This was originally going to be a reply to someone’s thread... however, after reading back over it, i thought it was worthy of a thread of its own
due to the far reaching implications of my belief... Hope you don’t mind
The Mass Media like to get the teeth into a subject and shake it to death... they want every last morsel of juice before they let it go... Why? It
makes money and fits an agenda... Either a Government agenda or a corporate one (i guess depending on who happens to be linning the pockets that
Dog Attacks, Paedophiles, Terrorists, Killer foxes, Illegal Immigrants etc...
All these stories over reported and sensationalised to make us think that we are living in an extremely dangerous world and the only way to survive is
for the glorious powers that be to provide us with more protection... more Laws, More Cameras, ID Cards, Internet monitoring, phone tapping... Less
It’s ALL Rubbish!!!
But people buy into it... and not only that, when they do experience an event that has been reported in the paper, they do not see it for what it
is... for we have lost the ability to put things into context. Instead, we scream from the rooftops about the injustice and how we are "As Mad as
Like idiotic brainwashed drones we then go screaming to the politicians for "Change" and "demand action to stop this" Feeling smug with ourselves
that we have “shown them we won’t stand for it”
And how the politicians must be laughing, as we then demand the very things that they want but could never have suggested in the first place!!
Suckers all of us...
But the worse thing about this is... most of the people i explain this too, while reading a paper, nod in agreement “yeah i know what you mean”
they say... Only to then say...
“wow you seen what’s on page 8? Apparently, Illegal Immigrant Paedophile terrorist dogs have been attacking war heroes... we gottta do something
about this... what is the world coming to?”
[edit on 28-6-2010 by Muckster]