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Iran on war alert over "US and Israeli concentrations" in Azerbaijan

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Curio

My idee...NK has no other option left and they will start an second front..knowing that they are next on the blacklist...

all or nothing...and for sure there best chance...

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by seataka
Interesting comment, made me think.

Could it possibly be that because Sharia Laws forbid lending money at interest threaten the Federal Reserve's fractional banking make-you-and-your-children into debt slaves machinery?

Sharia Laws are also homophobic and misogynistic. What side do you think they will take?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Dnevnoi

Originally posted by seataka
reply to post by Dnevnoi

Re: Azerbaijan
US asked for permission to set up a base there for Iraq "war".
Putin said ok, and then after, OK yer done, get out.
US said, sorry Putin we are not done with our mission yet.

Watch this carefully as it and Georgia could be an excuse for Russia to get even for the CIA installation of that dirt ball in Georgia.

Or it might not be, why would Russia suddenly run into Azerbaijan? That makes no sense when they are being asked to intervene in Kyrgyzstan. Russia has NOTHING to gain from getting the US out of Azerbaijan, they could make a base in Armenia and its no difference.

The US created 740,000 widows in Iraq.. which side do you think they will take?

What kind of question is that? It has nothing to do with anything.

Re 740,000 - was a continued thought from a prior posting I made in this thread not a reply to you thats why the -------------------

Re: Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan a Soviet Socialist Republic was part of the old USSR
same for Kyrgyzstan.

Russia has nothing to gain by reclaiming THEIR former empire? While we use their's for building ours?

I'm sorry I don't understand you either.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:16 PM
[snip] (sorrry mods) im sick of all you people on ats loving the fact that your countries are going to maybe have war with another country !

you want people across the world to die for your governments evil foreign policies ?

or are you all just excited about the fact your country can kick some other countries ass in an instant , why bother even using your expendable troops just nuke them ! its not like the UNSC would do anything to america anyways since its a puppet party led by the US and the banks !

Why would anyone want to join an army , its time we as humans taught others not to join the army and actively protested against enlistment.
If we refuse to fight then our governments are screwed !

Stop doing the bidding of a government that doesnt even care about you, your family or anyone they want you to kill !

Its sickening

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by ressiv
My idee...NK has no other option left and they will start an second front..knowing that they are next on the blacklist...

all or nothing...and for sure there best chance...

Or North Korea will focus even more on helping Myanmar produce nuclear weapons and launch systems. There's a video floating around on YouTube about NGOs revealing plans of underground complexes with the help of the North Koreans. I'll find it.

UPDATE: Found it, put out by Al Jazeera's English division

Nuclear Myanmar seems much more unstable than Nuclear Iran.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Dnevnoi]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Curio

Wow...I haven't been following that story for a long time. Got any current information on it? I know they used to be part of (cue spooky music) the Axis of Evil but haven't seen a whole lot of the propoganda lately.

By the way...remember who helped Iran with their oil fields? And built N. Korea's first lightwater reactor?

Halliburton Doing Business With the 'Axis of Evil'

Oops...I gave it away! Strange global policy...working with the "enemy" on the one hand and scaring people with them on the other.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by seataka
reply to post by Dnevnoi

Re: Azerbaijan
US asked for permission to set up a base there for Iraq "war".
Putin said ok, and then after, OK yer done, get out.
US said, sorry Putin we are not done with our mission yet.

Watch this carefully as it and Georgia could be an excuse for Russia to get even for the CIA installation of that dirt ball in Georgia.


The US created 740,000 widows in Iraq.. which side do you think they will take?

[edit on 23-6-2010 by seataka]

I wonder how many forgot about that Bush/NATO fiasco in '08 during the olympics in China? US/NATO trained forces in Georgia invaded S Ossettia and Russia showed up and handed their asses to them. I'd never been so angry, and laughing at the same time.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by seataka

Maybe I've missed it but I don't see where anyone has mentioned an increase in terror attacks in the US. No doubt that will be one of the many direct results of an attack on Iranian soil. We have not seen anything in America. Wait until car bombs start being exploded in front of your local Walmart, then we will know terror and I believe it is coming.

I went back and read my own post you are replying to..HERE and I said nothing about "an increase in terror attacks." If you did not like that post, perhaps you might reply to it instead of make things up. That is a Logical Fallacy called "Strawman"

[edit on 23-6-2010 by seataka]

[edit on 23-6-2010 by seataka]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

They are their laws to deal with aren't they? If they don't want us and our dirty money there, why do we insist on staying there?

Are you one who also complains about the influx of Middle Easterners to your country with their laws? Why do you think they're fleeing their countries? To get away from the devastation we are wreaking there? Or to annoy you and change you?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Since I am Police Officer you probably do have more confidence in law enforcement than I do. However, I am in a small area and these guys wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do as far as detecting or preventing a terrorist attack.
I had the mis-fortune of being stationed in Germany in the early 80's when there was a rash of terror attack on Americans stationed in Germany. One learns the meaning of terror attacks when in those circumstance. You keep your eyes and ears open and you never relax. I had a couple of close calls while there. I think the American people have very little stomach for that sort of thing.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:24 PM
Why do you think Obama fired McChrystal? For his comments? BS.

He fired him because McChrystal cares about his troops and didn't want to see them all die when the US attacks Iran. He's now gonna replace him with a pro-Iran war general.

What do you think Iran's gonna do? Nothing?

They gonna launch missiles at US bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, maybe even using chemical/biological warheads... and after that is over, they'll send troops.

You think the Afghan war is bad now? Just wait.

And once a few hundreds/thousands US troops die, there will be calls in the medias for a draft.

Just you watch. And people will go for it... since real terrorists attack will occur in the US.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Vitchilo]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by sapien82

Well that's a bugger...........I could only give you one star.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by seeashrink

Maybe, I have a lot more faith in law enforcement than you do because I know a lot of people on joint terrorism task forces, and maybe I see terrorism as an act that can be committed at anytime for any reason anywhere and a risk of modern life, but I'm not worried about this. Doesn't scare me. Isn't going to make me cower or act any differently. Could it happen? Sure.

On 9/11 "terrorists" killed approximately 2,740 Americans. All told in recent history,foreign terrorist attacks on Americans both on our soil and off it, are, while horrible, not that high. I believe the number is under 4000. Haven't checked it in a while.

Especially when compared to the average murder rate or your chances of dying in a car accident, where there are approximately 40,000 fatalities a year in the U.S. alone. Yet, the U.S. seemingly has no problem in responding to a terrorist attack by a small factions of radical fanatics with attacks on two countries where the deaths are now nearing if not surpassing 1 million people.

I know we've had almost 9 years now of people preying on our fear, and I understand how that fear came was intentionally induced, but I'm not afraid. And I'm not going to allow it to allow me to excuse attacking yet even more countries, for in essence, money and power for some.

WOW. I could have said the exact same thing (but it would not have come out as well). You are so right on SO MUCH that I had to quote you completely because it bears repeating.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

yes continued with the mass brain washing of the US young men and women who have no jubs due to the economic downturn , why wouldnt they join the army to get paid and to be patriotic for their country, to defend the freedoms of the US citizens and democracy in another country !

Bring on the propaganda war , I think if this does happen we should do all we can to appose the government , I for one will be protesting against any kind of war against another country . I still send letters and emails to my MP and PM to remove our forces from afghanistan. They go unheard , and since neither the UK or US plan to reduce spending on the military and defense ( take a look at the UK emergency budget - no defense cuts , yet cuts on everything else)
I think the populace will be up in arms , well I hope so. Should a war kick of and there is a draft , I will not be joining up , Id sooner become a criminal!

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by ErEhWoN

Unless this is designed by TPTB to be the big one, I speculate that China and Russia will do little more than condemn the action in the press. I would not be worried about Russia no where near as much as I would worry about China. If China decided to retaliate againt the US on a grand level we would not be more than a speed bump to them. The next week or so will be interesting.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Since I am Police Officer you probably do have more confidence in law enforcement than I do. However, I am in a small area and these guys wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do as far as detecting or preventing a terrorist attack.
I had the mis-fortune of being stationed in Germany in the early 80's when there was a rash of terror attack on Americans stationed in Germany. One learns the meaning of terror attacks when in those circumstance. You keep your eyes and ears open and you never relax. I had a couple of close calls while there. I think the American people have very little stomach for that sort of thing.

Did you know that dang... Im trying to think of the name... Those 80's terrorist Attacks were choreographed by elements of the old Nazi intelligence services run by Reinhart Gehlen under The Reich (who were kept in place after WWII to this date..) in response to a classified request to hit americans by the United States of America's CIA to stir up the Terrorism Button? The same ones (CIA) exposed for dealing narcotics to make people unable to rise up against the system?

This is the event horizon of the apocalypse...

My 1861 Websters defines apocalypse as "When all is revealed"

You are in Law Enforcement then you will understand MMO
for "Motive" read this LINK

For means etc... do more research you will be properly disturbed by what you find out.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by seataka]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Since I am Police Officer you probably do have more confidence in law enforcement than I do. However, I am in a small area and these guys wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do as far as detecting or preventing a terrorist attack.
I had the mis-fortune of being stationed in Germany in the early 80's when there was a rash of terror attack on Americans stationed in Germany. One learns the meaning of terror attacks when in those circumstance. You keep your eyes and ears open and you never relax. I had a couple of close calls while there. I think the American people have very little stomach for that sort of thing.

I agree with that 100%. Even though movies and video games seem to desensitize people into accepting death and violence, they would probably go into full collapsing shock to see one of their neighbors blown to shreds with a grenade. Screen violence is NOTHING in comparison to real violence. I'm also betting there would be a MASSIVE outrage if pics of slaughtered US soldiers were published. I've seen quite a few, and also mistakenly come across some of the decapitation videos. I never felt so disgusted and sick in my life. Those things change people forever.
Too many people will just cower in their houses and hope someone else fixes it for them.

So, in flowing back onto topic, I wonder how many EMPs will be set off before anyone or anything enters Iran?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by seeashrink

Ah...I can understand that. Sometimes not knowing is worse than knowing. Your state police (I'm guessing) are probably more attuned with the joint task terrorism forces. I know for a fact a lot goes on there daily. Most people would probably freak if they knew. But I also know that 99% of the time it's under control. But again, yes anything can happen anywhere at anytime from any direction. And if it does, I'm betting we'd deal with it just fine...just doing what comes naturally. We were in Germany too but that was in the 90s, when the worst of it was over. Were you air force or army?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:31 PM
Well just a thought here, half the news at the moment is all about the world cup, at least it is here, I would have thought that's got most people distracted in most countries, now all these movements and and other news events will naturally be pushed down the line in favour of the headlines that people wan't to hear...

Like I say, just thinking aloud really but with the nice weather and the world cup it's quite a good time if not to bury news, but have it draw less attention. The world cup final is on the 11th july - something tells me that if the PTB have any control of a time scale here the really big things will happen after that date - right now your probably seeing build up that would also double as exercise opportunity's and last minute planning.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by OuttaTime
I wonder how many forgot about that Bush/NATO fiasco in '08 during the olympics in China? US/NATO trained forces in Georgia invaded S Ossettia and Russia showed up and handed their asses to them. I'd never been so angry, and laughing at the same time.

Wot you mean Russia kicked the USA's ass in just a few days and the USA has been in Iraq and afganistan for how many years now based on 9/11 lies.

I won't be seeing any films based on that clash coming out from hollywood will i now.

Funney how the school bully likes to only push around the little guys and then tells his mates how hard he thinks he is don't you think.

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