. That is why he dodges the question over and over. He realizes how much it would take and knows it is a ridiculous fantasy. HE knows the sounds it would make as well. He also knows the improbability of that amount of explosives being covertly planted!

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Six Sigma]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by XxiTzYoMasterxX

Look, if you think all of that's actually true then it was an "inside job". Dick Cheney is probably sitting on a beach right now with OBL drinking a large glass of oil and laughing.

But unfortunately almost nothing you say has any basis in fact. I imagine you'll come back and say, "Yes it does. Prove me wrong to my satisfaction or it's ALL TRUE" but really I'm past that point. A brief look at some sites that aren't irretrievably biased, paranoid or designed to make money should be enough to disabuse you of most of those notions.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by XxiTzYoMasterxX

If anyone can provide firefighters,policemen or people that were there's testimonies that don't believe the demolition theory then I would be interested in seeing them.

But they're freely available all over the place, as long as you don't just look at what is spoon fed to you by conspiracy sites.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma

have mentioned in the past about my experience with Elevator Companies and their Unions. NYC has some of the toughest (if not the toughest) unions in the country. I can tell I can guarantee you, There is NO way explosives were place in ANY elevator shafts in any of three buildings.

I totally agree. One of my friends is an elevator mechanic, Currently is scheduled to start work this fall on installing the elevators in the FREEDOM
TOWER. One of the points he made was that the shafts in this building
will be lined with 2 feet of high strenght concrete not sheet rock like

The idea that teams of ninja roaming the buildings planting explosives
is insane.

The fact that the building failed at the impact argues against the idea that
explosives were used. Why cart explosives 1000 ft up when real demolition experts start from the BOTTOM!

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by Six Sigma

have mentioned in the past about my experience with Elevator Companies and their Unions. NYC has some of the toughest (if not the toughest) unions in the country. I can tell I can guarantee you, There is NO way explosives were place in ANY elevator shafts in any of three buildings.

I totally agree. One of my friends is an elevator mechanic, Currently is scheduled to start work this fall on installing the elevators in the FREEDOM
TOWER. One of the points he made was that the shafts in this building
will be lined with 2 feet of high strenght concrete not sheet rock like

The idea that teams of ninja roaming the buildings planting explosives
is insane.

The fact that the building failed at the impact argues against the idea that
explosives were used. Why cart explosives 1000 ft up when real demolition experts start from the BOTTOM!

For someone to say they can gaurentee something they do not have control of is absurd. Total garbage period. If this is the kind of logic you apply to 911 you will never find the truth.

Pre 911 almost every american would "gaurentee" that there was no way a hijacker could suicide bomb the pentagon with an airliner.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

For someone to say they can gaurentee something they do not have control of is absurd. Total garbage period. If this is the kind of logic you apply to 911 you will never find the truth.

Pre 911 almost every american would "gaurentee" that there was no way a hijacker could suicide bomb the pentagon with an airliner.

JP, you obviously have never been involved with building engineering. You obviously have never worked on CBA negotiations. You obviously have never worked in NYC within their Unions. Outside workers are not allowed in buildings unnoticed. Perfect example... I hired a non union crew to refurbish a few cast iron stair cases. (old building)My budget was quite tight so I tried to save a few bucks. I had them come in on the overnight to start the project as I didn't want to piss off my union painters. Well, let me tell you; these guys lasted 3 hours until my phone buzzed at 3 am. The overnight cleaning crew asked what union they were in... and well.. the rest is history. I had to can the crew and hire the union contractor. My bad for trying to save the company a few dollars.

Remember how many elevators were in each tower. Think of how large the crew was the worked on these cars every day of the week. How large was the repair and maintenance crew that worked there .... 24hours a day 7 days a week. What about the 24 security team? What about the 24 hour cleaning crews? What about the bankers that worked the off hours shifts due to overseas banking?

I have been doing this since 1985. Security is tighter, no doubt since 9/11. This does not mean it was so lax as to allow secret gubmint black op specialists into the buildings without us knowing.

This is just another example as to where truthers fail.

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